Stolen birds of Majestic Wings Rescue

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Stolen birds of Majestic Wings Rescue this page is to find our nine birds missing from Majestic Wings Rescue a 501(c)(3). Last seen at 1390 Guerins Bridge Road, Awendaw sc.

They were retained by the property owner and owner of Delorce's bird barn. Our 9 birds, Harley, Winnie, Skittles, Meeka, Peanut, Clyde, Mojo, Parker and Skyler were all last seen at Delorces bird barn. This woman straight up lied to the police, lied in court and has co-conspirators lying and covering for her as well. This is not slander this is FACT! This has gotten ugly and the birds are the ones

suffering. I had some of these babies 10 years. This is bs an 80 year old woman is this mean and spiteful because I said NO to her and challenged her. All I ask is the right thing be done and return whats mine and this all goes away.


Mediation has been difficult to schedule. Seems we can't get Delorce or her attorney to commit to a date.

It has been a year since I went to Green Sea SC only to find Delorce came the week before and picked Mojo and Parker bac...

It has been a year since I went to Green Sea SC only to find Delorce came the week before and picked Mojo and Parker back up.

Mediation is coming this month. I won't stop till I find my birds.

A thief is a thief. I don't care if they are 2, 20, 41 or 82. When money isn't the driving incentive. But inflicting pain emotional, mental and ultimately physical from being so distraught over this hateful act. It is just beyond comprehension that someone can do this to another person, but these babies as collateral damage.



Dear Delorce,
Since it is a brand new year January 1st 2022. Let's try something new, let's bury the hatchet return my birds. Shake hands, call it a day and end this nightmare. All I ask is what belongs to me. You accomplished what you set out to do and that was hurt me deeply. Matter of fact you have about killed me. Being an animal enthusiast you know that you have hurt these babies deeply too. Please release them to me so we can both move on with our lives. You have my number, ball is in your court



All I want for Christmas is my birds, Delorce I am begging you to do the right thing here.. Please send them back home.


I miss my babies.

This was forwarded to me. I guess she didn't like the fact she was called out. Yes ma'am you hide behind your Christian ...

This was forwarded to me. I guess she didn't like the fact she was called out. Yes ma'am you hide behind your Christian facade. Fact is Christians can be thieves too!






I miss you guys


Mediation is coming, time for the Queen to have to remember all those lies she had told!
She still has time to give the birds back and I'll walk away! Once mediation starts all cards are off the table.


Just stopping in to say it has been 11 months since THE QUEEN took my babies. I love them and miss them so much. I will get justice for the trauma that has been caused to my bird and myself. Losing them has taken an emotional toll I would not wish on anyone. These 9 have been in my life for some 10 years. It is beyond me how someone can't preach God and act with the devil. Absolutely no remorse from her. I have asked only for the return of my birds to end all this. No response. My pleas fall on deaf ears while she makes breeders out of my pets. Becareful who befriends you everyone's intentions are not pure.

Here Delorce admits to having these Quakers. She calls Mojo and Parker hers. I never sold, gave or transfered ownership ...

Here Delorce admits to having these Quakers. She calls Mojo and Parker hers. I never sold, gave or transfered ownership in any way. These birds are stolen by her.

This is peanut; aka RamboIs being held hostage by a Chaleston SC area breeder. Please contact me with info about him and...

This is peanut; aka Rambo
Is being held hostage by a Chaleston SC area breeder. Please contact me with info about him and 8 others held by this woman!

So this was sent to me. Delorce has quaker babies. There are only two quakers on her property Mojo and Parker. So Delorc...

So this was sent to me. Delorce has quaker babies. There are only two quakers on her property Mojo and Parker. So Delorce is selling thier babies! This really pi**es me off!


How I miss my babies. Never to be loved again. Used by a breeder for her own selfish actions. All for the sake of money.

A View from the Rescued

Today I entered the world. I was raised in a warm place, and was given good food. In a few days my eyes will open and I will see the wonders of the world, that now I can only hear. As I grow there are feathers growing, and I can see the world and the kind person who keeps me warm and gives me my nourishment. There are a bunch of us called clutchmates.

It’s been 12 weeks now and the feeding has stopped, I’m expected to eat and drink stuff out of a bowl. I’m now in a thing with bars. Everyday people come and look at me, and hold me. But it’s not the person who raised me. All but me and my brother is gone. I don’t understand. I thought this person loved me.

At 15 weeks someone came and took me away from my family and my brother was left behind. These people that took me seem nice, but I am scared. We got to this place called a new home. It’s different from where I was. But the people play with me and call me by a name. I still get good food. But during the day I am alone.

At a year I don’t see the people who brought me here except to feed me, water me and clean my cage. I am left alone allot. When they get home I get excited to see them and call to them. Then they get mad at me and yell at me, and throw things at my cage, you know the thing with the bars. Today someone let me out of the cage, and I got so excited, and I went to grab on with my beak, I guess I held on to hard. I was put back in the cage. My cage was put in another room, where it is dark all the time, and I only get food and water. I thought these people loved me.

Time has gone on, and it has been 8 years now, and today a new person I have never seen before has come to see me. They seem nice. They talked to me gently. They told me what a good bird I am. In a few minutes they put me in a box with a towel, and a cage front. We got into this thing called a car. We went for a long ride. I fell asleep. When I woke up, I heard all these noises, just like mine. I was placed in another cage, but this had things called toys. I was told they were mine. When I chewed them up, I thought they’d be mad at me. But no, they gave me more. He they let me out of the cage every day, and they feed me several times a day. I get things called treats, and nuts. They come and talk to me, and they rub my head.

A few days later I go on another trip to a thing called a vet. I’m not sure I like him much, but I am told it’s for my own good. I wonder if I’ll be left here. But after a little time, I go back in my box called a carrier, and we arrive back at what is now called my foster home.

A few weeks later I am moved with my cage into another room. And there are a whole lot of other things who look a lot like me but not. There are a few who do look like me. It’s noisy but fun. My door is opened, and I come out and get greeted by the others. I am watched to see if I will get along. We make noise, and get into trouble, but no one is yelling at us. We see this person smile, and laugh at us.

One day I got up on the person and they rubbed my head it felt good. They kissed my forehead, and made me feel good just like I was young. I felt a feeling that I had only felt for a short time in my life. The other day I was listening to the person talking on this thing called a phone and I heard them say that we were all rescued. I don’t know what it means, but I think it’s a good thing to be rescued.

Everyday another arrives, and another leaves. But I’m still here. People come in and see us, and once in awhile one of my kind leaves with a new person, but only after they have made visits several times. I hear things like forever homes, and how important it is to go to the vet, whom I don’t like to do, but it’s for my own good. I come back here, so I guess its okay. I hear the word commitment allot.

After a time someone came to visit who makes me happy they have come to play with me, and then they leave. A few days later they come back, and I can’t wait to see them. It’s a man and a woman, they play with me, they call me sweetie. One day they asked me if I want to come live with them. They hold me and love me and keep me warm and no matter how loud I get, they just laugh and smile, and hold me close. But then they leave again. I thought they loved me.

Today those people, who come to visit me, came to get me. They put me in my carrier. I’m scared but excited at the same time. I leave this world I have known for several years, I leave the person who cared for me. I leave the place where I got all those good things like fresh food, treats and toys. I see water drop from their eyes, but yet there is still smile on their face. They say “good luck in your forever home”.

Today I have a great life in my forever home. I get all the good things that I got in my foster home. There is another like me here, and we play together, but today I enjoy the hugs, scratches, and time with what they call humans. Every day I am glad to be rescued. Today I am loved. I hope it lasts forever.

(Not every bird is this fortunate to be “Rescued”. Not every bird gets to live in a loving home. Sometimes they are sent from one home to another, to another. Sometimes they die unloved, and uncared for by those who once loved them. This story could be any bird’s story, just as it is the opposite. But this story is dedicated to those who do what is right. Those who do “The Good Work”. Those unselfish groups, and individuals who take on yet another bird, that needs to be rescued. Those called Advocates, Heroes, and Voices, those simply called Rescuers.) Written BY Bob Kaegi

Adopt a parrot, dont shop


We are still missing our babies deeply. We pray daily that they are safe and healthy. Praying they are not being forced to breed and make the Queen money. I know they miss being loved upon, they miss thier brothers and sisters. I know I miss them like crazy! I will never forgive myself for not protecting them enough. My misguided trust in people cost my babies the life and love they were accustomed too. I pray that we will be united again soon. All I can do is send my love to them and hope they can feel it. Still broken 💔😢😪 after all this time.


I miss MY babies, I love MY babies! Delorce they are NOT yours! Never will be! Do the right thing and give them back! You can end this whole s**t show by giving back what belongs to me. Give them back and I will walk away, I will never look back or speak your name. All I want is what belongs to me my birds that you have held captive! You have lied about having them, you have evidence stacked against you that proves you have them and you really going to make yourself look like a fool in court and perjure yourself and ask others to perjure themselves for you? You need to think long and hard about the evidence I have and how you at 80 can still go to jail. Going to jail does not have an age limit!

Today is a huge event for us that helps support our organization      please support us with just a 10.00 donation.

Today is a huge event for us that helps support our organization
please support us with just a 10.00 donation.

Provide care for exotic birds that need to be re-homed due to illness, financial constraints, aging parronts, death of owners, seizures from hoarding situations and owner surrenders. We're non condescending, we understand life happens, things happen, life changes, we are here to provide that relief....

Please help us raise much needed funds! One day only May 4th 6am to midnight!

Please help us raise much needed funds! One day only May 4th 6am to midnight!

Some of these babies have had such rough lives, some abused, some neglected others given up for being to loud. All need to learn to trust again, some will never allow a human to touch them again. Some will pluck feathers until there are no more to pluck. Some will be cage aggressive to keep you away...


My birds are still being held captive. MY 2 QUAKER parrots were at the home of Candase Wade in Green Sea SC until they were retrieved again by the suspect. That is noted and documented by Horry County Police. I have plenty of evidence to back up these claims which will be exposed in court. The court system here has just assigned a mediator so finally that part is moving. Please pray for my babies safe return. I am positive they are being made to breed so she can make money off of them. They are my pets, not breeders. Anyone with information about them please contact me. I have been so distraught worrying about them. I love them more than life itself.

Now you can help support Majestic Wings Rescue or your charity of choice, without spending a dime here's how.

Now you can help support Majestic Wings Rescue or your charity of choice, without spending a dime here's how.


I have no updates. They are all still missing, no one has come forward with any information. I miss my babies so much, please if you know anything please tell me. Help me to bring my babies home. Last seen at the property of Delorce's bird barn 1390 Guerins Bridge Road Awndaw SC. Thank you.

Proof that Delorce Bennett hid 2 of my birds with her friend Candase Wade when I got there Delorce had come and got them...

Proof that Delorce Bennett hid 2 of my birds with her friend Candase Wade when I got there Delorce had come and got them and moved them again. Candace admitted it in front of the officer. Proof that I am not lying.

Beanie so wants her sister Skittles to come home and bring Meeks home too!

Beanie so wants her sister Skittles to come home and bring Meeks home too!


My birds have been hidden from me now for 4 months. This needs to stop! The Queen needs to return these babies. All I ask is their safe return and I will drop everything and go away. I am asking for, demanding what is rightfully mine nothing more. The Queen needs a conscious to do what is right legally, ethically and morally.
What gives people the right to unlawfully detain your birds? NOTHING
Who gets away with this? THIEVES!
What does law enforcement do?
What can we do?
Flock together to demand JUSTICE!
We can peacefully gather near her residence, we can go to the media, we can lobby to create laws to protect the next person this happens too and get rights to protect our birds. SC does not consider them pets but rather personal property. That is BU****IT!

My Winnie Girl

My Winnie Girl

Let get laws changed in SC and beyond! Please sign

Let get laws changed in SC and beyond! Please sign

99 signatures are still needed! Protecting our Exotic bird pets

This week I am focusing on Parker and Mojo. My missing bonded quakers. Mojo is lime green, Parker is dark green and has ...

This week I am focusing on Parker and Mojo. My missing bonded quakers. Mojo is lime green, Parker is dark green and has a foot amputation.
Both were last seen at my former residence in Awendaw SC. I was not allowed on the property to get them and the Sheriffs Dept was told I had no bird there. Of course you will keep me out rather than risk being exposed.
If you know where Parker and Mojo are please contact me.

This is Peanut, a yellow nape amazon. last seen at my former residence in Awendaw SC. He is one of nine missing. Peanut ...

This is Peanut, a yellow nape amazon. last seen at my former residence in Awendaw SC. He is one of nine missing. Peanut has a round open band on his right leg.

This is the bird Patrick H refers too. She never once mentioned taking him to the vet. Just getting him a mate to be a b...

This is the bird Patrick H refers too. She never once mentioned taking him to the vet. Just getting him a mate to be a breeder. I love this boy, he had a hard life and deserves better.


I know this review by Patrick H. to be correct, I cared for this bird. I would put salve in his swollen eyes that was prescribed for his owner. This boy never saw a vet for his wing nor his eye problem.


Patrick H


I went to her facility in Charleston. The house she lived in was large and had lots of birds as well as othere buildins. The place smelled badly and there were months everywhere. She had one bird who broke her wing and she claimed she was taking care of it "no need for the vet". She is not a person to get a warm and fuzzy from for sure. It was obvious, the buildings were constructed for a production type output. I did not buy from her and anyones who does takes a risk for sure. Patrick H


Merry Christmas Harley, Winnie, Meeka, Skittles, Peanut, Clyde, Mojo, Parker and Skylor.
I will never stop praying for your return.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday 09:00 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 17:30
Saturday 09:00 - 00:00





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