Why boots are important in the winter
Boots give added grip and traction to prevent slips and falls. They are also incredibly helpful to prevent injuries, like cuts and burns, when walking on salt or chemical de-icers. Rock salt has the chance to cut open your dogs paw pads which can be quite painful for them. Chemical de-icer can cause chemical burns to their paw pads which is also painful for them. Not to mention how expensive the vet bill can be!
What should you look for in a dog boot for the winter?
Boots with a textured rubber sole are great for preventing slips and falls. Boots that are breathable are also great if you plan on using the same boot in the summer along with the winter so that your dog doesn’t overheat. Also take into consideration if your dog has dew claws and where they are located. Some boots can rub on the dew claw and cause irritation if they don’t fit properly.
My preferred brands:
One of my favorite brands for medium and large breed dog boots is Ruffwear. From my own experience, they fit quite well and don’t rub on the dew claw for my dog. For smaller dogs, it can be quite difficult to find appropriate fitting boots. I have found that WagWear WagWellies have a great size range and even fit my 6lbs chihuahua mix!
Finding the right boot for your dog can be challenging and is very much trial and error. But once you have found the perfect boot for your pup, the benefits of them outweigh the challenge of finding them.
Hope you guys found this informational!