Hooray!!!!! At last, a bit of sun.
We have Ginny and Miller joining us on our walks this week. These gorgeous bundles of fluff definitely keep me on my toes 🤣🤣
#FurryFriends #dogwalking #dogwalkerlife #happydogs #happypups #sunnyday
The week so far.
#dogwalking #FurryFriends #doggylove #dogwalkerlife #muddypaws
Happy Valentines everyone. My heart is full with the love of these beautiful pups. 😍 🐾
#FurryFriends #doggylove #dogwalking #dogwalkerlife #HappyPups
We had another Sunny come join us this morning. She was a real hit with the lads 👀😃.
#FurryFriends #dogwalking #dogwalkerlife #happypups
Everything gets better when the sun comes out 🌞
We bumped into Miller and his mum Laraine a few times this week and the pups had a ball frolicking and rumbling about in the sun.
Sunny was doing a grand job keeping everyone in check as always #dogdaddy.
Bobby can still get a little overwhelmed when the gang are particularly boisterous but he is integrating so well and by the end of the walk hes all smiles and waggy tails, ge was even doing his little spins for me the wee performer 😄
#FurryFriends #dogwalkerlife #dogwalking #happypups #sunnyday
Daisy and Rosie having a stick standoff! 🤣🤣🤣
Lots of soggy doggies this week. Roll on springtime!!
Chillin (literally), with my crew in this muddy, cold and dark days isn't so bad. They make every day bright and breezy!!
#FurryFriends #dogwalkerlife #dogwalking #happypups
Lots of soggy doggies this week!!
These doggies are loving this weather. Me, not so much 😆
It's warms me up watching them though. They are hillarious!
#FurryFriends #dogwalkerlife #snowdogs
Happy Hogmanay Folks!!!
We had a lovely couple of walks during this weird inbetweeny week where no one knows what day it is. It was great getting these guys out for some fresh air and I was glad to burn off some Xmas chocolate.
Because it was quiet, I was able to introduce some of the dogs that wouldn't normally get to walk with each other and as always, they were all very happy, excited and got on great.
My good friend Bubsy Chy came up from the big smoke to meet the gang and was very well received, especially by Sunny and Merida. Sunny is such a darling, he wouldn't leave her side!
Hope you all have a lovely evening. See you all in 2025!!
#dogwalking #dogwalkerlife #happypups #FurryFriends
Although the walks were quieter yesterday and today, they still had lots of fun bounding about.
We introduced Bobby to Sunny and Merida. He's very timid and a bit unsure but he handled this new situation like a champ and by the end of the walk he was having a sniff of the others and comfortable walking alongside them.
#FurryFriends #dogwalkerlife #happypups #dogwalking