The word hell comes from the Latin, infernum or inferus, below, an inferior place, underground/ and is related to the word seol (Hebrew) and ades, from the Greek, according to many religions, it is the place or state where after the death are tortured, eternally, the souls of sinners" is a total lie "hell was created to instill fear, manipulate the masses, with the concept, that anyone who did not comply with the will and commandments of God, would go to this place of punishment, and in order not to arrive Ai: they could pay a certain sum of money, and be in purgatory, the Catholic clergy, created this place as a place of punishment, and imprisonment, so that those, who likewise, according to them The fallen Lucifer and his angels will reign Ai and suffer eternal punishment in a place that burns with a flame of fire that never goes out and sulfur is equivalent to the already mentioned hell, fictitious invention of the clergy, for instill fear in his sheep so that they do not escape from the fold,🤟😈🤟😈