Junius, NY: Puppies on their way to a pet store near you...yep folks...this is a picture of puppies being 'transported' from a puppy mill in JUNIUS, NY. Pretty sight, isn't it? Pile them up like hay, corn, pumpkins, whatever.
***This picture was taken on Whiskey Hill Road... turning onto Whiskey Hill Rd. from Donnelly Road, Junius, NY**
***For those that are not comprehending the meaning of this picture: No, these are not literally 'puppies'. They are younger dogs that are being transported- assumedly to another mill. They are/will be BREEDER DOGS. Does that make it any more of a 'prettier' picture? It is a figurative of the 'future puppies' produced by these dogs and 100s more that will be sold to pets stores. However, make no mistake, this picture was taken in Junius, NY.
The Amish (and other millers) raise and treat them like any other farm product- nothing but a money-making commodity. They can do this because they know that once these puppies are in the store display area, people will 'ooohhh and aaaahhh' and 'oh so cute' and buy them right up. Put them out of business!!! Don't buy from a pet store... demand change of the laws in your area! Junius residents, take this picture to heart. You are allowing this to happen right down the road!