Contemporary Art of Riding by Katrine Buur

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Jeg håber personligt, vi bliver en rigtig skøn, åbensindet nørdegruppe til de 2 moduler i EFTR Equine Fascia and Trauma Release - Liza Kimble . En unik videnskilde at få til Danmark❤️. Og jeg kan næsten ikke vente til at lære om Lizas indfølende tilgang til fascia release. Hvis du også vil være med kontakt Liza eller Freja fra Art of Being❤️. Begrænsede pladser

Følgende samt video fra The Art of Being - Taught by Animals

"Læg mærke til de fine små vibrationer i vævet. Gammel spænding der slipper ❤️

Jeg er blevet helt forelsket i denne her tilgang, som Liza Kimble underviser i. Så meget, at jeg har inviteret hende til Danmark for at undervise i både modul 1 og 2 i det hun kalder Equine Fascia og Trauma Release. Det handler grundlæggende om bindevæv og om sammenhængen mellem bindevæv og traumer i vores heste. Kurset foregår i Ringsted på den smukkeste gård med de søde heste, jeg til daglig arbejder sammen med. Jeg er vært på dagen og Liza vil på modul 1 introducere teknikkerne, samt den omfattende bindevævsteori der ligger bag. Modul 2 er en overbygning med mere avancerede teknikker og teori. Undervisningen foregår på engelsk. Kunne du tænke dig at være med? Så finder du pris og link til tilmelding herunder:

Jeg håber, vi ses!

Amen that Bettina🙏Academic Art of Riding - Bettina Biolik

Amen that Bettina🙏
Academic Art of Riding - Bettina Biolik

Dressage is not abusive.
It’s a kind and ethical training.
Dressage is not flashy.
It’s about correct posture and spinal alignment.
Dressage is not exhausting.
It's about lightness and motivation.
Dressage is not about getting fast results.
It is quiet and humble.
Dressage is not about external validation.
It’s an art.
Dressage is not for building up your ego.
It’s a journey of self-discovery.
Dressage doesn’t wear out the joints.
It keeps your horse fit until old age.
Dressage doesn’t shut down the horse or cause anxiety.
It is about a human and a horse connecting on a deep level, from heart to heart.
When riding is abusive, flashy, exhausting, promises fast results, used to get external validation, needed to build up your ego, wears out the joints, and causes shut down or anxiety, it’s not dressage!

Er jeg chokeret - JAEr jeg overrasket - NEJ (desværre)Som Horse in Harmony hos Ute Lehmann så godt formulerer her, så er...

Er jeg chokeret - JA
Er jeg overrasket - NEJ (desværre)

Som Horse in Harmony hos Ute Lehmann så godt formulerer her, så er berettigelsen for brug af heste som redskab (til det ene eller det andet) fuldstændig passé og uacceptabelt og sandsynligheden for et etisk comeback for hestesporten er så lille som buret til en russisk dansebjørn. Vi skal alle kigge indad, som har med heste at gøre og UDDANNE os i hestevelfærd. Der er SÅ meget forskning, der anfægter måden heste bruges i sporten nu. Og tænk sig, der er endda sund fornuft, empati og moralsk kompas, der kan bruges.

Er der kar, der er mere brodne end andre - så absolut! Operation X (og tak for jer) dokumentaren er et eksempel, som skal frem i lyset. Men hvad vi ser er også udtryk for en kultur, hvor man har tilvænnet blindhed over tid, samtidig med man er bevidst om at "det ikke er ok" og skjuler gruen.

Det viser jo lidt om hvor afkoblet fra samfundet hesteverdenen er, at man har troet, man kunne tryne tv2 til at tie, som en artig "groom" med en retssag - pga. efterhånden en ret anerkendt journalistisk metode, hvor man ikke kan få sandheden frem på anden vis.

Lidt tankevækkende hvordan ordet groom'e bliver brugt i andre sammenhæng i disse år, som betydning for at forberede til overgrebet, konditionere og måske trøste lidt bagefter. Gad vide hvorfor man mon har valgt det ord?

Ikke-hestefolk må sidde tilbage med forundring over, hvorfor hesteverdenen ikke har kunnet komme den her mishandling til livs, eller hvad tænker I? Hvorfor de mest brodne kar typisk bliver honoreret så højt og forgyldt, medaljeret. Er hesteverdenen bare et sminket lig efterhånden? Jeg ved der er gode, og eminent dygtige hestefolk, der trækker i den anden retning af hestevelfærd og virkeligt smukke, enestående, magiske relationer mellem heste og mennesker.

Jeg hørte noget igår som resonerede i mig, som også lægger sig lidt op ad det Ute skriver om det antropocentriske/zoocentriske. Det var:

Ros din hest for at minde ham om, hvem han er - ikke for at minde ham om, hvad du ønsker af ham

8th to 9th of April I'm back at Paardenmaat in Arnhem, Holland for a clinic. Arranged by ⚜️ .nibbelink ⚜️ I look forward...

8th to 9th of April I'm back at Paardenmaat in Arnhem, Holland for a clinic. Arranged by ⚜️ .nibbelink ⚜️ I look forward teach again at this amazing place🌅. and I am warming up with some days in beautiful Acores, Portugal seing dear friends from my years here❤️🦄 Hope you're all having a 5⭐ week. Photoes are from last years clinic at Paardenmaat by Marjolein van den Berg

Link nederst i tekst🎧 Lyt med på Del 3 af podcasten (Hestenes Klan episode 132), hvor jeg snakker med Live Bonnevie om S...

Link nederst i tekst🎧 Lyt med på Del 3 af podcasten (Hestenes Klan episode 132), hvor jeg snakker med Live Bonnevie om SKRØBELIGHED, VÆRDIGHED og især ETIK i hestehold og i mødet med hestene❤️. Dette er en episode som jeg synes tager nogle enormt vigtige emner op i hele deres alvor, men i en håbefuld ånd, som jeg virkelig synes mangler i debatlandskabet i hesteverdenen. Jeg glæder mig til at høre hvad I synes❤️🤞🙏, så del og kommenter gerne. Og som Live spørger mig om til slut: ❓Hvad har I lært af hestene, som I ville ønske andre kunne lære❓
Podcast: Hestenes Klan, "Hestekvinner snakker om hest" med Katrine Buur, Del 3, episode 132, hør også del 1-2 i episode 128 og 130

Lyt med på del 2 af 3 af podcasten: Hestenes Klan - Hestekvinder snakker om Heste, hvor jeg er gæst ✨ https://shows.acas...

Lyt med på del 2 af 3 af podcasten: Hestenes Klan - Hestekvinder snakker om Heste, hvor jeg er gæst ✨ ✨ Link i insta bio og herover. Episode 1 har allerede en fået en fin modtagelse - hør eller genlyt via link. I episode 2 reflekterer Live Bonnevie og jeg åbent og ærligt om filosofi og værdier, frihedsbegrebet og letheden i mødet med heste.
Eng: add for podcast in Scandinavian language.

I'm not that active in the virtual world anymore and prefer to be solely in the real one.... However.... This is a GREAT...

I'm not that active in the virtual world anymore and prefer to be solely in the real one.... However.... This is a GREAT concept of "Horsewomen talk about Horses". I'm proud to be the first to connect with fellow horse woman and author Live Bonnevie in this talk. First episode live NOW!!! More to come, so stay tuned. Enjoy and live love💖 /Kat

Møt Katrine Buur

This day 5 years ago💘

This day 5 years ago💘

Today is the aftermath and reflections of 3 days in embrace of wholeness, connection, bodyawareness,  horses and "the mo...

Today is the aftermath and reflections of 3 days in embrace of wholeness, connection, bodyawareness, horses and "the movement within the movement". ❤️Thank you for your loving guidance Noora Ehnqvist

Like me, many members of the Knighthood of the Academic Art of Riding are "Squires". Below is my understanding of this p...

Like me, many members of the Knighthood of the Academic Art of Riding are "Squires". Below is my understanding of this position.

The Squire in the Academic Art of Riding:
The squire is a servant of the knight. The knight repressent the ideal of knowledge, skill and feeling. Before it is known what is needed, the squire is on the task. It is an empathic, attentive and generous role. And foremost it is the life of a servant to the empowering and epic journey ahead. Without the servant growth will not occour. The squire knows this and is proud of it, because there is an enormous strength and wealth in helping another to grow. High pressence in one's surroundings and relations is the foundation for the job of the squire. And the squire must be able to take a "no", a "yes", a "faster", a "slower", without taking it personally or losing his or her endless dedication. The squire is a craftsman/-woman with an artist in the gut. And he/she must know a little on a lot and a lot on a little to always be able to challenge the project. He/she ask curious, intelligent questions to hold up to the highest standard and ethics. The squire dares to say the unsaid. This is his/her way to hold the hands protectively around the art and the animal. The squire is a servant of the horse.

Photo: Tales by Sipo


Hvorfor jeg elsker kurser med Noora Ehnqvist:
⚜️ Stemningen er vidunderlig og opbakkende
⚜️ Hest og menneske bliver set og hørt
⚜️ Man bliver støttet på sin egen autentiske sti
⚜️ Man deltager alle ligeværdigt med eller uden hest
⚜️ Ens krop takker én for Nooras unikke tilgang til kropsbevidsthed
⚜️ Der er tiltro og tillid til at kunne dele selv meget følsomme og rørende stunder med hestene og hinanden.

Prøv selv at være med d. 27.-29. august 2022.
SKARPT TILBUD på pladser uden hest.

Se begivenhed på link:

Video fra et tidligere kursus🥰 Vel mødt!

SUMMER ACADEMY 2022 - We've had wonderful exchanges about the theme of the year: The Primary Aid - THE SEAT. The knighth...

SUMMER ACADEMY 2022 - We've had wonderful exchanges about the theme of the year: The Primary Aid - THE SEAT. The knighthood is all about helping each other to gain insight. And we have really done so this Summer Academy and in the Trainer Days preceding. Thanks to all of the knighthood. At the round table I will for the first time read my code of ethics, which also sums up the ethical standard of the Knighthood of the Academic Art of Riding. Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup

Happy birthday Meya❤️ Our little shieldmaiden🛡️❤️‍🔥⚔️ 3 years old now. Can you believe it!? The day in the pictures is a...

Happy birthday Meya❤️ Our little shieldmaiden🛡️❤️‍🔥⚔️ 3 years old now. Can you believe it!? The day in the pictures is as clear as yesterday. Photoes Henrik Bach

         Photo by Henrik Bach

Photo by Henrik Bach


Welcome little ones
Ready for some

My goodness, a lot is happening! In a few Days we expect puppies between these two devine dogs: 🏆❤️🐺CasaBolstad's Arkin ...

My goodness, a lot is happening! In a few Days we expect puppies between these two devine dogs: 🏆❤️🐺CasaBolstad's Arkin and 🏆❤️🐺Kenziana Black Arete. They are outstandingly beautiful dogs from good lines, but what impress me mostly about the is their 5⭐ temperament. The absolute ideal active family dog🐕‍🦺, fast learner, devoted, goes perfect with horses and other dogs too, guideable on far distance. Of cause if you spend the time to teach them and give them your love, as with all animals. Focus for this litter: with perfect health lines, no inbreeding, elegant tall beautiful, cooperative and loving, both exhibition and functional lines, chance of both grey and black . 🙏Please comment and share 🙏 The best homes only ... contact Katrine ( pm or katrinebuur @ ) ❤️ in a short while allert❤️

Vind verdensklasse fotos✨📸✨

Vind verdensklasse fotos✨📸✨


✨🦄 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠! 🦄✨

Så er det nu du skal være vågen!
For nogle år siden afholdte jeg en vild konkurrence for første gang --> Nu gør jeg altså det igen!

𝑯𝒗𝒂𝒅 𝒌𝒂𝒏 𝒅𝒖 𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆?
▪️ Vælg imellem enten en Fantasy Fine Art fotografering inkl. 2 billeder eller en Fantasy Composite fotografering inkl. 1 billede.
▪️ 20 km gratis kørsel (taksten derudover kan findes på min hjemmeside)

𝑯𝒗𝒂𝒅 𝒔𝒌𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒖 𝒈ø𝒓𝒆?
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▪️ Skriv i en kommentar hvilket slags photoshoot du ønsker dig og om det skal være med din hest, hund eller andet.

𝑫𝒖 𝒎𝒂̊ 𝒎𝒆𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒆:
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𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐆Ø𝐑𝐄𝐒 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑎̊ 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑝𝑎̊ 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑔 𝑑. 14. 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠 2022 𝑘𝑙. 20.

Psst... Har du allerede booket en fotografering, så deltag alligevel - Måske du kan vinde den! 😊
Model: Helle Frank Mereweather & Astuto PM, Pura Raza Española stallion
Horsetack: Ronja Overgaard
Ridingskirt: Klesarven
Stockphotos: Adobe Stock
Photographer & Edit: Sandra Hornshøj Buus
⚜️ ⚜️

A message of   from Tónlist this morning

A message of from Tónlist this morning

Fin artikel, endda med et par citater af undertegnede🦄

Fin artikel, endda med et par citater af undertegnede🦄

Akademisk ridekunst er for alle som interesserer sig for solidt grundarbejde, harmoni i samarbejdet og opbygning af en sund ridehest.

✨A new year to reflect upon and hopefully wish ahead✨. Often this day I see people giving advise for their younger self,...

✨A new year to reflect upon and hopefully wish ahead✨. Often this day I see people giving advise for their younger self, from their older, wiser self - now that they know more. I don't believe much in that😉. Not this year anyway! Us grown-ups are hardly in any position to offer the youth our advise. I wouldn't have the audacity. The reality is very different than when I grew up. For 2022 I'd much rather send out some thoughts from my younger self to my current self. It will obviously be even more outdated, but a lot bolder, I reckon🌠💝🌌. They might not be for everyone, but they had a say in me becoming me. And I'd really like to remind myself and rediscover a few of them this year.
❤️Live love and happy new year❤️ Katrine

1. Find one thing you love, but don't stop there - pour all your love into that one thing.
2. The dark is there to protect you.
3. Be kind, someone might be healing from something you know nothing about.
4. Run away if you must, but turn back home if you must.
5. Trust noone and trust everyone. They will prove themselves to you in both directions.
6. People don't change in their essence, but opening minds changes people's relationship with their essence.
7. You are allowed to hide, it's okay.
8. You might not see the bravery of your story right now.
9. Be wild (it's all too controlled anyway) - just allow the fairy tale.
10. Grief is still love, but it has become homeless.
11. Forgive.

Neither does she seek beginnings nor endings. Time is just a signature and not the painting itself. The beauty lies in f...

Neither does she seek beginnings nor endings. Time is just a signature and not the painting itself. The beauty lies in falling short and dancing anyway. Mind her secret, guard it fiercely - for it is not yours to tell. If you spill, the spell evaporates.


A sneak-peak into the classroom with me and Zulema. Remember what you see here is ONLY the tip of the iceberg - we've used years! (I'm not kidding) just spending time together in this frame untill feeling entirely safe! Zulema is blind, which is one of the reasons this framework helps her.

I 🤍 snow

I 🤍 snow

❤️Wholeness, fullness, to be with and to be within❤️These were some of the important themes of these days with Noora Ehn...

❤️Wholeness, fullness, to be with and to be within❤️
These were some of the important themes of these days with Noora Ehnqvist. We talked of the interaction of structure and freedom and about how to create a synergy between them... And we practiced... And practiced. With our bodies, with each other and in togethernes with horses. 🥰🙏 Thank you Noora for creating space in our joints and space for all emotions connected to connection - even though I misunderstood when you said you were a spaceperson👽
I feel grateful and honored to have met all participants and like one said... "I miss you all already"🥰... Till we meet again🙏 Noora Ehnqvist - Lifefulness

🍃No leaf falls on the wrong place🍃. Naranja - photo by Henrik Bach

🍃No leaf falls on the wrong place🍃. Naranja - photo by Henrik Bach


This morning I got this beautiful memory from 2017, where I had to borrow a horse last minute - and what a horse! Iđunn✨💖✨

This year I wasn't able to take part in the Summer Academy for the Knighthood of the Academic Art of Riding by Bent Bran...

This year I wasn't able to take part in the Summer Academy for the Knighthood of the Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup - not physically at least. But as it turns out, I was there in spirit a little bit....

Under the discussion on ETHICS, it was decided to welcome new members of the knighthood with a reading of "My code of Ethics" (that I wrote a few years ago), because the knighthood found it poetic and it seemed to ressonate with everyone🥰. These word have a special meaning to me and therefore I couldn't have hoped for anything better than for them to be read and really tasted and reflected on from this extraordinary, capable group of horse people, so that eventually... the deep meaning of the words become common practice for horses around the world🐴.
Thanks for the honor! I look forward to meet my wonderful colleagues again next year.

Here you get "The do-no-harm oath" once again, slightly updated.


Welcome to sweet Muni❤. He is going to be here in training this summer. Yesterday Iđunn wasn't entirely convinced of the idea😉, but already today she's calmer❤

When the theory lesson has a more beautiful background than I could ever draw, thanks to Lobelia Barker❤🙏👩‍🎨. Don't worr...

When the theory lesson has a more beautiful background than I could ever draw, thanks to Lobelia Barker❤🙏👩‍🎨. Don't worry, I've only drawn on the glass and not on the artwork itself - that'd be artistic blasphemy😳😜 The 3d printed scheleton gives volume to the words.



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