David Borer, 55 yo Vancouver, WA, works at Burgerville Portland, OR. We won’t rehash the lifetime fast food worker suddenly turned science expert and shill, as everything is already here-> David Burg-rare
Some great highlights to know:
*Studied for a degree in engineering. Didn’t finish.
*Has a series of negative reviews for the restaurant franchise Chipotle on his profile, allegedly due to the fact that he applied to the franchise and they turned him down. His retaliation was to give all stores in a decent radius of his city a bad review.
*Unmarried, no children, few friends, but makes judgments on others’ social situations.
*Trademark is laugh reacting comments, including stalking personal profiles to do so. On his parody page, we feature a young woman that he laugh reacted her entire profile including pictures of her posts on positive body image. Misogyny at its finest, and the makings of a very lonely man child.
*Everyone is “nonsensical” and in a cult - except him.
It goes without saying, he holds no credentials whatsoever to be giving health information, and likely accepted a contract as a misinformation policeman for the duration of the Covid vaccine period.