Hi, Let me introduce myself first, My name is Ali Hamon and I own 6 long haired mini dachshunds. I have been using the Emmipet toothbrush on my fur babies for almost 3 years now, and I love it so much I decided to become a distributor. Friends who know me, understand that when I find something good I like to share. So here it is.
As a dachshund owner, and like with many other breeds they are prone to teeth problems, and dental care at the vets can be very traumatic for them, and risky putting them under anaesetic, as we all know there are always risks even with us humans, and not to mention the high expense and costs involved and some pet plans will not or do not cover these treatments.
As humans, most of us brush our teeth regularly to avoid the build up of tartare, plaque, keep our breath smelling fresh, our gums free from disease and in general keeping our mouths healthy and if done regularly it reduces or can avoid unnecessary trips to the dentist, which most of us all hate. Cleaning our teeth does not stop us aging and losing teeth but can helps us keep them longer.
So what is the solution?
The Emmipet rechargeable dental toothbrush.
An electric toothbrush I hear you say?
Well we associate a good toothbrush as suggested by our own dentists the Oral B, very noisy and vibrating which is ok for us, but for animals, you‘re probably not going to get anywhere near them, with the noise to start with, let alone the vibration in their mouth.
The Emmipet tooth brush is ultrasonic, which means no noise or vibration. When you add the toothpaste and place it on the dogs teeth the tiny microbubbles in the specially formulated toothpaste work together with the ultrasonic waves to attack the tartare and thus break it down so you can clean the teeth.
It will only work with the specially formulated toothpaste or gel, and this is how it works. You put toothpaste on as normal, place it in the dogs mouth on a section for 60 seconds, rinse the brush in water, add more toothpaste and repeat in the same area for another 60 seconds. Continue on each section of the mouth repeating this process until finished, adding toothpaste each time. If you have any stubborn tartare to remove, we supply rose sticks which can assist and will not damage their teeth, you may also use your nails to gently pick it away. NEVER use metal as this will damage their teeth.
For the first time you use it, it will take a good few daily sessions to clean them up properly.
Remember it is not a magic wand and you will need to be committed to cleaning their teeth ideally daily for the first two weeks of initial use, and no less than 3 times a week or you won’t see any benefit. After they are clean, ideally once a week to avoid build up of tartare again.
How do I get my dog to like it?
To start with you will need to introduce them slowly. Firstly give them some toothpaste, apparently it tastes of apple, then hold the brush up next to them, then try inserting in their mouth. You will need to do this slowly and each dog is different, some may accept straight away, others may need more coaxing. It’s a case of the saying……softly softly, gently gently. You will get there. At first just try one area, for say 10 or 20 seconds and increase as you see your dog becoming more relaxed and used to it. They will accept it in the end and give positive rewards so they remember it as a good thing.
If you get any bleeding gums it’s fine, just clean each area daily for only 20 to 30 seconds. Once you see no blood you can increase the length of time cleaning.
We also supply a gel and round heads which when used can assist with healing the gums. This product can also be used on any minor wounds or if they have stiff joints.
There are 2 size tooth brush heads and I use the larger one as it does more teeth at the same time, and reduces the amount of time I have on each dog. Some customers prefer to use the smaller head, there’s no right or wrong, just personal preference.
If anyone would like to know any more information or would like to buy one, there is currently a promotional discount at the moment of 20% off the recommended price in toothbrush unit. I usually have some in stock however, they will normally take a week to arrive as they come from Germany if I don’t have any.
Please feel free to contact me via email, messenger or telephone. Many thanks Ali