FOUND/STRAY DOG near 415 E Columbia St, Evansville, IN, USA!
*Don\'t know was last seen on 05/29/2024 near 415 e Columbia Street Evansville Indiana across from fitness ER room in the middle of the street have him with me now safe
*Details: And dog was running in the middle of Columbia Street across from Deaconess ER room he was found at 4:15 East Columbia Street was running around in the Middle Street I have the dog with me at this time to get it off the street mail seems friendly I'm also seems like it's probably about a 6 month old puppy
*To contact Don\'t know 's finder with any information please visit: https://findapaw.com/landing/?pet=1gwsv8gbqa3o8c8gwg0ks4cowg00k44k!
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