The dogs know exactly when fruit is ready to pick. I almost lost a pinapple
Morning walk with the dogs
(Not my dog running in the video)
The 1st official Sprintdog event kicked off tonight, and for the next couple of nights this week. Sprintdog is now recognised as an official ANKC sport with sporting titles to be gained.
Night events typically run from 5pm to midnight, so we had fantastic weather to accompany us tonight. Nether the less, we got through the 100 entries, and carried on to the finish.
For those interested, the basics are : you must be a DogsQLD financial member. You need a handler (releaser) and a catcher, the dogs do a 100m sprint, and are timed on their run via timing stations, and a manual backup.
If they complete a 1st run, they come back for a second run, and there times will be used to work out their average speed, and they'll be awarded points towards their title.
Queensland events are held at Durack at the DogsQLD grounds. More information can be found via SprintDog Qld
Out on our morning walk, never camera shy
Pheonix and Luna zooming up and down the hallway
How was your commute home this afternoon 🥰 Rose 🌹 'Natedogz Maddam Rose'
Lure Coursing Machine run 2
12v Ground Lure Coursing Machine in action. Runs Forward and Reverse with speed control
I think they missed having DeeDee to play with. Maze might of lost 1 daughter today, but she still has her big baby to play with
Pearl our last baby has left, but not before learning from mum, how to climb the stairs 😲 Everyone has a great new home, and most aren't to far away this time
All this extra time with Mum, some Maze and Pearl videos put together, cheeky pair