So, I've had my operation but I am still not really using my leg like I should be. It is hard because my leg is shorter so doesn't reach the ground properly, so at times it is literally floating in the air. Grandma tells me I need to bend my other knee more but it kind of hurts to walk on my sore leg. I can't take anti inflammatories because I vomit from them and the vet says that puts me at risk of a stomach ulcer. Also, because of the sling, I had not been using my leg for a month so my muscles have wasted. Combine that with my leg being detached, it often does look like it is just hanging.
The last two nights I've woken up between 4am and 5am. All grandma and Tahli can work out is that I am bored. Grandma is thinking of giving me some more Gabapentin before bed so I am more sedated. I just wish they would let me out into the living room. Here's me when I am trying to walk on the leg rather than just carrying it...
Sometimes I pretend I am doing a recall...but it is really on my terms....
Grandma should know that jumping fences causes me a LOT of pain. I am not going to be sucked in by her encouraging voice!
Mum, it was beautiful here earlier. Hadn't been to the beach for ages.
These cow were following me along the fence. They wanted to be my friend!
Grandma is trying to let me off lead in areas apart from the beach to help with my recall in different places. I just ignore her.
Mummy, I'm crying because I miss you! xx
Grandma bought us new toys. How long do you give them?
Hi Mum, went for a couple of walks with Marnie and Mundi today. You should see Mundi, she is really cute.
In the carpark, there was this big dog I didn't like and I had a bit of a go at it. The owner was not happy and was warning people on the beach I was a dangerous dog....and you should have seen the look he gave grandma! Scary!
Grandma, give me some attention pleease...those two are excluding me!
I was playing with this little guy UNTIL Grandma brought the camera out.
I was walking along the beach and this kelpie was kicking a basketball along in front of him, just like a soccer star, all along the beach.
I found a new friend too. We played for ages but I don't know his name. He was a bit naughty and didn't go back to his owner when called.
Grandma got me a new toy (though she gave me the wrong one - I got brown and Koda got gray). But Mum, you won't believe it...I carried it all the way from the start of the estate to the front door without putting it down!
I hate it when everyone is watching the footy and not giving me any attention..and grandma didn't take me to Geelong West because she went straight from Melbourne. I am going to make them pay.
Look at my sharp turn...and no problems with my hip! Go me!
Oops a hole...that's embarrassing!
If you want me grandma, come and get me!
This still happens! Koda cheats! I'm way faster than her but...oh no!