Hi everyone! I have been teaching an on-line animal communication class to Japanese people today. When I share insights the animals have given me whether it's in a class, my podcast or anywhere else, I reflect on how fundamental our connection with animals and the natural world is.
I sometimes get discouraged or depressed about the state of the world (hard not to these days). When that happens, I try to remember to look at some of the animal communications I have done over the years. For a time, it helps me to escape into their reality. And while their reality is often as difficult as ours, they never fail to move me with their humour, wisdom, clarity of vision, and generous natures. For a time I can be in a place, with them, where unconditional love triumphs over all else.
Rejoice in your connection with animals, it is precious.
(Photo crdit to my very talented brother, Kirk Daugherty)