4yr AQHA mare
Broke Broke W/T/L has all the buttons.
About 15h
Only reason for selling is I’m moving to UT and can’t take all of my horses if I was staying in Texas I would be keeping her.
Has a motor but controlled/safe.
She has never offered to buck/kick ect really good girl.
Being hauled to barrel races she does just fine, no spook or scatter.
She is loping a good barrel pattern right now.
She try’s very hard, overachieves most of the time.
Trail ride her anywhere/everywhere she loves it and water.
Has rode double and didn’t care, rode ba****ck swimming multiple times.
Leave her off for a few months and she will be the same as if you rode her yesterday.
She’s truly a gem 💎. I really enjoy this filly never have a bad day with her🤍
She is utd on everything, has a current coggins.
PPEs welcome at buyers expense.
Pm for videos
$8500 OBO
❌Located Stephenville Tx