Owner: Enola Harrington Message or email to contact for information.
(Right) Aoife: Female, Silver Tortie Health: All tests Negative. (Left) Gingee: Male, Shell Cameo Health: All tests negative.
Health Care/Genetic Testing: All my cattery cats vetted and up to date on vaccines and health checks. I use BASE PAWS for genetic testing, muscous swap tests. They are all genetic tests for: Polycsytic Kidney Disease, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Retinal Degeneration II, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Gangliosidosis, Cystinuris, Porphyria, Factor XII Deficiency, Alpha Mannosidosis, Myotonia, Hypothyroidism, Vitamin D-Deficiency rickets - Type 1, Niemann-Pick Disease - type C1, Hypokalaemic Periodic Paralysis, Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency of Erythrocyte.
Mission: Mainecoon cats of course. PETS Only. I breed “American Mainecoons” - not the European look - The oversized rabbit ears and giant muzzles. I like the rounder/softer original looks.
NOTE: I do not purchase nor ship cats from overseas foreign cats...too many uncertainties in their genetics and overseas “said catteries.” I want the American Mainecoon looks of my cats, not the foreign “wild look”, no rabbit ears or overgrown odd muzzles.
My Statement: This cattery is my dream coming true. I fell in LOVE with Gingee the first time I saw him on Asgard Koons site as a 3 week old baby. I was hooked! It happened again with Y Knot Maine C***s with Aoife and her polydactyl baseball mitts for front paws!!
I’ve raised domestic long hairs/short hairs all my life...bottle fed, nursed all when ill and released them to Heaven when the time was presented. I do miss all my KIDZ in Heaven. Average of those kids was 18 years...kisses to my babies from my heart.