TIME F I N A L L Y FOR THESE babies to fly!!!! They are still sooo skinny but also thankfully are NOW healthy and Ready to move on from this absolute Nightmare 😭😭
They can still fly on board they are under 20 lbs thank GOD
But we need Flight Volunteers 🙏🙏🙏
O N L Y 👆
Sign up 🙏👆👆
On December 16 or 17
Sorry to need those specific days BUT
we have someone waiting to get them on those days!!!
THIS video was taking WHEN RESCUED they are now healthy and being boarded at the vet! I have no new pics so using this rescue video just so you can see them 🙏
Ok guys who is heading down to aruba from Westchester NY???? ✈️🇦🇼
On or before Dec 3 ❓❓❓
I can meet you ‼️
at city limits diner white plains ny
the Danbury mall Ct
Lowe’s In Yortown NY on Rt 202
Kohls in Cortlandt Manor NY!!!!
I have 1 bag 💼 weighing 23 pounds super light!
It has 6 PUPPY 🐶 CARRIERS in it
For our bigger rescue babies that we have planned to fly starting Dec 4
This is an urgent request!
845 742 2869
Please if you are heading there help us get this bag down for our pups to fly!!
Tommy is home ❤️
❤️ This is why we beg for help. Whether for drivers or Flight volunteers, flight attendants, pilots whatever. On the other side, there is a loving family anxiously awaiting their baby to be safely in their arms ❤️ tommy is now home
U P D A T E 🚨🚨This baby flies SUNDAY his name is Milton ❤️
Popular questions in comments answered:
We arrange everything your job as a flight volunteer is to carry pup on plane and bring to where it’s needed
RESCUE PAYSSSSSSS ALLLLLL EXPENSES RESCUE SETS UP 🆙EVERYTHING We are not asking you to foster the rescue baby or adopt or pay or drive or do anything
JUST TRANSPORT so when you see these posts and you think you can carry a little one in your flight in these next days (before it all ends on Aug 1) fill out the application IF we need you we will reach out and will explain the process (easy and 🆓) Thank you!!! Putting that info up so I do t have to answer each comment/question because I have no time Trying to get out as many as we possibly can 🙏😭
🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘 EMERGENCY 🚨 🚨🚨🚨🚨
Flight volunteers needed Aruba to NJ NY New England BIG BABIES NEED TO GET OUT OR THEY WILL BE STUCK FOREVER‼️‼️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Please fill out this simple flight ✈️ volunteer form and we will contact you!! 🙏🙏🚨‼️🆘 please help this is the end of flying puppies this is their LAST CHANCE 😭😭😭
#WeWontBeAbleToSaveThem #CDC #HHS
Have you had your voice heard today? Stop this ban! #wewontbeabletosavethem