Little Paws Of The Valley

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Little Paws Of The Valley We are NOT a 501C Rescue Organization. All volunteer work. Few neighborhood volunteers RESCUE, foste

😿SWIPE⬅️: 2 Mama cats went to  today.  BOTH PREGNANT 💔. One was hemorrhaging after surgery due to complications.  Many m...

😿SWIPE⬅️: 2 Mama cats went to today. BOTH PREGNANT 💔. One was hemorrhaging after surgery due to complications. Many mama cats don’t survive giving birth out there. Many kittens die out there. Please participate and support TNR ( Trap-Neuter-Return ). Want to know how to trap feral cats? Contact me, I’ll show you how. *

SWIPE⬅️:Staking out for hours trapping cats is the easy part ( well, it’s hard, dirty work and also can be dangerous at ...

SWIPE⬅️:Staking out for hours trapping cats is the easy part ( well, it’s hard, dirty work and also can be dangerous at times ). But to see cats living a healthier, easier life as a result of TNR is what makes it worthwhile. However, dealing with manipulative, controlling, lying feeders / owners is the most challenging, difficult part. As tolerant, as patient as I am to go along and put up with people’s BS and literally their mental illness, I’m at the point of reaching my limit and ready to move on and move away from certain colonies controlled by manipulative toxic feeder breeders. It’s been a very stressful past 2 weeks trapping at the “Teesdale Colony”🐱🐾. Teedale🐱, you led us to you for a reason. You didn’t die for nothing. Getting all Teesdale’s🐱 siblings, cousins, friends TNR’d is the goal so they won’t have to live a hard life, suffer and die like Teesdale🐱! Unfortunately, I do also realize we can’t save every single cat especially in a world with way too many ignorant, irrational humans who don’t put animals best interests before their own selfish, sick emotional needs. We can not change the world, however each single cat TNR’d, his / her world has furrever changed !
5 more cats went to clinic for spay, neuter & vaccination today! *

Challenging night of trapping in strong wind. Mama cats with her babies running loose on street ( not spayed / neutered ...

Challenging night of trapping in strong wind. Mama cats with her babies running loose on street ( not spayed / neutered at mature reproductive mating age ) and their care taker storming down the street yelling on top of her lungs, waving her arms up in the air threatening to call the police on us in attempt to stop us from trapping and fixing the cats. Where next street over the 50 cats colony with food everywhere even when feeder was instructed NOT to feed on trapping day😡 ! We can’t give in to this madness and can’t give up on these poor cats who can’t help themselves. We are their ONLY HOPE! Sooner or later, one way or the other we will trap them and get them FIXED! 7 cats went to clinic for spay, neuter & vaccinations this morning! We are in need for cases of human grade canned tunas and cats treats for baiting traps. Especially with feeders sabotaging with feedings, we need human grade canned tuna and cat treats to entice cats go in traps for a treat of their lives of being fixed for a better, healthier life 🙏❤️🐱*

SWIPE ⬅️This concludes the  “Teesdale Colony” TNR project. In honor of Teesdaler 🌈 🐱 ( refer to previous post ). Teesdal...

SWIPE ⬅️This concludes the “Teesdale Colony” TNR project. In honor of Teesdaler 🌈 🐱 ( refer to previous post ). Teesdale🐱, we got your siblings & friends TNR’d, they now have a healthier, easier life after spay / neuter, vaccines. NO more fighting to eat, fighting to mate, fighting for territories, NO more catching diseases, NO more giving birth in the bushes suffer and die ...! Moving onto the next FIFTY, that’s right 50 feral cats colony down the blocks! Plz participate and support TNR ( Trap-Neuter-Return ) = it sure saves lives & prevents sufferings ! *

SWIPE ⬅️: From Teesdale’s🐱colony ( refer to previous post - NO one did anything when poor cat suffered on the streets fo...

SWIPE ⬅️: From Teesdale’s🐱colony ( refer to previous post - NO one did anything when poor cat suffered on the streets for a year ) . Neighbors are feeding, breeding and picking kittens WITHOUT fixing mama cats. Friendly house cats free roaming with collar on but NOT neutered. Young mama cats have been having multiple litters around the year non-stop per neighbors. NO one did anything ?! 5 cats went in today including 1 friendly FIV+. Going back for at least 10 plus more cats ! *

SWIPE⬅️:This is Bud🐱. His owner died.  He’s been roaming the streets of LA.  A kind neighbor has been feeding him outsid...

SWIPE⬅️:This is Bud🐱. His owner died. He’s been roaming the streets of LA. A kind neighbor has been feeding him outside garage. He’s cold, scared, hungry and probably doesn’t understand why he’s now on the street and doesn’t have his human Mama & his home anymore ....💔. Rescue / trapping is in progress. If anyone can spare few dollars to help towards Bud’s basic care, plz kindly specify “Bud🐱” on donation.
Venmo: LittlePawsOfTheValley
Paypal: [email protected]
Bud🐱, hang in there! We are coming to get you off the streets ❤️🐾! *


A year in number! 204 cats were TNRd 70 kittens were neutered vaccinated tested microchipped and ADOPTED! 6 cats in needs of medical treatment were helped! Thank you for all your support!

🐾 SWIPE⬅️: How did we find Oliver🐱? He found us.  He squeezed himself into an apartment door where my rescue friend & I ...

🐾 SWIPE⬅️: How did we find Oliver🐱? He found us. He squeezed himself into an apartment door where my rescue friend & I were doing TNR. He jump on stranger’s bed and passed out tired. Upon examination, all his paw pads were raw, his nose and fur were so dirty = all signs told us he had traveled far. He’s temporarily being held by a friend. He’s starving for human attention and love. He’s a snuggler and best lover boy who sweet meows you. Estimated 8 months old, neutered. Oliver is accepting applications. Send a meow to me and I’ll forward to his foster Mama. *

💔SWIPE⬅️:Graphic photo of Milo🐱, homeless cat lived on Hart street in North Hollywood. 1st photo was  taken about 4 mont...

💔SWIPE⬅️:Graphic photo of Milo🐱, homeless cat lived on Hart street in North Hollywood. 1st photo was taken about 4 months ago when I was alerted by a neighbor. His cancer ( squamous cell carcinoma) started getting bigger. But he was still managing to eat and roam the streets at that time. I went there with to trap him. Milo’s feeder refused and stated :” I want him to live out his life naturally...”. Despite we explained to her about the pain, suffering and zero quality of life, feeder didn’t allow us to set trap on her property. My other trapping partner Deidre went, feeder threatened to call police on her. As time passed by, Milo had gotten weaker, couldn’t smell nor taste food anymore, could barely walk anymore, gasping for air could barely breathe anymore. My other trapping friend went to try again, but Milo could no longer smell food definitely not going for the traps. Today ( Dec 16, 2020 ) finally able to corner him and netted him 💔. Milo, we are so sorry we let you down 😿💔. We are so sorry we couldn’t have caught you sooner and free you from this pure torture. You did not deserve this. I constantly post and advocate for TNR ( Trap-Neuter-Return ), at time like this I feel so hopeless and defeated that we were not able to prevent the sufferings so many cats on the streets have to endure. Please spay & neuter. Please TNR. Please help or reach out for help if you see a cat suffering. Please , do not turn your blind eye. Many times, we are their ONLY hope and help .... Milo, so many of us LOVED and cared about you. I am so sorry .... 💔😿! *

UPDATE ABOUT SOPHIA 😽!!! Do you remember her 🐾? Check our previous posts 👇!! Straight out of South Central LA, 1 year ol...

UPDATE ABOUT SOPHIA 😽!!! Do you remember her 🐾? Check our previous posts 👇!! Straight out of South Central LA, 1 year old young momma cat Sophia struggled to survive with her 2 young kittens on a store property, unwanted, slated to be trapped and killed by a professional trapping company hired by store owner who hates cats. In the process her tail was severely injured and grossly infected. Luckily, our trapper got her out of there before the mean humans got to her! Her tail could not be saved, amputated due to severe injury. Hey! that makes her a very special breed called “Manx” who is known for not having a tail 😁 So, consider it was a successful “plastic surgery” which turned Sophia into a rare Special Breed! All our street rescues are to us !!! Now Sophias name is Lyra!!! Adopted and loved by it was truly love 😻at first sight! Lyra is now living THE LIFE that she deserves without be worried with furry friend and now older sister Hermia!! Our hearts are full we couldn’t be happier for her!! Please because are just as loving as loyal !!!...

🆘 NO cat should have to suffer like Eliot🐱 on the cold streets, hungry, in pain, BLIND, fend his own life💔!  I was reach...

🆘 NO cat should have to suffer like Eliot🐱 on the cold streets, hungry, in pain, BLIND, fend his own life💔! I was reached out for his life. Rescue is currently in progress. Please send PRAYERS & DONATION$ for Eliot🐱. How did he get to this point ? I can tell u the exactly same story over and over: once upon a time, someone failed to spay & neuter their free roaming cat, gave birth on the streets, then no one cared to spay & neuter the cat & the kittens again, the kittens unsocialized became feral. Then cycle continued over and over again. Eliot is the result of people do not care enough to spay & neuter, do not care enough to practice TNR ( Trap-Neuter-Return ) for street cats. His suffering was totally preventable but NOT enough human cared to take actions. Here we are again. I’m so sorry Eliot that human have failed u. Let’s help you to have a warm, safe place to rest your tired body, lets get medical care to make you feel better and ease your pain, let’s hope maybe you will learn to trust again .... 🙏🐱🐾💔! I will say this again and again : TNR !!!!!!

🐱SWIPE⬅️: Urgent 🆘 FOSTERS needed for FRIENDLY teen boys  “Sh*take” and “Waffles” and one sweet diluted calico Mama! (He...

🐱SWIPE⬅️: Urgent 🆘 FOSTERS needed for FRIENDLY teen boys “Sh*take” and “Waffles” and one sweet diluted calico Mama! (Her babies have been trapped and now are safe off the streets ). Trapping them on Tuesday. If no foster, they will be released back on streets after FixNation spay & neuter appointment. Please reach out if you or anyone you know can foster. Also, kindly help to share / repost ! Cats in Los Angels area. Willing to transport to fosters! Thanks ! *

🇺🇸🐱🐾 11-03-2020   for         **

🇺🇸🐱🐾 11-03-2020 for *

🐱🏠 🐾SWIPE⬅️: Took a long Sunday walk to check on the   feeding stations. There were close to 300 feral cats lived on   c...

🐱🏠 🐾SWIPE⬅️: Took a long Sunday walk to check on the feeding stations. There were close to 300 feral cats lived on campus 20 years ago due to endless cycles of breedings. Over the years, TNR’d ( Trap-Neuter-Returned ) most cats. 24/7 rain or shine, volunteers feed & water these cats daily. All feral cats lived out their natural course of lives here the past decades. Today estimated about 80 cats still living their best feral lives here on campus. All feeding stations are cleaned daily and replenished with fresh food & water. I played a small part of TNRing some of these cats over the years. This wonderful small group of volunteers are truly these homeless cats and they are my . Imagine if every neighborhood takes care of the like this, there won’t be so much suffering & overpopulation.... Plz consider to volunteer, trap, TNR, feed, cat food. Thanks for reading & caring *

HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!See who was adopted today, Casper with bonded sister Paper 😽 and Aubrey 🐾!! Our hearts are full!!! Al...

See who was adopted today, Casper with bonded sister Paper 😽 and Aubrey 🐾!! Our hearts are full!!! All kittens were fully vetted and yes momma was too!! Photo credits

🎃 Kitten season is year round in CA.  Plz spay & neuter kittens when they reach 2 pounds body weight.  Do not weight. Ki...

🎃 Kitten season is year round in CA. Plz spay & neuter kittens when they reach 2 pounds body weight. Do not weight. Kittens can get pregnant as young as 4 month old ! *

🎃Happy   🐾 Please don’t forget to leave   for the homeless kitties. Keep them full & safe.  Continue to   ( trap-neuter-...

🎃Happy 🐾 Please don’t forget to leave for the homeless kitties. Keep them full & safe. Continue to ( trap-neuter-return ) ! *

🆘 PLEASE HELP 🆘 medical funds needed ⬅️ to see invoice !! This is for MINI 🐱– A couple of days ago, we were contacted by...

🆘 PLEASE HELP 🆘 medical funds needed ⬅️ to see invoice !! This is for MINI 🐱– A couple of days ago, we were contacted by a street feeder – she noticed one of her was having a respiratory issue. She has never done rescues, so she wasn’t sure what to do! We set up an appointment with our vet Dr. Burns at . She was seen last Thursday. Mini is a six-year-old male who most likely got into a fight (he is not neutered!). He was bitten multiple times!!! He has lost two teeth, has an eyelid laceration and an open wound on his back paw 😢💔He was diagnosed with acute Pneumonia and acute URI (upper respiratory infection). Dr. Burns gave him fluids, a vitamin injection, and a shot of convenia (antibiotic slow release). At the same time, we run blood and a f***l test. You can see why we are BIG on !!! It is so important, if this guy was neutered earlier he would be in a better situation! According to Dr Burns if left on the street for much longer, he would have slowly died. are very grateful that the feeder noticed him, and she didn’t turn her blind eye on him. Now she is fostering Mini, applying eye medication, and providing the medical care that he deservers while we are waiting the blood results. This is a but on the friendly side, which makes us believe he belonged to somebody once. But now this less fortunate cat has no home and no owner; pleeeeesse 🙏 support us by contributing to his medical care. Swipe left to see the bill for just last visit. Then he will need a follow up in 2 weeks and dental!! You can donate directly to us or to Dr. Burns at PAC; links in Bio!! Please specify this is for Mini – she street cat that has acute Pneumonia. Thank you dearly !!




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