I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since Scooter became part of our family two months ago. I can’t get anything done due to him needing to go out 1,000 times a day to do bug patrol or sniff the perimeter for monsters. Oh, and 5 times to potty (one of his redeeming qualities). He is stubborn, mule headed, has selective hearing, steals turds out of cat’s litter box and has toilet papered my house at least a half dozen times. He is super smart but also the single most challenging puppy I have ever had. And I have had several in my 63 years of life! Bottom line is he is a 5 month old, purebred Basshole.
Then … he looks at me like this and my heart just melts. I forget about all of the headaches, tired days and tears of frustration I have cried. If only for a brief moment, my sanity is restored. There is a reason God put those soulful, loving eyes on a Basset