You guys.. I chased the mailman in this then had to run back inside to get the packages and tripped over Stella and went flying. Don’t worry… your order got taken.. 🤣
Somehow a label fell off from the bin above and is now INSIDE this item 😕. Needless to say it’s going in the discount bin once it’s done.
Come tag along with a light grooming day 
New wall-mounted shear holder coming soon!
Good morning. Opinions please!
Biggest pet peeve with pet parents?
I experienced this on Saturday and have never had it happen and it’s clearly been on my mind. The pet parents were paying in cash saying this way I don’t have to claim it (I claim everything) and they presented the tip in the weirdest way. The mom had put it flat on her hands and presented like a gift. It was so weird.
So I don’t think I like that. It will be a pet peeve for me.
Video of Luna being the first dog of the day after I put up my lights and she’s blind so can’t experience them lol
Prize not claimed in 24 hours. New winner drawn and prize has been claimed. Congrats Michaela.
Congratulations to our giveaway winner! Please message on Facebook or Etsy so we can get your prize sent to you.
Thank you to everyone who participated.
We did have 155 shares but only 109 of those were public so only those 109 were entered into the drawing.
Working on our next fun giveaway! See you next time
If not claimed in 24 hours, I will redraw.
Good morning! Giveaway ends later