Dog School Nerja

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  • Dog School Nerja

Dog School Nerja Dog training & agility classes, private training based in Nerja. Award winning, accredited UK trainer

Welcome to Dog School Nerja - an amazing new dog training company offering training classes, 121s and workshops throughout the Nerja area, both in-person and online. My name is Karen and I’m the brains behind Dog School Nerja! My world is all about dogs and I love to show people how to build a meaningful relationship with their dog through training. My methods are simple, clear and easy to follow,

but importantly; they involve modern, science-based theories that mean your dog will want to learn and grow into a happy, well-mannered member of the family. Online options are available at any time and you can contact me personally Monday-Friday 10am-6pm. You can also get in touch via social media on Facebook and Instagram.

⚠️BEGINNERS DOG TRAINING CLASSES!⚠️📋Sign up TODAY for our BRAND NEW improved Life Skills 1 - Beginners Course starting i...


📋Sign up TODAY for our BRAND NEW improved Life Skills 1 - Beginners Course starting in September!

This course combines 4 in-person practical classes with over 20 hours of online lessons to teach your dog essential skills. From learning the basics like sit, stay/wait, and walking on the leash to developing manners around people and other animals, our program covers it all. The in-person classes are full of natural distractions, so even if your dog knows a few of these already, it is a great environment to work in to increase difficulty. You'll also receive instructions and recommendations on equipment, how to interpret your dog's body language and practical guidance every step of the way.

What's included:
Introduction to the fundamentals of Positive Reinforcement
Guidance on how to choose the best equipment
Understanding your dog's behaviour & body language
Timing & Rewards
Manners & Polite Greetings
Walking nicely on the Leash
Come back when called
Social Skills with People & other Dogs

👨‍💻Your online lessons are packed full of info and include lifetime access so that you can log in and practice whenever you want, as often as you want!

🆓This course also includes 3 months Silver Membership of our exclusive Members Forum worth €30! Here you'll have access to loads of FREE dog training tips, advice and support from your instructor and other members.

🗓️Places are limited so BOOK YOUR PLACE TODAY!! 👇

LEARN AGILITY WITH DOG SCHOOL  #3 - THE DOGWALKThe dogwalk is by far the biggest obstacle on any agility course. It cons...


The dogwalk is by far the biggest obstacle on any agility course. It consists of three planks that are 3.6m long each and 30cm wide. The planks are made of aluminium and coated in a rubberised non-slip material for safety. At each end of the dogwalk is a contact zone that the dog is required to touch upon getting on and before leaving the dogwalk. This is to prevent them from injuring themselves when jumping down from up high. The height of the dog walk can vary according to whether the user is a beginner or not but is usually 1.2m. At Dog School, our dogwalk is a beginners one where the planks are 2m long and 70cm high - this is the best way to learn how to use it correctly before attempting a full-size one.

When training a dog to use the dogwalk, we normally begin by teaching the dog to walk across one plank while it's on the ground, and then rewarding them lots when they touch the contact zone. This helps to build confidence and balance before raising it off the ground.
Co-ordination is important! Some dogs have no idea they have back legs so learning balance is always the first stage.

It's also important when training the dogwalk that you don't lure your dog across it. The dog will be more interested in the food in your hand and we really want them to be concentrating on where the put their feet! So, we still use food but place it in intervals across each plank to encourage them to cross it.

Some dogs learn to navigate the dogwalk in one single training session. Others take a lot longer! My dog Woody ran straight over it first time - but he's an agility natural!

If you'd like to join our next group class in September, drop me a message! You won't regret it! 👍🐾

‼️DOG OLYMPICS 2024‼️The Olympics are here! You've seen it on TV with humans, now you can take part in the Dog Olympics ...


The Olympics are here! You've seen it on TV with humans, now you can take part in the Dog Olympics with your dog and complete a series of different trick challenges to win the Pentathlon title including:

🏅balance on a beam
🏅jump through a hoop
🏅walk a ramp
🏅catch a ball
🏅ring a bell
🏅carry a bag
🏅platform jumps
and LOADS more...

🏆Complete 5 challenges each with 20 tricks and win the Pentathlon title!

This course is over 2 blocks of 6 weekly classes. You can choose to do both for the Pentathlon title, or just one if you prefer. Once each block of 6 classes is completed, you'll be awarded 2 of 5 titles in the Do More With Your Dog - Dog Olympics. The final title is completed at the end of the second block of classes.
Once you have earned 5 titles, submit for your Doglympics title to be listed on the Do More With Your Dog website and receive your optional certificate, gold medal and rosette.

👉Take a look at the full detail on the website using this link, or you can sign up here too! Places are limited on this course and it will sell out FAST so book today!!👇

Why Your Dog’s Mental Health MattersAs dog owners, we all want our furry friends to be happy and healthy. However, many ...

Why Your Dog’s Mental Health Matters

As dog owners, we all want our furry friends to be happy and healthy. However, many of us may not be fully aware of the importance of our dog’s mental health. Mental well-being is just as important as physical health, and dogs are no exception.

1. Mental Health Affects Physical Health

Just like humans, the mental wellbeing of our dogs can have a direct impact on their physical health. When dogs experience stress or anxiety, their immune system can be compromised, making them more susceptible to illnesses and infections.

Additionally, chronic stress can lead to conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and gastrointestinal problems. By taking care of your dog’s mental health, you can help prevent these issues and ensure they live a longer, healthier life.

2. Behaviour and Training

A dog’s mental health plays a critical role in their behaviour and training. When dogs are anxious or fearful, they may exhibit patterns of aggression, barking, and destructive behaviour. Their behaviour can be challenging to manage, especially if they have not received adequate training.

On the other hand, dogs with healthy mental wellbeing are calmer and easier to train. Keeping your dog mentally healthy can make a significant difference in their behaviour and overall life satisfaction.

3. Socialisation and Relationships

Dogs are social animals who thrive on positive interactions with other dogs and humans. When dogs experience socialisation and develop strong, healthy relationships, they tend to be happier, more confident, and better behaved.

Mental wellbeing can be challenging to maintain when dogs feel isolated or not adequately socialised. Make sure your dog gets enough playtime and attention from you and plenty of positive interactions with other dogs.

4. Mental Health Conditions in Dogs

Just like people, dogs can suffer from mental health conditions. Anxiety, depression, and phobias are common mental illnesses in dogs and can significantly impact their overall health and happiness.

5. Ways to Support Your Dog’s Mental Health 🧘🏻‍♀️🕉️

There are many ways you can support your dog’s mental health. Provide your dog with a safe and comfortable environment, a balanced diet, plenty of exercise, and opportunities for socialisation. Incorporate activities that stimulate their mind, such as training sessions, games, and puzzles. Massage, music therapy, and aromatherapy can also be effective in reducing stress and anxiety in dogs. Be sure to spend quality time with your dog daily and show them love and affection.

👀Watch out for new ways that we can support your dog’s mental health coming soon at Dog School!


🔥🔥🔥🔥🌡 🐕‍🦺

Nos enfrentamos a una ola de calor que lleva marcando cifras récord en todo el país durante todo el mes de julio y que en las zonas de interior o bien en ciudades litorales muy urbanizadas, aumentan las posibilidades de golpes de calor en nuestras mascotas.

👉 Los perros serán los más afectados por tener que salir de paseo por lo que hay que vigilar cómo, dónde y a qué hora se hacen.

👉 Salir lo menos posible y hacerlo al amanecer y al atardecer, evitando las horas centrales del día.

👉 Minimizar la actividad física, sobre todo en el caso de razas pequeñas y braquicefálicas.

👉 Llevar consigo agua en bebedero de paseo y rociar con spray de agua al animal si observamos que comienza a dar síntomas de aumento de temperatura.

👉 Buscar un lugar fresco donde pueda descansar en las horas más calientes del día.

👉 Se puede humedecer una toalla gruesa y colocar como cama para que estén más frescos.

👉 Prestar especial atención a los animales obesos o con sobrepeso, cachorros, animales senior y aquellos que tienen enfermedades crónicas como la hipertensión.

👉 Evitar las aceras, pavimentos pulidos, asfalto y en general superficies que desprenden mucho calor. Sobre todo las que pasan muchas horas expuestas al sol.

👉 Se recomienda el uso de cremas de protección solar "exclusiva" para animales y emplearla en individuos de capa blanca y escasez de pelo, especialmente en el hocico y en las orejas.

👉 Si notas que aumenta de frecuencia el jadeo, puedes controlar la temperatura con un termómetro e ir vigilando y refrescando siempre con toallas “húmedas en agua fría” pero no empapadas.

👉 Ojo con los animales pequeños, igual que se calientan rápidamente pueden sufrir el efecto invertido provocándose la hipotermia.

Según los datos de los expertos, los golpes de calor suponen un grave problema para los perros, y sólo sobreviven el 50 % de los que los sufren.

Bastan unos 15 minutos para que un perro muera de un golpe de calor y se debe tener claro que siempre es una situación de emergencia y se debe acudir a un centro veterinario con carácter de urgencia.

LEARN AGILITY WITH DOG SCHOOL  #2🆕THE SEESAW🆕In dog agility, there are several pieces of dog training equipment that are...



In dog agility, there are several pieces of dog training equipment that are known as contact obstacles. These include the pause table, the A-frame, the dog walk and the seesaw. The seesaw can be tricky to teach, as dogs are often unsure about this movable object. The tipping point is unpredictable for them and the slower they are, the more unpredictable it gets!

🏃🏽‍♀️Ideally dogs should be taught to run very quickly across the seesaw and stop at the very end. That way, they learn that it will only tip once they've reached the contact zone. That makes it much more predictable for them and they will feel safer.

There are several ways we can teach a dog how to use the seesaw including using a wobble board, teaching them to walk on it from the middle downwards and using a smaller, lower seesaw. All of these help to build confidence and get them used to the idea of using their weight to push the seesaw down without being abruptly surprised the first time it moves.

Why not come along to our easy beginners Agility Course starting on the 4 September? Details for booking will be available soon! Drop me a message if you'd like to be included!

🐶LEARN AGILITY WITH DOG SCHOOL  #1🐶For anyone starting out in agility training, weave poles can be the most daunting obs...


For anyone starting out in agility training, weave poles can be the most daunting obstacle to teach their dog. How do you train your dog to go left and right, left and right, left and right … ideally as lightening fast as you can see dogs do on TV?

All agility organisations have very specific guidelines for the weave poles. There are always 12 poles, spaced 24 inches apart. The dog always enters the row of poles with the first pole on the left shoulder. He has to complete all 12 poles without missing one.

Many beginners start by trying to lure their dogs through the weave poles with a treat. This is actually not a great idea – it makes the dog’s weave pole performance very slow.

A much better way to teach a dog to weave is by using the channel method. In the channel method, we take the 12 poles and make a channel out of it just like you see in the photos.

Now you teach your dog to run through these “channel weaves”. This will be much simpler because running is a straight line is not a challenge for any dog!

Over time, you start to move them closer together until your dog is running through the closed channel!

ℹ️ If you’d like to know more about agility and join our agility classes, then drop me a message. Classes are 6 weeks long and designed for absolute beginners so they’re both easy and fun for both you and your dog! Next course starts on Wednesday September 4 in Nerja. Hope to see you there! 👍

NEW & IMPROVED BEGINNERS COURSE!Sign up TODAY for our BRAND NEW improved Life Skills 1 - Beginners Course starting in Se...


Sign up TODAY for our BRAND NEW improved Life Skills 1 - Beginners Course starting in September!

This course combines 4 in-person practical classes with over 20 hours of online lessons to teach your dog essential skills. From learning the basics like sit, stay/wait, and walking on the leash to developing manners around people and other animals, our program covers it all. The in-person classes are full of natural distractions, so even if your dog knows a few of these already, it is a great environment to work in to increase difficulty. You'll also receive instructions and recommendations on equipment, how to interpret your dog's body language and practical guidance every step of the way.

What's included:
Introduction to the fundamentals of Positive Reinforcement
Guidance on how to choose the best equipment
Understanding your dog's behaviour & body language
Timing & Rewards
Manners & Polite Greetings
Walking nicely on the Leash
Come back when called
Social Skills with People & other Dogs

Your online lessons are packed full of info and include lifetime access so that you can log in and practice whenever you want, as often as you want!

This course also includes 3 months Silver Membership of our exclusive Members Forum worth €30! Here you'll have access to loads of FREE dog training tips, advice and support from your instructor and other members.

Places are limited so BOOK YOUR PLACE TODAY!! 👇

⚠️NEW & IMPROVED BEGINNERS COURSE!⚠️📋Sign up TODAY for our BRAND NEW improved Life Skills 1 - Beginners Course starting ...


📋Sign up TODAY for our BRAND NEW improved Life Skills 1 - Beginners Course starting in September!

This course combines 4 in-person practical classes with over 20 hours of online lessons to teach your dog essential skills. From learning the basics like sit, stay/wait, and walking on the leash to developing manners around people and other animals, our program covers it all. The in-person classes are full of natural distractions, so even if your dog knows a few of these already, it is a great environment to work in to increase difficulty. You'll also receive instructions and recommendations on equipment, how to interpret your dog's body language and practical guidance every step of the way.

What's included:
Introduction to the fundamentals of Positive Reinforcement
Guidance on how to choose the best equipment
Understanding your dog's behaviour & body language
Timing & Rewards
Manners & Polite Greetings
Walking nicely on the Leash
Come back when called
Social Skills with People & other Dogs

👨‍💻Your online lessons are packed full of info and include lifetime access so that you can log in and practice whenever you want, as often as you want!

🆓This course also includes 3 months Silver Membership of our exclusive Members Forum worth €30! Here you'll have access to loads of FREE dog training tips, advice and support from your instructor and other members.

🗓️Places are limited so BOOK YOUR PLACE TODAY!! 👇

⚠️BRAND NEW AT DOG SCHOOL!!⚠️Classes will start again at the beginning of September and are all completely NEW!! So what...


Classes will start again at the beginning of September and are all completely NEW!!

So what's different?🤔

✅MORE online content for you to use at home!
✅FREE membership of our exclusive dog training forum!
✅NEW classes for tricks, nosework, agility and LOADS MORE!
✅NEW social group classes in different locations!

👀Keep an eye on our social networks and the website, or join the mailing list to be the first to know about when all the NEW things start!

Join the mailing list by registering on the website 👇

Im taking a few days off to go to Madrid with some friends. This year has been tough for me personally and time to wind ...

Im taking a few days off to go to Madrid with some friends. This year has been tough for me personally and time to wind down is essential.

Self care and mindfulness is something that translates really well into dog training. I’ve worked on a lot of new plans for the rest of the year and beyond that are more holistic and dog-centric. Very unique for here and also super exciting! I can’t wait to share them with you soon 💕

🌟Graduation Day!🌟Look at those happy faces! Congratulations Dempsey for successfully completing Life Skills 2 - you’ve b...

🌟Graduation Day!🌟
Look at those happy faces! Congratulations Dempsey for successfully completing Life Skills 2 - you’ve been amazing and are growing into a lovely dog!

Hope to see you after the summer 💕

🌟Graduation day🌟Congratulations to Morar, Frank and Santi! What an amazing group - they’ve all been super from day one. ...

🌟Graduation day🌟
Congratulations to Morar, Frank and Santi! What an amazing group - they’ve all been super from day one.

Frank is in foster care with Axarquia Animal Rescue and is looking for his forever home. He’s the sweetest boy and loves people, and he’s been a good guide for Santi who’s a little unsure of other people and dogs. It’s lovely to see dogs learn from each other and grow 💕

Hope to see them again after the summer

🌟Welcome to Dog School!🌟Can’t wait to work with these two over the next few weeks! Say hi to Audrey and Iris 🥰🐾         ...

🌟Welcome to Dog School!🌟

Can’t wait to work with these two over the next few weeks! Say hi to Audrey and Iris 🥰🐾

🌟NEW AT DOG SCHOOL - PLAYTIME!🌟Come and join us at our friendly off-leash play sessions held weekly in Nerja. Playtime i...

Come and join us at our friendly off-leash play sessions held weekly in Nerja. Playtime is a supervised environment for dogs to learn and develop their social skills, or to simply run around and have fun in a safe environment with a qualified canine behaviour expert at hand.
🐾Playtime addresses the social nature of dogs. Regular, positive interaction with other dogs and humans is vital to the development of a healthy, happy dog.
🐾Our Playtime sessions aim to develop your dog’s well-being and confidence by reinforcing calm, appropriate play behaviours in a safe environment. Sessions take place in our fenced-in facilities located close to central Nerja, where they engage in a supervised, controlled, and off-leash play session. Playtime sessions can also help improve your dog’s routine and prevent destructive behaviour at home.

🐾Playtime is for clients who have completed either Life Skills 1 or Agility 1. Dogs are divided into groups by play style rather than just size so that we can be sure your dog has the right playmates.

🐾Sessions can be booked either one at a time, or in blocks of 3, 5 or 10 and are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (group dependent).
✅For more information, or to sign up for the next session, just click the link below or drop me a message 👇

🔥DOGS AND HEAT🔥Dogs are naturally built to deal with the weather. Their coats are specially designed to keep them warm i...

Dogs are naturally built to deal with the weather. Their coats are specially designed to keep them warm in cold weather, and cooler when it’s warm, however extremes of temperatures can be dangerous, sometimes fatal.
I see people out every day in high temperatures walking their dog who is clearly uncomfortable. It’s not necessary to walk your dog for miles in the summer, in fact; it’s not necessary to walk your dog at all if it’s too hot. As long as they can get out to toilet they’ll be just fine.

There are lots of other ways you can keep them busy without walking out in the heat - interactive toys and games, short walks at the beach or a lake where they can swim to keep cool, or let them sleep! My dogs love to sleep and love it more when it’s hot!

It’s worth remembering too that the hottest time of the day in southern Spain is around 5pm, and not in the middle of the day. This is the time to avoid walks completely.

Brachycephalic dogs like pugs, shihtzus, boxers and french bulldogs struggle more in the heat because of the shape of their faces and they’re not as efficient at cooling themselves down by panting.
Black dogs heat up much faster and white dogs are prone to sunburn so it’s important you pay attention to your dog’s individual needs.

Signs of overheating may go unnoticed or ignored. Look for signs of overheating before they become serious health risks:
⛔️ Panting
⛔️ Dark pink to red tongue lolling out of mouth
⛔️ Dry, tacky mouth and mucus membranes
⛔️ Trying to lie down
⛔️ Lifting feet to avoid hot pavement
⛔️ Lameness, stumbling
⛔️ Slowing down and dragging on the leash
⛔️ Vomiting

⚠️ These are all signs that a dog is too hot and in danger.
🆘 When a dog is overheated, sponge or pour cool water on him or wrap a towel soaked in cold water over him, as well as offering small amounts water to drink. Once your dog is breathing normally again, take him to the vet to be checked properly. Any dog that collapses or shows signs of severe overheating should be taken immediately to a vet. Intravenous or subcutaneous fluids and medical treatments could be life-saving.
❌Remember: Your dog depends on you to keep a cool head and make good judgments about their hot weather activities.

Playtime groups are ready to go!Small dogs (under 15kg) - starts Monday 24 June, 11:30-12:30Gentle Players - starts Wedn...

Playtime groups are ready to go!

Small dogs (under 15kg) - starts Monday 24 June, 11:30-12:30
Gentle Players - starts Wednesday 26 June, 11:30-12:30
Active Players - starts Friday 28 June, 9:30-10:30

You and your dog will enjoy use of all the agility obstacles and our awesomely stocked toy box. There's something there for everyone so toss a ball, splash in the pool or fly over jumps and have FUN!

To book your spot, click the link below, or drop me a message. If you're not sure which group will suit your dog, just ask!

*Remember - your dog MUST have attended one of Dog School's courses in order to join

Take a look! This is Valerie and Mutley and they won our Valentine Photo competition. 4 weeks into Agility 1 and they’ve...

Take a look! This is Valerie and Mutley and they won our Valentine Photo competition. 4 weeks into Agility 1 and they’ve rocked it! What an amazing team!

Agility starts back in September. Click the link and reserve your spot today!

It's Feria in Frigiliana this weekend and everyone will be celebrating! However there are a few things to remember about...

It's Feria in Frigiliana this weekend and everyone will be celebrating! However there are a few things to remember about keeping pets safe. There will be lots of loud noise, music and fireworks which can be very frightening for our pets.

💥4 Reasons Dogs are Scared of fireworks 💥
❌They’re Loud💥
Most fireworks make some kind of loud sound. Dogs have a more acute sense of hearing than humans, so those loud booms, crackles and whistles are alarming.
❌They’re Unpredictable⚠️
When we have events like Feria, we expect lots of loud music and fireworks, but for your dog, it’s just another day. Fireworks come without warning. The loud noises and flashing lights sound and look different each time. Plus, they come at different intervals, so dogs can’t get used to them.
❌They Pose a Threat⁉️
The noise and unpredictability of fireworks leads many dogs to perceive them as a threat. This triggers their fight-or-flight response. Your dog may bark at the noises or try to run away and hide. He may show other signs of anxiety, too, like restlessness, panting, pacing and whining.

🆘Fireworks Make Dogs Feel Trapped
Fireworks are inescapable so if the noises trigger your dog’s flight response, he will try to run from the threat. Unfortunately, there’s often nowhere to go, as you can still hear those loud booms indoors.

Tips to Keep your Dog Safe During Feria
1. Even if your dog spends most of his time outdoors, bring him inside during fireworks. This will prevent him from running away when he feels scared, which can put him in danger.
2. Don't take your dog into large and noisy crowds where they might feel threatened or uncomfortable. Stress can affect dogs just like humans. Feria is a celebration for people to enjoy - it's not a happy place for dogs.
3. Make sure your dog has a collar and tag with your contact details, and that your microchip information is up to date. Should your dog run away, it's vital that you can be contacted and your dog can be returned to you quickly.
4. Create a Safe Space: If your dog is crate-trained, make his crate available, as that’s probably already a safe space for him. If not, put him in a bathroom or other small room with music or white noise to help drown out the boom of fireworks. Bringing his bed, blankets and toys into the room can make him feel more comfortable.
5. Close the shutters or curtains and turn the TV up, or play some calming music. Amazon Music and YouTube have hours and hours of music specially designed to help dogs relax and be calm. Just ask Alexa!
6. Make sure your home and garden are as escape-proof as possible. If possible, make sure your dog doesn’t have access to doors that lead outside, especially when people are coming in or out of the house. Secure any escape routes in your garden.

🎉Have a great Feria! (But leave your dog at home!)

🌟NEW AT DOG SCHOOL - PLAYTIME!🌟Come and join us at our friendly off-leash play sessions held weekly in Nerja. Playtime i...


Come and join us at our friendly off-leash play sessions held weekly in Nerja. Playtime is a supervised environment for dogs to learn and develop their social skills, or to simply run around and have fun in a safe environment with a qualified canine behaviour expert at hand.

🐾Playtime addresses the social nature of dogs. Regular, positive interaction with other dogs and humans is vital to the development of a healthy, happy dog.

🐾Our Playtime sessions aim to develop your dog’s well-being and confidence by reinforcing calm, appropriate play behaviours in a safe environment. Sessions take place in our fenced-in facilities located close to central Nerja, where they engage in a supervised, controlled, and off-leash play session. Playtime sessions can also help improve your dog’s routine and prevent destructive behaviour at home.

🐾Playtime is for clients who have completed either Life Skills 1 or Agility 1. Dogs are divided into groups by play style rather than just size so that we can be sure your dog has the right playmates.

🐾Sessions can be booked either one at a time, or in blocks of 3, 5 or 10 and are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (group dependent).

✅For more information, or to sign up for the next session, just click the link below or drop me a message 👇


🐶 Ready to unleash the full potential of your dog's brilliance? 🌟

Sign up for one of our PAWsome Private Training Plans and watch your dog become the best version of themselves! 🎉

🐾 Here are 5 benefits you and your furry companion will fetch when you work with Dog School:
✅ Tailored Training Plans: Every dog is unique, so we create customised training plans to suit your dog's personality and needs. Whether your dog is a high-energy adventurer or a laid-back cuddle bug, we've got the perfect plan for you!
✅ Expert Guidance: I'm a qualified and certified trainer - a bit like a dog whisperer, ready to decode your dog's language and guide them through training with love and patience. You'll have access to this expertise to navigate every step of your dog's learning journey.
✅ Bonding Bonanza: Strengthen the paw-some bond between you and your furry friend. Training sessions are not just about commands and cues; they're opportunities for quality time and building a lifelong connection with your four-legged family member.
✅ Behavioural Bliss: Tired of those little behaviour hiccups? From leash pulling to barking, we'll address and conquer them together. Say goodbye to pet peeves and hello to a well-behaved, happy pup!
✅ Lifetime Access to Resources: The learning doesn't stop when the session ends! Enjoy exclusive access to training materials, tips, and tricks so you can reinforce positive habits at home. It's like having a personal dog training library at your fingertips!

Ready to embark on this tail-wagging adventure, together? 🚀
Sign up now and watch your dog transform into your perfect furry companion!✨

Take a look at all the options on offer at Dog School and take the first step to a better life with your dog!👇

Agility Wednesdays 🐾Both Mutley and Poppy made amazing progress today and are really getting somewhere with their techni...

Agility Wednesdays 🐾

Both Mutley and Poppy made amazing progress today and are really getting somewhere with their technique!

Ready for a full course next week! 🙌

BEGINNERS DOG TRAINING CLASSES IN NERJA Whether your dog is a young puppy or a more senior best friend, our classes are ...

Whether your dog is a young puppy or a more senior best friend, our classes are designed to provide a positive and enjoyable learning experience.

🗓️Join us for the next Beginners Class on the 17 June! To book a place, just click the link at the bottom!

📝 4 weekly lessons every Monday morning from 9.30-10.30 at Dog School Nerja, Little Weeds, 29780 Nerja.

Lessons cover a wide range of essential topics:
🐾 basic commands (sit, wait/stay, leave it etc)
🐾 coming back when called
🐾 learning to walk nicely on the leash
🐾 play & enrichment activities to keep your dog mentally challenged
🐾 body language & communication
Packed full of all the tools and information you need to start training your dog to be great! Suitable for dogs (and their owners!) of any age and ability.

Start your dog's training journey with Dog School!
👇Click the link to book your place:👇

🌟Welcome back to Dog School!🌟Brilliant to see Dempsey and Myla back at Dog School for Life Skills 2!Looking forward to w...

🌟Welcome back to Dog School!🌟
Brilliant to see Dempsey and Myla back at Dog School for Life Skills 2!

Looking forward to working with them and their humans for the next few weeks 🙌🫶🏼💕

‼️As it’s warming up and the temperatures are rising; it’s important that you take care of your pets. Don’t take risks a...

‼️As it’s warming up and the temperatures are rising; it’s important that you take care of your pets. Don’t take risks and keep them safe.⚠️‼️

🌞Watch out for the signs of heatstroke and get your dog to the vet if you think they may be suffering. Excessive panting, drooling, thick saliva and collapse
💦 Keep your dog hydrated and make sure they have access to plenty of water. Paddling pools are great for cooling down but make sure they’re in the shade!
❄️ Freeze some treats; frozen Kongs, ice cubes flavoured with chicken stock, frozen veggies - tasty and fun!
🔥 Don’t walk your dog in the middle of the day. Walk early in the morning or wait until the evening when it’s cooler, or rest them at home for a day or two with some puzzle toys and enrichment activities instead. It’s not the end of the world if your dog doesn’t get a walk!
🚘 Never leave your dog in the car even if it’s just for a few minutes. A hot car can very quickly turn into a microwave and kill a dog in less than 20 minutes. Just don’t do it.
🐾 Check the temperature of the pavement before you take your dog out. If it’s hot to touch - it’s too hot for your dog’s paws.
🌲 When you walk your dog, stay in the shade of trees and take water with you. Make sure you take your time and don’t over exert your dog
❌ Ditch the ball - running around can cause heat exhaustion and collapse. Avoid at all costs!
🐶 Be particularly careful with short nosed dogs such as bull breeds, boxers, pugs, older dogs, and those that are overweight. These dogs can get heatstroke simply by running around

Your dogs can’t make these decisions by themselves so it’s up to you to keep them safe!
Please share this - it’s important that people understand the facts


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 14:00
Thursday 10:00 - 14:00
Saturday 10:00 - 13:00


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Welcome to Dog School Nerja!

Welcome to Dog School Nerja - a new and innovative dog training company offering training classes, 121s and workshops throughout the Nerja area, both in-person and online.

My name is Karen and I’m the brains behind Dog School Nerja! My world is all about dogs and my mission is to show people how to build a meaningful relationship with their dog through training. My methods are simple, clear and easy to follow, but importantly; they involve modern, science-based theories that mean your dog will want to learn and grow into a happy, well-mannered member of the family. The days of intimidating dogs to do what we want are long gone and I can show you how to build a life-long bond with your dog where training is fun and enjoyable for both of you.

I take a holistic approach to training and look at the bigger picture; taking into account the dog’s physical, mental, emotional and social needs. And guarantee to use only the most up to date and kindest methods to teach both you and your dog using food, toys and praise. My objective is to provide a professional and supportive environment for you and your dog to thrive as a team as well as making training fun - after all everyone learns more when they enjoy what they're doing!

At the moment, I’m still in Scotland but if everything goes to plan, I’ll be up and running in the Spring of 2021, so keep a close eye on this page for updates. Online training options are available at any time and you can contact me personally Monday-Friday 10am-6pm through my website or email at [email protected]. You can also get in touch via social media on Facebook and Instagram.