The Crowned Cat

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The Crowned Cat The Crowned Cat 501(c)(3)is a rescue organization dedicated to our feline friends & TNR

What do Feline Fanatics do when there’s a Spray War?!Unfortunately, an oft overlooked, but extremely frustrating aspect ...

What do Feline Fanatics do when there’s a Spray War?!

Unfortunately, an oft overlooked, but extremely frustrating aspect of Cat Servitude, is when two males, albeit neutered, feel insecure or threatened, and begin…….SPRAYING 💦💦😱😱😱😲😲😲😮🤯! Inside..the…home🏡…

This creates so much stress, not only on our feline 🐈friends, but those humans who love & serve them. It is also the #1 reason for re-homing.

Spraying & marking, in my opinion, is the MOST frustrating & stress inducing part of having cats.

The smell 🤢 is atrocious (tho not anywhere near as bad as when they are UN-fixed), the spots you cannot find are maddening, and it can leave one feeling absolutely hopeless and defeated.

I’ll be totally honest; when spraying begins, it can be a long, arduous journey to understand the reasoning, and find a solution. It’s work. And it SUCKS big time.

All it takes is 1 rescue cat to disrupt the harmonious flow of a Cat House. In our case, it was Captain…..and then a litter of kittens….that pi**ed Grizzly Tom off enough to start spraying….this led to stressing out poor 99, who now decided that spraying my bathroom shower curtain, my towels, my shoes, and the wall above the air vent…are most acceptable to back up his lil p**p shoot and wiener waterer, and spray with abandon. F*ck….🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Feliway pheromone diffusers in every room, calming collars on the Scandalous Sprayers, Captain finally adopted out, kittens in an outdoor kennel……and me…quivering with fear, that as the new day dawns, I’m going to find more territorial spray spots in my own I try so hard to maintain. 😕😮😮🤯☹️😖

As we fumble along to get through this harrowing hardship of tinkling terrors, to find a permanent solution, I ponder how at 42 years old, I spend my Saturday nights sneaking around in the dark, a UV flashlight illuminating evidence of destructive pi***ng wars….how the eff did this become my life? Is this love? Or insanity?

I’m quickly brought back into the moment, by the amazing height that these cats can achieve, when painting my walls with their p***s piddles….seriously, if pi***ng was an Olympic sport, Grizzly would win Gold.

The solution, at least over at The Crowned Cat , is to get both cats into a vet to rule out any medical conditions…

Since this is Grizzly Tom (total as***le), and 99 (semi-spoiled as***le), of course there is no medical basis for their bladder blasting; indicative of being behavioral, and much more challenging to resolve…

I have no definitive answers for you, Dear Fellow Spray Sufferer. It’s a deplorable club to be a part of….it takes time, patience, and a LOT of enzyme cleaning spray.

We close off areas where no impish cats may wander. We spend loads on pheromone sprays and calming aids. We spend time with each cat, and our next step will be trying out prescription medication such as fluoxetine or gabapebtin, in hope of getting the cats through an anxious or stressful time.

Just know, you’re not alone. Cats are not for the faint of heart.

We love cats because they are wild at heart, independent, and angry pocket sized tigers…..but those same reasons can cause us to experience stress and frustration, when they communicate through spraying, a throwback to their feral, undomesticated, tameless nature.

How do you negotiate with a CAT?

You don’t.

You adapt. You clean. You find the root cause of their anxiety and insecurity…..

And you spend your free time wandering your darkened home, UV light in hand, with the expertise of a CSI agent, the nose of a bloodhound, the insanity of a True Crazy Cat Lady, and a heart too full of love and empathy to stop rescue.

Update on the second lil kitten that went in first surgery to remove the bad eye…..Sadly, although he made it through su...

Update on the second lil kitten that went in first surgery to remove the bad eye…..

Sadly, although he made it through surgery on Wednesday, he passed away last night.

That makes 3 kittens rescued, that succumbed to whatever was making them so incredibly ill.

My hope is that they at least felt relief and love, if only for a minute.

The other 4 kittens rescued are putting on weight and seem to be thriving. Fingers crossed, they remain healthy.

To everyone following this saga, thank you for your love and support.

We can’t save them all. But at least we tried. 💕

Thank from The Crowned Cat

Update on Sick Kittens….I spoke too soon about the 1 kitten who got an eye removal surgery..he was fine at pickup, but t...

Update on Sick Kittens….

I spoke too soon about the 1 kitten who got an eye removal surgery..he was fine at pickup, but the next day, he took a downward turn. Thankfully, Dr. Danna Catt was able to see him and get him some more treatment, which he is positively responding to. And Kaitie Skulitz is fostering him and loving on him and going to get him back on track.

Thank you to everyone who sent items from Amazon wish list today!!!! I opened my door to what looked like Xmas morning! The cats will be well cared for!

Thank you everyone! I’ll keep you updated.

*UPDATE ON SICK KITTIES & one stupid vehicle*Good Morning, Feline Freaks💕💕💕💕Three adults and 2 kittens from the property...

*UPDATE ON SICK KITTIES & one stupid vehicle*

Good Morning, Feline Freaks💕💕💕💕

Three adults and 2 kittens from the property, were fixed, vaccinated and flea treated yesterday, and will be released back this morning….

…And thank pickles, because the fleas on these cats are the most disgusting, overwhelming, creepy things I’ve seen in a long time, and I’m SO happy they got relief and will feel much better soon😻😻

The 2 kittens with bad eyes went to Pear Blossom yesterday. The lil tabby did great. And is already feeling SO much better. His Very Bad Eye was successfully removed, and he will be a normal, happy, one eyed kitten from here on out…

Sadly, the Siamese, who went in for the same surgery, did not make it. Dr. Danna Catt did everything she could, because she’s a furreaking incredible human and Doctor💕

…this happens sometimes when there’s an unknown underlying condition…or, maybe he was just too weak. Unfortunately, because these kits had such a rough start, they were not very healthy to begin with.

…The kitten needed the eye removal, so The Crowned Cat opted for surgery…it’s not always successful, but it is always heartbreakingly sad.

To those who contributed and donated……..OMG THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉💕💕💕💕💕

You know who you are! I know who you are! And I’m grateful to ALL OFF YOU!!!! The kittens surgeries were covered in full! And I have a little bit leftover to continue care on the kittens now in the care of The Crowned👑 Cat🐱

And….my stupid vehicle. Apparently, he needed a new battery. Which was frustrating, because there was absolutely no indication prior, to get a new battery🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️I have never been impressed with opting for a hybrid…so I will be listing my vehicle for sale and purchasing just a regular old, combustible engine, gas powered car, or fully electric vehicle. None of this “hybrid” crap. It’s gotta be one system or another. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Are you interested in adopting? Fostering? Taking over rescue efforts so I can slink silently into a new life in some warm, sunny locale? Send me a PM…😂😻😻😻💕💕💕💕😻💕💕


Just got home from the broken down car, cat trapping fiasco.


It’s 1:31am, so nobody will probably see this.

I have 5 cats that need to go to snyp at 8:00am this morning.

And 2 cats to go to Dr. Catts at Pear Blossom.

My car is at the shop now, and The Husband left a locked trailer filled with rubbish, on his truck, rendering it not drivable for me.

If anyone can take cats to either place, PLEASE call or text me asap at 805-304-9680

Thank you.

Also, I’m done adulting. Too hard.


**Rant incoming…**

Top irritating things I experience as a rescuer:

Any unsolicited advice. I don’t want to hear it. Unsolicited advice is just criticism with sprinkles on it. If I didn’t ask you, then I don’t want to hear it.

When people state…”oh, I wish I could help…” but then proceed to heap their 236 reasons and problems on me. Dear Goddess. If you cannot help, then don’t say anything. I, too, have a houseful of animals, kids, a full time job, and a life. I figure it out, or I move on.

Anybody that comes to me months/years after I tried getting their animal fixed, and they declined, and now they have unwanted kittens and expect me to help resolve the issue. These people really need a lobotomy.

Anybody who just randomly, unexpectedly, and un invited shows up on my doorstep. Please dont do that. It’s not polite, and half the time im elbow deep in cat chores, and the last thing I want is to stop and socialize with random people, who proceed to heap their drama and problems on me.

People who dump animals on me or my porch. Your parents failed you significantly. And you’re an irresponsible butthead.

The State of Oregon, or, at the least Jackson County, Oregon. What a s**t hole of a city our “leadership” has created. No resources for animals, rescuers, or people who wish to better themselves and live in a safe, clean city.

Cat “rescuers” who are actually just hoarders with clear mental illnesses.

It’s not the cats that make rescuing a challenge; it’s the people. So much ego, ignorance, and just plain, stupid irresponsibility.

I’m exhausted.

SOS Request:I’ve secured an appt for this sad lil creature…So, now, I’m hoping to find placement for it. This cat needs ...

SOS Request:

I’ve secured an appt for this sad lil creature…

So, now, I’m hoping to find placement for it.

This cat needs a foster or home.

It’s going to be seen by my vet tomorrow morning.

Can you help?

SOS Request for help…The Crowned Cat  does *not* have these cats. I am trying to solicit help for these cats! I can tran...

SOS Request for help…

The Crowned Cat does *not* have these cats.

I am trying to solicit help for these cats!

I can transport.

I can fundraise.

But I cannot take them into my care.


Kittens, Cats and More Kittens! 😻

Join us this weekend at the July Feline Adoption Fair!🎉

Rogue Valley Mall
Inside - downstairs, across from Kay Jewelers
Saturday, July 13th
11am - 4pm

FOTAS - Friends of the Animals has invited numerous organizations to come together in one space. We'll be joined by Feral Cats Advocacy, The Crowned Cat , and Hero Tails Animal Sanctuary.

There will be over FIFTY kitties there to choose from! Adoption fee is only $100 per kitty! Adopt 2, and FOTAS will pay the second adoption fee (2-Fur-1). 🐈🐈

PLEASE BRING A STURDY CARRIER if you think you might be adopting. Limited cardboard carriers available.
NOTE TO RENTERS: Please bring written proof that you are allowed to have pets. Sorry, your word is not enough, and we cannot always confirm with your landlord on the phone. Without the proper information, it will delay the process.

This is severe heat, folks. If you have animals, please keep them INSIDE, with cool air conditioning.Provide tons of wat...

This is severe heat, folks.

If you have animals, please keep them INSIDE, with cool air conditioning.

Provide tons of water in shaded spots outside for our not so lucky housed animals. Birds enjoy a drink of fresh, cool water, too💕

It’s brutal out there.

Hope everyone is staying cool.

If you need anything, please reach out to me.

If you’re homeless with pets, please reach out to me.

Stay cool. Stay safe. Drink LOTS OF WATER. And watch your pets for signs of heatstroke.

Available right meow!!!!!

Available right meow!!!!!


Ravenous kittens at The Crowned Cat

Thank you to Marilyn Jeanne Edwards, Elizabeth von Radics, and Anna Suzanne for the wet kitten food that the kittens are currently going through.

Sound up. Grrrrrrrrr🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯


Please, for the sake of your animals, READ THE DIRECTIONS on the prescription medication given to you by the veterinarian.

I just stopped a cat owner from INJECTING flea treatment into her cats. Directions clearly stated it’s to be applied topically, but the liquid came in luer lock syringes (Nexguard plus), which is incredibly stupid on the manufacturers part.


T-N-R (trap-neuter-return), doesn’t always involve the “return” part……An unintended consequence of T-N-R is accumulating...

T-N-R (trap-neuter-return), doesn’t always involve the “return” part……

An unintended consequence of T-N-R is accumulating a clowder of kittens…..🐱 🐱🐱

Rescuers never *intend* to collect a kitten in every color…T-N-R, unfortunately, brings with it the inevitable discovery of random kittens…kittens here, there & everywhere…

Kittens in flower pots, eyes closed & ears folded, unaware of the dangers of the world…kittens in feral cat shelters, hunkered together, eyes wide and cautiously curious, as human hands reach for them, pulling them into (what we believe) is a better life…..kittens running scared into the safety of a trash filled shrub, their soft, lil paws running over discarded needles…kittens ill with malnourishment, goopy eyes, and dehydration…..

As rescuers, it is not in our purview to consider leaving them to the unknown, often harsh reality of street life….to endure the same stressful existence of their starving mothers…

The Crowned Cat currently has 13 kittens in its care….

FOTAS - Friends of the Animals Melly Cat Rescue & Feral Cats Advocacy, even more….

The incredible and compassionate people behind our rescues are exhausted..
.but exhaustion doesn’t negate empathy and the strong, almost obsessive desire, to help, rescue, save, fix, salvage & recover hurt, starving, scared, sick kittens that we find along our T-N-R adventures…

Does this define us as the stereotypical “Crazy Cat Lady?” Perhaps…but it’s never our intention.

When people inquire as to why I have so many kittens, I must explain to them the reasoning behind the collection…and why us rescuers constantly ruminate on the benefits of spay & neuter to anyone within earshot…including the uninterested, teenage Target cashier, the waitress at the diner, our relatives, the mailman….we are * very* fun at parties…🎉🤦‍♀️🐈‍⬛

T-N-R sometimes means Trap-Neuter-Rescue…it’s one of the main reasons we end up with So. Many. Cats.

Are you interested in T-N-R? We hope to see you at Southern Oregon VegFest later today. The Crowned Cat will be there highlighting the benefits of T-N-R, barn cats, adoptable cats…and ruminating on Speutering Those Cats!!!!! 🐈‍⬛🐱

As always, a huge shout out & thank you for your continued support towards my work in turning Street Cats into Crowned Cats👑🐱💕….

The Crowned Cat  is still at the Feline Fair, at the mall!!! Come visit, get your kitty snuggles on, say Hi, and adopt a...

The Crowned Cat is still at the Feline Fair, at the mall!!! Come visit, get your kitty snuggles on, say Hi, and adopt a cat….or two…….💕💕💕💕💕

Feral Cats Advocacy
Melly Cat Rescue
FOTAS - Friends of the Animals


Fosters immediately needed.

Folks, this kitten season is kicking our asses.


Unfortunately, this means The Crowned Cat is officially closed to new intakes. Sadly, I’m over capacity by 6 kittens.

I keep coming across sick or very young kittens while trapping.

The Crowned Cat is desperately seeking fosters for the following:

2 bottle babies, eyes not yet opened.

1 lil calico fluff ball, about 5 weeks old.

3 shy kittens, about 7 weeks old, but tiny.


HUGE, PAWMAZING SHOUT OUT TO Katharine Lockwood Lang & Ron Lang for the incredibly generous contribution to The Crowned ...

HUGE, PAWMAZING SHOUT OUT TO Katharine Lockwood Lang & Ron Lang for the incredibly generous contribution to The Crowned Cat

With the communities support, The Crowned Cat is able to Trap-Neuter-Return the many homeless, neglected, suffering cats within the Rogue Valley.

With this contribution, The Crowned Cat will be sterilizing and vetting 10 of the Greenway Kittens💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👑🐱👑🐱👑🐱👑🐱

Courtesy postI DO NOT have these cats, as The Crowned Cat is at max capacity. PLEASE, if you can go help them….do it✅

Courtesy post

I DO NOT have these cats, as The Crowned Cat is at max capacity.

PLEASE, if you can go help them….do it✅


Which one if you donated the 3 tiered kitten crate?! There’s no note. ITS AMAZING



The Crowned Cat received food, litter, a kitten cage!!!! And more! I’ll be going through the boxes today and personally thanking each one of you, if I I can find the “from” notes!!!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!


How come The Crowned Cat is not being tagged when others try to tag the page? Any ideas? I looked at privacy settings already, and nothing is preventing it👑🐈‍⬛

Last Saturday is ready to get away from her Crazy Weeklings!!!!!!She will be going to her muse home, with one of her fuz...

Last Saturday is ready to get away from her Crazy Weeklings!!!!!!

She will be going to her muse home, with one of her fuzzy, pawdorable daughters, in just a few short weeks!!!!

Sunny Anderson

Happy Sunday, Feline Fanatics!!!!!

Happy Sunday, Feline Fanatics!!!!!

County officials could ask voters to decide on a special district for animal services

County officials could ask voters to decide on a special district for animal services

Jackson County voters this November could be asked whether they support the creation of a special district that would provide a permanent funding source for Jackson County Animal Services.

Feral Cats AdvocacyMy heart broke. No more for awhile. I just can’t. Beatrice TallantLd Graetz

Feral Cats Advocacy

My heart broke.

No more for awhile. I just can’t.

Beatrice Tallant
Ld Graetz


Folks, at this time, I will no longer be responding to, or checking my FB messages regarding cats.

Although the intentions are kind hearted, I am INUNDATED every day with “please help this cat..” messages.

Pregnant cats, dying cats, starving, neglected, in terrible shape cats…my heart and eyes can only take SO MUCH.

I know you all mean the best, but the pictures and posts are getting to be too much, and I need to go on FB to market The Crowned Cat s

At this time, I am solely focusing on The Greenway Colony Cats.

As I am a one-woman rescue operation, I can only focus on one colony at a time.

There’s nothing I do that you cannot do yourself. Open up your home, heart and wallet to the cat in need. Create a safe lil space for the creature. Feed it, fix it, keep it safe. ❤️💕

Thank you for all your love & support, but…please….no more “help this cat messages..” for the time being..

Often heard, often repeated amongst animal advocates is that, “Rescue is so hard..” That simple phrase, while accurate, ...

Often heard, often repeated amongst animal advocates is that, “Rescue is so hard..”

That simple phrase, while accurate, doesn’t exactly belie the profound difficulty that comes with rescuing.

“Rescue is hard,” a statement that could mean various different things….what is “hard” for one rescuer, may be routine for the next. A subjective statement, the profoundness of the difficulties dependent on the rescuer…..

For me, one of the most exhausting, difficult, and heart wrenching aspects of rescue….is deciding to spay a heavily pregnant cat.

This may seem trivial, or it may resonate with you deeply…it’s highly debatable…but heart breaking either way….Human compassion has a way to cloud cogency.

The logical part of my brain repeats the never ending scenarios of unwanted cats, starving kittens, exhausted cat mothers, burned out rescuers, and the severe lack of homes and resources to properly care for thousands of cats and kittens.

The empathetic part of my brain grieves for the loss of life of viable kittens, the hormonal rollercoaster the mother cat experiences, as her body prepares for kittens that will never materialize, and the inability to “save” the darling, innocent, little baby kittens, incubating safely in their mothers womb. After all, I’m OBSESSED with cats, and a momma cat is just a cat FILLED WITH MORE CATS!!!!🐈‍⬛ plus, the miracle of birth is astounding to me. I never tire of experiencing it.

And then there’s the angry part of my brain….the rage at the ignorance of so many humans, collectively fu***ng s**t up in the world.

Tomorrow, this sweet, new intake at The Crowned Cat is scheduled for a spay. She will be anesthetized, her abdomen will be opened up, her uterus removed. The kittens, never drawing breath, will remain in the uterus, ceasing existence before consciousness……The vet may feel sadness and cynicism, as this is perhaps the 10th pregnant cat that they have had to abort that day….. And, vets are not immune to heartbreak, intensified by the fact they got into the profession to HELP animals, not harm or kill, even by responsible and humane abortion.

Momma cat will be stitched up, and given supportive care, as she recovers from an operation she doesn’t understand, and experiencing hormones she has no comprehension of. Returning to her temporary home, maternal instinct in over drive, phantom kittens a memory…

I will cry and grieve for the loss of life; for f***s sake, I’m in rescue, my very essence distilled in empathy and compassion.

Is it the right choice? Probably. Does it hurt my soul and cause me doubt? Absolutely. Does it create a domino effect of anguish for all involved? F**k yeah.

A simple procedure could have prevented the philosophical struggle in my already defective brain.

Another oft repeated, overused phrase in rescue: “Spay & Neuter Your Animals..” of course, I like to spice up that iteration with various well placed obscenities, like, “Spay & Neuter Your F**king Animals, You Stupid Butt Slug....” definitely could approach it better, but after 15 years of rescue, my ability to say nice things has severely diminished….

It’s not difficult. Yes, it costs money. It costs responsibility. It costs brain power to deduce that sterilizing is the best thing you can do for the wellbeing of your animal.

Rescue is so hard. The decision to be responsible, takes an emotional toll on the rescuer. We keep doing it, because we believe it makes the world a better place. Creatures deserve advocates. And we must do right by the animals we so cherish.

Please, if you Feed it, Fix it.

***I will delete all comments that become controversial***

I am pro choice, not pro abortion, and if this topic spirals into a debate on human reproductive rights, I will delete you.

Tails from the GreenwayPart II

Tails from the Greenway
Part II

1 pregnant cat, becomes 100…..Please Spay & Neuter….If you feed it, fix it👑🐱👑🐱👑❤️💕💕❤️💕❤️

1 pregnant cat, becomes 100…..

Please Spay & Neuter….

If you feed it, fix it👑🐱👑🐱👑❤️💕💕❤️💕❤️

The lil black kitten has *THE MOST* expressive face, it’s eerily human like🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣All kittens pictured are available for a...

The lil black kitten has *THE MOST* expressive face, it’s eerily human like🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

All kittens pictured are available for adoption.

Preference goes to those adopting in pairs.

This week only, reduced adoption fee of $90 for two kittens.

Sterilized/flea treated/microchipped/1st vaccinations.

West Medford

Interested parties must submit an application.



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