Mission Paws Dog School

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Mission Paws Dog School What if you didn't have to constantly tell your dog what to do? "Fido, COME!"
"Fido, off!"
"Fido, drop it!"
"Fido, sit! Sit!

This is exactly what games-based training does. It trains your dog to make the best choice without you having to tell them.

Showing you how in my stop jumping up workshop, 4 on the Floor.Attend in person in Victoria or grab the online video edi...

Showing you how in my stop jumping up workshop, 4 on the Floor.

Attend in person in Victoria or grab the online video edition.

Comment JUMP for details 🐾

Training your dog to stop jumping up doesn’t have to be complicated. And it doesn’t have to take a long time. You simply...

Training your dog to stop jumping up doesn’t have to be complicated.

And it doesn’t have to take a long time.

You simply need the right training strategies.

And no, this isn’t about training your dog to “sit”, “down!”, or “off!”

This is about your dog seeing value in keeping their paws on the floor as they gently wag their tail in greeting, instead of planting muddy paw prints on grandma, excitedly jumping on a child, or knocking you over before you’ve even got your groceries down.

It’s about training them to see their bed as the place to go when the doorbell rings.

It’s about helping them regulate their excitement and arousal when their favorite people come in.

It’s about your dog having patience.

Whether they’re excited about people, leftovers on the counter, or strangers passing by the garden fence, this class will train your dog to keep all 4 paws on the floor.

4 on the Floor - Polite Greetings for Excitable Dogs
Saturday February 1st & 8th
9:30am - 10:20am
Vic West Community Centre Gym
$135 + gst

- All breeds, levels, and ages are welcome!
- Small class sizes to ensure personalized coaching opportunities
- Positive reinforcement, games-based training methods

Register Online: https://missionpawsdogschool.as.me/jumping

Dog training group classes in Victoria BC. Positive reinforcement dog training for recall, jumping, obedience, leash manners, reactivity, pulling on leash, puppy training, dog life skills, local to Victoria, Saanich BC,

If you ever:• Find yourself apologizing every time visitors come over as your dog launches at the front door...• You hav...

If you ever:

• Find yourself apologizing every time visitors come over as your dog launches at the front door...

• You have anxiety about what to do with the dog before grandparents arrive for fear they'll knock them over...

• You're frustrated coming home at the end of a work day or running errands, struggling to put your things down as your dog jumps all over you...

• You can't leave your kitchen unsupervised because your dog thinks anything on the counter is fair game...

• You feel rattled by the chaos of your dog crashing the fence as neighbors are out, the delivery person comes, cyclists pass, or a dog down the street barks...

Then this class is for you.

You will learn:
• The 3 reasons why dogs jump up, why it's deeper than just excitement, and the 3 skills they must have in order to calmly greet others

• Why cues like "off" often don't work or only work after they've done the jumping

• How to get your dog to see value in keeping their 4 paws on the floor and not jump up in the first place

• How to keep the dresses, countertops, coffee tables, and fences in your life paw print free

BONUS you will also get lifetime access to my 4 on the Floor online program as well as my online program, Perfect Place: Train your dog to relax anywhere

Saturday Feb 1 & 8
9:30am - 10:20am
Vic West Community Centre Gym
Victoria, BC

Feeling frustrated with your dog bombarding you at your door when you come home?Does your dog overwhelm your visitors?Do...

Feeling frustrated with your dog bombarding you at your door when you come home?

Does your dog overwhelm your visitors?

Does your dog get bouncy like Tigger every time they meet someone new?

Does your dog love to seek treasure left on the kitchen counter?

Maybe they crash fences, garbage dive, or bowl over children?

You’ve tried asking for a “sit!” or “down!”

And your dog is still jumping and you’re getting more frustrated and annoyed.

You may have tried the typical advice of:
- Turning your back
- Squeezing their paws
- Putting a knee up
- Training an “OFF!” cue

But the thing is, rehearsal is the mother of skill. Which is great if they’re practicing not jumping up.

But using any of those means your dog has to jump up in order for you to use the training.

So it’s one step forward and one step back.

In 4 on the Floor you will have my top strategies for:
✨Preventing your dog from jumping up in the first place
🐕Helping them regulate their arousal and emotions so that they have the ability to perform the “sit” you ask for, or simply just keeping their 4 paws on the floor with some gentle tail wags
🏖Training your dog the self control and chill-skills so that they can choose their bed when visitors arrive

✅Lifetime access to my 4 on the Floor online program a $97 value!
✅Lifetime access to Perfect Place online training, with videos on how to grow so much value in your dog’s “Place” cue that they choose their bed over jumping at the door! A $97 value!

Saturday February 1st & 8th
9:30am - 10:20am
Vic West Community Centre Gym
$135 + gst

Register for 4 on the Floor: https://missionpawsdogschool.as.me/jumping

Update: 1 Spot left!Getting calmness and focus from your dog will be easier when you stop focusing on obedience cues and...

Update: 1 Spot left!

Getting calmness and focus from your dog will be easier when you stop focusing on obedience cues and start helping your dog regulate their emotions and arousal.

If your dog:
- Is pulling, barking, lunging toward other dogs, cats, people, bikes, or a bumbling leaf on the sidewalk
- Has been described as stubborn, hopeless, obsessed, busy, crazy, dominant, or untrainable
- Struggles to settle at home even after an hour walk, and you’re pulling your hair out because you can’t get anything done

I’m sure you’ve tried training classes, perhaps even private lessons. You may have tried different training equipment. Perhaps you’ve tried every kind of treat, even cheese or steak, and yet you still cannot get the training to work in a real life scenario.

But here’s the thing - dog’s can’t learn when they’re reacting.

They can't relax when their nervous system is dysregulated.

They can’t focus or compute your cues when they’re overexcited or worried about the distractions around them.

But when we show them that mentally and physically coming away from those exciting or worrying distractions provides relief…

And we do it in easy-win ways…

Well, now we’re getting somewhere.

To a place where your dog can:
✅Disengage from distractions and focus with you when you’re outside
✅Cool their arousal jets so they can come down from big emotion moments
✅Tolerate the frustration of not having access to things they’re excited about - like greeting other dogs, or being involved in everything you do inside the home
✅Can actually compute all those “sit”, “down”, and “heel” cues you’ve drilled

This is exactly what we cover in Distraction? ACTION! so that you and your dog can move through the world together as a team and companions rather than being in a constant state of firefighting.

Sunday January 19th & 26th
4:30pm - 5:20pm
Vic West Community Centre Gym
$145 + gst
All breeds, all ages, all levels are welcome.

💡Lifetime access to Distraction? ACTION! online to continue your learning from home
🐶Lifetime access to Loose Leash LOVE Online to reshape your walks from stressful to stress-free, released March 15th
☮️Lifetime access to Perfect Place training, with videos on how to grow calmness in the home so that you can cook, clean, relax and hug your partner without your dog getting involved!

Registration is now open: missionpawsdogschool.as.me/distraction-action
Questions? Email [email protected]

Getting calmness and focus from your dog will be easier when you stop focusing on obedience cues and start helping your ...

Getting calmness and focus from your dog will be easier when you stop focusing on obedience cues and start helping your dog regulate their emotions and arousal.

If your dog:
- Is pulling, barking, lunging toward other dogs, cats, people, bikes, or a bumbling leaf on the sidewalk
- Has been described as stubborn, hopeless, obsessed, busy, crazy, dominant, or untrainable
- Struggles to settle at home even after an hour walk, and you’re pulling your hair out because you can’t get anything done

I’m sure you’ve tried training classes, perhaps even private lessons. You may have tried different training equipment. Perhaps you’ve tried every kind of treat, even cheese or steak, and yet you still cannot get the training to work in a real life scenario.

But here’s the thing - dog’s can’t learn when they’re reacting.

They can't relax when their nervous system is dysregulated.

They can’t focus or compute your cues when they’re overexcited or worried about the distractions around them.

But when we show them that mentally and physically coming away from those exciting or worrying distractions provides relief…

And we do it in easy-win ways…

Well, now we’re getting somewhere.

To a place where your dog can:
✅Disengage from distractions and focus with you when you’re outside
✅Cool their arousal jets so they can come down from big emotion moments
✅Tolerate the frustration of not having access to things they’re excited about - like greeting other dogs, or being involved in everything you do inside the home
✅Can actually compute all those “sit”, “down”, and “heel” cues you’ve drilled

This is exactly what we cover in Distraction? ACTION! so that you and your dog can move through the world together as a team and companions rather than being in a constant state of firefighting.

Sunday January 19th & 26th
4:30pm - 5:20pm
Vic West Community Centre Gym
$145 + gst
All breeds, all ages, all levels are welcome.

💡Lifetime access to Distraction? ACTION! online to continue your learning from home
🐶Lifetime access to Loose Leash LOVE to reshape your walks from stressful to stress-free, released March 15th
☮️Lifetime access to Perfect Place training, with videos on how to grow calmness in the home so that you can cook, clean, relax and hug your partner without your dog getting involved!

Registration is now open: missionpawsdogschool.as.me/distraction-action
Questions? Email [email protected]

Schedule your appointment online Mission Paws Dog School

If you’ve been training your dog’s recall but still can’t get them to come away from play with other dogs, jumping on st...

If you’ve been training your dog’s recall but still can’t get them to come away from play with other dogs, jumping on strangers, random food on the ground, stealing another dog’s ball, or rolling in mud, this is for you.

It can be so frustrating and confusing when you feel like you’ve done everything right - attend the puppy classes, do the obedience training, use super high value treats, and you know your dog knows their name, but they still can’t recall in the face of distractions.

But here's the reason so many dogs struggle to recall reliably:

Because those distractions are offering your dog a heckin’ great experience, so by comparison, your recall cue falls flat.

When you stop just training a recall cue, and start training your dog to:
✅See value in coming away from those distractions
✅Make being close to you an awesome deal
✅And help them regulate their arousal so they can still compute your cues when they’re excited

🎯You’ll have a recall so dang good that you often won’t even need to use it.

Because your dog chooses to be close and stay close, while still getting to be a dog.

In Rapid Recall I will show you my top training games and strategies to help your dog see you as the best deal so that you can trust them to make good choices when you let them off leash.

Monday January 20th & 27th
5:40pm - 6:30pm
Vic West Community Centre Gym
$145 + gst

⚡️Biothane longline from Tiny Horse to help you graduate to full off-leash freedom
💯Lifetime access to Rapid Recall ONLINE to continue your learning from home
🚗Lifetime access to Perfect Place training, with videos on how to stop your dog from darting out the front door of your house or leap out of the car the second the door opens

Register online:

Schedule your appointment online Mission Paws Dog School

The problem has never actually been that my dog failed his recall.It's that I failed his recall.I gave him too much resp...

The problem has never actually been that my dog failed his recall.

It's that I failed his recall.

I gave him too much responsibility when he didn't have the skills for it.

And that can change daily or in minutes.

The better we get to know our dog and all their "tells" of when the circumstances are too hard for them, the easier we can maintain our recall by taking back some of that responsibility.

The more we skill-up their recall with small daily efforts when we don't actually NEED to, the sharper their recall will be in real-life moments.

You and your dog are a team, yo'.

When you set them up for success, you set yourself up for success too.

More bees with honey, as they say💁‍♀️

More bees with honey, as they say💁‍♀️

Place Training isn’t actually about your dog being obedient and going to their bed when you tell them or staying there f...

Place Training isn’t actually about your dog being obedient and going to their bed when you tell them or staying there for long periods of time.

There’s more to it than that.

It's about showing them the value of their choice to go to their place so that they start choosing it as a default.

This gives them a sense of safety from the world, and when you train it through choice, you can cue them to it when you need to keep the world safe from them, too.

Instead of running to the door to bark at the delivery person, “place”.

Instead of getting underfoot while cooking, “place”.

Instead of running from the vacuum cleaner, “place”.

Place is a slice of paradise for them and you.

🤔 “How do I get my dog to come when I call without chasing them across the park yelling, ‘TREATS!!!!’?”That’s a question...

🤔 “How do I get my dog to come when I call without chasing them across the park yelling, ‘TREATS!!!!’?”

That’s a question I get asked all the time.

The theory behind a reliable recall is pretty straight forward:

✅ You let your dog off leash
✅ You call their name
✅ They laser focus on you and come skidding to a halt at your feet
🤞🏼 Then cross your fingers and hope it works (sound familiar?)

Yeah, this seems easy in theory, but…

😅 Every time you ask your dog to say “yes!” to your recall, you’re asking them to say “no!” to everything else around them
😅 The world is Disneyland to your dog, which means you have to be more appealing than that squirrel or fast food wrapper
😅 When they’re free running across that park feeling the wind in their hair, they have to be able to hear you and actually compute your cue

In short, frustrating and embarrassing as you’re running after them basically begging them to ignore that other dog and not you.

BUUUUUUT… that’s EXACTLY why I’m here to make this process easy for you 😉

Grab a copy of my Rapid Recall PDF for the 3 skills your dog MUST HAVE to WANT to come to your call and how to get started with one easy game you can play right now.

Click here for your FREE PDF Download>>> https://stan.store/missionpawsdogschool/p/get-my-free-recall-recipe-book

This PDF is about to save you TONS OF time repping out Obedience cues like “sit, stay, come” (𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺! 🙏🏼) when it comes to training your dog’s recall.

Listen, I spent years letting my dog off leash and hoping they’d come back as I shook a treat bag, only to be left in the dust.

I’ve shed tears, heart palpitations, and possibly years off my life from stressing every time a dog ignored my call.

Focus your valuable time on enjoying your dog’s company on walks without the anxiety.

Discover the 3 skills your dog actually needs for a reliable recall in my Rapid Recall PDF TODAY!


GET MY FREE Recall Recipe Book!

If you've been training your dog to stop jumping up for 3 months or more...If you're feeling frustrated, embarrassed, wo...

If you've been training your dog to stop jumping up for 3 months or more...

If you're feeling frustrated, embarrassed, worried, and profusely apologizing every time they jump on your guests, at children, or at grandma and grandpa.

Then you're in the right place.

Now I'm sure you've already tried asking them to:

Perhaps you've done the YouTube classic tactic of turning your back or squeezing their paws.

And yet they are STILL jumping up.

You keep trying. You're being consistent, and yet still feel at your wits end every time they take that leap.

And it's not your fault! You're literally doing everything that is commonly used to stop dogs from jumping up.

But here's the thing, that advice is outdated.

Because dogs are creatures of efficiency.

What they do today, they will do more of tomorrow - better, faster, stronger.

And the thing all of those typical tactics have in common are, they require your dog to jump up in order to stop them from jumping up.

Which means its a step backward for every step forward, and you're stuck spinning your wheels and wanting to pull your hair out.

But hey! There's a solution!

In my 4 on the Floor Workshop, I will give you the actionable strategies to
1) Stop the jumping up immediately
2) Teach your dog to not jump up in the first place
3) Have them choose to keep 4 paws on the floor for a pleasant wiggle-butt greeting and settling on their bed.

All without force, without punishment, and without hours upon hours of training, or even rehearsing the jumping up itself.

Saturday Dec 7th & 14th
10:00am - 10:50am

KineticK9 4095 Shelbourne St., Victoria

Register Online
Bonus: Lifetime access to 4 on the Floor Online edition so you can keep the progress alive in

If reliable recall were only about your dog responding to a cue, then we'd see a lot less:• Dogs reacting to the off lea...

If reliable recall were only about your dog responding to a cue, then we'd see a lot less:

• Dogs reacting to the off leash dog that just ran up to them

• People running after their dog yelling "don't worry he's friendly!" as their dog plants muddy paw prints on a stranger

• Dogs stealing balls from other dogs

• Dog mounting each other at the off leash park

• News headlines about dogs being attacked by otters

When you realize that off leash freedom is actually a set of skills shared between you and your dog, the sooner you'll have a recall that you actually don't need to use that often.

And when you do, they'll "flock to you like the wild salmon of the Captistrano."

I have an exciting Black Friday offer coming on my Rapid Recall program.

DM me LIST and I'll be sure you're the first to know.


It's all in the slides, baby😎

It's all in the slides, baby😎

Training a reliable recall will become a whole lot easier when you realize this one thing:Your dog responding to a recal...

Training a reliable recall will become a whole lot easier when you realize this one thing:

Your dog responding to a recall cue is NOT the skill they need to have.

It is the RESULT of the skills they need to have.

To respond to that cue, they need to be able to:

Disengage from distractions so that they can engage with you.

Without disengagement, they will be getting all up in the business of every possible sniff, stick, dog, stranger, SQUIRREL and mud puddle on their way back to you.

Which means they never quite make it back to you.👀

See value being in close Proximity to you.

Without Proximity, you might be able to recall them (if they didn’t take off 300 yards ahead the second you unclip the lead), but good luck getting them back on leash if they don’t fully close the distance.

You’ll be playing a game of Keep-Away until the sun goes down. 🫣

Regulate their Arousal “Dimmer Switch” so that their brain stays in their body.

Without regulating their arousal, they’ll be high as a kite at the slightest sign of stimulus, which means they won’t be able to make good decisions.

Have you ever tried to make a good decision when you were overstimulated? How did it go? 🤐

If you’re ready to train your dog the skills they need to respond to your recall cue so that you can enjoy off leash adventure hikes, days chillin’ at the beach, or on the trail without chasing them across the park yelling, “DON'T WORRY HE”S FRIENDLYYY!” 😬🥸 or let them out to the yard for a p*e without battling them to come back inside, comment RECALL and I’ll send you my free Recall Recipe ebook to get started.

If a reliable recall was about your dog simply knowing their name or coming when you say "here!"Then we wouldn't see peo...

If a reliable recall was about your dog simply knowing their name or coming when you say "here!"

Then we wouldn't see people running across parks yelling, "DON'T WORRY HE'S FRIENDLYYY!"

While they wave the dogs leash frantically 👀

Reliable recall is about a set of skills coming together so that your dog can:

• Disengage from distractions - dogs, swamps, balls, half eaten McDonald's, and the ever elusive, SQUIRREL!

• Desire being close with you, and choose to maintain a 20 foot radius as you two stroll through the world.

• Keep their brain inside their body rather than going 0-100 from the existing things happening around them.

If you're ready to stop battling the squirrel, other dog, horse p**p or swap for your dogs attention, comment RECALL

For the dog who has been described as “stubborn”, “crazy”, “busy”, “dominant”, “hyperactive” or “obsessed”.For the dog w...

For the dog who has been described as “stubborn”, “crazy”, “busy”, “dominant”, “hyperactive” or “obsessed”.

For the dog who is zooming over furniture after you’ve just taken them on an hour long adventure.

For the dog that starts pulling on the lead the second you step out the door.

For the dog that steals another dog's ball.

For the dog that can’t handle you hugging your partner without barking.

For the dog that crashes the door, jumping and accosting your guests.

For the dog that has been deemed “untrainable”.

Now, I’m sure you’ve been told you need to socialize them more, exercise them more, teach them you’re the “alpha” or use special gear like prong collars or e-collars to stop them from pulling, barking, lunging, jumping, chasing, stealing or zooming.

But here’s the thing - NONE of those address the underlying emotions of overexcitement, frustration, or fear that is causing those unwanted behaviours.

NONE of those help your dog learn how to disengage from those distractions.

NONE of those help you connect with your dog and have a stronger relationship, because they’re all focused on putting the dog into the situations their brain is not yet shaped for.

It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

And I’ll tell you something you won’t hear anywhere else - all the behaviours you do want to see, like loose leash walking, calmness in the home, politely greeting others or passing them by, will come a whole heck of a lot easier when they have the skills to:

Disengage, so that they can come mentally and physically away from that which they find exciting or worrying.
Tolerate Frustration, so that they can cope appropriately with not getting what they want
Use their arousal “Dimmer Switch”, so that they can regulate their energy rather than going from 0-100 at the slightest sign of a stimulus.
Think in Arousal so that they can actually hear you when you cue them and do that behaviour you’ve asked for.

If you’re ready to train your dog the skills they need to disengage from distractions so that you two can live a calmer life together with a stronger relationship and clearer communication, then this class is for you.

When: Nov 24th & Dec 1st
Time: 4:30pm - 5:20pm
Location: Vic West Community Centre Gym
All breeds, all ages, all levels are welcome.

Registration is now open: missionpawsdogschool.as.me/distraction

Questions? Email [email protected]

Schedule your appointment online Mission Paws Dog School

Want to get your dog to listen when you call but you can't get them to come away from greeting other dogs, chasing the c...

Want to get your dog to listen when you call but you can't get them to come away from greeting other dogs, chasing the cats, stealing another dog's ball, or diving into mud puddles?

The next round of Rapid Recall group training is open for registration!

This class if for you if:
- The idea of letting your dog off leash comes with its share of anxiety - feeling worried they’ll get eyeballs deep in someone’s beach picnic, jump up on strangers, or greet an on-lead reactive dog, chase a deer deep into the bush, or scamper after a ball across a busy road
- You love the idea of taking your dog on hikes, to the beach, or camping but you’re simply not confident they’ll stay with you, forcing you to have eyes p*eled on them 100% of the time
- Would love to have them join at a family picnic with the rest of the dog’s in your family, but once they start playing with the other dogs, chaos ensues and you know they won’t recall out of play with another dog
- You’d love to take them down to Dallas Road off leash area, but your dog is constantly hopping the fence and disturbing walkers and runners on the paved path
- You'd love to take your dog mountain biking at Mt Work but perhaps their recall isn't quite ready for the action packed adventure of off leash group activities yet

You will leave this class knowing:
- How to have your dog choose to stay close to you, regardless of the environment you’re in
- What lights up your individual dog so they WANT to come when you call
- How to get your dog to simply chill in the company of others, allowing you to relax during Thanksgiving dinner
- How to have your dog’s focus and no longer have your calls ignored
- How to train the best recall cue to get their attention now!

All breeds, all ages are welcome.

Spaces limited to ensure each student receives personalized coaching.

Save your spot now: https://missionpawsdogschool.as.me/recall-november

Class location: Vic West Community Centre Gym

$135+gst when you register before Nov 20th

Bonus gifts: Biothane Training leash from Tiny Horse, and lifetime access to Rapid Recall Online, combined value of over $175!

Have questions? Email [email protected]

Schedule your appointment online Mission Paws Dog School


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:30
Thursday 08:00 - 19:30
Friday 08:00 - 19:30


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