Hattie the Thame Community Cat

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Hattie the Thame Community Cat Hattie is my cat who has a habit of wandering around Thame. To keep a track of her I have set up this My name is Hattie. I am 13 years old and a tortoiseshell.

My owner made this page as I love exploring and I tend to go off for days at a time and I do worry her. Maybe this page will let people know that I do have an owner who does love me but I just love to explore Thame and when others spot me they sometimes assume I am lost but I promise I am not. Just pop a note on here if you have seen me and where.

Hi All, as it was Hattie's birthday last week, I checked with her owners to see how she was doing. She is doing great! L...

Hi All, as it was Hattie's birthday last week, I checked with her owners to see how she was doing. She is doing great! Looks like she is loving life and enjoying being with her family in lockdown.

Here are a couple of pictures that were shared with me.

Hope everybody had a good and safe Christmas and New Year. It's certainly been different! Just got an update about Hatti...

Hope everybody had a good and safe Christmas and New Year. It's certainly been different! Just got an update about Hattie and a couple of pictures I received which are ok to share with you. I hear there is a new cat in town, Bailey, who seems to be the new wanderer in and around Thame!

Hattie is doing great. Her owners love and spoil her a lot I heard.
Please all be safe and will update you when I can again.

It's now been a year since Hattie became part of her new family. They have been ever so kind in sending me updates and p...

It's now been a year since Hattie became part of her new family. They have been ever so kind in sending me updates and pictures which they are happy for me to share. She is doing very well and has kept her family smiling throughout lock down. She is very happy and her family could not love her more! Happiness tinged with a little sadness for me, as I do miss her but hearing all is going so well and she is loved and spoiled makes it much better for me. Here are some pictures.

Hope everybody is keeping safe in these not so great, sometimes scary, times. It was Hattie's 12th birthday a few days a...

Hope everybody is keeping safe in these not so great, sometimes scary, times. It was Hattie's 12th birthday a few days ago, so here are some pictures her owners have shared with me. It makes me very happy to see how well she is looking and looks like she is being spoiled.

Merry Christmas to everybody. Here are some pictures of Hattie this Christmas from her new owners. Happy to report all i...

Merry Christmas to everybody. Here are some pictures of Hattie this Christmas from her new owners. Happy to report all is going great, and she is looking so well! She is being spoilt this Christmas and I am pleased she is in such a warm and loving home now rather then wandering the streets in the cold as she did not want to come back to mine.


Hi everybody, I hear Hattie is doing well with her new family. She has settled in very well.


Hi everybody, I wanted to say thanks to all of you for your support of this page. I have not updated much since April but there have been some changes for Hattie and myself.

I may have mentioned before Hattie's history of wandering around in our community so just to explain, it really started as a 'thing' when we took in a new cat, in fact we ended up with 3 more cats! Hattie started to go out and stay out more and more. I kept bringing her back and did a lot of work to integrate them all together, but Hattie had other ideas.

In the past it had been Hattie and my other cat called Smudge, they were not the best of friends but they tolerated each other. However, with the other cats coming in, Smudge managed to make it work, however Hattie did not despite my continued efforts.

I struggled through the summer continuing to bring her in and trying to make it work, but Hattie was headstrong and decided to make herself at home at another house. She seemed to stay there more and more and with winter not too far away I had some soul searching thinking to do about Hattie. However much I wanted to keep her with me, she was not willing. What was going to be best for her kept me awake and worried me a lot.

During this time I made a connection with the kind and caring family looking after her in the house she had chosen for herself. I found out they loved her as much as I did.

It took many months of thinking before I approached the family to enquire if they may wish to take her on as their own. Anybody who has had animals and finds themselves in a position like this, it is tough, very tough, but with the best outcome for Hattie on my mind, it happened and Hattie has now found herself in a lovely home, with no other cats and a family all to herself. I hear she is very happy there and still patrolling the community but not as much as she used to when she was just trying to escape her home.

I do miss her very much but i know she is not far away and I can visit/see her when I need to just check on her. And ultimately she is a much happier cat which is exactly what I want for her and not to wander around in the cold anymore.

Thanks to this lovely family, you know who you are for everything!

Apologies for the long post but I felt you all needed an update as you have been here for support since I started this page.

Going forward, there may not be much need for the page anymore, but I will keep it going for a bit, I guess not ready to let that go yet! :)

Thanks for listening.


Anybody seen Hattie around?


Happy 11th Birthday Hattie!!


Hattie has been home for 4 days now due to ice/snow. She really really wants to go out, but I am worried the snow/ice cold temp will last a bit longer i think.


Anybody seen Hattie? Looks like it may be a cold one tonight.


Thanks for much for bringing Hattie in from the cold and holding on to her till i could pick her up. She is nice and warm, snuggled up on her blanket. Won't be letting her out till the cold subsides.


Any sign of Hattie? I hope she is inside somewhere as so cold out there


Got Hattie home finally.


Any signs of Hattie?


Any sign of Hattie?


Hattie is back home


Not seen Hattie for a few days. Anybody seen her around?

As mentioned in the previous post Hattie was with me from the beginning when i moved into this house after getting divor...

As mentioned in the previous post Hattie was with me from the beginning when i moved into this house after getting divorced. A couple of months later I thought it may be nice for Hattie to get a playmate, so i got a black and white cat, called Smudge. As Smudge is a pretty laid back cat, they got on. Hattie does like to be the boss.


I have not seen Hattie again for a few days. I have looked for her the last couple of days but not been successful at finding her. If anybody has seen her, please let me know where as I would not want her to be out in these cold nights at the moment. Thanks.


A little history on Hattie. After years in an unhappy relationship, I finally made the break to move out. It was a good decision, however we had two cats I had to leave behind which broke my heart. I had had them as kittens and I must admit my life is not complete without a cat in it.

As soon as I moved into my own place, I realised I could not live without a cat so I went looking for a kitten. A friend told me of a local farm where they had had kittens and gave me a number. I called this and headed up there. When I arrived the owner said her cat had had kittens but they had all gone running off around the farm. It took a long time for her to find the kittens who had climbed into a tree.

Calling them, bringing out milk/food, clanking cat tins, but it took a long time for a few to slowly emerge from the tree. Hattie was the last one out and as she was a tortoiseshell I immediately loved the colours and choose her.

That was how she came to be my first cat in my new home.


Hattie spend a couple of days indoors, I let her out last night so you may see her on your travels out and about around Thame.

Hattie back home, wanted to get out last night but managed to keep her in the warm

Hattie back home, wanted to get out last night but managed to keep her in the warm


Any sightings of the elusive Hattie cat?


Has anybody seen Hattie? It's so cold out, i went out looking for her but did not see her. I hope she is somewhere safe in the warmth. Let me know if you see her, so i can come get her to bring her in.


Hattie is back to not coming home much. I know she is around Parliament road, but when i come get here she tends to run off. Let me know if you see her as I am sure she is hungry. Thanks.


It's been awhile since an update from Hattie's page. All is going well. Hattie had a problem with an abscess on her cheek which had to be cut and drained which meant she had to be indoors for a few days till it healed up. Back to normal now though as you may see her out and about as usual. She still loves to travel around and Parliament Road is still her favourite spot.




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Our Story

My name is Hattie. I am 11 years old and a, at times, feisty tortoiseshell. My owner made this page as I love exploring and I tend to go off for days at a time and I do worry her. Maybe this page will let people know that I do have an owner who does love me but I just love to explore Thame and when others spot me they sometimes assume I am lost but I promise I am not. Just pop a note on here if you have seen me and where.