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Space Evidence. learn & laugh about doggos and their silly humans


imma talk about it more like tomorrow or Wednesday, i promise.

but yall ready for the double whammy venus AND mercury retrograde?

this is very much "make it or break it energy" in relationships, jobs - anything that calls upon you in relations to those around you.

not to mention the new moon coming up.

i know we like to praise them but this one is kinda fu**ed to come before the mercury retro cause a lot of folks are really confused about what it is they want lmfao.

be very careful about the seeds you plant. rethink. renew. redo.

mind you; mercury retro is being fueled by mars virgo(mercury rules virgo) who must answer to the lack if clarity that is stationing (looks like it's still from earth) mercury.

ill tell my venus/mercury retro story at some point but ill leave yall with this - it can either be fixed or it can't. it shouldn't be one party having to play peace keeper. during leo season i hope you know better than to undermine yourself. esp with virgo analyzingthe source of the anxiousness as it does. not with mars finally getting mad about it.

if there is hope you will have help. if not, you won't. if all parties are being clear & speaking on THEIR anxiety & not the other even if it's uncomfortable that has promise. otherwise? heh..

f**k the "you did this" focus on the "this has been my experience" & actually see what they do instead of padding it for the best result all the time. stop trying to make everything okay. what did you feel? how can we transmute that? are you doing this by yourself? by choice or by necessity?

idk few things to think about.


full moons are not for manifesting.

you don't attempt to manifest a baby when you're 9 months pregnant.

think of the full moon as the time to harvest.

full moons are for evaluating, looking upon what you've grown, assessing what needs to be reduced moving forward. look at what you've done over the last 2 weeks. what grew? what spoiled? what would you like to continue?

new moons are when you plant seeds. fresh soil.

be grateful during the full moon.

go have some fun, you've invested & as the moon wanes you'll see what needs to be removed.

if the moon is full why aren't satiated?


some astrology reminders since mercury has moved into cancer & y'all have lost your minds.

there is NO such thing as an empty house. if you believe in empty houses you are learning from the wrong resources.

if you have an aquarius 2nd house with nothing there you look to its ruler. saturn.

this is why you can't sperate the signs & planets, they are intrinsically linked.

in fact, you have to keep this in mind for the whole chart. say that saturn is in the 9th house. this links the 2nd house & the 9th house. this will show someone who could make money from philosphy, importance around long distance travel, surrounded by or is a mentor & finds this nourishing. either way this person is going to be dealing with nourishment & "higher" thoughts in all the forms those come in.

next. sun is not your personality.

sun is more akin to the plotline of your life. think about the sun itself. it is constant; it hasn't changed since we've been alive. could you say that about your PERSONALITY? vs the things that drive you? the sun is more related to that which we seek, what brightens our world, what we need to feel triumphant, succesfully; what keeps us going & commands the rest of the chart.

the moon as the reflector of the sun is the environment created. think about how full moons 'cause havoc, pulls us outside, makes the oceans water rise. rarely can i sleep on a full moon. think about how she fills & releases like the mother's womb. in electional & horary astrology the moon is one of the most significant pieces because she most directly influences the day to day ongoings in our environment as she watches over us.

your rising is where the idea of YOU comes in. it is the moment we are no longer connected to the mother, the first breath, the end of the soul's journy to the body falling from the 12th house; the cutting of the umbilical cord. the rising sign sets the tone for the entire chart. chang the rising change the entirity of the chart.

if you are a capricorn rising with a mercury in aqua that places the planet in the 2nd house. mercury needs knowledge, communication & exhibits double-mindedness on matters of nourishment, money, skills & resouces.

now make this a leo rising. mercury is then in the 7th house of marriage, open enemies, law & feasts. communication in these matters will come up much more & the focus on such things will likely be of more imporance than the previous placements (whole chart matters).

these are drastically different expressions of the signs so setting your birth time to 12:00 pm is completely unacceptable.

with study & practice if you have an uncertain time you can use what's called rectification to get as close as possible. some astrologers specialize in this & can get it down to the moment. i can get sign but i'm not as good as getting it to the minute.

you HAVE to learn the foundations of astrology before you can use it for anything at all meaningful. if you don't know which 2 signs go to which 2 planets & why they're associated then how can you comfortably speak on them? if you don't know that while they line up nicely sign =/= planet that that isn't how it works why did you believe it? if you don't know the nature of the aspects why?

you should be asking a LOT of questions when it comes to astrology.

& if you aren't familiar with Abu Mas'har, Firmiticus, Manilius or hell even Chris Brennana, Dematra, and elders, mentors, Babas or ANY authorities on astrology then i must ask what you are doing? you're shafting yourself not knowing this things.

my predictive ability is as it is because i've always asked WHY & the universe answered.

please, stay curios.

super late solar return picsif you can't make me make this face then what is we doing?

super late solar return pics

if you can't make me make this face then what is we doing?

Saturn's day can be beginnings, new middles, new ends

Saturn's day can be fun.

new beginnings, new middles, new ends

Saturn's day can be adventures, new beginnings, new stories...

Saturn's day can be fun.

new adventures, new beginnings, new stories...

isolation is my best friend.besides Gouda.Mars has moved into Capricorn. time for you really want it?     ...

isolation is my best friend.

besides Gouda.

Mars has moved into Capricorn.

time for discipline.
do you really want it?

3rd time's charmnature's natural

3rd time's charm
nature's natural

3rd time's charmnature's natural

3rd time's charm
nature's natural

looking to see.eyes that speak.

looking to see.
eyes that speak.

i pray for my enemies. thank you~☆

i pray for my enemies.

thank you~☆

  balance that feminine energy & you might get a chance at a goddess.

balance that feminine energy & you might get a chance at a goddess.


fire changed humanity forever. without it we have no drive, no will, no pride but get too close & you will burn.

as much as fire is needed it must also be respected for the untameable essence that it is.

if you haven't already try adding fire mediation to your routine. watch... listen & the fire may just tell you her secrets.


"your existence is evidence you belong in this space" - space evidence. llc

claim it.

Almost every dog training problem can be broken down to one thing: Engagement.Leash pulling, reactivity, not listening o...

Almost every dog training problem can be broken down to one thing: Engagement.

Leash pulling, reactivity, not listening outside... let's ask ourselves a few questions.

How often do you train with your dog?
What does your training look like?
Is there a clear beginning and end?
What training goals do you set?
Do you only treat or do you utilize real life rewards?
Do you reward every single time?
Even if the dog knows the command?
How do you KNOW your dog knows a command?
Do you only train at home? In your yard?
Do you only train with you or a partner/friend?
Do you train around other dogs and distractions?
Is your training militant, based on having to or else?
Is it only positive without consequence?
Is it fun?
Do you have to keep your dogs attention?
Is your dog often caught staring at you like they want something?
If so what do you give them? A pet? A treat?

If you aren't asking yourself these questions when you train this is a good time to start. Why would your dog listen to you outside when he knows he can get all of those things inside? Further, if you walk your dog with the mindset of "this is their time" that is exactly how they will treat it.

Why wouldn't outside time be "our" time? If it is seen as just a time where you're trailing behind them and it's a free for all why wouldn't they treat it as such? Why in the world would they listen to you, holder of leash, blocker of fun?

You don't have to walk the same path you do every day. You can walk to an open field and use that time to practice sit, down, stay in short burst. The reward can be running with you down the street after a hefty time sitting, a tug toy, a ball.

Your dog wants to engage with you. You, as their leader, have to keep things fun. If you don't, they will find their own fun and the world is FULL of fun for dogs. Trash, critters, others dogs, other humans squealing at them... all of these things can be used as rewards. You, however, should be the most rewarding thing in your dog's world if you want to carry that in home training outdoors.

Practice putting on the leash at home, training, and taking it off. Practice just doing obedience in your yard until you can slowly inch further from the house. Practice utilizing food, water, entering, exiting, greeting people or other dogs as rewards for sit or down.

Your dog isn't dedicated to being disobedient. You haven't impressed upon them the joy or importance of engaging with you.

Try it today and see the difference.

- The Mischievous Mutt ☆

Please show me a Pug that has the Sam's enthusiasm, skill, and ability to herd like a Border Collie.In the statistically...

Please show me a Pug that has the Sam's enthusiasm, skill, and ability to herd like a Border Collie.

In the statistically only possible chance you can. Show me another one.

Credit: Magnum Opus Canine TrainingLet’s talk BITE PREVENTION!I have encountered a ton of non-dog savvy/sense runners in...

Credit: Magnum Opus Canine Training


I have encountered a ton of non-dog savvy/sense runners in public. They have literally ran right up on my Dobermans without warning. I have to be on my toes with my head on a swivel because I cannot expect every runner to have common sense around dogs. Now it goes both ways, people don’t go out in public expecting to be attacked by someone’s dog. Dog owners need to be very responsible and aware and maintain control of their dog.

When approaching someone with their dog, slow down and walk normally and don’t make eye contact or try to talk to the dog. Just be calm and ignore it. Movement, especially fast, and approaching from behind startling a dog or head on can trigger prey drive and predatory instincts. With mixed breeds it is a gamble but if you’re approaching a purebred dog known to have high prey drive and protective instincts then don’t play with fire and run super close to the dog or startle it. Especially if you notice the owner doesn’t notice you. Know why a lot of kids get bit? Because they flail around and make noises. Project calm and boring energy and make yourself less of a target.

Dog owners:
Know 👏what 👏you👏have 👏at the end of your leash! If you can’t physically and safely control your dog on a leash then don’t bring it out in public and put everyone at risk. Make sure you have safe and escape proof equipment on your dog! Most dog owners have their dog’s collars way too loose. Tighten that s**t up! Get over your feelings of seeing a snug collar on your dog, this is about safety, not your projected emotions. Especially if you are dealing with bigger and powerful dogs that can do big damage.

Prong collars with a safety backup are a great option for helping owners to control powerful and impulsive dogs. Martingale collars are a great option for mild pullers and non reactive dogs. Harnesses encourage pulling and don’t allow you to control the head which can be a bad mistake if a runner gets right up on your dog.

Share if you care.

This runner was just running along and got bit by a large dog, this is the entire video of that encounter. I don't know if this dog was actually attacking th...

Some less common breeds backed by a little bit of science~☆

Some less common breeds backed by a little bit of science~☆

Dog breed smarts is a controversial topic. People love their dogs and swear by the individual intelligence of their four-legged friend. While most dogs possess amazing brain power, some have surprising intellect. The American Kennel Club—the organization that maintains breed standards—recognizes...

So important when people think their dogs are just being distracted. I feel for Hound dogs who sometimes have x6 better ...

So important when people think their dogs are just being distracted. I feel for Hound dogs who sometimes have x6 better sense of smell than other dogs or us.

This begs the thought of how we determine intelligence in animals. Imagine if we had this ability or understood how much better could communicate. We rely on a dog's eyes for most things but if we saw things they way they did we might come to see the world in a whole new way. A way that helps us bridge the gap as those experiencing this earth in this life time.

You may have heard the expression that dogs 'see with their noses.' But these creature's amazing nasal architecture actually reveals a whole world beyond what we can see. Alexandra Horowitz illustrates how the dog's nose can smell the past, the future and even things that can't be seen at all. [Dire...

Amazing progress for our flat fa ed Fidos! This has been killing dogs and in my opinion ruining their looks for years. H...

Amazing progress for our flat fa ed Fidos! This has been killing dogs and in my opinion ruining their looks for years. Human engineering is fascinating but I don't know when it got so far but I'm glad we're taking it back!

This week the Dutch Pug Club has announced, with immediate effect, that the breeding of any pug with a nose less than a third of the length of the skull has been banned!

This is phenomenal news. For a breed club to take such definite action to improve the health and welfare of dogs is unprecedented and extremely brave.

I hope more follow suit.

It has actually been against the law in Holland since 2014 to breed flat faced dogs but the government have recently announced they will now be checking dogs, which has triggered this change.

This also means that other brachycephalic breeders and clubs will hopefully be making the same decision!

Read these links for more information (you may need Google translate!)

Important! Loving a dog does not mean letting them do any and every thing. Teaching them to make better decisions for th...

Important! Loving a dog does not mean letting them do any and every thing. Teaching them to make better decisions for themselves is ideal.

Mah first meme y'all, go easy 😳😳

Mah first meme y'all, go easy 😳😳


Hi, everyone. I'm finally doing the thing now that I have a format figured out.

Welcome to The Mischievous Mutt where I dispel common misconceptions, share some of my favorite trainers, post some of my own training videos, and some lightly roasted memes and commentaries from not so graceful dog moments.




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