We set out to educate.. to help people understand pigs are meant to have a certain frame, build and density to them in order to be healthy.. We’ve learned some very important key facts about the misconceptions going around in the pig community as it relates to pigs...
1) Many people believe if it’s in print - then it must be true. (I don’t even know what to say about this)
2) Their breeders know more about their pig then anyone else in the world.. please understand your breeder has a dog in this fight. It comes down to money and nothing more. YES, of course they are kind and lovely people - would you buy a pig from a horribly nasty person? YES, of course they claim their pigs are different from all the others because they’ve been breeding for 10, 20, 30 years and they’ve ‘bred down for size’ - highly educated people have spent countless hours and dollars in labs and on farms around the world trying to get the pig ‘smaller’ and failed (there are plenty of published and confirmed accounts of such attempts), do you honestly believe your breeder has the breakthrough pig that defies all science, research and genetics? YES, your breeder is great with their pigs and is ALWAYS their to help - Again, would you buy a pig if they were ANY other way?
3) Breed of pig - this is probably the most confusing of all arguments because there is soooo much information on the topic, that to be uneducated and speak so confidently just comes down to ignorance.. Again, this is misinformation given by MANY breeders.. We have a whole group of people that insists ‘miniature pig’ is a breed.. they insist their breeder doesn’t breed potbellies, or guinea hogs, or Kune Kune, or Pygmy, or any of the farm breeds - NOPE! They INSIST their breeder breeds ‘miniature pigs’ - when we even mention the word ‘potbelly’ they go sideways and INSIST these are NOT potbellies (they don’t even claim they are ‘Juliana’ pigs - which is a whole other discussion).. We hoped the breeder would step in and correct the customers - but it would appear that she didn’t even know she was breeding potbellies.. Most of us understand that it would be near impossible to find a pure bloodline for a pig ANYWHERE at this point because of all the horrible breeding practices - that every pig we see now days is a Mutt (a mix of many different breeds) but the phrase ‘miniature pig’ covers all pigs smaller then a farm pig and is NOT an actual breed of pig.
4) I saved this for last because it’s the most important of all and the reason I’m even posting this today - ‘MY VET SAYS MY PIG IS HEALTHY’.. FIRST, I am not out to discredit veterinarians - I admire their work, I am a HUGE believer in veterinarian care for ALL animals and I am NOT in anyway bashing the veterinarian practice.. BUT, I would not go to a foot doctor if I had problems with my heart.. so why would I take my pig to a vet that sees cats and dogs all day long with an occasional pig thrown in the mix? The simple fact is, not all vets are educated and experienced with mini pigs (even if they are willing to see them).. If you have a good relationship with your vet or you listen to what actual pig vets will tell you - there is VERY LITTLE education in a veterinary medicine program as it relates to pigs - even less as it relates to potbellies.. Most of the vets that are well versed in the care for mini pigs have had some sort of continuing education, years of experience with rescues and sanctuaries (which bring many pigs in need of care on a weekly basis), not afraid to consult with other vets to share information, self study or a love for the animal that has made them do the necessary research and work to become educated on the breeds of mini pigs and lastly, the veterinarian colleges that have the most current and up to date information and the ability to consult with an entire team of doctors in house or around the world for the best plan of action for you pig... Keep in mind, pigs only had a life expectancy of about 6 months until the Potbelly came along.. there wasn’t much need to study the long term care of a pig because their primary purpose for many years was human consumption.. The need for long term care has really only been for the last 20-30 years - that may sound like a long time to some of you but that’s not even long enough to compile much data from history - let alone create programs to educate our veterinarians.. I say all of this because EVERYONE should question their vet in the same way you should question you pediatrician before you let them see your human baby.. do your due diligence to make sure your vet doesn’t just see pigs, but they are experienced and knowledgeable with your pig.. find out where that knowledge comes from.. ask your local rescue or sanctuary who they use, ask other pig parents in your community - BUT MOST OF ALL - ask your vet!! This should be an interview they have to pass in order to make judgement calls about the health and safety of your pig - their life depends on it!! One last thing - if your breeder suggests a specific vet because that’s the vet they send all their pigs to - please consider getting a second opinion - I’m not saying all of those vets are giving bad information - but some of them most definitely are.. please see the pictures posted - EVERY PIG PICTURED HAS BEEN SEEN BY A VET, and they were all said to be ‘healthy’.. and yes, I’m using the most extreme of examples - but it doesn’t make them any less true.. the pigs that died were all seen by the vet recommended to them by their breeder..
If there is even the slightest possibility that you’ve been duped into thinking you have a ‘micro’ pig and your pig might not be healthy as a result - don’t you at least owe it to them to find out the truth? Can you love your pig because he/she’s an amazing animal who loves you, depends on you and NEEDS you and not because he/she will stay under 50 lbs? There’s people all over this country willing to help you find out the truth.. we can help you connect with those people.. we can help you find a vet to get a second opinion if you have a pig that might be a product of this lie.. Please consider it - please share to help educate.