i think umi zoomie is the perfect nickname🤣🥹
i dont know who had more fun in the snow this week, me or the dogs!🤣🤣
maverick has had me in stitches watching this back😂😂😂 we love a zoomies!!😆😆🩷
i cant stand the sound of my own voice so apologies but as requested a little vid of scooby😆 how anyone could harm him, his siblings or any animal in fact is completely beyond me!! he is honestly the perfect little boy🩵 and so clever too!! already got the hang of sit, and i think sausages are his favourite thing ever👀😂
gypsy is such a clever girl🥰 she seems to absolutely love this toy, so why not use it for abit of training😆 she got the hang of it so fast bless her💗
just kim showing off how clever she is🥰😂 think she definitely enjoyed our little pit stop!💗 sidenote: i cant stand hearing my voice back in videos, anyone else?🤣
i have no words🤣🤣🤣 i love seeing her this happy though, living her best life🥺😂
the video says it all🤣 she really was living her best life yesterday, gotta love the zoomies😆😆
the video says it all🤣 she really was living her best life yesterday, gotta love the zoomies😆😆
i just had to use this sound🤣 sticks = milas happy place🐶😆
those floppy ears in the wind🤣
puppies at heart these two🥰
puppies at heart these two🥰