We have been hand turning 3 times daily, spraying with water the last two weeks to increase humidity. Now the last few days it’s been wiggling when we talk to it. This morning when I left nothing now we have a baby goose. I’ll share a few of the progression videos as it was so cool to see it hatch so fast. Geese can take 24-48 hours and this guy was less than 10.
Well it they didn’t even wait for me to get off work. I woke up to the third hatching as I left this morning. Then when I got home the last chick that was going to hatch had made its appearance. So the twins after some candling look like they made it til a few days before lockdown. Then one bantam egg died around 14 it looks, judging off size of the embryo while candling. The last that didn’t hatch looks like it had difficulty pipping. Then we had one more that pipped but was unable to zip.
Happy Easter! Hope the bunny found everyone’s house this morning. We were busy last night candling some eggs and I caught this amazing video of an embryo. Just placed a large batch in the incubator yesterday as well and will have another batch going in again in about a week. So who wants some ducklings? Also incubator rentals have arrived and can now include duck or chick eggs! I’ll be messaging the wait list Monday so we can get everyone started!
Well the first one is out! Got home just in time to watch it break free and boy it has some lungs. Chicks can stay in the incubator for 3 days while they dry off and wait for the rest to hatch. They have their yoke sac to live off and have no need for water or feed. Plus this is an egghausting process for them. So some rest is much earned. Don’t forget we offer rentals every month and even incubator rentals so you can watch this miracle in your own home!