Kai is a 7-8 years old bunny with an herniated disc
His mobility has been affected and often he slides with his front limbs
Our bunny physiotherapist gave him a treatment and after a few manual therapy and gentle stretches and massage, Kai was hardly sliding and much more stable
We now have a physiotherapy program to work on the next week to see if we can improve his mobility
We will continue with osteopathy and acupuncture treatment for pain management
The good news is that he has recovered from his respiratory issues and he will have more energy to get back outside and have fun at the bunny parc to also improve circulation, musculature and mobility
Just like with humans, mobility is life 🐰💕
#physiotherapy #physiotherapyforpets #rabbitmobility #bunnycare #rabbitcare #bunnylove #bunnylife #rabbitlife #bunny #sanctuary #petsanctuary #sanctuarylife #mobility #mobilityiskey
Bublé was a stray bun rescued last April with weepy eyes
A CT-Scan revealed blocked tear ducts and bloodwork showed a site of inflammation
So we did antibiotic treatments
Now bloodwork is improved
The veterinarian tried to unblock the tear ducts, but they remain blocked
Today our veterinarian acupuncturist used a technique to reduce inflammation and unblock the tear ducts
Bublé did not move and remained very open to the treatment
This particular bunny has also received multiple osteopathic treatments and each time I have seen improvements in her overall wellbeing
Since April, digestion has improved and her confidence in humans as well 🐰💚
#bunnycare #rabbitcare #sanctuary #sanctuarylife #rabbitsanctuary #bunnyhealth #acupuncture #acupunctureforpets #acupunctureforpetsbyvets