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Expert Cat Care Helpful, evidence-based, veterinarian-written content on cat health, nutrition & behavior 🐈

"Why is my cat meowing so much? It's driving me nuts?!" Whether your cat is suddenly meowing more than usual and you're ...

"Why is my cat meowing so much? It's driving me nuts?!" Whether your cat is suddenly meowing more than usual and you're concerned for their well-being, or they are yowling at night and everyone in the household is at their wit's end due to a lack of uninterrupted sleep, understanding the reasons behind your cat's vocalizations is key to helping them and restoring harmony. 😺

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Medical Reasons Cats Vocalize Excessively:

🐾 Pain or Discomfort - cats may meow more due to painful conditions like arthritis, bladder disease, or wounds.

🐾 Polyphagia - excessive hunger caused by health conditions such as diabetes, or drug side effects, such as steroids, may lead to increased vocalization.

🐾 Hyperthyroidism - overactive thyroid glands in older cats cause an increase in metabolic rate, which increases calorie consumption and hunger. Additionally, it heightens their sympathetic tone (fight or flight response), leading to anxiety, restlessness, and more vocalization.

🐾 Hypertension - high blood pressure, often secondary to chronic kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, or Conn's Syndrome, adversely affects the brain and can cause neurological symptoms, such as disorientation, restlessness, and pacing, leading to excessive vocalization.

🐾 Blindness or Deafness - cats may vocalize more if they can't see or hear, relying on meowing to communicate and navigate. Some cats are born deaf or blind, while others may lose their senses due to illness or age-related decline.

🐾 Cognitive Dysfunction - also referred to as dementia and similar to Alzheimer's in humans, cognitive dysfunction in older cats can lead to anxiety, disorientation, and increased vocalization.

🐾 Brain Tumors - uncommon but typically seen in older cats and can cause personality changes, disorientation, and excessive vocalization.

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Behavioral Reasons Cats Vocalize Excessively:

🐈 Innate Trait - breeds like Siamese or Bengals are naturally talkative, but any cat can develop a chatty personality.

🐈 Anxiety or Stress - cats may meow excessively when anxious or stressed, for example, when separated from their owner, grieving the loss of a housemate, visiting the vet, or due to changes in their environment or routine.

🐈 Learned / Reinforced Behavior - cats quickly learn that vocalizing gets attention or a desired outcome, such as food or play. When rewarded with what they want, this reinforces the behavior, leading to more vocalization.

🐈 Frustration - caused by an inability to fulfill desires or needs, such as reaching prey or accessing preferred areas, can lead to vocalization.

🐈 Boredom - a lack of mental and physical stimulation can result in boredom, prompting cats to vocalize for attention or activity.

🐈 Mating Behavior - unspayed females may vocalize when in heat, exhibiting behaviors like rolling on the floor and increased affection, signaling receptiveness to mating.

🐈 Territorial Behavior - cats may vocalize due to strangers cats in the garden or conflict with other cats in the same household.

To learn more and reduce excessive vocalization, check out our 10-step plan →

Check out the latest article from Expert Cat Care and discover everything you need to know about diarrhea in cats, inclu...

Check out the latest article from Expert Cat Care and discover everything you need to know about diarrhea in cats, including:

🐾 All the causes of diarrhea in cats
🐾 How to tell if the problem is with the small or large intestine and why that matters
🐾 How to narrow down the likely causes of diarrhea based on how long it lasts (acute vs. chronic), your cat's age (young vs. older), and their overall health (well vs. showing other signs of illness)
🐾 A plan for investigating and treating diarrhea in cats

Since the majority of cat owners feed a mixture of wet and dry food, we've created the only cat food calculator that est...

Since the majority of cat owners feed a mixture of wet and dry food, we've created the only cat food calculator that estimates how much to feed your cat when combing wet and dry food. The amount can also be adjusted based on your cat's activity level to help maintain a healthy weight. Check it out!

The best cat food calculator - estimate how much wet, dry or a mixture to feed + how much to feed kittens, senior cats, fat cats and underweight cats

Although the arrival of a new baby into your family is one of life's most joyous moments, it's often underestimated how ...

Although the arrival of a new baby into your family is one of life's most joyous moments, it's often underestimated how stressful it can be for a cat.

There are new smells, new sounds (sometimes loud and frightening), a change in their routine, new items and furniture in their territory, less time for affection and play, and they may no longer be allowed in spaces they once used for resting.

A stressed cat can develop behavioral issues, such as urinating outside the litter box, overgrooming, and aggression, or medical conditions, such as cystitis and upper respiratory tract infections, which is not what you want to be dealing with when you have a newborn.

To help ensure a smooth transition and minimize stress, check out our latest article, where we explore the best way to introduce your cat to your baby, including:

🐾 Prioritising safety
🐾 Preparing your cat before your baby's arrival
🐾 Managing your baby and cat's first meeting
🐾 Maintaining harmony in the home after your baby's arrival

Smoothly introduce your cat to your newborn: preparations, first meetings, and post-arrival tips for a harmonious home with both your fur baby and human baby.

Putting your cat on the scales and checking how much they weigh does not provide a complete picture. The average domesti...

Putting your cat on the scales and checking how much they weigh does not provide a complete picture. The average domestic shorthair cat weighs around 4.5 kg, but an ideal body weight can vary from 2.5-7 kg depending on the breed and individual.

Therefore, you need to perform a hands-on and visual assessment to determine if your cat is their ideal weight. For further information check out our guide on how to body condition score your cat to determine if they are underweight, their ideal weight, or overweight.

Monitoring your cat's body condition is an excellent way to ensure your cat stays healthy and doesn't put on too much weight, especially around middle age, or start to lose too much weight, especially in their senior years.

In the guide you will learn:
🐾 How to perform a body condition examination
🐾 How to assign your cat a body condition score (1-9)
🐾 How to estimate your cat's ideal weight

Having a cat that p*es around the house is one of the most common problems cat owners face. They may do it all the time,...

Having a cat that p*es around the house is one of the most common problems cat owners face. They may do it all the time, intermittently, p*e far away from the litter box, or p*e right next to it.

Typically, the underlying cause is urine marking, a medical condition, or a problem with the litter box.

In our latest article, find out exactly why cats p*e outside the litter box and proven ways to stop them, including:

🐾 How to tell which cat is p*eing outside the box if you have multiple cats
🐾 Why you should not punish your cat
🐾 How to rule out urine spraying (marking), which is possible in male, female, intact, and neutered cats
🐾 Medical reasons cats p*e outside the litter box
🐾 An explanation of all the litter box problems and solutions that can lead to p*eing around the house
🐾 How to remove urine odor so your cat doesn't continue to view the area as a toilet
🐾 General tips for taking care of your cat's well-being*eing-everywhere-causes-and-solutions

Cats have a low thirst drive, most likely because they originated from a desert environment where water was not always a...

Cats have a low thirst drive, most likely because they originated from a desert environment where water was not always available. They adapted by producing small amounts of concentrated urine, and most of their water needs were met by eating birds and mice, which are about 60-70% water. As a result, they're not the best at drinking water to stay hydrated or to replenish fluid losses if they do get dehydrated.

To encourage your cat to drink more water, whether for a specific medical condition or their general health, try the following:

🐾 Avoid plastic bowls: plastic bowls can give the water a plasticky taste and absorb the odors of soap used for cleaning, which can be off-putting for your cat. Instead, we recommend high-quality, food-safe glass, ceramic, or stainless steel bowls.

🐾 Fill water bowls near the brim: cats like a clear view while drinking water as they feel safer, and filling their bowl near the brim allows them to drink water without needing to put their head too deep inside.

🐾 Use wide whisker-friendly dishes: some cats prefer a wide bowl as they don't like their sensitive whiskers touching the side. However, some cats prefer tall tumblers and pint glasses, so experiment with different shapes and sizes of bowls.

🐾 Place multiple bowls throughout the home: the more often your cat sees water, the more likely they are to drink. In addition, if you have a multi-cat home, having bowls in separate locations means one cat is less likely to be prevented from drinking if they tend to be bullied. Place bowls in quiet areas, avoid corners (so they have a clear view while drinking), and try placing them near where they rest and sleep.

🐾 Place water bowls away from litter boxes: in the wild, cats go to the toilet in a separate location from where they drink to avoid contaminating their water source. Therefore, place water bowls in a different room or at least 6 feet from litter boxes. Similarly, some cats prefer their water bowls away from their food bowls, as in the wild, they wouldn't want their food (blood and intestinal contents) contaminating their water supply.

🐾 Provide fresh, clean, filtered water daily: at least once a day, clean the bowls and fill them with fresh water. Using a filter to remove chlorine and other impurities can help improve the taste.

🐾 Provide a water fountain or an AquaPurr: some cats prefer to drink flowing water. Either provide a cat water fountain or install an AquarPurr on your tap.

🐾 Switch completely or partially to wet food: dry food has a water content of approximately 8%, compared to wet food that has a water content of approximately 80%.

🐾 Add water to your cat's food: adding water to your cat's food, starting small and gradually increasing the amount to see how much they'll tolerate, can be a simple way to increase the amount of water they consume. Make sure not to add so much water that they don't finish their food.

🐾 Provide soups, broths, and flavored water: you can purchase soups for cats or easily make flavored water at home. For example, you can poach fish or chicken and give them the water once it's cooled, or add water to a can of tuna (in spring water, never brine or oil), mix, squeeze all the water out for your cat, and keep the tuna for your sandwich. Never give your cat soup or flavored water containing garlic, onion, or high levels of salt.

For an ADDITIONAL 10 TIPS check out, How to Get a Cat to Drink More Water | 20 Cat Drinking Tips ➜

We all know how stressful it can be to take your cat to the vet so thank you Bustle for sharing our recommended carriers...

We all know how stressful it can be to take your cat to the vet so thank you Bustle for sharing our recommended carriers for nervous cats to help reduce anxiety and make the experience as relaxed as possible.

The best carriers for nervous cats help enhance feelings of security, and they’re designed with top openings or slide-in baskets that make loading a breeze.

Find out...🐾 Why it's important to keep your cat's teeth clean🐾 Why a veterinary visit is essential before starting home...

Find out...

🐾 Why it's important to keep your cat's teeth clean
🐾 Why a veterinary visit is essential before starting home dental care
🐾 How to choose teeth cleaning products that are scientifically proven to be effective
🐾 Six ways to care for your cat's teeth and keep them clean

How to keep cats teeth clean, including teeth brushing techniques (with video demonstrations), and cleaning without brushing, such as diets, treats, & additives

For more information check out our article, How to Tell if Cats Are Fighting or Playing ➜

For more information check out our article, How to Tell if Cats Are Fighting or Playing ➜


🐾 Signs that suggest your cats are playing and have a friendly (affiliative) relationship

🐾 Signs that suggest your cats are fighting and have a hostile (agonistic) relationship

🐾 Video footage of cats either playing or fighting (you decide, then click to reveal the answer)

🐾 A playing vs. fighting quick reference comparison table

🐾 Why cats play fight and if you should stop them

🐾 What causes cats to aggressively fight and how to stop them

Discover how to tell if cats are playing or fighting, and if they have an overall friendly or hostile relationship - test your knowledge with video footage

Arthritis is very common in senior cats and the subtle signs you may notice include: 🐾 Walking: they may be stiff or lam...

Arthritis is very common in senior cats and the subtle signs you may notice include:

🐾 Walking: they may be stiff or lame, with a hunched posture, take shorter steps, walk slowly, or stops for breaks. There is a loss of the smooth, fluid, and graceful movements we typically associate with cats.

🐾 Jumping: they may take several small jumps instead of one big jump, slide their forelimbs toward the ground to reduce the impact, hesitate before making a jump, or not fully clear a jump when attempted.

🐾 Stairs: arthritic cats may proceeds slower than normal when going up and down the stairs, take one step at a time always leading with the same front leg, bunny hop (moving both back legs together), or stop for breaks.

🐾 Activity: reduced activity is common, they may still play but less enthusiastically, often preferring to lie down to play, and due to inactivity their nails may become overgrown nails (you may hear clinking when they walk on hard floors and their nails may get more easily caught on fabric).

🐾 Stretching: they may stretch less frequently, be hesitant about stretching, stretch but with restricted movements, or show signs of pain, such as wincing or flinching.

🐾 Grooming: some arthritic cats will groom less frequently, and find certain areas difficult to reach, resulting in an unkempt or matted coat. Conversely, some cats may overgroom their fur over painful joints.

🐾 Social interactions: they may become withdrawn and spend more time by themselves, want to be handled less, or vocalize or become aggressive when touched.

🐾 Eating: If they find it uncomfortable to walk to their food bowl or crouch to eat, they may eat less food.

🐾 House-soiling: some arthritic cats may have accidents over the edge of the litter box if it's painful to posture normally or for an extended period, or outside the litter box if it’s difficult to access or get inside. They may also take longer to use the litter box.

🐾 Resting: you may notice them moving more slowly to lay or sit down, difficulty getting comfortable, struggling to get up, and stiffness after resting.

For more information on the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis in cats, as well as a pain score to help evaluate how painful your cat is likely to be, read The Compete Guide to Arthritis in Cats →

If your cat is urinating outside the litter box, a veterinary visit is in order to rule out any medical conditions. The ...

If your cat is urinating outside the litter box, a veterinary visit is in order to rule out any medical conditions. The next important step is to establish if they are p*eing or spraying as they are different problem behaviors with different solutions.

This step is often overlooked as owners may think neutered cats or female cats don't spray, when in fact, approximately 10% of neutered males spray and 5% of neutered females spray. Also, some cats spray squatting (and look like they are p*eing), or the owners are only finding the urine and don't catch their cat in the act, which can confuse the situation.

In this article, you will discover 12 differences between spraying vs p*eing, so you can identify which one your cat is doing, and make sure you're on the correct pathway to solving any house-soling issues.

Cat spraying vs p*eing: 12 key differences reveal why they are different behaviors and help you determine if your cat sprays or p*es indoors

Ever wondered if your cat was overweight, underweight, or their ideal weight? Check out the Expert Cat Care step-by-step...

Ever wondered if your cat was overweight, underweight, or their ideal weight? Check out the Expert Cat Care step-by-step guide on how to body condition score your cat. It contains images, videos, flow diagrams, charts, illustrations, and lots of tips to help teach you this very useful technique that all cat owners should know.

Check out our beautifully illustrated and clearly descriptive cat body condition score chart with a step-by-step guide on how to body condition score your cat

How many causes of weight gain can you think of in cats?Simply put, a cat becomes overweight when they take in too much ...

How many causes of weight gain can you think of in cats?

Simply put, a cat becomes overweight when they take in too much energy (calories in food) and don't expend enough energy (exercise). Over time the excess energy is stored as fat. However, this explanation oversimplifies the issue and overlooks the intricate and multifactorial reasons behind weight gain in cats. Therefore, I have compiled 14 underlying causes that can contribute to a cat becoming overweight.

Find out how many causes you identified...

"Why is my cat fat?" Explore 14 reasons behind feline weight gain. From diet to lifestyle, discover the factors contributing to your cat's extra pounds.

Obesity in cats is the most commonly diagnosed feline nutritional disorder with an estimated 60% of cats in the USA, 53%...

Obesity in cats is the most commonly diagnosed feline nutritional disorder with an estimated 60% of cats in the USA, 53% of cats in the UK, and 32% of cats in Australia being overweight or obese. However, as with all diseases, prevention is better than cure.

In this article, you will discover:

✓ What kitten growth charts are and how to use them
✓ How to monitor your cat's weight and body condition at home
✓ Why it's important to adjust your cat's diet once neutered
✓ Our awesome cat food calculator to help estimate how much to feed
✓ If it's better to use digital scales or a cup to measure your cat's food
✓ How to calculate how many treats to feed and our top pick low-calorie treats
✓ Our favorite puzzle feeders to make cats work for their food
✓ Fun ways to encourage daily exercise
✓ How to prevent a cat from stealing another's food

Discover how to prevent cat obesity with 10 expert tips and help to maintain your cat's lifelong health with our guide on preventing excess weight gain

Some people think overweight cats are cute and cuddly, but sadly there are many health conditions they are at an increas...

Some people think overweight cats are cute and cuddly, but sadly there are many health conditions they are at an increased risk of developing that not only affect their quality and quantity of life but are expensive to manage and treat.

If your cat is overweight, read the highly effective Weight Loss Diet Plan for Cats:

Discover the 12 scientifically documented overweight cat health problems and risks that are more likely to occur, or will be more severe, in obese cats

I'm really pleased to share this completely free, highly effective, and interactive step-by-step weight loss plan for ca...

I'm really pleased to share this completely free, highly effective, and interactive step-by-step weight loss plan for cats, to help any overweight cat lose weight. In it, you will discover:

✓ The 5-step plan on how to help a cat lose weight
✓ Inspirational pictures of cats before and after weight loss
✓ A trouble-shooting guide (because weight loss can be challenging)
✓ How to prevent gaining weight back after effective weight loss

As well as using the plan to guide you, I always recommend working closely with a cat-friendly veterinary team who are passionate about helping cats on their weight loss journeys.

Feel free to share the weight loss diet plan with any cat owners who have been struggling to reduce their cats' weight, and as always, leave me any comments or questions about the post, which I will do my best to answer :)

Struggling to slim your cat down and need to know how to help a cat lose weight? This highly effective weight loss plan will help any overweight cat lose weight

As well as receiving veterinary treatment, a cat's recovery from flu also depends on diligent home nursing care. Discove...

As well as receiving veterinary treatment, a cat's recovery from flu also depends on diligent home nursing care. Discover the best home care tips to help support your cat's recovery, including:

✓ How to ensure your cat is well-nourished and hydrated
✓ Nebulization techniques to help clear nasal discharge
✓ How to keep your cat warm and clean
✓ Reducing stress and why it's important
✓ Over-the-counter medications and supplements

Discover 10 ways to provide cat flu home care to help a sick kitten or adult cat recover and feel better when they have an upper respiratory tract infection

Does your cat only eat dry food and refuse wet? Check out my top 15 tips to get your cat to wet food, and find out: ✓ Wh...

Does your cat only eat dry food and refuse wet? Check out my top 15 tips to get your cat to wet food, and find out:

✓ Why some cats won't eat wet food (initially)
✓ The benefits of eating wet food
✓ If it matters if a cat only eats dry food
✓ When and how to switch to a new diet
✓ 15 tips to get a cat to eat wet food instead of dry
✓ Recommended brands and how to select the best food

Let me know if you have any questions :)

Does your picky cat only eat kibble and won't eat canned food? Discover the best tips on how to get a cat to eat wet food, as well as the benefits of wet food

I hope you enjoy my cat flu guide, where you will discover everything you need to know about cat flu, including the foll...

I hope you enjoy my cat flu guide, where you will discover everything you need to know about cat flu, including the following:

❀ Symptoms: it's more than just a snotty nose and frequently affects the eyes too
❀ Causes: it can be viral or bacterial, or both!
❀ Diagnosis: do tests need to be performed?
❀ Transmission: can humans and dogs also get it, and how long does it survive in the environment?
❀ Prevention: are vaccinations 100% effective?
❀ Treatment: medication from your veterinarian and nursing care at home
❀ Recovery and prognosis: why does it sometimes keep coming back, and can it cause lifelong issues?
❀ Differentials: what other illnesses can cause a snotty nose or watery eyes?

Let me know if you have any questions :)

Check out the complete cat flu guide on symptoms, causes, diagnosis, transmission, prevention, treatment, recovery time, prognosis, why sometimes it won't go away, and what else presents similarly

Encouraging cats to drink more water, whether for a specific medical condition or their general health, is a topic I am ...

Encouraging cats to drink more water, whether for a specific medical condition or their general health, is a topic I am passionate about. Keeping cats hydrated makes a huge impact on their overall well-being. I hope you enjoy this article on all the ways to encourage cats to drink more, which includes:

✓ Reasons why it's important to encourage cats to drink more water
✓ 20 tips on how to get a cat to drink more water
✓ Different ways to monitor how much water your cat is drinking
✓ How much water a cat should drink each day
✓How to check for signs of dehydration in a cat
✓Additional interventions to keep cats hydrated if they have a medical condition and are not able to drink enough

Let me know if you have any questions :)

Top 20 tips from a veterinarian on how to get a cat to drink more water, as well as how to monitor how much they're drinking and check if they're dehydrated

I hope you find the complete guide to arthritis in cats helpful. In it, you will find: ✓ A simple explanation of what ar...

I hope you find the complete guide to arthritis in cats helpful. In it, you will find:

✓ A simple explanation of what arthritis is in cats
✓ How to tell if a cat has arthritis with useful videos showing the symptoms (some are subtle)
✓ How arthritis is diagnosed (do you need X-rays?)
✓ Our unique and helpful pain score for assessing how severe your cat's arthritis is and monitoring their response to treatment
✓ All the different ways to improve their comfort, including medications, supplements, alternative therapies, and changes to the home environment

Let me know if you have any questions :)

Learn about the causes and signs of arthritis, how it's diagnosed and treated, and the best ways to help your cat at home.


Expert Cat Care is truly passionate about your cat's health and happiness. We provide helpful and comprehensive content written by a veterinarian about cat health and behaviour. We want every cat owner who visits our site to discover something new that will positively impact their and their cat's lives. So please ask questions, share tips and provide feedback. We love to hear from cat owners!

Ever wondered how cat flu is spread? Normally a cat would have to come into contact with an infected cat, or share the s...

Ever wondered how cat flu is spread? Normally a cat would have to come into contact with an infected cat, or share the same objects. For more information, read the complete cat flu guide here →

A feline upper respiratory tract infection, sometimes referred to as 'cat flu', is one of the most common illnesses vets...

A feline upper respiratory tract infection, sometimes referred to as 'cat flu', is one of the most common illnesses vets treat, especially in kittens and young cats. Have you ever wondered what the first signs are, how it's treated, how long it lasts, and if it is contagious to you or your other pets? Some adult cats also continue to be intermittently affected by feline herpesvirus, one of the main viral causes of cat flu, but there's a lot we can do to help them. This article is your complete guide to cat flu! Let us know if you have any questions :)

Everything a cat owner needs to know about cat flu, including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, transmission, prevention, treatment, recovery time and prognosis. Also, find out why your cat's flu might keep coming back, and what other diseases can present similarly to flu.

It's surprisingly common for cats to refuse wet food, but incorporating wet food into your cat's diet can help keep them...

It's surprisingly common for cats to refuse wet food, but incorporating wet food into your cat's diet can help keep them hydrated, and as well is beneficial for a variety of medical conditions, such as chronic kidney disease, diabetes, cystitis, obesity and constipation. In this article, you'll find every tip to help convert your picky cat from dry food to wet food.

If your cat refuses wet food this article will give you all the tips you need to convert them from dry food to wet, which is important for their general hydration as well as for medical conditions, such as CKD and cystitis.

Cats are not always the best at keeping themselves hydrated since they evolved in the desert and were often unable to dr...

Cats are not always the best at keeping themselves hydrated since they evolved in the desert and were often unable to drink water. They adapted by producing small amounts of concentrated urine and had most of their water needs met by eating birds and rodents. Therefore, they drank very little, and their thirst drive is not very strong as they could survive on only small amounts of water. However, keeping our cats hydrated is vital for their long-term health, and cats often develop illnesses, such as chronic kidney disease and cystitis, that require them to increase their water consumption. Find out in this article all the best ways to encourage your cat to drink more water.

Top 20 tips to encourage your cat to drink more water, as well as how to monitor how much they're drinking and check if they're dehydrated

Did you know more than half of cats by the time they are 6 years old, and most cats by the time they are 12 years old ha...

Did you know more than half of cats by the time they are 6 years old, and most cats by the time they are 12 years old have arthritis? It's a painful condition, but the good news is there is so much we can do to help. Read this article to find out how arthritis in cats is diagnosed and treated, and everything you can do at home to improve their comfort.

Learn about the causes and signs of arthritis, how it's diagnosed and treated, and the best ways to help your cat at home.



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