Exposing Elysian Equestrian Abusers

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Exposing Elysian Equestrian Abusers This is a group to expose the animal abuser LeeAnn Sickels.

When you realize that haters and bullies in the equestrian community use the same insults to try to silence and belittle...

When you realize that haters and bullies in the equestrian community use the same insults to try to silence and belittle everyone trying to make a positive change in the industry you realize how ridiculous it is and take what they say with a grain of salt.

Some of the funny comments I've gotten. Not all are mean per se but most are mean or presumptuous. All of these were posted publicly with names attached, so ...

Why didn't you leave? (5:50)https://youtu.be/DEZdsisM8ZI

Why didn't you leave? (5:50)

What started as a regular celebrity scandal involving Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, and Pete Davidson has evolved into a bigger discussion surrounding the hara...

"It is impossible to affirm the value and worth of an Autistic person without recognizing his or her identity as an Auti...

"It is impossible to affirm the value and worth of an Autistic person without recognizing his or her identity as an Autistic person. Referring to me as 'a person with autism,' or 'an individual with ASD' demeans who I am because it denies who I am.

Let’s think about what we are doing when we use these terms. When we say “person with autism,” we say that it is unfortunate and an accident that a person is Autistic. We affirm that the person has value and worth, and that autism is entirely separate from what gives him or her value and worth. In fact, we are saying that autism is detrimental to value and worth as a person, which is why we separate the condition with the word “with” or “has.” Ultimately, what we are saying when we say “person with autism” is that the person would be better off if not Autistic, and that it would have been better if he or she had been born typical. We suppress the individual’s identity as an Autistic person because we are saying that autism is something inherently bad like a disease.

Yet, when we say “Autistic person,” we recognize, affirm, and validate an individual’s identity as an Autistic person. We recognize the value and worth of that individual as an Autistic person — that being Autistic is not a condition absolutely irreconcilable with regarding people as inherently valuable and worth something. We affirm the individual’s potential to grow and mature, to overcome challenges and disability, and to live a meaningful life as an Autistic. Ultimately, we are accepting that the individual is different from non-Autistic people–and that that’s not a tragedy, and we are showing that we are not afraid or ashamed to recognize that difference.

That’s why, when I read a few articles scoffing entirely at the debate, and dismissing it as ultimately irrelevant (insisting that each person should use the terminology he or she prefers and to ignore what other people say or write), I was concerned. The question of person-first language is definitely important and cannot be disregarded. The way we use language affects those around us — in our immediate communities and in society at large. Trends of language have the power to transform ideas and attitudes.

So what can we do moving forward? Or, more importantly, what should we do? To those of you who use “person with autism,” I will always respect your Constitutional right to express yourself however you like, but I urge you to reconsider the consequences of using such language. To those of you who use “Autistic person,” I urge you to consistently use such phrasing everywhere possible, whenever discussing autism and issues that affect Autistic people, and to develop coherent, rational explanations for why you prefer this terminology, so that you can engage in such mutually respectful and civil exchanges with others."

ASAN intern Lydia Brown originally published this article on their blog Autistic Hoya under the title The Significance of Semantics: Person-First Language: Why It Matters. At the Adult Services Subcommittee's final meeting last Wednesday, much to do was made about semantic disagreements -- "ASD indi...

Look at how unstable Leeann Sickels is. She is now threatening other's horses, not just her own anymore which was bad en...

Look at how unstable Leeann Sickels is. She is now threatening other's horses, not just her own anymore which was bad enough. I wouldn't keep my horses at Elysian Fields or let this animal abusing "trainer" anywhere near children or horses. This is psychotic behavior.

Legion has relentlessly bullied, stalked, harassed, blamed and shamed a survivor of domestic violence since June of last...

Legion has relentlessly bullied, stalked, harassed, blamed and shamed a survivor of domestic violence since June of last year and she is still actively doing it. She has committed these crimes using multiple aliases, profiles, groups, and pages. She started this obsession with her victim, when she called Legion out for bragging about assaulting horses.

This is why you NEVER shame a survivor of DV for how long it takes them to leave their abuser. Plus victim blaming and shaming just makes you a bad person...
Offer support of their decision to leave or encourage them to stay away from the abuser.

"Abusers repeatedly go to extremes to prevent the victim from leaving. In fact, leaving an abuser is the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic violence. One study found in interviews with men who have killed their wives that either threats of separation by their partner or actual separations were most often the precipitating events that lead to the murder.

A victim's reasons for staying with their abusers are extremely complex and, in most cases, are based on the reality that their abuser will follow through with the threats they have used to keep them trapped: the abuser will hurt or kill them, they will hurt or kill the kids, they will win custody of the children, they will harm or kill pets or others, they will ruin their victim financially -- the list goes on. The victim in violent relationships knows their abuser best and fully knows the extent to which they will go to make sure they have and can maintain control over the victim. The victim literally may not be able to safely escape or protect those they love."

NCADV is the voice of victims and survivors. We are the catalyst for changing society to have zero tolerance for domestic violence. We do this by affecting public policy, increasing understanding of the impact of domestic violence, and providing programs and education that drive that change.

The horse world is a very exclusive place. Many of the owners are millionaires and the horses are worth hundreds of thou...

The horse world is a very exclusive place. Many of the owners are millionaires and the horses are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. On the surface it's a very pristine world, but when I looked at it closely I uncovered fraud and corruption like I'd never seen before. It was like turning a rock over and seeing everything underneath.

And don't let desperate violent equestrians shame you for any of it either. 🥰 To them horses are objects to manipulate a...

And don't let desperate violent equestrians shame you for any of it either. 🥰 To them horses are objects to manipulate and control. Extentions of their giant egos.

Maybe if Legion didn't spend all of her time lying and bullying people on Facebook she wouldn't be so behind on work. Su...

Maybe if Legion didn't spend all of her time lying and bullying people on Facebook she wouldn't be so behind on work. Super professional!

Oh the irony! 🤣💀

Oh the irony! 🤣💀

Dear Horse industry,

Stop being awful. Grow people.

Stop putting others down for the sake of one's own prosperity. Lift them up.

Stop the whispers in the warm up ring. Give people kindness.

Stop the snarky remarks behind closed doors. Find something good to say.

Stop with the clicks and underhanded complements.

Stop with the need for newest and latest fashions or tack sets but never riding your horse in fear they may get dirty.

Stop manipulating others words or actions.

Stop normalizing poor sportsmanship and start normalizing folks who work hard.

Chances are if you've had horses long enough you've encountered some sort of this. From the competition world, to trail riders, to rescues, to top level riders, it's everywhere and it's terrible and it's got to stop. It's got to.

I've met riders, young and old, who are petrified to ride infront of people because some where along the line, someone told them they weren't good enough. I've seen talented people quit because of gossip and I've seen people give up on what they believe in because folks made them belive they were only 1' tall.

When you see a rider kicking them selves after a bad ride, tell them great job for hanging in there and give them some tips.

When you see that girl show up in the rusty old bumperpull, know she likely put everything she had into her entry fees.

When you see an organization fighting for what they believe in, fight with them.

When you see the girl too shy to ride, ask her to help you out by hopping on to keep your horse company because it would be an awfully big help.

When you see the girl scared to death in line up remind them why they are there and they have this.

When you see the girl discouraged over progress, remind them how far they have come.

The world is full of ugliness, horses should be our escape, not a place we feel belittled. We are all incredibly blessed to have Equines in our life. Becoming better Horseman is hard enough without having folks tear you down.

Please start normalizing raising each other up.

Written by -Erin O'Neill

More of Legion's lies. I don't treat my horses like glass,  I just don't sucker punch them and kick them like Legion doe...

More of Legion's lies. I don't treat my horses like glass, I just don't sucker punch them and kick them like Legion does her horses. She accuses me of flopping on horse's backs in poorly fitting tack while balancing on the reins and cranking the reins, which I don't do, but she defends riders who actually ride that way. She also claims my horses have soundness issues when they don't per our veterinarian. Everyone knows you can't diagnose soundness over a few seconds of video.

Leeann thinks hanging on a horses face in a shanked bit with all of your body weight, balancing on the horn, and your fe...

Leeann thinks hanging on a horses face in a shanked bit with all of your body weight, balancing on the horn, and your feet rubber banded into the stirrups all while kicking the horse with pointy spurs is "skillful riding" but she says riding bitless and ba****ck at a walk is "abusive." She also promotes abusing horses by sucker punching them and kicking them. Is this really who you want teaching children how to ride and handle horses?

For anyone who still thinks punching and kicking horses is necessary or acceptable here is some education about how you ...

For anyone who still thinks punching and kicking horses is necessary or acceptable here is some education about how you can eliminate unwanted behaviors without assaulting your horse.

"Many wild animals, such as elephants, tigers, or bears, could easily seriously injure or kill a zoo keeper or trainer. Recognizing this, many zoos and parks do not allow staff to enter the enclosures of animal species that have been designated as dangerous. All training and care must be done with a sturdy barrier between the animal and human.

Many traditional horse people recommend never using treats or food when training a horse. However, a recent study by researchers in the UK concluded that the problem is not the food, but how it’s sometimes used. (More here about that research.) Trainers who use food can create a pesky, pushy monster. However, if food rewards are used correctly, a horse can easily learn how to be perfectly polite around a trainer who has treats or food. Protected contact gives you a safe way to teach your horse how to be polite around food or treats.

Protected contact protects your horse. Now, this might seem like a bit of an odd statement. Most people suggest using protected contact to reduce the risk of injury or harm to the human. However, protected contact also keeps your horse safe. Let me explain.

Horses are big, dangerous animals. An unruly or disagreeable horse can easily barge into a human, knock a person over, kick, bite, and step on toes. Traditional horse training methods use punishment, as well as intimidation and threats of force or pain to stop these kinds of unwanted behaviors. Even though a horse might be much bigger, horse people have devised ways to use their body language, whips, chains, and other devices/techniques, to protect themselves from a misbehaving horse.

Although these methods can be used to stop the behavior, they also create an atmosphere of distrust. And, even for an experienced horse person, there is still a big chance for injury. Also, these types of methods of stopping behavior don’t necessarily teach the horse the correct, appropriate behavior and they don’t mean that the horse won’t try the unwanted behavior again in the future. Both horse and human begin to fear what the other one might try next.

This type of environment is not ideal for training. By using protected contact, there is no need for punishment, force or threats. The trainer doesn’t have to hit the horse or wave a whip to get the horse out of her space. Protected contact means the potential for punishment is gone. Rather than trying to defend her space and fight with an animal, a trainer using protected contact can just take a step back from a pushy horse.

The trainer can’t wait to react until after an unwanted behavior occurs. Instead, the trainer has to be pro-active and, from the start, teach the horse appropriate, alternative behaviors that are incompatible with unwanted behaviors.

Peggy Hogan demonstrates step-by-step how to use treat delivery to encourage a horse to take a step backward out of the trainer’s space. If you have a horse who has a tendency to come into your space, delivering treats in this manner is an easy way to teach the horse to take a step backward to get his treat, rather than coming into your space to take his treat."

http://stalecheerios.com/horse-training/protected-contact-training/ #:~:text=Protected%20contact%20means%20that%20the,be%2C%20to%20even%20walk%20away


An IAABC Foundation Publication

Here Legion is desperately trying to minimize her many stints in Facebook jail for promoting violence. It makes sense sh...

Here Legion is desperately trying to minimize her many stints in Facebook jail for promoting violence. It makes sense she would be threatened by a nonviolent equestrian group.

I wonder if Legion could go one day without lying. The first screenshot is her lying about making comments about abusing...

I wonder if Legion could go one day without lying. The first screenshot is her lying about making comments about abusing horses in Nonviolent Equestrians. The second screenshot is the post that she made the violent comments on. At the time I didn't even realize she has problems catching her horses but I guess the post hit a little too close to home for her. The next two screenshots are proof of the comments she made in the nonviolent group promoting violence. One comment was deleted by admin for violating Facebook TOS, but the other is still there. All it takes to debunk her lies is going to Nonviolent Equestrians and looking up this post and finding Legion's abusive comments.

⁉️Legion's Lies Exposed‼️The first screenshot is her lying about why she was banned. The second screenshot is why she wa...

⁉️Legion's Lies Exposed‼️
The first screenshot is her lying about why she was banned. The second screenshot is why she was really banned. The rest of the screenshots are proof of why she was really banned. She was banned from Nonviolent Equestrians in June of last year for promoting horse abuse and when she was offered nonviolent solutions she became condescending and rude. She refused to respect the group's rules and wanted to shove her violent training practices down all the nonviolent members' throats.

More of Legion's lies. How many times is her story about this going to change? First she says it was a facility she is d...

More of Legion's lies. How many times is her story about this going to change? First she says it was a facility she is doing business with. Later she admits to owning the business. She pretends that the owner heard the call and told her about it, but later admits she was actually the owner who overheard the call. She says the male owner, Rob, hasn't met her yet, but later she says she bought the property with Rob and they work together and calls him her best friend and business partner. She references "the people who bought the facility" even though she is the one who bought the facility with Rob. This is why she is known as Legion. She talks about herself in third person and uses multiple different aliases and pages to bully people online. She thinks she's slick, but all of her lies are catching up to her now.

Legion was looking for cats in Montoursville, Pennsylvania for her business. In the barn cat group she clearly said she ...

Legion was looking for cats in Montoursville, Pennsylvania for her business. In the barn cat group she clearly said she owns this business. Then later in her bully group she denied owning the business and denied any affiliation with the business. So which is the truth? Obviously she does own the business and didn't want her horrible online behavior to be connected to her business.

Let's expose Legion's lies...

Let's expose Legion's lies...

Legion also thinks killing and eating horses is hilarious. She made this meme "joking" about killing and eating my horse...

Legion also thinks killing and eating horses is hilarious. She made this meme "joking" about killing and eating my horses then made it the profile picture of one of her aliases.

I wouldn't want someone who bullies others like this to be teaching my children anything...

I wouldn't want someone who bullies others like this to be teaching my children anything...

I can't imagine why the horses are running away...

I can't imagine why the horses are running away...

The hate page Legion created to bully and slander Nonviolent Equestrians is full of incoherent ramblings that would put ...

The hate page Legion created to bully and slander Nonviolent Equestrians is full of incoherent ramblings that would put Faulkner to shame, but at least he made sense. Legion is a lie machine posing as multiple different people to support her flimsy claims. Only someone with a weak mind would fall for her stunts. Meanwhile, she started stalking and harassing Nonviolent Equestrians back in June of LAST YEAR, when she was exposed for bragging about punching and kicking horses as a "training" technique.

Couldn't be in better hands? I can think of a lot better hands then ones who assault people and horses...

Couldn't be in better hands? I can think of a lot better hands then ones who assault people and horses...

I didn't want to have to go here but if you look at the comments on this page you can see one of the abusers known assoc...

I didn't want to have to go here but if you look at the comments on this page you can see one of the abusers known associates is verbally abusing others and defending the animal abuser. Not surprising at all. Abusers of a feather flock together.

Equine specialist? This is REALLY scary considering how she has belittled and bullied people with an actual PTSD diagnos...

Equine specialist? This is REALLY scary considering how she has belittled and bullied people with an actual PTSD diagnosis and made fun of people's mental health. She also shamed domestic violence survivors for leaving their abusers.

This is REALLY scary considering how she has belittled and bullied people with an actual PTSD diagnosis and made fun of ...

This is REALLY scary considering how she has belittled and bullied people with an actual PTSD diagnosis and made fun of people's mental health. She also shamed domestic violence survivors for leaving their abusers.

This person is supposed to be a well-respected trainer and equestrian, but uses multiple different accounts and aliases ...

This person is supposed to be a well-respected trainer and equestrian, but uses multiple different accounts and aliases to bully and harass people on Facebook. Here are the profiles and aliases uncovered so far.

The third review on Google, a customer was traumatized when the male owner assaulted a female employee at a child's birt...

The third review on Google, a customer was traumatized when the male owner assaulted a female employee at a child's birthday party!

The Equestrian community can be an evil place, especially when so called "well respected" equestrians get exposed for ab...

The Equestrian community can be an evil place, especially when so called "well respected" equestrians get exposed for abusing animals and humans.

LeeAnn Sickels was born and raised in Colorado and has been riding since she could sit up. She was born and raised around horses. She participated in Westernaires from the age of 9 until she was 18. In which she rode with as well as showed precision drill teams, trick riding, vaulting, drove chariot...




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