This prayer is for the woman who is tapped out.
The one who is stretched thin and under a lot
of pressure. The one whose week was hectic. The one who is tired of performing and tired of being tired and just wants to be seen. And hugged. And left alone with a box of Thin Mints.
She was already struggling and then something else got added to her to-do list and then something else and something else and something else. And now it just feels like failure stacked on top of failure on top of failure. Like Jenga where you make one wrong move and wham! The whole thing crumbles.
Help her release all of it:
The hopelessness.
The restlessness.
The anxiety.
The stress.
The blah.
And as she opens her fist and lets go of all the things holding her back, holding her captive and keeping her down, take her hand and fill it with your love instead. Fill it with your peace and your grace and your joy.
Remind her of your faithfulness and your goodness. Let her know she doesn’t have to be perfect, because you are. And she doesn’t have to have all the answers, because you do.
It doesn’t always go the way we want it to go, and life can be a lot some days, but you are close to the broken-hearted.
So be close to her.
And turn it all for good.