Today, I sit down to write the hardest type of post we make. Though I enjoy reminiscing on past times with the dogs I love, it breaks my heart to know that from here, it will be without Muffin 💔
Muffin came to me from as a temporary foster. He was shutting down in the shelter and needed somewhere to decompress. The first week, he mostly slept. Then, he started to show his personality, including how much love he had to give!
A few months after adopting Muffin, I brought home Ethel. These two were obsessed with each other and were often found cuddled as close as possible.
I often called him my 80lb lap dog, as he would try his best to squeeze into my lap (or between me and my wife 😅). I'll forever be amused at such a large dog wanting to cuddle under the covers, but it was his favorite.
He was mostly a couch potato, but enjoyed doing anything I asked of him. He loved rats in barn hunt. Last month, he started a scentwork class through 🐾 he loved working for snacks but was big mad that he couldn't go say hi to everyone 😅🤣 he loved everyone and was 100% the best breed advocate. People especially knew him by his sweaters and jammies. Exactly as their mission goes, the clothes helped people not see him as a big scary dog.
A few weeks ago, two friends noticed that he was looking a bit droopy. A week later, he started vomiting and then had no appetite. The vet discovered pancreatitis, but a week later, he still wasn't eating. Once our normal vet saw him, she said it was most likely cancer or something in addition to the pancreatitis.
The age of a rescue dog is always a guess. We thought he was about six (adopted around four). This definitely came out of the blue for us. We're, of course, happy that he's no longer in any pain. We all miss him. I know he's across the rainbow bridge somewhere snuggled up with Ethel🌈
Hold your babies close and never take them for granted. Foster the dog, give them a chance ❤️