🔥 When it doesn't look like Reactivity Training, it's GOOD QUALITY reactivity training 🔥
And it'll give you longer-term success🤘
Changing how your dog feels about something they find scary, in a stage that is setting them up for success by providing them with space and some good old counter conditioning 🤘
Want to learn more about how to set this up and find spaces appropriate for your dog?
Head over to our online hub at www.treetopsdogtraining.com
🎥 Member Anna with Yngvi
#counterconditioning #dogtraining #reactivity #reactivedogtraining #unbalanced #positivereinforcement #kindnessalways
Border Collies are a breed like no other.
If you live with one, you sure as hell know about it!
The energy, the determination, and the joy of learning, with a watchful eye never to be underestimated...
But our UK Border Collies are, more often than not, ending up in urban environments that play havoc with their breed traits.
So here's 3 ways to help your Collie to navigate the world around them more safely and surely...
Want to step into the world of fun training with your BC, in the comfort of your own home and garden?
Join our Chaos to Calm Hub today and enjoy 50% off your first month with our limited Black Friday deal by using BLACKFRIDAY50 at the till.
The website link is in our bio 🔗
#bordercollie #collie #colliemom #reactivity #reactivecollie
We've spoken a lot about Reward Markers, but not about NO REWARD Markers.
Do you use them?
They are signals/cues that you would give to your dog to let them know the behaviour they've offered is not the desired behaviour.
Do you think that using NRMs is kind?
Do they build frustration?
Do they reduce frustration because the dog has more feedback?
Does it depend on the dog?
Comment below, and let's start the chat 🙌
#dogtraining #norewardmarkers #nrm #dogtrainer #debate #dogtrainingmethods #dogtrainingdebate #coffeeo'clock #haveyoursay #rewardmarkers #positivereinforcement?
What kind of route do you walk with your dog?
Treetops Dog Training was built on a whole new restructuring of what the DOG WALK could look like.
Essentially, we don't DOG walk. We HUMAN walk.
We're creatures of habit.
Treetops believes that we should instead see the outside world as a series of green zones - where you hop from one to the next and play games/decompress.
Giving dogs time and opportunity to relax outside, and a break from harder tasks like loose lead walking or engagement training.
Hopping back across the same zones that you already visited should reduce the overstimulation and pulling (at the time where your dog will be most exhausted and mentally fatigued). This is because your dog has already checked this place out and has been safe there.
Give it a try 👌
Want to find out more?
You can book a free Discovery Call with us today to find out just how much we can support you in your journey to a calmer and happier dog 🐕
Head to the link in our bio🔗
#treetopsdogtraining #decompressionzones #neighbourhoodmapping #spicydog #nervousdog #fizzydog #reactivedog
🫶 big up to those working with their dogs natural needs on walks instead of hoofing a ball around for 30 minutes.
The activities you do with your dog on their daily walk make a MASSIVE difference. Not only to their wellbeing and fulfillment but also to their bodies too.
Natural outlets you could consider
✅️ scatter feeding
✅️ searching for a treat on a surface
✅️ hunting in long grass for their ball/toy/food
✅️ playing tuggy
✅️ chasing you around
✅️ hide and seek for tracking
What do you play with your dog whilst out that they love and comes naturally to them?
#DogEnrichment #dogtrainersuk #dogtraineruk #domorewithyourdog #labradoodle #outlets #interact #dogtrainingtips #puppytrainingadvice #puppytraining101 #dogtrainingtipsandadvice
The majority of dogs we work with are rescues ❤️
Layla (Pomsky) was rescued from a puppy farm aged 5 months. Luna was found on the streets of Romania as a small puppy.
The way that they see the world, people, and luring is very different from how a dog raised from puppy here would.
ADAPTING skills to make them LOW IN PRESSURE is key to achievement and confidence.
Now, these 2 girls have come a long way and know me VERY well. They are super keen to learn now, trust me, and have become much more resilient 👏
Here, I have adapted Middle to use treat placement in shaping to reduce pressure in training. They don't mind me clapping as we do it to celebrate together, but if your dog is noise sensitivity, just stick with a GOOOOOD!
To learn more about your rescue dog and build a stronger bond, join our family at www.treetopsdogtraining.com ☺️
#rescuedog #rescue #dogtraining #dogtrainer #nervousdog #dualcontrol #middle #pomsky #rommierescue #romanianrescue
Check out the Sensory Sessions we've been hosting for solo explorers through @completelyk9dogtraining 🫶
These sessions have been developed by us to provide a safe and calm space for dogs to explore a variety of Sights, Smells, sounds, Textures, and tastes.
Caregivers have a list of the items in the room and observe their dogs quietly (unless the dogs ask for attention).
These sessions have been extremely beneficial to nervous, reactive, spicy, and adolescent dogs, who get 25minutes of
✨️ AUTONOMY - they go wherever they like in the room and investigate on their own terms
✨️ FREEDOM - safely within the room without a leash
✨️ STIMULATION - that hits the senses (including horse hair, clove oil, snuffle mats, tents, boxes, reflective light, hi vis, blankets, lavender and much more)
AUTONOMY is our main focus here. Just like us, when dogs have the ability to make choices, it's empowering. We dictate where and when they eat, sleep, pee, socialise, speak, train....
You get it.
By giving back choice and space to allow our dog to explore new things in their own time, you can help to build resilience ❤️
And resilience is HUGE for Reactivity training and confidence in adolescence.
International Rescue Dogs, who were once strays, struggle the most here. A life once led completely autonomously, now "safe" but dictated.
So let's have a think about it...
How can YOU, as a caregiver, build some opportunities for AUTONOMY back into your dog's life?
✅️ Field Hire
✅️ Sensory sessions
✅️ Sniffaris
✅️ This or that
✅️ Cooperative Care
Let us know what you're doing!
#autonomy #resilience #dogtraining #dogtrainer #sniffari #dogsensory #internationalrescue #runfree #cooperativecare
🔥Adolescent Dogs CAN learn through kindness 🔥
There is SO MUCH whizzing through your adolescent dog's brain and body. It's a pivotal life stage for many, and can be filled with a lot of conflict and frustration.
More than often we see that evolve into undesirable (to humans) behaviours such as pulling on the lead, biting the lead, jumping up, chasing dogs, and barking at dogs.
We must move carefully.
Getting frustrated with our frustrated dogs is only going to add conflict.
Our advice?
✅️ Patience
✅️ Time
✅️ Kindness
✅️ Rewards based learning for confidence
✅️ Outlets for their individual/breed needs
It's an opportune time to really get to know your dog, and THIS is what we prioritise in our hub.
Steps 1-3 are ALL about growth and understanding.
Our Live Lessons and webinars enable you to ask questions.
And we are ALWAYS at the end of a WhatsApp to cheerlead you 🙏
Want to check out our curriculum?
Comment SHOW ME and we'll send you the link to view the inside of our course 🥳
Watch for Black Friday deals incoming 👀 😎
#dogdad #goldenretriever #goldenretrieverdad #gloriousgolden #Retriever #adolescentdog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #livelesson
It can be SUPER embarrassing when our dogs fly across us to jump up the clean white coat of a stranger...
And it's always THAT person in the village 😬😬
Here's a different game for adolescence dogs, and those that just cannot contain their excited paws.
Allow them the jump, but encourage it up the wall/fence/tree next to you, until the stranger has passed by.
This works a treat for many of our oversociable paws 🙌
Haven't learnt how to teach a successful Paws On yet?
You can find it amongst lots of awesome games in our Games Box 📦!
Comment Paws On for 50% off our Games Box 📦 now!
#trainingisaffordable #dogtraining #pawson #dogtrainer #trainingdogs #dogtrainingmethods #dogtrainingshouldbefun #halfprice
Hands up Border Collie lovers! 🙌
How does your filming go with your BC?
Are they impeccable?
Are they predictable?
Predictably unpredictable?
#accurate #cleverdog #knewwhatineeded #cameradog #bordercollie #collie #colliemom #bordercolliesofinstagram #Dogtrainerlife
If your dog had a bad time with the fireworks last night, please hold up! 🙌
It can take days (and even weeks) for stress to leave their system.
Don't go about your normal daily activities if your dog has experienced considerable stress. If you do, they'll be on edge and more likely to reach tipping point with things they wouldn't normally...
DECOMPRESSION is your friend.
🧡 Sleeping
❤️ Calm music
🧡 Massage
❤️ Quiet spaces for walks
🧡 Familiar places
❤️ Licking
🧡 Chewing
❤️ Sniffing
Whatever your dog needs and chooses.
Don't rush out for that 45 minute walk 🙏
Thank you 🫶
#fireworks #Decompression #dogtraining #nervousdog #reactivedog #stressydog #dogtrainer #happydog #confidence
💪 Removing Reliance on Tools like Haltis 💪
We're NOT judging anyone for using Haltis or figure 8s. We GET IT that it's often the only way sometimes we feel we can physically manage our dogs outside safely.
What we ARE saying, though, is that you CAN do walks without them.
Working on a Loose Lead walk starts with Engagement Focus and Calm.
Working on engagement, focus, and calm outside starts with teaching engagement, focus, and calm inside (or where your dog already feels safe and relaxed).
Haltis and face apparatus shouldn't be a forever thing. They can be detrimental to your dog's physical health and posture. They can also increase frustration tenfold.
Rogue's outside engagement has increased DRASTICALLY since we started working with her. And the relationship that mum has with walking her has changed too! We still have a few more sessions to go, but we're BLOODY PROUD 👏
So let us help you to feel empowered in walking your dog free of face straps 🫶
Start today by booking a Discovery Call!
Link in bio 👌
Or head to www.treetopsdogtraining.com to check out the Training Hub.
#treetopsdogtraining #looseleadwalking #houndagrips #freedom #letthembedogs #sniffspot #husky #huskiescanwalknicely #gettingthere #thejourney