Mission Paws Dog School

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Mission Paws Dog School What if you didn't have to constantly tell your dog what to do? "Fido, COME!"
"Fido, off!"
"Fido, drop it!"
"Fido, sit! Sit!

This is exactly what games-based training does. It trains your dog to make the best choice without you having to tell them.

Is your dog constantly distracted?You'd love calm walks but they're pulling and barking, lunging toward other dogs, cats...

Is your dog constantly distracted?

You'd love calm walks but they're pulling and barking, lunging toward other dogs, cats, people, or bikes.

Even a bumbling leaf triggers a kafuffle.

You cue them but they're focused on everything other than you and when you’re home they follow you room to room.

You can’t even go to the bathroom by yourself or hug your partner without them barking or getting involved.

Does your dog struggle to settle after a walk, play, or when something exciting happens?

You love them dearly but feel sadness as others describe them as:
“Busy”, “Crazy”, or “Dominant”

Or worse, “Untrainable”.

You’ve tried training classes, perhaps even private lessons. You’ve tried different training equipment. Every kind of treat, even cheese or steak, and yet you still cannot get the training to work in a real life scenario.

Have you felt frustrated or embarrassed with their behaviour, being told it’s “hopeless” and “just how they are”?

Maybe you’re to the point of being complacent, because you feel like you’ve tried everything.

If any of the above sounds like you, then Distraction? ACTION! is the training class for you.

This class will give you the framework that has your dog:

- Associating those distractions as “none of my business” so that they can stay cool, calm, and collected on walks regardless of what is happening around them
- Slowing their roll - no more 0 to 100 over-the-top-reactions. Friends and family will be asking “is that really your dog?!”
- Able to focus and actually listen to you when those distractions happen and perform the cue you asked for, rather than continuing to bark, pull, jump, or zoom.
- Seeing your movement in the house as none of their business - you getting up for a snack, going to the bathroom, hugging your partner…no more trailing at your heels or jumping up. Instead they’ll give a slight lift of the head and resettle.

When: Sept 28th & Oct 5th
Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Location: Echo Ridge Stables 5938 West Saanich Rd
All breeds, all ages, all levels are welcome.

Registration is now open: missionpawsdogschool.as.me/distraction
Questions? Email [email protected]

Dog training group classes in Victoria BC. Positive reinforcement dog training for recall, jumping, obedience, leash manners, pulling on leash, puppy training, dog life skills, local to Victoria, Saanich BC,

Want to get your dog to listen when you call but you can't get them to come away from greeting other dogs, chasing the c...

Want to get your dog to listen when you call but you can't get them to come away from greeting other dogs, chasing the cats, stealing another dog's ball, or diving into mud puddles?

The next round of Rapid Recall group training is open for registration!

This class if for you if:
- The idea of letting your dog off leash comes with its share of anxiety - feeling worried they’ll get eyeballs deep in someone’s beach picnic, jump up on strangers, or greet an on-lead reactive dog, chase a deer deep into the bush, or scamper after a ball across a busy road
- You love the idea of taking your dog on hikes, to the beach, or camping but you’re simply not confident they’ll stay with you, forcing you to have eyes peeled on them 100% of the time
- Would love to have them join at a family picnic with the rest of the dog’s in your family, but once they start playing with the other dogs, chaos ensues and you know they won’t recall out of play with another dog
- You’d love to take them down to Dallas Road off leash area, but your dog is constantly hopping the fence and disturbing walkers and runners on the paved path
- You'd love to take your dog mountain biking at Mt Work but perhaps their recall isn't quite ready for the action packed adventure of off leash group activities yet

You will leave this class knowing:
- How to have your dog choose to stay close to you, regardless of the environment you’re in
- What lights up your individual dog so they WANT to come when you call
- How to get your dog to simply chill in the company of others, allowing you to relax during Thanksgiving dinner
- How to have your dog’s focus and no longer have your calls ignored
- How to train the best recall cue to get their attention now!

All breeds, all ages are welcome.

Spaces limited to ensure each student receives personalized coaching.

Save your spot now: https://missionpawsdogschool.as.me/recall-september

Class location: Echo Ridge Stables 5938 W Saanich Road, Victoria BC

$135+gst when you register before Sept 22

Bonus gifts: Biothane Training leash from Tiny Horse, and lifetime access to Rapid Recall Online, combined value of over $175!

Have questions? Email [email protected]

Dog training group classes in Victoria BC. Positive reinforcement dog training for recall, jumping, obedience, leash manners, pulling on leash, puppy training, dog life skills, local to Victoria, Saanich BC,

Here's what we can do instead:Help them create space.Realize that situation was way over their head and not put them int...

Here's what we can do instead:

Help them create space.

Realize that situation was way over their head and not put them into it again until...

You've shifted their pessimism to Optimism and Confidence and trained Disengagement skills OUTSIDE of the moment. At home, in places they feel safe and towards things they are not reactive to.

Then gradually level up their skills.

Dogs cannot learn when they're reacting.
Full stop.

Please note: dog reactivity is a hard road to walk alone. Do you and your dog both a kindness and get help from a qualified positive reinforcement professional.

I said what I said.Does it mean training won't help?Not at all. But it needs to be training built around 4 pillars:- Con...

I said what I said.

Does it mean training won't help?

Not at all.

But it needs to be training built around 4 pillars:
- Connection
- Compassion
- Communication
- Concepts

This is my 4-C Method.

✅️ connecting with the individual dog in front of us
✅️ having compassion for their emotional experience in this wild world
✅️ establishing clear two-way communication with them
✅️ and training concepts (skills) so they can actually perform those behaviours we ask of them

We can fore-see the challenges and make appropriate adjustments to their surroundings and lifestyle to set them up for success.

Because it's not just about telling your dog to "sit" or getting them to walk on a loose lead.

It's about guiding them through the world, showing them you've got their back, are there to advocate for them (emotionally, mentally, medically, physically), listen to their needs, and help them skill up to navigate this novel place with more ease.

So yeah, it's more than just training.

Last chance until end of September!Want to get your dog to listen when you call but you can't get them to come away from...

Last chance until end of September!

Want to get your dog to listen when you call but you can't get them to come away from greeting other dogs, chasing the cats, stealing another dog's ball, or diving into mud puddles?

The next round of Rapid Recall group training is open for registration.

This class if for you if:
- The idea of letting your dog off leash comes with its share of anxiety - feeling worried they’ll get eyeballs deep in someone’s beach picnic, jump up on strangers, or greet an on-lead reactive dog, chase a deer deep into the bush, or scamper after a ball across a busy road
- You love the idea of taking your dog on hikes, to the beach, or camping but you’re simply not confident they’ll stay with you, forcing you to have eyes peeled on them 100% of the time
- Would love to have them join at a family picnic with the rest of the dog’s in your family, but once they start playing with the other dogs, chaos ensues and you know they won’t recall out of play with another dog
- You’d love to take them down to Dallas Road off leash area, but your dog is constantly hopping the fence and disturbing walkers and runners on the paved path
- You'd love to take your dog mountain biking at Mt Work but perhaps their recall isn't quite ready for the action packed adventure of off leash group activities yet

You will learn:
- How to have your dog choose to stay close to you, regardless of the environment you’re in
- How to get your dog to turn-on-a-dime the second you call
- How to get your dog to simply chill in the company of others, allowing you to relax at the family bar-b-que
- How to have your dog’s focus and no longer have your calls ignored
- How to train the best recall cue to get their attention now
All breeds, all ages are welcome.
Spaces limited to ensure each student receives personalized coaching.

Save your spot now: https://missionpawsdogschool.as.me/recall

Class location: Echo Ridge Stables 5938 W Saanich Road, Victoria BC

$125 when you register before Aug 5th

Bonus gifts: Biothane Training leash from Tiny Horse, and lifetime access to Rapid Recall Online, combined value of over $175!

Have questions? Email [email protected]

Dog training group classes in Victoria BC. Positive reinforcement dog training for recall, jumping, obedience, leash manners, pulling on leash, puppy training, dog life skills, local to Victoria, Saanich BC,

I get it, change is hard.Creating new habits is hard.Sometimes even giving yourself what you deserve is hard. But so is ...

I get it, change is hard.

Creating new habits is hard.

Sometimes even giving yourself what you deserve is hard.

But so is being dragged through your dog's walk, feeling on the verge of tears because your nervous system is so rattled from their barking, so is feeling worried for their, yours, and others safety.

It's okay if you're not ready yet.

But your dog and I are hoping you come to it soon.

And we'll be here and ready when you do.

If you would like your dog to do:• less pulling on leash• less household shenanigans• less reactivity• less barking• les...

If you would like your dog to do:

• less pulling on leash
• less household shenanigans
• less reactivity
• less barking
• less attention seeking behaviour

And need less exercise, you and them will benefit from exercising their brain more and their body less.

If you'd like to make this shift, comment below!

*please note - I am not saying don't exercise your dog. I'm saying if you're already exercising them a lot and there are behaviour struggles, less high-energy exercise will be helpful.

NEW DATES ADDED!Want to get your dog to listen when you call but you can't get them to come away from greeting other dog...


Want to get your dog to listen when you call but you can't get them to come away from greeting other dogs, chasing the cats, stealing another dog's ball, or diving into mud puddles?
The next round of Rapid Recall group training is open for registration.

This class if for you if:
- The idea of letting your dog off leash comes with its share of anxiety - feeling worried they’ll get eyeballs deep in someone’s beach picnic, jump up on strangers, or greet an on-lead reactive dog, chase a deer deep into the bush, or scamper after a ball across a busy road

- You love the idea of taking your dog on hikes, to the beach, or camping but you’re simply not confident they’ll stay with you, forcing you to have eyes peeled on them 100% of the time

- Would love to have them join at a family picnic with the rest of the dog’s in your family, but once they start playing with the other dogs, chaos ensues and you know they won’t recall out of play with another dog

- You’d love to take them down to Dallas Road off leash area, but your dog is constantly hopping the fence and disturbing walkers and runners on the paved path

- You'd love to take your dog mountain biking at Mt Work but perhaps their recall isn't quite ready for the action packed adventure of off leash group activities yet

You will learn:
- How to have your dog choose to stay close to you, regardless of the environment you’re in

- How to get your dog to turn-on-a-dime the second you call

- How to get your dog to simply chill in the company of others, allowing you to relax at the family bar-b-que

- How to have your dog’s focus and no longer have your calls ignored

- How to train the best recall cue to get their attention now

All breeds, all ages are welcome.

Spaces limited to ensure each student receives personalized coaching.

Save your spot now https://missionpawsdogschool.as.me/recall

Class location: Echo Ridge Stables 5938 W Saanich Road, Victoria BC

$125 when you register before Aug 5th

Bonus gifts: Biothane Training leash from Tiny Horse, and lifetime access to Rapid Recall Online, combined value of over $175!

Have questions? Email [email protected]

Dog training group classes in Victoria BC. Positive reinforcement dog training for recall, jumping, obedience, leash manners, pulling on leash, puppy training, dog life skills, local to Victoria, Saanich BC,

Want to get your dog to listen when you call but you can't get them to come away from greeting other dogs, chasing the c...

Want to get your dog to listen when you call but you can't get them to come away from greeting other dogs, chasing the cats, stealing another dog's ball, or diving into mud puddles?

The next round of Rapid Recall group training is open for registration.

This class if for you if:

- The idea of letting your dog off leash comes with its share of anxiety - feeling worried they’ll get eyeballs deep in someone’s beach picnic, jump up on strangers, or greet an on-lead reactive dog, chase a deer deep into the bush, or scamper after a ball across a busy road

- You love the idea of taking your dog on hikes, to the beach, or camping but you’re simply not confident they’ll stay with you, forcing you to have eyes peeled on them 100% of the time

- Would love to have them join at a family picnic with the rest of the dog’s in your family, but once they start playing with the other dogs, chaos ensues and you know they won’t recall out of play with another dog

- You’d love to take them down to Dallas Road off leash area, but your dog is constantly hopping the fence and disturbing walkers and runners on the paved path

- You'd love to take your dog mountain biking at Mt Work but perhaps their recall isn't quite ready for the action packed adventure of off leash group activities yet

You will learn:
- How to have your dog choose to stay close to you, regardless of the environment you’re in

- How to get your dog to turn-on-a-dime the second you call

- How to get your dog to simply chill in the company of others, allowing you to relax at the family bar-b-que

- How to have your dog’s focus and no longer have your calls ignored

- How to train the best recall cue to get their attention now

All breeds, all ages are welcome.

Spaces limited to ensure each student receives personalized coaching.

Save your spot now https://missionpawsdogschool.as.me/recall

Class location: Echo Ridge Stables 5938 W Saanich Road, Victoria BC

Have questions? Email [email protected]

Pretty sure I walked through about 20 spider webs on our early morning walk yesterday. At first I flailed. Then I got co...

Pretty sure I walked through about 20 spider webs on our early morning walk yesterday.

At first I flailed.

Then I got complacent and mentally shut down.

Then when I got back to the car I frantically checked myself in the mirror again.

And it's not even that I'm scared of spiders, I just don't want them on me.

But I was having a heck of a time disengaging from the idea of it.

Howevee, after a good 30 second brush off I got in the car and went on my way.

So how do we help our dogs?
• grow Disengagement from these distractions
• build Optimism that they'll be safe and Confidence to "brush themselves off" if the scary thing gets too close
• grow a "Dimmer Switch" for arousal so they can reach Calmness faster

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Share it with a dog parent!

You gotta know this:When you put focused timed on each one of these small steps, your recall training is going to go way...

You gotta know this:

When you put focused timed on each one of these small steps, your recall training is going to go way heckin' faster because:

1) You won't be rehearsing the recall you don't want, which means your dog isn't getting more skilled at not recalling

2) You get a ton of great rehearsal of them recalling in a multitude of ways.

This is about training in multiple dimensions.

Which means your dog grows the skill of Flexibility.

Which means they can apply their skills to different situations.

Did you ever play sports as a kid?

Did your coach have you cross-training?

When I was a kid, I went to figure skating camp in the summer.

We had on-ice practice, but we also did dry-land work as well.
• ballet
• hip-hop
• kickboxing
• track
• yoga & stretching
• agility & footwork

This helped us be better at skating way faster because we worked on each skill in isolation, so when we got on the ice, they came together seamlessly.

This is how you can really nail your recall by training for the moment, not in the moment.

Save this post for your next training session!

Like a bow and arrow, you'll get farther faster when you pull back before you launch forward.

Like a bow and arrow, you'll get farther faster when you pull back before you launch forward.

The 6th may be the most important.5. I can't guarantee I have all the answers for your dog's struggle.I know a lot and c...

The 6th may be the most important.

5. I can't guarantee I have all the answers for your dog's struggle.
I know a lot and continue my education, but I don't know everything. I just don't.

I can promise I will consider your dog's behaviour from a whole-dog approach - brain health, gut health, behavioural health, and physical health - to the best of my ability, along with the knowledge of my mentors. And I will refer you to supporting canine professionals as needed.

6. I can't be more dedicated to your success than you are.

I want to see you succeed more than anything. But I need you to want and be dedicated to your success too.

Is your dog constantly distracted?Do you experience pulling and barking on walks, your dog lunging toward other dogs, ca...

Is your dog constantly distracted?

Do you experience pulling and barking on walks, your dog lunging toward other dogs, cats, people, or bikes. Perhaps even a leaf bumbling across the ground?

Do they focus on everything other than you when you’re outside and when you’re at home they follow you room to room. You can’t even go to the bathroom by yourself or hug your partner without them barking or getting involved.

Does your dog struggle to settle after a walk, play, or when something exciting happens?

Have they been described as
•“Busy”, “Crazy”, or “Dominant”

Or worse, “Untrainable”.

You’ve tried training classes, perhaps even private lessons. You’ve tried different training equipment. Every kind of treat, even cheese or steak, and yet you still cannot get the training to work in a real life scenario.

Have you felt frustrated or embarrassed with their behaviour, being told it’s “hopeless” and “just how they are”?

Maybe you’re to the point of being complacent, because you feel like you’ve tried everything.

If any of the above sounds like you, then Distraction? ACTION! is the training class for you.

Your dog will learn:

•To associate all those distractions as “none of my business”, helping them stay cool, calm, and collected regardless of what is happening around them

•How to slow their roll - no more 0 to 100 over-the-top-reactions. Friends and family will be asking “is that really your dog?!”

•How to focus and actually listen to you when those distractions happen and perform the cue you asked for, rather than continuing to bark, pull, jump, or zoom.

•Your movement is none of their business - you getting up for a snack, go to the bathroom, hug your partner…You’ll finally get to do those things in peace.

When: July 6th & 13th
Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm
Location: Echo Ridge Stables 5938 West Saanich Rd

All breeds, all ages are welcome.

Register online www.missionpawsdogschool.as.me/distraction

Are dogs capable of complex emotions like resentment?According to science, no. They have the cognitive capacity of a 2 y...

Are dogs capable of complex emotions like resentment?

According to science, no.

They have the cognitive capacity of a 2 yr old.


Dogs always know what a good deal is.

And if you're training a behaviour like a recall, you just asked them to come away from the environment, which to them is a really stinking good deal.

Now I get it. We've been led to believe that a sit is the most impressive or "obedient" thing a dog can do.

But if you want that recall to last, to outperform any distraction in the environment, whether it's a half eaten hotdog on the ground, another dog or human, a muddy swamp, or horse poo, you best be making their arrival the best damn celebration they've ever seen.

No more of this withholding treats until they do an obedient "sit" mumbo jumbo.

If you're ready to ditch the mumbo jumbo and train a reliable recall, my Rapid Recall program is now live, available at pre-order pricing until midnight tonight.

Comment RECALL and I'll send you the link🖇

One rule to live by in dog training, and yet it will always be different with every single dog.Train the individual in f...

One rule to live by in dog training, and yet it will always be different with every single dog.

Train the individual in front of you.

Some dogs are motivated by:
• Food
• Toys
• Affection
• Play
• Experiences

And it's different with every dog.

Pair that with different preferences of reward delivery and it's even more individual.

Some like to chase food as you bowl it across the floor, some prefer to catch.

Some absolutely love food but would feel offended if you gave it to their mouth.

Some get worried and overwhelmed if you're too dynamic with the reward delivery.

And it's not set in stone! (a topic for another day)

All that said, your dog is showing you all the time what is motivating and rewarding to them.

For example, Mr Vince loves to roll in mud, in grass, and sleep on his back.

One of his favorite rewards is "nom noms". He weaves in and around our legs and rubs his body on us.

Which is essentially the same feeling for him as rolling in mud or grass.

He will take that over food any day.

So tell me, what does your dog love to do and how do you see it in their preferred training rewards?

In the last two years, there have been 4 houses on our street torn down and 40+ new townhouses put in. Nearly all of the...

In the last two years, there have been 4 houses on our street torn down and 40+ new townhouses put in.

Nearly all of these new homes have a dog.

And many many of them are struggling with their walks.

Mr Vince and I are constantly crossing the street to give space, or give these dogs relief with strategically blocking ourselves from view with cars.

Stressful walks plague so many people and bless their hearts, they try. But it can feel really defeating.

If you're in these shoes, it doesn't have to be that way.

My DMs are open. Send me a message and let's see if my 1 on 1 coaching program can help you and your pup get those stress free walks you've dreamed of.

If you ever:• Find yourself apologizing every time visitors come over as your dog launches at the front door...• You hav...

If you ever:

• Find yourself apologizing every time visitors come over as your dog launches at the front door...

• You have anxiety about what to do with the dog before grandparents arrive for fear they'll knock them over...

• You're frustrated coming home at the end of a work day or running errands, struggling to put your things down as your dog jumps all over you...

• You can't leave your kitchen unsupervised because your dog thinks anything on the counter is fair game...

• You feel rattled by the chaos of your dog crashing the fence as neighbors are out, the delivery person comes, cyclists pass, or a dog down the street barks...

Then this class is for you.

BONUS you will also get lifetime access to my 4 on the Floor online program released Aug 1st

Class dates:
When: June 15 & 22
Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Where: 5938 Echo Ridge Stables

Space is limited to 6 students to ensure 1 on 1 coaching opportunities.

Comment for more information.

The next round of Rapid Recall in-person group class is now open for registration!This class is for you if:• Your dog hi...

The next round of Rapid Recall in-person group class is now open for registration!

This class is for you if:
• Your dog hits the ground running, taking off into the distance, the second you unclip the lead
• You let your dog out for their bathroom break and they refuse to come in or they dart away as soon as you reach for their leash
• Your dog is always disappearing out of sight, being the Walmart Greeter of your neighborhood or the trail
• You have to repeat your call 3+ times before they even consider coming back
• You dream of fun adventure walks or mountain biking at Mt Work but the idea makes your skin crawl because you're terrified to let your dog off lead
• You simply don't let your dog off lead because you're scared of the outcome
• You have a new dog in your family and you want to make sure you get the off leash training right so you can enjoy a life of adventures together

If any of these sound like you, Rapid Recall is calling your name!

You will learn:
• The 3 most important skills for your dog to skid-to-stop-turn-on-a-dime-and-beeline-it back to you the second you call
• Why the training you've done in the past hasn't worked
• How to progress your dog through the training steps without the anxiety of a failing recall
• The best recall cue to use (why I don't recommend recommend using their name), how to train it for reliability, and how to have a dog that chooses to stay close
• You will also get lifetime bonus access to my online edition of the class so you can power up your recall from the comfort of your home

When: June 15th & 22nd
Time: 2pm-3pm
Where: Echo Ridge Stables 5938 W Saanich Rd

Space is limited to 6 students to ensure 1 on 1 coaching opportunities. Spots fill fast, get it while it's hot!
Register online here: missionpawsdogschool.as.me/rapidrecall

Questions? Email me [email protected] or comment below!

What brings you to my little corner of the internet? Tell me about it in the comments ✨️

What brings you to my little corner of the internet?

Tell me about it in the comments ✨️

To be realistic, there's a few more steps than this, but for the sake of the meme...It's pretty accurate.Look, I get it....

To be realistic, there's a few more steps than this, but for the sake of the meme...

It's pretty accurate.

Look, I get it.

You want your dog to run and play and be a dog off leash and enjoy adventures with them.

Or maybe you just want to hang in your yard and the idea of having them attached to a line with one of those pegs in the ground presents a tripping hazard.

So you just let them be off lead before they're ready.

But that's kind of like letting your 12 yr old child drive a car.

They're just not there yet.

There are so many ways to teach and proof your dogs recall.

And it requires doing so in varying levels of difficulty.

Skipping steps is a fast track to a crash.

Which I know isn't the experience you want for your dog.

If you want to finally teach your dog a reliable recall, that gives them freedom to be a dog...

All while giving you peace of mind knowing they'll come when you call...

Keeping them safe from:
• roads
• skunky swamps
• otters, cougars, and bears
• greeting dogs and people who do not want to be greeted

Comment RECALL and I'll send you the link to my FREE recall training ebook.

Dog training progress, as with anything in life, is never linear. You'll see a ton of progress. But that doesn't mean yo...

Dog training progress, as with anything in life, is never linear.

You'll see a ton of progress. But that doesn't mean you never have hard days.

It's that the hard days turn into moments, and those moments turn into blips.

Did you ever sit on a seesaw with a friend who was near equal weight to you and try to balance in the middle?

You start with both tippy toes on the ground and then you both let the scale balance.

Teetering in the middle, wavering now and then.

Then eventually one of you ends up in the air.

That's how it feels as you tip the scales from mostly bad days to mostly good days with your dog.

There will be progress.

There will be teetering in the middle.

Then before you know it, the life you hoped for with your dog is how you live majority of the time.

Where in life did you experience the teeter tottering of progress?

Share it in the comments!

One day when Vince and I were down at Dallas Road off leash area and I recalled him with a cheery "here!" And started ru...

One day when Vince and I were down at Dallas Road off leash area and I recalled him with a cheery "here!" And started running I the opposite direction of him.

There was a little Dachshund puppy that started running toward me and happily pouncing around at my feet.

It's not that she knew me or that her owner was doing anything wrong. It was simply that I was speaking her language.

All I did was show her something she valued engaging in.

And you can do that with your dog too.

Comment RECALL and I'll send you the link to my free Recall eBook.

It may be what actually prevents you from living life with your dog.What if, instead, you rewarded them for great choice...

It may be what actually prevents you from living life with your dog.

What if, instead, you rewarded them for great choices when they made them, and they started repeating those great choices because they saw value in them?

How different would your life be?

If you're a dog parent feeling • frustrated with your dog's training• feeling hopeful but overwhelmed every time you loo...

If you're a dog parent feeling

• frustrated with your dog's training
• feeling hopeful but overwhelmed every time you look at the gram or google for training advice
• or struggling to stay consistent with your dog's training because you just don't know if you're doing the right thing or that you're doing the right thing right.

Send me a DM, and let's chat about how a custom training plan is exactly what you need to finally see that "six pack".

And what they're asking for is often not what you think.They're asking for help. They're asking for relief. Listening to...

And what they're asking for is often not what you think.

They're asking for help.

They're asking for relief.

Listening to their communication is one of the most important investments you can make into your relationship bank account with your dog.

Share this post for awareness 💙

Have you ever seen dog and their human casually strolling along together?"Dang, that is some wicked good leash skills," ...

Have you ever seen dog and their human casually strolling along together?

"Dang, that is some wicked good leash skills," you might say.

Or "Yowza, I wish my dog recalled that fast!"

Or "look at that easy pass with that other dog! I bet that dog never barks."

And then it becomes this spiraling moment down the rabbit hole about how you need to commit to an hour of training per day and give your dog more exercise so they're tired and easier to train.

Doing so, you set yourself and your dog up for all these unrealistic expectations based on a 10 second glimpse of standards exemplified by a dog and human that you, ultimately, know nothing about.

Their journey. Their struggles. Their home-life. Their relationship.

They're individuals and their story and circumstances are unique, just like you and your dog.

But, a few things will remain the same, regardless of how they got there.

A dog's awesome choices and behaviors will have a handful of key components that have helped them compose themself in distracting enviroments.

1. A solid sense of calmness. The ability to control their emotions and arousal level. It's easy to make good choices from a calm state of mind.

2. A rock solid relationship with their human. The sense of trust in their human's company is pivotal to their focus.

3. A lot of effective management to set the stage for repeated good rehearsal.

4. Actual dog training. Regardless of the methods used there will be training involved. However with games-based training it only needs to be about 10 minutes per day.

5. Training in the moment. Exposure without the skills negates making management for good rehearsal harder to achieve.

Putting all these pieces together is actually quite simple when you begin to understand the dog in front of you.

If you're struggling with stressful walks, interactions between your dog and others, or chaos in your home, don't worry, I've helped many dog parents with my 1on 1 training plans. Send me a DM and let's see if you're someone I can help too.


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:30
Thursday 08:00 - 19:30
Friday 08:00 - 19:30


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