Dog's are better than people... aren't they?
They celebrate with us when we're excited... They force us to get our exercise when all we want to do is veg on the couch 🥔
And when we're sad, they give us that look that makes us think they're peering into our soul 🥰
It's not a surprise that dogs truly LOVE us.. but did you know that dogs' oxytocin levels actually increase when they interact with us?!
That's right! When you're calm, your dog releases a hormone called oxytocin, otherwise known as the "love drug".
More POSITIVE interactions with your dog can even lower your stress / cortisol levels and lead to fewer stress-related behavioral issues for your dog!
A study conducted in Sweden showed that "high oxytocin levels in both owners and dogs, and low levels of cortisol in the owners, are associated with the owner’s description of the owner-dog relationship as being pleasant, interactive and associated with fewer problems." https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01796/full
So the next time you're feeling stressed, take a deep breath and give your pup some love - it could benefit both of you!