Have you ever seen a little skin tags , lobules and growths on dogs - may be even on yourself.
This unnatural growth is called wart or in medical terms papilloma. To be specific for dogs, Canine papilloma.
What is wart or canine papilloma?
Wart is a cauliflower-like small growth,round in shape, caused by papillomavirus.
How did my dog get it?
Virus only affects the system when the body’s immunity is down. Puppies and old dogs have their immunity down because puppies are yet to develop their immunity and elderly dogs don’t have that energy to fight back against the virus.
Click on the link and find out more.
Posted on September 25, 2020September 25, 2020 by VetfordogWart: Unnatural growth on your dogs body Many a time, while grooming or playing with your dog, you may have noticed a small growth on his/ her body. Sometimes it’s on the back of the neck, on feet or even on the eye, near the mouth or geni...