Health tested parents-Absolutely adorable Mini F1B bernedoodle puppies ready to go to their forever families week of September 14th. 2 females and 1 male still available. I am located in Clarington Ontario.Mom is a health tested 40 lb mini Bernedoodle with an amazing loving temperament and great curly coat. Dad is a 18lb purebred papered and health tested mini poodle from long line of health tested parents. They are our family pets. Females full weight between approximately 25 lbs and male will be approximately 35 lbs. These pups will be as non shedding and hypoallergenic As possible because of the F1B. Puppies have been hand birthed and raised with other pets and children. They will be Highly socialized and will have beginners training in place. The pups will have early neurological stimulation to promote a healthier more adjusted dog. Daily handling will ensure the pups are comfortable with humans. Healthy puppies will go home vaccinated, vet checked and dewormed. $500 non refundable deposit to reserve your new family member. Please message with any questions. Welcome to come visit them anytime. f1bminibernedoodle #minibernedoodlepups #ilovemyminidoodles #meandmyminidoodles #minibernedoodlepupsofinsta#minibernedoodlepupsforsale #puppiesforsale #f1b #minibernedoodlebreeder #minidoodle #minidoodlebreeder #f1bmini #puppylove #puppies #doodlepuppies
Belly Rubs
Who doesn’t love belly rubs? This calm and sweet little girl is still looking for her furever home. Health tested parents-Absolutely adorable Mini F1B bernedoodle puppies ready to go to their forever families week of September 14th. 2 females and 1 male still available. I am located in Clarington Ontario.Mom is a health tested 40 lb mini Bernedoodle with an amazing loving temperament and great curly coat. Dad is a 18lb purebred papered and health tested mini poodle from long line of health tested parents. They are our family pets. Females full weight between approximately 25 lbs and male will be approximately 35 lbs. These pups will be as non shedding and hypoallergenic As possible because of the F1B. Puppies have been hand birthed and raised with other pets and children. They will be Highly socialized and will have beginners training in place. The pups will have early neurological stimulation to promote a healthier more adjusted dog. Daily handling will ensure the pups are comfortable with humans. Healthy puppies will go home vaccinated, vet checked and dewormed. $500 non refundable deposit to reserve your new family member. Please message with any questions. Welcome to come visit them anytime. f1bminibernedoodle #minibernedoodlepups #ilovemyminidoodles #meandmyminidoodles #minibernedoodlepupsofinsta#minibernedoodlepupsforsale #puppiesforsale #f1b #minibernedoodlebreeder #minidoodle #minidoodlebreeder #f1bmini #puppylove #puppies #doodlepuppies