The boys enjoyed playing out in the snow together today while it was coming down. Pickles was nice enough to share his toys with max❤️
Scout has been making leaps with his training. He has been here for a few months now and with time and patience he is now understanding collection. When he first arrived scout had issues under saddle/anxiety. We worked on slow work walking, giving to the bit and collection. Now he is figuring out that going around soft supple is a lot easier. I’m thankful to his owners Katie Jo for trusting me with this amazing guy. I can’t wait to see how he turns out with some more training under his belt!
We do have one open training stall available! Contact me for information on training and how I can help you and your horse!
Rita did fantastic at her first show of the summer. Came home with three first in her ranch classes. We have a few things to work on before the next show but she continues to get better and better.
As I figure out what’s the next step for Rita’s training with this trick and others to come. I decided to see if she would lay down with my saddle on. My goal is to teach her to let you get on her while laying down. In the video you can see I lean over top of the saddle and scratch/give a treat to her. She enjoys doing all of these fun new things as it gives her a break from riding training
Ritas second ranch show was a success. She placed in every class I put her in and ended the day with three 1st, one 2nd and one 3rd. She continues to amaze me. We had very little practice rides for this show as the weather(cold/rain) has not been cooperating. Can’t wait for the next one.
Rita decided that a blanket last night was not necessary for her in the cold. She’s always been a little bit of a Houdini when it comes to blankets. Hope everyone and their horses are staying warm in this cold!
Rita is leaping for joy as we approach December and a new special discount is being offered. Schedule a magnawave appointment and get another of my services 50% off (includes another magnawave session too!). For more information on my services or to schedule your horse’s appointment feel free to message me at (567) 207-5885 or pm me.
Miley went on her first solo trail ride and did phenomenal. She crossed everything you put in front of her without hesitation. She is a point and barely guide kinda girl out on the trails. Miley is still for sale for low x,### she continues to get better and better everyday don’t miss out on wonderful trail horse.
Did you know the Magnawave has been used for equine performance enhancement, health maintenance, and recovery. It has been known to Improve GI Complications, Muscle relaxation, helps pain management, reduce inflammation and stress, accelerate recovery, promote relation and stress reduction, support joint, hoof and muscle health.
The twitching of the muscles you see in the video help identify imbalances, pain or sore muscles that need to be worked on further.
A whole body session for 60 minutes is just $60.00 which means I only charge a $1.00 a minute. If your interested in finding out how the magnawave or any of my other services can help your horse or animals feel free to send me a message!
Magnawave has been known to help promote circulation of blood and oxygen. It relieves anxiety, helps arthritis, increases the range of motion, relieve colic symptoms, helps repair muscles, tendons, ligaments and bone. I only charge $1.00 a minute which means for only 40 minutes it’s $40.00! If you are looking for your horse or other animals to be magnawave feel free to contact me. I will be in the Cambridge area August 10 if you are close to that area and would like to jump on feel free to send me a message!
After a few hard days of training Rita was enjoying her deep tissue massage from the massage gun. As show season is in full swing don’t forget to get your horse scheduled for a massage or magna waved. Both of these reduce inflammation and promote blood flow and oxygen which creates a happy, relaxed horse. Feel free to message me now to set up an appointment. Taking appointments as early as next week!
Don’t miss out on the discounted prices. Only a few spots are left to get your horse massage, adjusted, magnawaved, massaged with the massage gun, thermal imagining, kinesiology taping, breathing treatments and training in. Don’t wait message me now for more information on pricing and to set up an appointment!