New blog post out on Leopard Gecko Enclosure sizes, and why they are important!
Image Description: Four examples of leopard gecko silhouettes in different sized enclosures, ranging from a 2 foot vivarium to a 4 foot vivarium.
Text to the right reads: 'The average leopard gecko is around 20 cm long from nose to tail. The mockups on the left illustrate how a 20 cm-long leopard gecko looks in different enclosure sizes. One of the primary reasons a 90 x 45 x 45 cm vivarium is considered the minimum size for a thriving leopard gecko is because it can be difficult to achieve proper temperature and UV gradients in smaller enclosures. It's also important to remember that these animals can be relatively active when they want to be, and will engage with enrichment when provided. Traditionally, a 120 x 45 cm enclosure was considered enormous, but as you can see from the size comparison, it definitely doesn’t seem that way! Leopard geckos thrive in well-heated, adequately furnished, spacious enclosures.'