Testimonial Tuesday - Hear from top side-saddle rider and trainer Robyn Catterall Side Saddle Instructor & Judge on how she uses the Wise Owl Equitation platform to train for competition as well as share her knowledge with others. Robyn Catterall
Anyone can train with Wise Owl Equitation all you need is your horse/pony a mobile phone & a set of wireless earphones and you're set!
Side Saddle
Introducing our 2nd guest speaker for the Wise Owl New Year Challenge!
Top side saddle rider, trainer and judge Robyn Catterall competes each August at the Side Saddle National Show. She needs to complete a 15 hour journey each way with her horse in order to attend.
Robyn has already started her preparation for this year's Nationals! For such an important event she leaves absolutely nothing to chance.
In her session Robyn will share her top tips on planning her training and competition schedule for the year, particularly when preparing for a big event.
She is also uniquely placed to describe how live video training works from both perspectives, being both a Wise Owl Side Saddle Trainer herself, as well as regularly taking live video lessons with other trainers.
If you have your sights set on a big show or competition later in the year this is a session you won't want to miss! To take part in our FREE challenge just join our private FB group below
Sizz Behaving Badly
Oh Sizz 🙈🙈🙈 hard to believe this is the same horse that behaves so impeccably in so many of of our videos. BA @Jemma Lauren Fisher certainly has the patience of a saint and the sense of humour to go with it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Evening Flatwork Session with Wise Owl Equitation
Train anytime, anywhere!
Jemma and Sizzler practicing for their first Novice dressage test. They have been live video training with Wise Owl Equitation for a while now and have really come on leaps and bounds.
Jemma uses a tripod attached to the side of the school (£10 to buy online link below)and her phone to film and she wears a set of wireless earphones so she can hear her trainer.
Find out more at www.wiseowlequitation.com
Testimonial Tuesday - Footage from a live video showjumping lesson between rider Naomi Wiss and trainer Paul Crago Showjumping ltd afterwards Naomi said
"I can confidently say learned more in 45 minutes than in the last year of training. Paul is without a doubt one of the best trainers I've ever ridden with"
Book a lesson with Paul here
Remote Horse Training
Hear from one of our fabulous clients and Brand Ambassador Jemma who has been training with Wise Owl for a while now. She talks about how the platform has helped her finesse her showring craftmanship, opened up the world of dressage to her and allows her to fit her training around her busy life and work schedule.
Find out more at www.wiseowlequitation.com
Starting a young horse? Would a pair of expert eyes on the ground help? Maybe just some tips and advice to help along the journey.
We have some fantastic natural horsemanship and groundwork trainers at @wise_owl_equitation who would be more than happy to help. This can either be done through a bespoke 121 live video lesson or through offering their expert feedback and advice on a pre-recorded video.
Check out www.wiseowlequitation.com now for more info or drop us a DM
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You can train with @wise_owl_equitation from absolutely anywhere. You don't need a fancy school or menage, many of our clients take their video lessons in a field or even on the beach! All you need is your horse and your mobile phone! Here is BA @simon.corridon_eventing and his young horse Apollo working on their flatwork.
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Whoever you are and wherever you live you can train with a top class international trainer through Wise Owl Equitation. All you need is your horse and a mobile phone.
Link in bio to find out more.
#livevideolessons #videohorsetraining #remotehorsetraining #remotehorsecoach #remotevideotraining #dressagetrainingonline #dressagetrainer #dressageaustralia #showjumpingtraining #showjumpingaustralia #showjumpingtrainingonline #showjumpingvideo #eventersdoitbetter #eventingtraining #eventingaustralia #naturalhorsemanshiptraining #equestriantraining #equestriantrainer #wiseowlequitation
Testimonial Tuesday
Thank you to @j_ss_equestrian
for sharing highlights of your live video lesson this evening. Great example of how well these lessons can work.....
"Brilliant second lesson with Wise Owl Equitation trainer Rebecca Vincent.
Today we worked on my riding style and how I ask for Sizz to come into a contact😍
I usually ride with my hands quite wide which is from retraining Sizz however now he is established he is stronger and more balanced for me to ride with my hands slightly higher and together, this was really interesting to feel the difference how Sizz responded which was quite positive and willing!
We worked on me relaxing my shoulders and elbows and adjusting my hand position and also using my leg, lifting and lowering the reins to change the pace in the trot and the canter, slowing it and pushing to forward which was really fun and good to feel the difference and the control changing it!😁
We also worked on trot to halt and halt to trot transitions to get him to push off from his back end more🍑
Hard work for the both of us but really rewarding 💪🏼"
#livevideolessons #videotraining #videohorsetraining #wiseowlequitation #remotehorsecoach #remotetraining #remotehorsetraining #dressagetrainingonline #dressagelesson #dressagetraining #dressage #dressagerider #dressagetrainerlife