Thank you Scott L for sending us the below Gift for Life testimonial and these great shots of Corben! ⤵️⤵️⤵️
I have a 11.5 y/o Black English Lab named Corben. He is absolutely magnificent, his father won the big lab show in 2014 in Potomac. His dad lived to be 14 and his mother 16, which is amazing for such a big dogs. He is the coolest dog, my service dog, super compassionate, smart and fun, and I love him more than life itself.
Corben is overweight at 130lbs (should be 110), he is on a strict diet but his metabolism is so slow he isn’t losing much on very little food. He has a partially blown right rear ACL, highly arthritic in left rear leg and a sore shoulder in the front right. He was developing lipomas and constant infections on all 4 feet -- he had $7000 in surgeries to remove lumps. He was been fighting what looks like two small mast cell tumors as well. A year ago he could go on 2 hour walks with me and now he can go only 5 minutes…. Recently he started coughing.
So many labs these days I read die around 10 years old, it’s terrible.
I’m so scared I will lose him soon. Things are changing so fast. A year ago he had very little gray, Now his face is 1/2 gray. He deserved to be around a while longer, and I certainly am not prepared to lose him.
For over a year I’ve been giving him every supplement I can, plus mild pain killers. Things like Turmeric, MSM, Condriton, Green Lipped Mussels, glucosamine, CBD oil (Hemp)…. It all helped… a little.
For the last 7 days, I been giving him 1/2 dose once a day of The Gift For Life. I wanted to see how well he tolerated it. He handled it fine. So I upped to to 2 pills a day as of yesterday. OH MY GOD! What a difference! Super noticeable! I have never seen anything like it. Today he started playing again. Before he’d only walk 5 minutes and lay down… but instead of being done for the day he got up, did another 5 minutes, and laid down. 6 times he did this. We effectively did 30 minutes of walking. He kept on going! Maybe soon he won’t need to lay down as much.
After dinner time he usually goes to bed for the night — tonight he wanted to play, so we played his favorite games, catch, find the lost toy and a little dance routine we do. He even followed me from room to room whereas normally he just watches from his dog bed looking sad. His appetite is good, stools are normal, attitude is much improved. Seems to grunt less getting up. And I swear the two little tumors dried up a little. I am hoping it will help him lose weight.
Something big is changing, fast, and so far I’m super impressed. It’s only been 7 days. Does this happen with other dogs?
Anyway, I will increase his dose to 1.5 tablets twice a day as recommended on the label and see how he does. I’ll send an update next week.
I was so discouraged before. Now I have some hint of hope. Maybe it will get even better than this. If it does it could increase his “health span”.