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K9 Embrace, LLC Providing exceptional dog training services

Quick results doesn’t mean ethical results.

Quick results doesn’t mean ethical results.

If some guy (or girl) tells you to ignore your dog's cries, to show your dog you're in charge or disregards how your dog feels, then grab your beautiful, vulnerable dog and run the other way. Our dogs rely on us to understand and care for them, to be their advocates and protectors from harm. Let's live up to their needs. It's our responsibility.


Great information about these collars.


Apparently these two fingers are all you need to stop a puppy mouthing you. It's magical and "works every time". The only caveat is you have to be firm and "do it as if you mean it". If you treat your puppy gently it just won't work. But, hey, what's a little harsh treatment if it solves the problem, right? All you have to do is prod your puppy (your 𝘱𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘺, remember...) sharply in that lovely vulnerable, soft part of their abdomen just between their rib cage and their leg. A few sharp pokes and your puppy biting problems are over.

I wish I was joking. But I'm not. This is actual advice given to a client by someone they paid money to to help them.

Not one question was asked about the pup's routine. About the conditions under which the puppy was biting. About how much rest they were getting. Whether they were teething. Whether they were overstimulated. What they were being fed. How they were being played with. Not one question. Because who wants to be bothered with all that when a good dose of physical punishment and emotional intimidation works on a young animal who is just doing what puppies do?

𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲, 𝗱𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸. Training is a totally unregulated industry and 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚 can set up as a trainer regardless of education, experience, insurance or ethics. So if you don't want to end up with someone who'll tell you to hurt your dog do your homework. Check qualifications. Check education. Check ethos. Check their vibe. Because your dog can't.

And if they use force, fear or intimidation it would be totally understandable if you felt the temptation to use a two fingered gesture of your own...


Myth Busting Monday: "I'll just send my dog to a board and train to fix this issue"

Board and train. It's often touted as the answer to a troubled dog owner's prayers.

Leash reactivity? Try board and train. Resource guarding? Board and train. Counter surfing? Board and train will fix it.

And on and on it goes. Board and train has only gotten more popular over the years as humans and their families have gotten more and more busy and the demands of training have fallen by the wayside.

But here's the truth about board and train is: it's not a magic fix. And in fact, it's not even the right mode of training in many, many cases.

Behavior is nuanced, and it's always changing. When we're looking to change our dog's behavior, we want to pay attention to what happens directly before a behavior, and what happens AFTER the behavior (aka what consequence is telling the dog "yes, keeping doing that!"). Because if we want to change our dogs behavior, we must take control of these factors!

Putting a dog into a board and train environment gives a trainer absolute control over antecedents and consequences. They decide what situations to put the dog into, and are trained to consider what consequences are at play, so they can be very efficient at doling out those consequences (whether that be to the detriment of the dog or not, depending on what training methods are being used).

But a board and train is an artificial environment, ESPECIALLY if we're talking a large board and train that cycles through dozens of dogs a day. Nothing at all like your dog's ordinary home life. This means that training doesn't always translate to a home environment, and if the owner isn't coached on how to continue the training, it simply won't last.

Now, you may be wondering if I disagree with ALL board and trains. No, I don't. in fact, I offer board and train as a specialty service specifically for puppies under 20 weeks old just in case folks are traveling or need a break from their young puppies! I think board and trains can serve a great purpose in jump starting a puppy or dog's manners training.

However, I will rarely (if EVER ) recommend board and trains for dogs who have significant preexisting issues like fear and aggression. It's simply not appropriate to treat these issues without having the owner on board and being educated along the way.

If you DO choose to utilize a board and train for your dog, I urge you go above and beyond in doing your research. I'll be posting tomorrow about what to look for and what to avoid when you're selecting a board and train, so stay tuned for more information!


READY? or, NOT? Firework and thunderstorm season can be an especially scary time for our furry friends. Animal Behavior Wellness Center specializes in the treatment of behavioral disorders like noise phobia. DON'T DELAY! Request prescription refills, or schedule a new patient behavior consultation on our website TODAY!

Animal Behavior Wellness Center
Treatment. Training. Compassion.


PSA: it's not worth it!

Yes, you can see quick and dramatic behavior change when you utilize a punishment tool such as a shock collar.

They do stop behavior. I won't deny that. But I will tell you that in my professional opinion, it's not worth the risk.

Every day I meet dogs who have been previously trained using shock collars and they now have way more serious problems than they started with.

Their owners may have used it to stop something like jumping up or barking excitedly on leash, but now the dog is showing fear-based aggression towards people or other dogs.

Stop shocking dogs. The research shows that it is harmful to them.

Despite what you may have read or seen, there are other ways to modify behavior. There are strategies that don't involve scaring and harming dogs in the name of training. And a shock collar is the total opposite of what your anxious or "difficult" dog needs.

If you have used a correction tool in the past, it is not too late either! I'm not here to judge!

Reach out for a consult for other options!

Great explanation!

Great explanation!

I'd take a bet that there's not a dog trainer alive who's not heard this...

But if a dog behaves 'better' during a training session it's not because they're trying to impress the 'teacher'. Or because the trainer exudes any mystical power. There's no 'dog trainer magic' at work. If a dog behaves 'better' it's almost certainly because -

• the trainer rewards more generously
• the trainer has better timing
• the trainer rewards anything that's better, no matter how small the improvement, instead of waiting for perfection
• the trainer doesn't put the dog in situations they can't cope with

And the good news is these are all skills that you can learn!

If you are struggling to see progress or have stalled in your training journey it's worth asking yourself whether you could improve on any of these. And if you can...do!


Knowledge about dog behaviour is important. It's a no brainer. But why? 🤔

Well, understanding dog behaviour is crucial in effective dog training for several reasons. A deep knowledge of canine behaviour allows trainers & behaviourists to create effective, humane, and tailored training programmes. Here are the primary reasons why this knowledge is essential:

⚠️ Understanding Canine Communication.

Dogs communicate primarily through body language and vocalisations. A deep understanding of these communication methods helps to interpret what a dog is feeling or intending, which is crucial for effective training.

Body Language. Knowing the nuances of a dog’s body language, such as tail position, ear orientation, and posture, can indicate whether the dog is relaxed, anxious, or aggressive. For instance, a wagging tail doesn't always mean a dog is happy; the context and type of wag are important indicators of the dog's emotional state.

Vocalisations. Different barks, growls, and whines have distinct meanings. Recognising these sounds allows trainers to respond appropriately to a dog’s needs and emotions, facilitating better communication and training outcomes.

⚠️ Addressing Behavioural Issues.

Behavioural issues such as aggression, anxiety, and excessive barking can stem from various causes, including fear, territoriality, or past trauma. Understanding the root causes of these behaviours is essential for developing effective intervention strategies.

Anxiety. Recognising signs of anxiety and understanding its triggers (e.g., separation anxiety, noise phobia) helps in designing desensitisation and counterconditioning programmes to alleviate the dog’s stress.

⚠️ Understanding the importance and relevance of health and wellbeing vs behaviour.

Physical & mental health do impact dog behaviour more than people realise. Considering possible pain, discomfort, nutrition, appetite amount of physical activity and mental health is absolutely critical before any training can start.

⚠️ Implementing Positive Reinforcement Techniques.

A comprehensive knowledge of dog behaviour supports the use of positive reinforcement techniques, which are based on rewarding desired behaviours to encourage their repetition.

Timing and Consistency. Understanding the importance of immediate and consistent reinforcement helps trainers effectively shape and reinforce desired behaviours. This is critical as dogs learn best when there is a clear and immediate connection between their behaviour and the reward.

Motivation. Knowing what motivates a particular dog, whether it’s food, toys, or affection, allows trainers to tailor their approach to each dog’s preferences, making training more effective and engaging.

⚠️ Building Trust and Relationship.

Effective, kind and modern dog training is built on a foundation of trust between the dog and the trainer. Deep knowledge of dog behaviour helps in establishing this trust by ensuring that training methods are humane and respectful.

Avoiding Negative Methods. Understanding the detrimental effects of punishment and negative reinforcement encourages trainers to avoid these methods, which can damage the dog-trainer relationship and lead to fear or aggression.

Empathy and Respect. Recognising and respecting a dog’s individual temperament and limits fosters a positive training environment, enhancing the bond between the dog and the trainer.

⚠️ Customising Training Programs.

Dogs, like humans, have individual personalities and learning styles. Knowledge of dog behaviour enables trainers to customise training programmes to suit the specific needs and characteristics of each dog.

Breed-Specific Traits. Different breeds have distinct behavioural traits and predispositions. For example, herding breeds may require more mental stimulation, while scent hounds may need activities that engage their sense of smell.

Individual Differences. Beyond breed traits, individual dogs have unique personalities. Some may be more timid or excitable than others. Tailoring training to these individual differences ensures more effective and humane outcomes.

⚠️ Preventing and Managing Problem Behaviours

Understanding the natural behaviours of dogs helps in preventing and managing problem behaviours before they become ingrained.

Early Intervention. Recognising early signs of behavioural issues allows for timely intervention, preventing the escalation of undesirable behaviours.

Environmental Management: Knowledge of dog behaviour informs environmental management strategies, such as providing adequate exercise, mental stimulation, and safe spaces, which are critical for preventing behavioural problems.


Meet these two mixed-breed dogs with a similar percentage of American Pit Bull Terrier in their DNA. Despite their diverse appearances, they share over 50% of their genetic background, showcasing the complexity of breed labels. Studies on DNA variations in mixed-breed dogs have revealed substantial genetic diversity and differentiation among populations, challenging the simplistic approach of visual breed identification. Let's rethink how we label and perceive dogs based on appearance alone. Link in caption




If a trainer tries to talk you out of using food to train by saying your dog should “respect” you, listen to your “energy”, or some other woo woo baloney.

The truth is that that trainer is probably using physical intimidation and outdated, old fashioned methods and calling it “training”, when in fact they have no business working with dogs, or ANY animal.

And that goes double for if they’re a famous tv trainer. 😉

Using food is the gold standard for pet dog training, beware the trainer that does not use it.


Today Tonka & I went to meet Taylor at Daws Paws Pet Spa to make sure Tonka was a good fit for grooming with her.

Everything went amazing & we scheduled our first grooming session with her. We are impressed with Taylor’s knowledge & how respectful she was following our instructions for introducing her & her space to Tonka.

We cannot wait for our first session with her! We absolutely recommend her for all grooming needs. Plus, in July she will be doing mobile grooming!!

AKC Certified & Registered Pet Groomer

Full Service Luxury Mobile Pet Grooming Serving Vero Beach, Sebastian and Surrounding Neighborhoods🐾 🐩


If a fear reactive dog is in the height of a reaction your dog is beyond learning anything. They are in their flight, fright or fight state and correcting this does absolutely nothing to teach your dog how to not be reactive.

When a dog is reacting it means that the dog has lost control of logic and their brain is flooded with stress hormones. This makes reasoned thought or learning impossible.

Your dog cannot learn in a reactive state.

Counterconditioning and desensitisation, while keeping your dog under threshold is a proven, effective way to lessen reactivity.
The best thing to do if your dog goes over its threshold and reacts is to walk away in the opposite direction.....keep going until your dog stops and do a U turn to reengage at a better distance.

If you do not reengage your dog will begin to think their reaction worked (it created distance between themselves and the fearful stimuli)....and you can have a cyclical reaction.

Always work under your own dogs threshold .

Celebrate the wins and remind yourself this is a process.

Do not punish a dog that is communicating!

Do not punish a dog that is communicating!

Helping your dog through their phobias is a tough task, but long term so important!

Helping your dog through their phobias is a tough task, but long term so important!

🐾 Noise Phobia in Dogs: Helping Your Dog Through Summer Storms and Fireworks 🌩️🎆

Summer brings fun but also thunderstorms and fireworks, which can cause anxiety for our dogs. Understanding noise phobia and how to support your pet is crucial. 🐶💕

What is noise phobia in dogs? 📢 Noise phobia is an extreme fear response to loud noises like thunderstorms and fireworks. Symptoms range from mild discomfort to severe panic, including trembling, panting, pacing, hiding, destructive behavior, or trying to escape. 🛡️❤️

Create a safe haven for your pup 🏠 Provide a secure, comforting environment. Set up a quiet room with your dog's bed, toys, and familiar scents. Play calming music or white noise to drown out unsettling sounds and keep windows and curtains closed. 🎶🌙

Gradual desensitization and counter-conditioning 🌟 Gradually expose your dog to feared sounds in a controlled, positive manner. Start with low-volume recordings while engaging in fun activities or offering treats. Gradually increase the volume, ensuring your dog stays relaxed and happy. 🎧🍖

Seek professional guidance 🐾 If your dog's noise phobia is severe and persistent, consult with both a veterinarian and a certified dog behavior consultant. The vet can rule out underlying medical conditions and provide psychopharmacology or pain medication if needed. The behavior consultant or trainer can help with desensitization training and other behavior modification techniques. 🩺📚

Never punish, always reassure 🙅‍♀️💖 During episodes of noise phobia, punishment worsens fear. Offer reassurance, comfort, gentle strokes, soothing words, and treats to help your dog feel safe and loved. 🤗❤️

Every dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Be patient, understanding, and persistent in helping your fur baby overcome noise phobia. With time and care, summer storms and fireworks can become less daunting for your beloved companion. Stay strong, pawrents, and let your bond grow stronger. 💪🐾💥

We always say, it’s not about the quantity but the quality of the walk!

We always say, it’s not about the quantity but the quality of the walk!

Seriously. Who told you that you have to go around the block?

There's no rule book that says you have to!
Honestly, often going around the block is setting up you AND your dog to fail!

Does your dog pull? Bark? Lunge? Or maybe you have a new puppy who's never even walked on a leash before!

Let's not expect them to run a marathon if you haven't perfected a 5k distance first!

Sometimes we need to slow down to speed up.

Let me know your thoughts!






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