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The Pet Project Latch Key Dogs, Pets To Vets, Doggy's Day Out, Pet Sitting and many other services for pets with bus

Hey Guys! Hope to catch up soon! Everyone is well. Mishi has to go for teeth cleaning next week, her check up was good o...

Hey Guys! Hope to catch up soon! Everyone is well. Mishi has to go for teeth cleaning next week, her check up was good otherwise. I'm waiting to get Zeus his needles, the vet isn't taking new patients right now but I've had the go ahead to adopt him once this is done and I can get him in for his neutre. He's still adorable as ever. Zoe remains the problem child lol. She is a beautiful soul but her anxiety comes out in nervous aggression with barking, pacing, digging which is going to require me to make another fenced in area because Zeus can't be falling into 2 foot deep holes (pic to follow some day :) general 100 sp*ed at all times. I've got her a bark collar (that emits a noise when she barks) for when we go for walks as she wails when Zeus is gone, so does Mishi. It's quite the noise. It's helping somewhat.

I need some rugs to help keep the dirt down in the house with all of them going in and out. I can't keep the grass in the yard because of all of the pacing that goes on between Zeus and Zoe. This may be a solution if I can keep them from eating it. I'm willing to try as it will be an easy wash.

If anyone has old tshirts to donate or towels or blankets, I would appreciate it! I'm at the store in the garden centre most days right now around 9-5. You can ask Nancy or anyone in there to put them in the back for me if I'm not there. Once it's closed I work the later shift probably 3-7 is a good bet inside the store.

Thanks very much! Hope your having a beautiful day!!

How to make a rag rug using (old) T-shirt..Rag Rug, Door mat, table mat, carpet, coaster.I used 4 T-shirts (large)Cardboard : 60cm x 40cmFinal Rug : 50cm x 3...


Good Times! With many more coming up!

Hey Guys, hope that you had a Merry Christmas!! I was looking through some Christmas pictures and found this video from ...

Hey Guys, hope that you had a Merry Christmas!! I was looking through some Christmas pictures and found this video from 2018 when Lily was still a year old only child. Seems so long ago! She has matured into such a good girl, and a shout out for all of her sacrifices as now she has to share. And I don't get her rawhide bones anymore, at least not by the dozen, because I suspect that they made her sick. But she has buddies now to play with and keep her company!

All the best for the Christmas Season from Lily, Bowzie, Mishi, Zoey, Zuessi, and me :) Hope you enjoy your holidays, family and friends, four legged furry ones included!

Voila. Zeus gets to go for his walk today. Please don't steal my design. I'm thinking about getting my own show :) This ...

Voila. Zeus gets to go for his walk today.

Please don't steal my design. I'm thinking about getting my own show :)

This is what I do with my time. Now it's off to jog/walk the dogs, (hence the man legs! 2 hours a day between them). Then hurry and have a shower, throw something together for lunch to bring and out to work for 2:00.

There we go. A day in the life of us at The Pet Project :)

Have a Great Day!!


And here is Bowzer lounging around because he doesn't have to build no stinking railing! It's a dogs life!


Me and Lily building a little railing on a sunny day. Free shot of my stubbly man leg u just cant get that anywhere :) It's worth looking at just to see how pretty lily is in the sunshine...


I’m going to try to keep everyone a little more updated in the goings on around here. My internet is horrible so it may not always happen but here goes… apparently I’m not lol I can’t even find the button to add a video but it’s coming soon!! As soon as I can find a kid to show me how to run this thing!

Hey Guys, just a reminder that the Pet Project Harness Fundraiser ends tonight! If you'd like to place an order please d...

Hey Guys, just a reminder that the Pet Project Harness Fundraiser ends tonight!
If you'd like to place an order please do so tonight.
We are at $249 in sales, that's enough for one harness and some towards the next. So that's a big help! If you are shopping for Gel Moment or know someone who is, don't delay! I can't believe it's been 10 days already!!
Every bit helps!

Experience GelMoment, Find Your True Colors

It's Party Time Again!Just a friendly note to let you know that I'm doing another Gel Moment party, probably will be doi...

It's Party Time Again!

Just a friendly note to let you know that I'm doing another Gel Moment party, probably will be doing this about every two or three months to raise funds for the fur baby rescues.

Right now I'd like to get Zoe a new harness and Zeus as well as his got chewed (details at 11). Also Zeus and Zoe both could benefit greatly with CBD oil which is costly so if there is enough I would like to get them on that as well ASAP.

Here are the details... (if you get another post like this my apologies, facebook asked me to make an offer or something and I did but I don't think it posted)


For me this is a group effort and I'd like to give back with incentives received as my party total gets higher. The best way I can see to do that is to give out a free polish that I can buy with gel cash earned from the party if I can reach $650.00 in sales.
We are at $246.00 now so it's not that much of a stretch!
In order to keep it fair I can do this for anyone who places an order of $100 or more before taxes and shipping.
If you refer a friend who also orders over $100 I can do a free polish for the person who refers them. They will need to tell me who referred them.
It needs to be local because you will need to pick up your polish in Burks Falls unless there is another way to get it to you besides something that will cost shipping (you may have someone who can pick it up for you or I may be travelling to your area etc.)
I'm going to try this for this party and see how it goes.
If you have already ordered and would like to bump your order just let me know, I'll have it delivered with my order to save the additional shipping. If I owe you gel cash from the last party (anyone who ordered) I will also take that off of your cost.
If you refer two people who order $50 before shipping and taxes or orders to equal $100 you will still earn your extra polish, they won't qualify but will bump your total.
Any questions just let me know!
Party closes October 6 which is tomorrow. Not much time I know but maybe we can do it!!
Thanks again for all of your help!! Have a Great Day!!
Janice and the Bow Wow Crew

He tried... Unfortunately it was floor paint lol...

Things are hopefully starting to wind down around here soon (LMAO) so I'll be able to post more about the happenings of ...

Things are hopefully starting to wind down around here soon (LMAO) so I'll be able to post more about the happenings of the crew. For a bunch of dogs that mostly lay around for their days while I go to work they seem to get into their share of mischief! Next project - indestructable dog beds...

Coming Up - IT'S PARTY TIME - SEPT 27 - OCT 7

I'm having another Gel Moment online party. Last one was a resounding success. I'm hoping again to be able to minimum make $200 in sales to keep my account until so that we can do fundraising with it. I'd really love to be able to get CBD Oil for Zeus and Zoe. Zeus was on it for a month and responded well. Since it is costly - $90.00 bottle per month - I was hoping that he would be able to go off of it over time but it's looking like both of them are going to have long time issues with their extreme anxiety. They've both made good progress as to functioning daily - they will walk on leash, allow me to brush them and handle them as needed but will not come to me - more on all of that later!

Mishi has a vet visit today. I think that she will handle it well as she's just a big ball of fluffy love but I think she has teeth issues so I'm holding my breath on that as well.


You can get regularly updated on all things Gel Moment and ask any questions etc on my Gel Moment page...

If you know anyone who enjoys having nice nails I'd appreciate that you share the group with them and this one as well. Everyone has been so supportive but to continue to do what I am doing I am going to have to have a bigger reach, I can't do that alone.


Dirt E. DogMy first dog soap inspiration :) Coming soon! Cause we need some!Also known as Who Me? and I Didn't Want To G...

Dirt E. Dog

My first dog soap inspiration :)

Coming soon! Cause we need some!

Also known as Who Me? and I Didn't Want To Go There soap for those dirty dogs we love to wash.

We like to play a game called 'find Lily' because she literally disappears into the background sometimes. The other day ...

We like to play a game called 'find Lily' because she literally disappears into the background sometimes. The other day I was looking for her after emptying my car which she has a thing for being in and couldn't find her. She was in it lol. The seats are black. Nice try Lily! Bowzer also fades rather nicely into his favourite chair as well.

I also take many quick shots of life when it surprises me with its peace or beauty. This is one of them.

(and a side note. I'm sure that you have noticed that the house is not finished. It's been one long ongoing project lol for many reasons. This spring I did have an option to re-finish the kitchen floor (the hardwood flooring buckled so we had to tear it up) and the front deck area but I opted to do this instead because sometimes you just have to do what gives you the most joy and when you get a chance - take it. I have no regrets what so ever. If anything I just feel thankful. And yes, right now I'm literally sleeping in the dog house lol. Guess what. I like it! That said it's funny what you pick up in pictures. I'm going to cut that darn plastic on the window now. I know you have to leave some for the trim but I think that's a little much and I will see the full moon out the window so much better! Someone once said choose people over things. Well pets are people too right? Someday we will get there :)

Have a Great Day!

THE VIEW OUT MY WINDOW THIS MORNING... I've had a crazy week sorting out who's who, what, how etc but we are making prog...


I've had a crazy week sorting out who's who, what, how etc but we are making progress :)

I wake up every morning taking a minute to process the progress we have all made and just being thankful that I have been able to accomplish so much. And to have 5 dogs around me sleeping peacefully - for a minute lol.

They are all doing so well and so happy it fills my heart. Zeus and Zoey play all day, or sleep. Or eat. I'm still trying to put weight on Zeus. He is letting me brush him and wash him with a cloth so he is looking quite dapper in comparison to when he first arrived. He's shedding and his coat is looking much more luxuriant than it was. Just need to not see so much hip bone!

Zoey has a few things to learn but she has improved Zeus's life so greatly that I can only be grateful for her.

Mishi is not letting anyone get in her face without letting them know that she is the elder around here although you'd never know it. I'll have to try to get a video of her playing with my shorts again or a stuffed toy - or my bed sheets. She's a fair size dog but she bounds around and leaps in the air like a happy pup. She's just a hoot with personality plus. I really can't see me giving any of them up anytime soon lol.

Have a Great Day :)


HERE'S MISS MISHI in her new favourite spot.

I was a little shocked to hear that she was priorly a breeder who was tied with little to no human socializing.
No treats. No warm fuzzies.

Just because she is such a pet. She took to 'home life' like a fish in water. Like Bowzer just wasn't a sled dog, he's a big baby, Mishi is not a tied out breeding dog by nature (I don't believe that any are but I mean she's a princess, like a living stuffed toy dog.) She literally bounces around with joy and tries so hard to play with Zeus (which was a big reason I got her but Zeus won't have it, he wants to play with Lily lol)

She gets into mischief like no one else, steals the treats off the counter now lol. I have proof which I will post as well. I would peg her for a 2 year old. Yayy Mishi!!!!

And OMG just imagining what her pups must have been like. Mishi is like a big soft fluffy ball of happines, little baby balls of happiness? Off the charts! Apparently she came from a decent enough home and they obviously kept her in excellent health, perhaps her joy comes from her beautiful babies. She just seems like a pup to me, not a Mommie. I can't even imagine it but it must have been something to see!! She's an Alaskan Husky/Mix. I think the mix is part polar bear.


So I guess Zoe is staying lol...

They've been playing and hanging out together all afternoon.

Soooo cute...


Mama gets a break :)

This 'ride' has been crazy in so many ways and has gone in so many unexpected directions I can't even believe it. Crazy Beautiful. And sometimes not so beautiful lol. A lot of stinky :)

It's a lot of learn as I go, group and regroup. Wait and see what's happening and decide things from there. I'm feeling really good that I've been able to accomplish so much.

I've once again been pleasantly surprised by how adaptive the newest addition is. I was expecting a real hard case and instead she is just a sweet pet. She's responding well to toilet training, seems to prefer to go outside even. She's calm with some anxiety around being on leash but nothing extreme that a good secure harness and a little patience and time can't handle.

Another big worry was whether or not she would be an escape risk. I am fortifying my smaller fence but at this time I'm typing as I sit in the yard and watch her calmly walk around and veg with the rest of them. No sign at all that she even wants to escape, she's happy to be 'one of us' and laying around on the couch collecting toys! Just unreal considering her history.

So I'm seeing that both Zoe and Mishi are potential re-home contenders. They are not hard cases like Zeus. In order to be able to do what I set out to do - provide sanctuary, transition training and homes for animals successfully on an ongoing basis I will have to make choices and let go sometimes as does everyone so I've decided that once I am able to have them potty trained and comfortable I will put them up as available for adoption. So if you know anyone who may be interested in giving these beautiful little girls a home please invite them to follow their progress at The Pet Project :)

Also I am considering providing this service to anyone who may be interested in adopting an animal that is not 'home ready' yet. Again, if you know anyone who may need something like this please let them know about our page.

Gotta run, now the chickens are squawking lol...
Have a Great Day!


INTRODUCING ZOE - SITUATION NORMAL LOL - So after a series of unfortunate events I had to go and get Luki (turns out she is named Zola so I'm going to go with that, I like it, it matches Zeus and I'll shorten it to Zoe a name that I love) last night, last minute at 8:00pm. We got back around 3:30 am then made the transition to bring her inside. She slept most of the way home, wasn't sure of the stairs, had a few spills when she got in because preparations weren't complete for her early arrival but fit in right away.

I tried to pen her for the night just to give her some time to settle in but no one was having it! I ended up letting her out, after some 4am meet and greet she slept on a bed out in the kitchen beside Zeus, which was fantastic because although he sleeps by the doorway, he won't sleep in with us, now he has a friend.

I had meant to document the process but unfortunately left my phone in the car and I couldn't get out to get it until a little later this am. She really is stunning in that she acts like she's been here all of her life. There are some minor leash issues that I am confident will resolve early and are already workable.

Here I was expecting the incredible hulk but she is just a delicate little sweetheart who lets me pet her, comes up to me regularly, tries to play with the other dogs, is totally chill when left to her own devices and PLAYS WITH TOYS??? She found the toy stash by herself and took it upon herself to load up with four of them on her bed lol.

She will go outside to p*e if I take her on leash no problem at all and I think that she will be fine to go loose in the fenced area when the weather is nice and she has settled in a bit. She hasn't made any escape attempts at all, I think that she is actually quite happy already. She hangs out with us like she's been doing it all of her life. Zoe has already passed many of Zeus's milestones in one half day (to be fair I wasn't set up as well when he got here so he had to wait on a few things but definitely he is a lot higher on the charts as far as anxiety goes even now after all of this time with him although he has come a looooong way.)

I don't really see Zoe as much different than a lot of normal dogs would be after the experiences she has had and the day that she had yesterday.

She's so dainty. I can't wait to dress her up a little.

I think it's going to be ok :)



At one time not so long ago just opening my eyes and trying to figure out the best way to manage getting everyone outside without fur flying (and other things) in part because I wasn't sure yet how Mishi was going to react outside without a leash or tie out and in part because Zeus was having an issue coming back in when I wanted him to so I had to leash and walk them both in the mornings.

I made a few changes. One of them was to fence in under my porch area so that he couldn't go in there to hide (making it extremely difficult to catch him even with a leash trailing which was necessary when I put him out if I wanted to be sure to get him back in - huge step up - and another that I've been busy with this past few weeks was to put up my enclosure and enlarge the fenced area - another brilliant step up for them, they LOVE IT.

So now this is all that I have to do. Zeus has resolved what ever was going on and will now go up the stairs when I ask him and Mishi has no issues being loose in the yard.

I contain the others in the small gate area outside the door when we first get up after we say our good mornings (which we all do, even Zeus joins in from the sidelines, it has been a thing since I got Lily because it's a great way to start the day for everyone - appreciation of this great gift that we have together and for this day we are having) This is so that I can let them all out at the same time because Zeus likes to be part of the pack and whatever will make Zeus happy makes me happy :) I then put Zeus's harness on him which is a 2 minute operation that even involves pets and loose hugs now. This is a small miracle. More on so much later as to the process with Zeus. It's been a long tough slog but he is my little miracle boy. So it looks relatively peaceful and it is possibly my favourite time of day, but it has been a process...

And tomorrow Luki!

DRAW WINNERS COMING UP! OK guys, drumroll please! We hit $650 almost spot on so Emily is going to do the draw for first ...


OK guys, drumroll please! We hit $650 almost spot on so Emily is going to do the draw for first winner which is $10 in gel cash and also a bonus $5 gel cash draw for runner up.

She will announce the winners as soon as we have them.
Thanks so much for all of your help. I truly am amazed and inspired by your help and support!! I couldn't be doing this without you.

Coming up watch for tips and tricks to keeping your mani nice and long lasting, I want you all to have the best GelMoment experience!!

Also ideas and fun stuff to do with your nails just because with GelMoment, you can!

If you aren't on my GelMoments page and want to be or have a friend or two who would loves to do their nails, this is the group link. Every thing helps!

Coming Up Next! I've made the arrangements to go and pick up Luki on thursday! The rest of us are all still settling in from Mishi's arrival, Zeus has relaxed a bit since she arrived. I think he likes having a big soft fluffy girlfriend mauling him, he's like hey! :)

I'll be working on completing Luki's outside dog enclosure and getting the chicken coop ready for the chicks because I may need the area inside to hold her if Luki has any issues with the other dogs when she gets here.

I will keep you posted!

Thanks again and have a great day!



Hey guys, my account info is saying that we have until 11:00 am this morning to close this party down! Sorry I'm new to this and haven't had much time with all the dawg stuff going on to really dig in this time around.

If I can do another $88 in sales because, WELL AND WOW! thanks to so many of you I've been able to do $412 in party sales and if I can bump to $500 I will be able to make another 10% on sales. That is enough to pay the 407 fee from when I went to pick up Zeus, cause I just do not do highways unless absolutely necessary, and this was. And I still haven't paid those poor people lol.

UPDATE: We have done simply amazing!! I'm so excited and pumped. We've hit the $500 mark. IF we can get to $650 it will bump us up again which will mean even more good stuff for everyone coming up because I will share the wealth in one way or the other for all of my GelMoment customers. AND add a $5 runner up drawing for all party participants!

Once again here is the link.

COULD YOU SHARE? Also if any of you know anyone who likes to do their nails and just may want another bottle or to start another fun hobby, could you please share this post? It would help a lot, even just to increase our group members and exposure.

Also I have an email link that I just found, it's below if you know anyone who isn't on facebook but would like to place an order this am.

Email Link: just copy/paste 🙂
Enter this party by visiting

Don't forget to mention that we are having a $5.00 gel nail draw (basically a coupon) for all who have helped out and ordered them some GelMoment bling 🙂

If I can bump to $500 I will up that to 10 bucks! Every little bit
helps right?
UPDATE: If we can bump it to $650, that's another $150 in sales I'll add another drawing for $5 runner up!

I know it's down to the wire and I should have posted this yesterday, my brain is going in circles right now :)

If you do miss the time cut off but would like to order don't worry, I will be doing this again soon and will need all the help I can get to reach at least my $200 again.

Thanks again for all of your help, it is so much appreciated. I am just so happy and relieved right now thanks to all of you!

Have a Great Day from the gang!!

Experience GelMoment, Find Your True Colors

Hey guys. I'm running a GelMoments Fundraiser. I think that I posted it here but I'm going to repost some info just in c...

Hey guys. I'm running a GelMoments Fundraiser. I think that I posted it here but I'm going to repost some info just in case you missed it. We are down to the wire and doing well. If I can do another $150 now it will bump me even to the next level. Here is the basic info. I will post the update next.

Count down is on 🙂 Last orders need to be in by 10:30 this am.
My goal is $200 in sales to at least be able to keep my GelMoment account to do future fundraising and to help provide ongoing financial assistance for 'my cause' which at this point is four furry dogs plus three furry cats (and 7 baby chicks and 9 hens if they count lol)
I have one more dog in need on the way which to be honest I am sweating because she is one over my threshold as to what is comfortable right now especially financially but I Just Can't Leave Her.
She is from the same kennel that Zeus came from. The SPCA had written him off as too much trouble and effort needed to rehabilitate because Zeus is partially blind and severely anxious due to his trauma, part of which was the rescue and interment which was necessary but traumatic for such a dog non the less.
Zeus as well as the cats were on their way to be euthanized but now they are with me and they are absolutely beautiful souls who deserve a good life just like anyone else. They have certainly paid their dues.
'The Female' as she is known now (I am planning to call her Luki as in Lucky because she is just sliding in on a wing and a prayer) is still at the SPCA living in a cement 'cell' with her only 'escape' being a volunteer coming to give her treats daily which she is accepting. That gives me great hope. But she is also highly anxious, very scared and needs a home. Which I believe no one but me is going to give her because she is 'hard case' which I know I can crack because I've had the experience with Zeus and he will also be here to help her to adjust.
THURSDAY PICK UP - So I've set up to go and get her next Thursday! I'm taking the leap, there just is no other way.
Help me to break her out 🙂 It will be fun 🙂
IF YOU LIKE NAIL POLISH... I can promise you that beyond all of that if you like nail polish and like to have a little fun in your life that Gel Moment, including myself and Emily will do everything that we can to provide you with that.
I've been a lifelong nail polish 'buff' and I can tell you also that this is the most fun I've had with all of the cool stuff and convenience and I'm just getting started!
Also a shout out to Emily who is so knowledgable and dedicated. She is a wealth of information only getting better and better and is always there to help solve any issue.
And who else gets to do their nails up AND get to help a beautiful soul escape to their new life of dog-bauchery and adventure (mainly through eating, sleeping and lounging around in the grass outside - but I can assure you these things are not a given to her right now - unless we give it.)
In case you are interested, these are a few newspaper reports on their original rescue...

Thank you for being here!
(This is 'the female' or Luki as she will become. The other is Zeus as he enjoys his days now xo)


CHICK CITY... I thought a picture of 'The Chicks' old place was in order. I'm loving their new digs too I'm sure as much as they are.

They are having a blast being able to be so much 'more chicken' now. Scratching around, flying here and there and sparring playfully with each other.

And so much easier to maintain - I woke up with a half full clean water bowl and food in their dish rather than waking up in the middle of the night and having to clean their dish and give them clean water and more food, half of which was wasted under their feet.

THAT meant that I could get the dogs outside first as well, big step up. More on that later, we have had a huge break through this morning but I want to snap a pic to show you our mornings now :)

And this is how it goes around here. Small breakthroughs. Sometimes almost imperceptible. But then one day you look around and can't believe how far everyone including your self has come and find that you are ready to move ahead even farther, to take on new challenges, go to a new level, but knowing that sometimes you need a break to be fresh and strong for the next new thing and that's ok too.

That's what life is about...

(I can't help but add my little tidbits of my life philosophy in here and there because that is a big part of what this journey is for me - life and living my own best life while the time is here. I like many have squandered enough of it in 'learning the basics' and learning to make good choices faster and knowing what is important to me and just how fragile it can all be. I hope that it makes things just a little more interesting for you and that you enjoy our journey together because I for one am so happy that you are here xo...)



The baby chicks are moving on up to the big house! Well big-ger house.

Breaking out was beginning to be a daily thing and they just didn't have enough space or adequate room for a proper water/food bowl. I will be upgrading this as I go along. I want to add a perch and a bigger waterer. There are some interesting homemade waterers for chicks on Pinterest that I may try out. Coming soon!

For now the main points are that I used a dog crate that I've had here that has also held a red squirrel for awhile that adopted me until I took it the the wildlife sanctuary in Hunstville. (I'll look up his videos, they are just adorable. I miss him still.)

I covered the crate in chicken wire which is useless outside to keep any predators out anyway and have a roll left over from the chicken run that is now a dog run in the works (more on that coming up) and then wrapped the sides with saran wrap to help with drafts and to keep it warmer as it will not be as warm as the clear tote was but I don't believe that they need it that hot anyway anymore. I do have another light if I need it.

I cardboard'd the bottom as I had to flip it on its side so the plastic bottom wasn't big enough. It took a lot longer than I planned but it will be great to get me through until I can get their coop outside ready and they are ready for it.

Having them inside has been a lot easier and also I believe socialized them much more than they would have otherwise been.

I can already see personalities emerging in some of them. 'Flo' is a bigger grey guy I believe just because 'he' is acting like a rooster and quite a bit bigger than the others. Little Harry (so named for his black feathers with a striking white patch on his head) is kind of starting to look like the other black ones with some white on their head as his colour seems to be fading. So I may have 3 Harry's :) This is Harry and my other brother Harry and my other brother Harry who any of may be girls?

It's been a great experience and one of the reasons that I am single lol. I couldn't even guess what might show up here next!

Well I have a guess but more on that later too.


Just a day in Chick Ville

Little bit of leg! This is going to be one beautiful chicken! Gives a whole new meaning to hairy legs!

Little bit of leg! This is going to be one beautiful chicken! Gives a whole new meaning to hairy legs!

Time for a Chick Update! They are growing like weeds! I'm going to have to expand their 'coop' until I can get their out...

Time for a Chick Update! They are growing like weeds! I'm going to have to expand their 'coop' until I can get their outside area ready which I'm trying to put off until the last minute because they are safer and warmer inside and I can socialize them better. And it's just an awesome experience that I never thought I'd have.

One of them is consistently 'flying the coop' and I've come to know his little p*ep when he is outside wanting in.




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