The fist specialized Organic Sulawesi shrimp food on the US market!
Avalible on sulawesishrimpusa.com 9/9/22
BC Shrimp partnered with the founder of Pure Nordic Shrimp food to create this unique formula, made with only the finest organic ingredients. All of the ingredients in this food are lab tested to ensure your shrimp are getting the best possible nutrition.
This food helps with molting, immunity and provides natural antibiotics. Ingredients include Montmorillonite, Zeolite, Calcium, Barley Grass, Nannochloropsis, Betaglucan, Healing Earth, and Beetroot.
Food is pellet shaped and varies in size. We recommend choosing the pellet size according to the quantity of shrimp in your tank, as food will expand and break off as eaten. Feed your shrimp 2 to 4 times a week for best results. Your shrimp will thank you for switching to this delicious and nutritious food!