Lost Dog Search and Trapping - Louisville, Ky

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Lost Dog Search and Trapping - Louisville, Ky We are a group of volunteers who humanely trap lost dogs in the Louisville, KY area. These are some of our success stories.

If your dog is missing in our area please make your post on Kentuckiana Lost & Found Pets Network.

HeidiUnaltered female terrier mix (no chip)Kenwood Heights Church - New Cut RoadLouisville, KyJune 2-3, 2024Another dump...

Unaltered female terrier mix (no chip)
Kenwood Heights Church - New Cut Road
Louisville, Ky
June 2-3, 2024

Another dumped dog. We were really hoping it was not the case. But the more we learned and spoke to people, it was beginning to seem that way.

Rachel and I had been following a post about little dog that had been seen several times near and crossing New Cut Road. Several people had tried to catch her, but she was very skittish and always seemed to run back towards Kenwood Heights Church. Some days the little dog would lay on the hill watching cars go by.

Kristen and her fiancee just so happened to be at Burger King one evening and saw the dog in the parking lot. They tried to catch the dog. She ran back across New Cut Road towards the church. They followed her over there and sat with her for a while, offering her food trying to earn her trust. They left her some food and water.

For the next 7 days, Kristen and her fiancé went to the church every day, sometimes twice a day to feed her trying to earn her trust. The dog began to become very comfortable with them. Kristen would whistle and the dog would come out from hiding to eat. But she just wouldn’t get close enough to be leashed. She tried everything on her own and was doing everything right, but the dog was too fast and too skittish. So Kristen posted for help. I offered to bring a trap out.

Rachel had been stopping by the church throughout the week checking on the dog. We made a plan to meet Sunday afternoon. We were a little unsure of how much she had eaten that day, but we thought we would go ahead and give it a shot. We set the trap and camera up where Kristen had been feeding her. We whistled and sure enough I see her trotting down the sidewalk along New Cut Road. Made me nervous, but it was as if it was something she did daily.

We were told by the church someone in a white minivan had driven up in the parking lot and pushed her out earlier in the week. It now made sense to us as to why she was staying close to the area and laying on the hill watching cars go by.

The little dog showed up and investigated the food at the trap. She was on high alert, a little stressed, running around anxious. She didn’t seem really hungry. Kristen’s fiancé showed up for a little bit, she seemed a little interested in him. She would follow him around, but not near the trap. We had him drop some food in the trap, but she still was not brave enough to go in. He finally left. Shannon W. showed up to help us. She was so kind she went and got Burger King and White Castles for the trap.

The little dog finally was willing to stick her head in and eat some of the trail of food, but not brave or hungry enough to go all the way in. We ended up finding out that the church had had a cookout earlier in the day. She had been fed all day long, so we knew she was not hungry. We decided to call it a night and would come back the next day when she would be much hungrier. We also found out the guy at Burger King was feeding her and another lady showed up to leave her food, so she was eating alot and in different spots.

Shannon messaged me early the next morning.
As she was leaving for work, very early, she saw her laying on the hill again. Just knowing that made me sad. She was probably still waiting for whoever dumped her to come back.

I arrived early afternoon and set the trap and camera back up. Once again, I whistled for her and out of the woods she appeared. She was very willing to follow me around, watch what I was doing. But she did not want to get very close. If she thought you were trying to catch her, she would run back towards New Cut Road, which I was not willing to do. So I left the area and let her investigate the trap. She was much hungrier today. She began pawing and trying to get the food from the back.

She made a few circles around the trap, checking her surroundings. She walked in a few times turning around and walking out. Finally, she walked in and stepped on the trip plate and was SAFE. Rachel showed up minutes later! Finally, we could get her away from the traffic and busy road. I called Kristen who had agreed to hang on to her until she could get to LMAS. She was so happy. We loaded her up and drove her to her home. No chip was found. She was so full of ticks.

We are very appreciative of everyone that shared sightings of this little girl. We are also so thankful for the members of Kenwood Heights Church for feeding this pup and allowing us to set a trap on the property. And for Kristen and her fiancé for their dedication and love for this little girl. They made our efforts much easier! We always appreciate the communities help.

We wish this adorable little girl the best future ahead!

Author -
Julie Foley

Trapping Team-
Rachel Marie, Julie Foley & Shannon Wethington

Milton “Buddy”Unaltered brindle male Schnauzer mixWatson - Tandy Rd, Milton KyMay 12, 2024 (lost since March 2024)“Milto...

Milton “Buddy”
Unaltered brindle male Schnauzer mix
Watson - Tandy Rd, Milton Ky
May 12, 2024 (lost since March 2024)

“Miltons” story reminds me once again that things always aren’t what they appear. Milton had a real name. which was Buddy. And he wasn’t dumped, he was truly lost. Lost since March! but now he’s home🩷!.

I received a message from my friend Dakota about a dog in Trimble county that had been running loose for well over a week in the area. Several of the neighbors had been trying to earn his trust to see if they could get a leash on him, but he was just simply too scared. Although he would lay in yards and fields closeby, even following some people, he always kept his distance and watched from afar. While he was unsure of who to trust, he seemed to find comfort in staying close to the houses. He was also limping pretty noticeably on his front leg.

I was very familiar with the area. I had caught quite a few of dogs over time that needed help in this county. I had also helped Dakota with a dog recently that had been abandoned by its owner that was running the streets. We were hoping this wasn’t the case for this guy. None of neighbors seemed to recognize him.

A lady named Libby had been feeding him pretty consistently. He seemed to be staying near her home the most. He would lay in the field under a tree across the street from her house.

Libby and I began messaging. She told me the dog would walk across the street, eat in her driveway and then go back and lay down in the grass in the shade . Sometimes he would wander into the woods, but for the most part he just slept in the grass. Her and her family did not have any dogs, but sometimes her mom‘s dog would come down to visit. He was completely unbothered by her. He just kept to himself. She said the dog appeared very sad.

It was Mother’s Day, it was hot, but I hated the thought of him out there in the heat and injured. I offered to bring the trap out to see if we could secure him. Libby was also pretty worried about him. The Trimble County Director/ACO very graciously, offered to be available if he was to be caught. I had a few hours before I had to be at my engagements, so Brendan and I headed out.

When we drove down her street, I saw him out of the corner of my eye laying flat out under the tree sound asleep. He hardly lifted his head to acknowledge us. I began setting the trap in her front yard directly across from where he was laying. The smell of hot chicken nuggets caught his attention. Brendan tossed him a small piece, he limped over to us with the saddest face. He walked right up to Brendan just staring at him. Brendan sat with him for a bit, but as soon as the dog saw the leash, he limped away. Then he came back and followed me as I finished setting the trap, smelling the food. He was hungry.

We all walked away so he could find the food in the trap. It didn’t take him long to muster up some courage and walk in. He was SAFE. Libby and I sat with him once we moved the trap to the shade. He was heavily matted and stunk so bad.
While we were sitting with him, I noticed a collar with a name plate under all his hair. We could only make out the 812 area code. Heather, the ACO came out to help. We were going to transfer him to her vehicle, but he was stressed and his leg was bothering him. We decided to leave him in the trap as he was. I transported him back to the shelter in the trap in my car following Heather.

Once at the shelter, he was all set up in his own private room in the a/c with a nice bed for the night so he could just rest. The shelter staff would remove his collar the next day when they would also scan him for a chip.

The next morning, I heard from the Animal Control officer. “Milton” was beginning to warm up to staff, just still a little unsure. They were able to get the collar off. Unfortunately the phone number was disconnected. He was unaltered, and he had no microchip. He was posted on their page and on the lost and found pages trying to locate an owner.

Midweek wonderful news came in.
OWNER FOUND!! “Buddy” had been missing since March!! and his owner was on his way!!

I think the pictures speak for themselves if you’re curious (I was!) if Buddy missed or remembered his owner. A timid, standoffish dog quickly transformed to an excited, happy dog!! I never “judge” or label a dog for how they behave for simply trying to survive. We don’t know their story and these dogs don’t know we are trying to help.

This reunion made me smile!! It reminded me yet again, why our group does what we do.

Everyone was so happy to see Buddy happy again. We will likely never know how Buddy made it from Madison, Indiana to Milton, Ky and where he was all this time.
But Buddy is home.

Thank you to everyone that shared his picture or offered him some food. You may never know how much impact it could have. A “stray” dog might just be someone’s missing dog. Thank you Dakota for always caring! Thank you to Libby and her family for feeding him. And to Heather the Trimble Co. Director for helping me on a Sunday, and on Mothers Day get him safely into the shelter. To the whole shelter staff for working to find his home. Lastly, but not least to Brendan for all his help, once again.

Author -
Julie Foley

Trapping Team-
Julie Foley & Brendan Morris

MoonFemale, Rescue, ChippedCrestwood, KYMay 5th-7th, 2024 On May 5th, I received a phone call from Cj asking for help re...

Female, Rescue, Chipped
Crestwood, KY
May 5th-7th, 2024

On May 5th, I received a phone call from Cj asking for help regarding her lost dog Moon. She had been missing for almost two weeks.

Cj rescued her and her sister Star back in December. This poor little thing had been through a lot. She managed to escape from the gate of her backyard…Cj hadn’t noticed that the latch was broken.

This poor thing was afraid of people and was a runner…who knows what she had endured in her life. There were a few sightings but no one could secure her. This poor little thing was constantly on the go…along Highway 22, a very busy road. The day prior to calling me…she was spotted on someone’s ring camera 3 times. The owner tried to lure her inside with food but Moon was just too afraid. We contacted the homeowner and received permission to set a trap on his property so I went there the next morning to set the trap and camera up.

The whole day went by … no sign of her.

The following morning, around 6am…I received a text from Cj. She said someone called her saying they saw Moon by the dumpster in their apartment complex which was about a minute away from the house she was last seen at. I literally jumped out of bed and rushed over there.

When I got there, Cj and her neighbor were there. Cj just had knee surgery so she wasn’t mobile. I walked around a bit and saw her laying all the way at the back of the apartment complex…on the grass just by the fence. When she saw me, she got up and attempted to walk away. This is how fearful she was so I just turned around and walked away. I didn’t want to try to hand catch her and have her leave the area.

Cj had Moon’s sister Star with her so I thought I would try to see if she could help bring her out and get her to come to us but that didn’t work. She actually began to run away so we backed off…luckily she returned and went to lay back in her spot.

I asked Cj to keep an eye on her while I rush over to where I had set my trap up…to pick it up so that I could set it at the apartment complex.

A few minutes later, I return with the trap…I noticed she was still laying in the same spot so I set the trap up, threw a few pieces of food her way and went to sit in my car. Moon was just laying there sleeping. She wasn’t interested in the trap. I would throw food her way to wake her up but she didn’t want anything to do with it.

I asked Cj and her neighbor if they could sit and keep an eye on the trap while I went home quickly to let my own dogs out to potty since I left in hurry this morning. Once I returned, Cj left to go to her doctors appointment.

After 3 hours, she finally got up and went to the trap….smelled the food, walked around the trap then walked away. She went back to lay down.

A storm was on its way so I was hoping she would go into the trap before it hit. Around 20 minutes later, she got up again and went to the trap….this time walking right into it…yay, she is SAFE! I texted Cj letting her know she was caught…she was ecstatic…she said she would be right over.

After Moon went into the trap, it began raining really hard. I wanted to get her out of the trap as soon as possible as she was getting rained on. As I went to open the trap door to attempt to slip lead her…she was so scared…she went all the way to the back of the trap. I had to literally crawl into the trap while it was pouring to be able to slip lead her and get her out. We were both completely soaked… I picked her up and brought her to Cj’s car.

Tears of joy were flowing…they were reunited

Cj immediately took her to get cleaned up and contacted her vet…other than a small minor wound on her hip, thankfully…Moon was ok.

She slept along side her sister Star for the most of the day and all night. A much needed rest for sure.

Trapping Team & Author: Annamaria Love

DOROTHY AND SOPHIAFemale senior straysFERN CREEK PARK Louisville April 30, 2024I received a text around 7 PM from Joe Ha...

Female senior strays
April 30, 2024

I received a text around 7 PM from Joe Hagan, asking me if I was still trapping. He reminded me I had trapped a dog in his neighborhood and he still had my contact information. He had been trying to catch two senior female dogs that had possibly been dumped in Fern Creek Park. He had been there all day. His efforts had proved to be unsuccessful.

I quickly assembled a team. Cheryl Eblan Smith coming from Oldham County and Rachael Marie coming from the Preston Highway area.
The dogs were waiting when I first arrived. While Joe distracted them, I set a trap and cam and as Cheryl arrived, she helped with the second trap.

The short, chubby long-haired Bassett hound mix investigated the trap, but just wasn’t that interested. The larger dog maybe a Newfoundland- shepherd mix seemed to be in distress. She was overweight, probably 80 lbs or more, hot, limping and would walk two feet and lay down.

Vehicles were leaving the park after ballgames, and we were trying to keep the dogs out of the roads until it got quiet.

We tried to herd the big black dog towards the trap, but she crossed the exit road into the woods. There was chain link fencing so she couldn’t go far but we couldn’t follow.

The basset mix decided to follow her into the woods. We decided that Joe, Cheryl and Rachael would drive to the other side of the shallow woods and see if there was any access. It was quiet but very dark and we were relying on flashlights, cellphones and shouting to coordinate the search. I stayed on the park side to watch the roads and traps.

Luck was on our side and there was access from the other side, but it was a muddy swamp, surrounded with bushy branches with long stickers and little visibility. They finally found the big black dog. They surrounded her and got her secured. Rachael had to pick her up and carry her to Cheryl‘s SUV. About the same time the disturbance caused the other dog to come out of my side of woods.

I started tossing Vienna sausage bits to her backing up towards the traps. Within a few minutes she went into one of the traps and was SAFE TOO!!
We loaded her into my SUV and we caravanned over to Joe’s house. The dogs had a clean, warm, place to sleep for the night with plenty of food and lots of water in Joe’s garage. The next day he registered them with Louisville Metro Animal Services. To date, the girls have not been claimed and are still under the care of Joe.

TRAPPING TEAM: Cheryl Eblan Smith, Rachael Marie, Joe Hagan, Rita O’Hern Smith

AUTHOR :Rita Smith

DERBY CAT AND HER 7 KITTENSBreckenridge square aptsLouisville April 24-25, 2024We don’t normally trap cats. There are pe...

Breckenridge square apts
April 24-25, 2024

We don’t normally trap cats. There are people that specialize in trapping cats and we defer to them. But.. every once in a while the stars align.

My stepdaughter, Susan stopped by to borrow a Derby hat for the upcoming Rescues & Roses Fashion show benefiting Animal Care Society.. She works there …in the Cat department.

As she was walking in the door, I received a message from Heather on Kentuckiana Lost & Found Pets Network. A tree had fallen at Breckenridge Square apartments. When the tree trimmers cut down the tree, it was hollow inside and contained seven kittens, less than two weeks old. The mother cat fled. They searched for hours and couldn’t find her.

They knew without the Mama cat, the kittens would soon be in distress and the leasing office was not equipped to take care of them. Susan made a call to ACS and they agreed to take the kittens immediately. By the time she picked them up a Foster had been arranged. Since there was still activity with the tree trimmers, I told them I would come over the next day and try to trap the mama cat.

The next day as I was loading the car, I realized I had a traditional cat trap. I’m not used to those traps and had my doubts, but I took it with me anyhow. I set up the trap and cam in the back of the apartments, tested the trap and waited. It didn’t take long before a cat showed up went into the trap, ate most of the food and the trip plate never engaged. I knew it —I knew better than to use that cat trap.

I went home, grabbed a trap that I knew worked and reset it. It was later in the day and people were starting to come home from work, and there was more activity. I decided to move the trap where it was camouflaged a little better. Within minutes, the same cat walked into the trap, and to my shock, it didn’t trip! Since I thought the cat was getting a little overfed, I walked over to the trap knowing it would leave. I discovered that the can of cat food had barely slid under the trip plate when I moved the trap. My bad!! And I still wasn’t certain it was the mama cat.

So for the third time, I reset the trap made sure everything was working and waited. That evening, the apartment complex had two food trucks, close to the trapping area, so it was very busy and very noisy. As soon as everything calmed down, and people went back into their apartments, the cat came out and went into the trap. And it finally closed!!

Susan came over and took the cat in the trap back to her home for the evening. The next morning, the mama cat was reunited with her babies. Meanwhile, someone had found an abandoned 2 week old kitten in another area and called ACS. The kitten was introduced to the mama cat who accepted her right away.

So this was a Derby week WIN- WIN- WIN!


Trapping team and author: Rita O’Hern Smith

Carolina Female, No microchipPRP area of Louisville May 4th-5th, 2024 Our group chat received a message from Lisa Willia...

Female, No microchip
PRP area of Louisville
May 4th-5th, 2024

Our group chat received a message from Lisa Williams Devine that she saw a dog standing in the middle of super busy Greenwood Rd and asked if anyone can help. Safe Stacy said she would head over right away. One was trying to stop traffic, while the other was trying to get the dog off the road and it was limping. This dog was moving fast and ran into the Mini Storage Depot. They spoke to the manager at the storage depot who told them that she had been there for several days and possibly dumped. They tried getting her to come to them with food… she would get close but she was very skittish.

They called Animal Control…they came out but could not capture the dog so they left.

Lisa shared that she thought a trap would be the best option for this dog. I offered to bring my trap… Lisa said she would confirm with me in the morning.

Around 10:00am, Lisa said she spoke to the manager at the storage place, she said the dog had not been seen at all. Later on…around 4:30pm, Lisa said the manager called and said the dog was spotted and at the storage place.

While this was happening, Lisa said she had seen a black dog loose a few streets over so we thought we should bring two traps, just in case. I brought mine and Rachael brought one as well. Rachael & I met Stacy & Lisa at the storage place. We set the trap near the front of the storage place and waited. Lisa went to drive around to look for the black dog.

The dog came by the trap, smelled the food but walked away and went to the back of the storage place. It was a busy place with people coming in and out so she was very nervous. I slid underneath the gate to go find her to see if I could encourage her back towards the trap. She would come towards the front near the trap but would not go to the trap. The constant traffic of people would scare her and she would run to the back of the storage area.

After a little while, I took some hotdogs with me that Stacy gave me and slid under the gate again to go look for her. I was planning on enticing her back to the trap again and leaving a little trail of hotdogs towards the trap. Instead, I ended up sitting on the ground to see if she would come to me. I threw over a hotdog, she ate it and slowly made her way towards me…doing that a few times until she laid next to me. I sat with her for a bit just humming. I can feel that she trusted me but still a bit apprehensive with all the commotion happening around us. I tried to slip lead her, almost had her but ran out of hotdogs so I walked back towards the front where Rachael, Stacy & Lisa were.

She slowly made her way back towards the front area. There was a guy who was in a wheel chair at his storage unit with the door open. She walked by him and he fed her bread. I asked him to throw some into the storage unit so that I could go close the door and trap her inside. He agreed…he threw the bread inside, she went right in so I ran towards the door and attempted to shut it but she snuck by my legs and got out.

It was getting late…so we all thought…lets call it a night. She has been fed a lot…it was super busy…she wasn’t going in the trap tonight. We agreed that it would be better to come early in the morning when it’s quiet. The manager at the storage place said that we could set the trap closer to the back this time as there is less commotion.

The following morning, I head out around 8am. The storage place didn’t open until 9 but I thought I would go and just see if I spot her and decide where a good place to set the trap would be. When I arrived, I had the slip lead around my neck but didn’t bring food as I had no intentions to try to feed her or slip lead her as I wanted her to be hungry to go into the trap.

Once I got to the back, I saw her laying on a patch of grass. I sat on the ground with my back towards her and slowly made my way to her while I hummed. She allowed me to get to the point where I was sitting right next to her. I gently stuck my hand out…she smelled it. I lightly attempted to pet her… she allowed it. I sat with her for a few minutes just petting her and calmly slipped the lead over her head and I’ve got her. I sat with her a bit longer, continued to pet her showing her some love. I noticed the collar she was wearing was on too tight so I removed it. It did not have a tag or anything engraved in it.

After a little while, I got up and said lets go… and we walked back towards my vehicle. Lisa & Stacy were there. We got her in my car and I headed to Louisville Metro Animal Services.

As we sat there waiting for intake, she was just the sweetest little thing. Very affectionate and loving. This girl desperately wants to be loved and deserves a good home. Perhaps now she will have a chance to find one.

Trapping team: Rachael Marie, Lisa Williams Devine, Annamaria Love, Safe Stacy

Author: Annamaria Love

Birthday GirlFemale, No chip, No collarShively, KYApril 15th, 2024 I received a phone call from Jen Harrison asking for ...

Birthday Girl
Female, No chip, No collar
Shively, KY
April 15th, 2024

I received a phone call from Jen Harrison asking for help with this dog that has been seen loose and on the streets for quite some time. Her & Ryah had been on her tail trying to capture her to safety. I agreed to meet the next morning but then Jen wasn’t feeling well so I head out there myself to see if I could spot her. After 2 hours of driving around, I did not find her so I went home.

Later that day…Ryah and her boyfriend Trevor were out in that area and they saw her. She was near a creek close to a busy road. Tara asked if I could head back there to help so I got in my car and rushed over there. They kept an eye on her until I got there as I was 30 minutes away driving like a mad woman lol

Once I got there, I set myself up to try to hand catch her. I noticed she had large nipples…it seemed she may have recently had pups. It was such a hot day… we were sitting in the sun. I made several attempts to hand catch her but there were so many distractions with cars going by and a dog that was on the other side of the fence… jumping AT the fence…it spooked her…she went onto the road and almost got hit. I felt, this wasn’t a good idea and thought a trap would be best…for her safety.

I didn’t have my trap as it was being used for another dog so we asked Rita if she could bring a trap but she was busy trying to trap a different dog….. yess too many loose dogs!!!

Bobbie offered her trap so Ryah & Trevor went with Ryah’s dad and his truck to pick up the trap. Once they returned, I set the trap & camera up and went to sit in my car to watch.

Ryah and Trevor had to go run some errands so I just sat & waited.

With it being so hot & humid… she just chilled, sleeping by the creek to stay cool. I would try to wake her up by enticing her with food. She would eat it, then go lay back down. She wasn’t going near the trap.

After almost 4 hours…she still hadn’t gone near the trap.

Ryah & Trevor return and I said…we have to wake her up and get her to go towards the trap. She was laying on one side of the creek and we were on the other. I suggested that I walk passed her and start clapping while they stay near the road to block her from going onto the street. She would have to walk by the trap to get towards the street.

So…I begin clapping…that gets her up and she begins walking towards the trap with Trevor by the road and Ryah hiding to the side near the road. She stops at the trap, smells the food and then lays right beside it just watching Trevor.

I thought, she wont go into the trap with her seeing that Trevor is watching so I suggested…lets all walk away and go to our cars and leave her alone. Once we left… she got up and began to smell the food again, eating the droplets I left for her on the outside of the trap and slowly making her way INTO the trap …she’s safely captured!

Bobbie’s trap is the large one and would not fit in any of our vehicles with the dog in it so we worked together to open the trap and safely put a slip lead on her and then another for security. We got her out of the trap but she would not walk. She was friendly and loved to be pet but would just NOT walk. She was frozen scared to move so Ryah’s dad picked her up and brought her to Ryah’s vehicle and off to Louisville Metro Animal Services they went.

I am so glad she is off the streets. Praying a good family adopts her and provides a safe & loving home that she deserves.

Trapping Team: Annamaria Love, Ryah Wall (and her dad) & Trevor

Author: Annamaria Love

MayaUnaltered black female pitbull mix (no chip)Iroquois Park, Louisville, KyApril 9 - 10, 2024Late Tuesday morning I ha...

Unaltered black female pitbull mix (no chip)
Iroquois Park, Louisville, Ky
April 9 - 10, 2024

Late Tuesday morning I had just finished trapping a little beagle in Oldham county. I was just about to head back home when I saw a post shared by Lisa from our group. Another dog that looked to have been dumped at Iroquois Park, wearing a black harness. Her pink leash was also left on a stump nearby. Unfortunately, this was an area we were all too familiar with having caught and trapped way too many dumped dogs. Lisa was planning to head out after work to check on the dog. Lauren was already heading that way to check it out. I offered to head over to help since I already had both of my traps and camera loaded.

Samantha, a Parks employee and original poster, said the dog had been reportedly been there for at least two days. She and her co-worker both tried to earn her trust the night before. Samantha had gotten pretty close to her, but the dog got spooked and ran into the drainage pipe. Efforts were made with food to lure her out, but she was too scared.

Lauren and I located the drainage pipe where she was last seen. None of the food had been touched. We found several tracks In the mud leading away from the pipe headed towards a path. We carried my trap down the steep hill and set it up where she seemed to be traveling. Lauren stayed as late as she could. Then Lisa arrived late in the evening. We walked some of the paths and spoke to several people, but no sign of her. We stayed until dark. We decided to pull the trap, but leave the camera on some food to see if she returned.

At 9:30 pm my camera alerted my phone. It was her, she was back and eating the food. Earlier that day, I had moved her pink leash off the stump down near the ground. Just so it wasn’t so visible from the road. It was attracting people to come down to the area to look, potentially spooking her away from where she felt safe.
What we witnessed next on the camera broke our hearts. It was definitely her leash. After she was done eating, she walked over to her leash, picked it up and carried it away with her. I think I was just so overcome with sadness for her. That was the only item she had left, she felt a connection to.

The next morning Samantha set some food out for her until we could get there. Another walker appeared with his dog. He too tried to catch her but she was told afraid. When Lauren arrived late morning with her trap, the dog was just hanging out near the storm drain area where her leash had been left. She watched Lauren for a bit, then headed towards the path disappearing. I arrived a short time later.

Lauren left mid afternoon, I stayed and drove around looking. Bobbie and Dee came through the park to help look. Samantha stopped by to check on how things were going and offered help. Then Rachel arrived a short time later to help. This little dog had so many people worried for her! I had to leave, so Rachel stayed until Lisa could get there. And Lauren would be back before dark.

Finally around 8:00 pm that evening she appeared! I messaged all the girls who were there anxiously waiting! It didn’t take her long to find the trap and the food. She knew the food was in the back, she had to figure out how to get to the food, but it didn’t take her long. She finally walked in and was safe.

Lauren, Rachel, Lisa, and Ryah all met at the trap and loaded her up into Lauren’s car. Lauren very graciously offered to take her home for the night. The poor dog was infested with so many ticks!! But she was a very good overnight houseguest. Slept like a champ. Lauren immediately made a plea for a foster trying to keep her out of the already overcrowded shelter. Her plea was heard and answered!. The kind couple offered to meet Lauren and this sweet dog the next day at LMAS so she could be registered as a stray and field foster. She didn’t have to spend one day at the shelter.

We were all so thrilled with the outcome of what began as such a heartbreaking situation for this dog. Dumped, left alone in the woods with her leash, so confused looking for food. But now she was headed to a foster home to be loved and feel safe. We were so grateful for Samantha! And to the foster family that stepped up immediately to Lauren’s plea. Our community came together to help mend this dog’s broken heart and spirit.

“Rita” has settled into her foster home and is doing very well!” Pic in comments !

Julie Foley

Trapping Team -
Lauren Kasdan, Lisa Williams Devine, Rachel Marie, Ryah Wall & Julie Foley




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