The Queen Has Fallen 👑🦮.. Sophie girl you definitely left your print behind it all started with you. My first Cane Corso and from there you made me fall in love with the breed. It was a hell of a journey with you lady from Va to the move to Maryland to back home to Va on the yard with me and keeping the other dogs in check at the kennel. Wherever you saw me you saw you. Your loyalty was unmatched, your intelligence, and your drive baby girl you was !! Not suppose to be like this you was retired and suppose to be living your best life. I sit back and as a breeder and more importantly a pet owner first I ask myself what did I miss what didn’t I catch, where did I go wrong… Royalty Cane Corso Kennels is because of you even down to the face of the logo. We’ve blessed so many people around the world with your pups so your legacy will live on and I got your son as well. So I’m going to keep it going because if not it was all for nothing!! Until next time Sophie 6/30/18-2/7/24 🇮🇹👑🎖️🥇♥️