Dog Forward Training

Dog Forward Training Positive puppy training and socialization for pups 2 to 5 months old in the Chicago suburbs

Happy National Puppy Day from my puppy Vesper to yours ๐Ÿพ

Happy National Puppy Day from my puppy Vesper to yours ๐Ÿพ

Happy Leap Day!

Happy Leap Day!

๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ Do you want to know the VERY FIRST thing I talk about with my puppy training clients?๐Ÿ’ฉ It's not potty training (bu...

๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ Do you want to know the VERY FIRST thing I talk about with my puppy training clients?

๐Ÿ’ฉ It's not potty training (but that is high up on the priority list)!

๐Ÿถ It's not sit or come or stay.

๐Ÿ˜ด It's SLEEP!

Yep, the first thing we talk about is ensuring your puppy is getting enough quality sleep.

Why is this our starting point?

Because things can really go sideways when a puppy isn't getting enough sleep.

And it will make your life harder as an owner.

๐Ÿฆˆ More biting and nipping of skin and clothes.

๐Ÿ”Š More barking.

๐ŸŒช More generally wild, unwanted behavior.

Puppies are babies, so sleep is extremely important as they are undergoing huge physical and mental growth.

If sleep-deprived, they can tip over into puppy tornado mode where your sweet angel baby morphs into a possessed pirhana.

Sometimes it can feel like you really need to burn your puppy's energy so you can tire them out to get them to sleep. But too much go-go-go can actually have the opposite effect, whipping them into a frenzy that is really frustrating for us humans.

On the flipside, when puppies get enough good sleep, they are much more able to learn and regulate their emotions and behavior. And this makes for a much more enjoyable experience!

It's kind of a counterintuitive thing where the more they sleep, the more they sleep. Which means you have more time to live your life and get stuff done!

I know sleep can seem like boring subject, but it is KEY to raising a happy, well-adjusted puppy who can be a part of your active life.

My puppy program teaches you how to help your puppy get adequate, quality sleep, which is a real sanity-saver!

๐Ÿ”น Each puppy is unique, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sleep. I work with you and your pup to find a sleep solution that works.

๐Ÿ”น I help you establish a routine and schedule to ensure your puppy is happy and balanced.

๐Ÿ”น This reduces your feelings of frustration and overwhelm, so you can spend more time actually enjoying your new family member.

If you'd like to know more about how my program can benefit you and your puppy, send me a message!

๐Ÿถ Are you getting a puppy this winter?If you are, there's something โœจ super important โœจ that you need to know!There's a ...

๐Ÿถ Are you getting a puppy this winter?

If you are, there's something โœจ super important โœจ that you need to know!

There's a common mistake that can happen when people get puppies in โ„๏ธ winter and it's waiting for better weather โ˜€๏ธ before socializing your puppy.

Now, I COMPLETELY understand wanting to hold off until it's not freezing and icy and snowy to get your puppy out and about in the big wide world.

(Trust me, I'm from Southern California, and am not built for these Midwest winters. I get it, it sucks.)

BUT, here's the thing:

โŒšSocializing your puppy is time sensitive.

The critical window for socialization closes around 16 weeks of age.

When puppies aren't adequately and appropriately socialized before this age, it can lead to behavior issues like fearfulness, reactivity, and overexcitement.

These issues can make your life frustrating and hard.

If you wait for weather to warm up, you've missed out on the prime time to socialize your puppy.

Trying to socialize your puppy when they are older just won't be as effective, unfortunately.

Another common mistake when it comes to socialization is limiting it to just meeting people ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿผโ€๐Ÿคโ€๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿป and other dogs ๐Ÿ•.

Your puppy meeting your holiday guests and friends' dogs might be great, so long as your puppy is having a good experience, but it's not enough.

Socialization isn't just about people and dogs, it's about all the






your puppy will be exposed to as an adult dog.

It's about thinking ahead into your dog's future to the sorts of things you want to do together, and considering all the things they might encounter.

By giving your puppy positive exposure to these things, you help prepare them for life.

You take the novelty and scariness out of the big wide world, so your puppy can be a confident, well-adjusted sidekick for all your fun, active adventures together.

So even though winter is coming ๐Ÿฅถ and even though it can be hard to muster up the motivation to leave the house, your puppy NEEDS socialization.

Don't put it off!

Socialization, when done right, can have a lasting positive impact on your dog's behavior and personality.

It's simply too important to wait until spring!

And the good news is that there are lots of ways you can socialize your puppy in winter without being completely miserable and without your fingers falling off.

When you enroll in my ๐Ÿ—ป Peak Puppy Potential Program ๐Ÿ—ป I coach you on how to socialize your puppy, with winter-friendly options tailored to your unique puppy's personality, lifestyle, and goals.

This helps you bring out the absolute best in your puppy, so that your puppy is both a pleasant housemate and awesome adventure buddy.

To learn more about my Peak Puppy Potential and get the (snow)ball rolling on your pup's socialization, send me a message and let's chat about your puppy!


Tell me, what's your pup's favorite toy?

Things have been a little quiet over here because I got a new puppy! Yep, I'm in the trenches of puppy raising, training...

Things have been a little quiet over here because I got a new puppy! Yep, I'm in the trenches of puppy raising, training and socialization right alongside you.

Vesper is a 3-month-old whippet puppy and I'm already totally in love with her ๐Ÿ˜ And I'm excited to see how she helps shape me into an even better trainer and coach for my clients.

Stay tuned for lots of puppy tips and insights as Vesper learns and grows!

I took a week off, but I'm back to seeing clients and have two spots open for new clients with puppies under 5 months old for October.

How did you choose your puppy? I wanna know!Size? Personality traits? Lifestyle compatibility? Looks?Tell me what went i...

How did you choose your puppy? I wanna know!

Size? Personality traits? Lifestyle compatibility? Looks?

Tell me what went into the decision!

And if the breeder chose your puppy for you from the litter, how did you decide on that breed or that specific litter of pups?

Puppy blues.Puppy regret."What have I done?""I don't like my puppy.""I wonder if getting a puppy was a mistake."Lately, ...

Puppy blues.

Puppy regret.

"What have I done?"

"I don't like my puppy."

"I wonder if getting a puppy was a mistake."

Lately, I've had several people from countries all over the world reach out to me for help after reading my blog post titled "I Don't Feel a Connection to My Puppy." (You can find a link in the comments.)

These sentiments are SO NORMAL when adding a puppy to your life, but can feel awful.

You finally got the puppy you've been dreaming of. And things aren't quite what you imagined.

You're overwhelmed. You don't feel a connection or bond with them. And it's totally throwing you off.

Things were pretty easy before you got a puppy, and now it's like you set off a bomb and exploded your life. You feel kind of trapped and unsure of what to do.

This puppy is a lot more work than you thought. You're tired. And you don't even know if you like them, as you wipe up another potty accident from your floor.

You feel totally confused as to what you need to be doing to turn this needy puppy into a well-adjusted, enjoyable canine companion who can be a part of your active life.

I'll say it again: these thoughts and feelings are SO NORMAL.

I felt this way myself when I got my dog Ruby at 10 weeks old, who ended up becoming my entire heart and soul.

I know how disorienting and even depressing getting a puppy can be. And how bad those thoughts and emotions can make you feel because getting a puppy is supposed to be a good, fun thing, right?! So why the hell am I so down?

โœจ The good news is that you don't have to do this alone.

You don't have to endure the mental and emotional turmoil of puppy blues by yourself.

And there's so much you can do to start feeling better. To start creating that connection with your puppy. To start actually liking them.

I help my clients hone in on what's creating these yucky feelings. And then provide clear steps to take, so that you can enjoy your puppy and feel confident in your ability to raise and train an awesome pup.

So you can start experiencing some joy and fun with your new addition, instead of feeling overwhelmed and resentful.

Feel free to send me a message to learn more about how my Peak Puppy Potential Program can help you and your puppy achieve a harmonious life together.

(Photo of me with Ruby the day after she came home.)


โ“Do you feel like your puppy stops listening to you the moment you step outside your home? Or as soon as there are any distractions around, they ignore you?

It's like everything you taught them goes out the window ๐ŸชŸ

You might repeat yourself ๐Ÿ”Š over and over in hopes that they'll decide to listen.

Maybe you hold a treat ๐Ÿฅ“ to their nose to try to coax them to pay attention, but they don't even want what you have to offer. It's like they're on another planet.

Everything else seems to be more interesting to your pup than you.

And it can feel really frustrating.

๐Ÿ’ญ You dream of a puppy who can listen to you even outdoors. Even with distractions in the environment.

You want to feel on the same team as your puppy rather than butting heads over distractions.

This is why my ๐Ÿ—ป Peak Puppy Potential Program ๐Ÿ—ป teaches you how to raise a puppy who can listen even with distractions around.

Because the world is full of distractions.

And you envision a fun, active life full of adventures with your puppy along for the ride.

You and your puppy don't just build important life skills, but you also learn how to deal with distractions.

So that your pup grows into an enthusiastic listener when you're out and about. Or when you have company over. Or when you're out in nature. Or when you're around whatever interesting distractions capture their attention.

So that you feel confident, instead of frustrated or overwhelmed.

๐ŸŽฅ In this video, adorable Pippa is having a grand time digging in the grass. She's a puppy who LOVES to sniff, and finds grass, sticks, and nature in general very interesting.

Look at her snappy response to her name, coming to her mom away from the hole she's working on ๐Ÿคฉ

If you've got a distracted puppy, but dream of an eager listener, send me a message to learn more about how my puppy program can help!

Puppy socialization field trips are all about teaching your puppy to feelโœ…๏ธ Confident โœ…๏ธ Calmโœ…๏ธ Relaxedโœ…๏ธ Happywhen out ...

Puppy socialization field trips are all about teaching your puppy to feel

โœ…๏ธ Confident

โœ…๏ธ Calm

โœ…๏ธ Relaxed

โœ…๏ธ Happy

when out and about in public.

It's safe to say Walter has nailed it at Home Depot ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚

It's the one year anniversary of my podcast interview with The Cognitive Canine, LLC!It was both professionally and pers...

It's the one year anniversary of my podcast interview with The Cognitive Canine, LLC!

It was both professionally and personally exciting to be featured on my favorite dog podcast, and I had a lot of fun nerding out with Sarah Stremming.

If you haven't given it a listen, we talk all about off-leash adventures with dogs who love to chase wildlife, including why starting puppies with off-leash training early is so important.

Link in comments!

So what's changed in the last year with my own dog's off-leash time?

We're able to walk in heavily forested areas without it turning into a chase/hunt fest!

In the podcast, I talk about how I largely avoid forested areas for my walks, because they're full of squirrels, chipmunks, and deer. And I think sticking with more open areas when Lazlo was young was the best strategy in helping me shape solid off-leash skills, like sticking close and recalling off wildlife.

Now he's 3 years old, and I've started adding in forested trails into our rotation of adventure locations, and he's crushing it! Checking in reliably. Maintaining a nice radius. Disengaging from wildlife all on his own. And recalling every time.

I think had I started him in forested spaces, it would have been a lot harder to build his off-leash skills because of how many critters there are. But with the skills in place, we are having success venturing into the forest. And we're having so much fun!

I've also been able to help my clients develop off-leash (and on-leash!) skills around wildlife, implementing the strategies we talk about in the podcast, which is incredible fulfilling.

My passion for giving dogs freedom of movement in nature has only become stronger. And I love helping my clients discover the joy it can offer.

Just some of the pups that got to experience Ruby's magic ๐Ÿ’— I so wish she was here to continue sharing her good influenc...

Just some of the pups that got to experience Ruby's magic ๐Ÿ’— I so wish she was here to continue sharing her good influence with my clients and their puppies.


This week my client told me "I feel like I have a puppy now instead of an all-consuming responsibility!"

Such a big shift after just our initial session together ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ

She's able to get stuff done without feeling stressed out or overwhelmed trying to balance her puppy with all of life's other demands.

And without feeling guilty that she's not giving her puppy what they need.

This makes me so happy! I love helping humans enjoy their puppies more.


๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ Do you have a new puppy and feel like they've taken over your life?

๐Ÿฅด Is it hard to get stuff done during the day because you're overwhelmed with caring for your new pup?

๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ Are you frustrated because as soon as you sit down to do some work, or start washing dishes, your puppy is biting at your feet or peeing on the rug?

๐Ÿ’ฃ Does it kind of feel like you set a bomb off in your life and sometimes you wonder why you got a puppy?

You love them so so much, but they're a LOT.

Youโ€™re not alone!

And thatโ€™s exactly why I created my ๐Ÿ—ป Peak Puppy Potential Program ๐Ÿ—ป

So you can help you feel more confident in raising your pup. More sure of what you're doing.

So you can get some control of your routine and schedule with a new puppy in the mix.

So that you can get stuff done. Because as much as you love your puppy, theyโ€™re not your only responsibility.

My puppy program isn't just about training. Don't get me wrong, that's a big part of it, for sure.

But, I also show you how to live with a baby animal that has needle-sharp teeth and loves stealing your socks.

Like, how to go through a day or week with your puppy without feeling overwhelmed by frustration, exhaustion, or uncertainty.

So while puppies ARE a lot of work, you donโ€™t need to go it alone.

๐Ÿ”น My puppy program exists to help reduce your frustration and stress, so that you can actually enjoy your new puppy.

๐Ÿ”น Learn how to raise an amazing puppy who can be part of your active life, while also maintaining your sanity and health (physical and mental).

๐Ÿ”น Stop struggling alone, and get the support you need. Because, as I may have mentioned, puppies a LOT, yโ€™all!

If youโ€™re interested in learning more about my Peak Puppy Potential Program, send me a message!

Anya showing off a couple sides of her delightful personality ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚And doesn't her shiny black coat make her bandana pop?I'...

Anya showing off a couple sides of her delightful personality ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚

And doesn't her shiny black coat make her bandana pop?

I'm so lucky to work with this wonderful pup and her very dedicated human!


A reminder to do dumb stuff with your puppy.

Be silly and ridiculous.

Show them you know how to have fun.

Do stuff you both enjoy.

It could be finding sticks together in the yard.

Or tossing clumps of grass clippings in the air.

Or running around your basement like a fool, like I'm doing in this video on Lazlo's first day home with me.

Training and socialization are important, but so is stuff like this.

Fun. Connection. Bonding. Joy.

Puppies can be hard. They can be overwhelming and frustrating.

Sometimes doing something lighthearted together is the best way to feel better about your decision to bring home a shark toothed baby animal that pees on your carpet.

(Adding some disclaimers because this is the internet. Some puppies may find this style of play scary. Others may find it so exciting that they turn into bitey monsters. Every puppy is unique so the way you choose to be playful and ridiculous depends on your puppy. Both puppy and human should be enjoying the interaction.)


Frankie the mini dachshund took on his first hiking field trip like a pro!

(Is there anything cuter than a baby dachshund crossing a bridge?! ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜)

He's on his way to becoming an awesome little adventure pal with him mom.

Starting outdoor adventures early sets you and your puppy up for success as they grow into an adult dog.

๐Ÿž So that doing outdoorsy things are...


๐Ÿฅฐ And you feel...


โŒ ๏ธInstead of...

stressed out

by your puppy's behavior.

Through my Peak Puppy Potential Program, puppy parents learn how to build skills like:

๐Ÿ—ฃ Coming when called even with outdoor distractions

๐Ÿ‘€ Sticking close and voluntarily checking in

๐Ÿšถ Letting others pass by on the trail calmly

If you dream of a confident, well-adjusted puppy, I offer a personalized training and socialization program to help your new companion grow into an awesome adventure dog.

Click the link in the comments to schedule a free call to learn more about the Peak Puppy Potential Program!


(On a personal note, puppy therapy has been so good for my grief.)


๐Ÿ• Do you want your new puppy to come every time you call, even in distracting environments?

The best time to start training a rock-solid recall is when your puppy is young!

Yep, your wild little pup can (and should) start learning how to come when called from a young age! Don't wait until your dog is 6 months or a year old to start working on their recall skills.

You got a puppy because you envision a fun, active life together, right? ๐Ÿž ๐Ÿ• You dream of a reliable hiking buddy who can explore the great outdoors with you.

Teaching your pup to come when called (also known as a recall) is a crucial skill to enjoying outdoor adventures in a safe way.

It's also critical for those "oh $hit!" moments where life happens and your pup gets loose. A strong recall will get them back to you safely and quickly.

That's why my Peak Puppy Potential program prioritizes training ๐Ÿ’Žsolid recall skills๐Ÿ’Ž

Puppies in my program learn how to enthusiastically come when called ๐Ÿ“ฃ so that they can grow into awesome adventure dogs. And owners learn how to make recalls fun and exciting ๐ŸŽ‰ so that your puppy WANTS to come to you.

Want your puppy to learn the important skills needed for a harmonious, active life with you? Send me a message and let's talk about your puppy!

The video is of my dog Lazlo recalling at just 11 weeks old, and then at 2 years old. Starting his recall training at 8 weeks of age has made all the difference in allowing him to have off-leash adventures.

I often talk with puppy owners who are told by trainers that there is no point in training an 8, 10 or 12-week-old puppy...

I often talk with puppy owners who are told by trainers that there is no point in training an 8, 10 or 12-week-old puppy.

They are told to wait until their puppy is 16 or even 20 weeks old before starting training - that's 4 or 5 months.

๐Ÿ™…โ€โ™€๏ธ I couldn't disagree more! And the reason is that science shows us how important and effective training is for young puppies.

Puppies are little sponges ๐Ÿงฝ that are ready to learn. In fact, 8 to 16 weeks of age is the prime time for puppies to be learning good habits that help set you up for long-term harmony and happiness with your puppy.

๐Ÿง  Research shows that the way a puppy's brain develops makes early learning and experiences so important to their behavior and temperament as they grow up.

If you postpone training until your puppy is older, you're missing out on the best time to be establishing good routines and teaching them important skills that will make life together more enjoyable.

I often hear from my clients who start with me when their puppy is 4 or 5 months old that they wish they had joined my puppy program sooner.

When you enroll your puppy in my ๐Ÿ—ป Peak Puppy Potential ๐Ÿ—ปprogram

๐Ÿ”นYou prevent unwanted behavior before it becomes a bad habit

๐Ÿ”นYou save yourself a lot of frustration and overwhelm

๐Ÿ”นYou avoid making mistakes that might bite you in the butt as your puppy matures

๐Ÿ”นYou feel confident in raising a puppy who can be part of a fun, active life

๐Ÿ”นYou know how to handle puppy behavior like nipping, chewing, jumping and biting

๐Ÿ”นYou learn how to prepare your puppy for all your future adventures, so they can add joy and not stress

If you're interested in learning more about how my puppy program can help you and your puppy, send me a message!

๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ Raise your hand if a puppy is joining your family this spring or summer!I'd love to know:What are you most looking...

๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ Raise your hand if a puppy is joining your family this spring or summer!

I'd love to know:

What are you most looking forward to about sharing life with a puppy?

What concerns or worries you the most about sharing life with a puppy?

(Photo of my adorable client puppy Bentley!)

"I'm living my childhood dream."That's what I was thinking this morning, while I was walking my dogs out in nature.I've ...

"I'm living my childhood dream."

That's what I was thinking this morning, while I was walking my dogs out in nature.

I've always been completely obsessed with dogs. By the time I was 4 years old, my constant request for a dog wore my parents down and I got my first puppy, Cricket (pictured).

I've also always been in love with nature. Exploring the woods, climbing trees, playing in the creek, making flower chains, catching bugs and lizards. I wanted to be outside as much as possible.

My dream as a kid was to have a trusty canine sidekick that could accompany me on my outdoor adventures. One who loved to explore, but stayed close. A dog who enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed theirs.

It just seemed like the coolest, funnest thing. To be out in nature with a dog who was my best friend.

And as an adult, I can say that my younger self was right!

Exploring the great outdoors with my dogs is kind of the best thing ever. I can't really explain it, but it's incredibly fulfilling. It just feels right.

It's also incredibly rewarding to help my clients experience this feeling as well.

Some of my clients always wanted a dog growing up, and now as an adult are in a position to finally get one. They, like me, dream of a sidekick who can tag along on their adventures. Giving them the tools and confidence to do just that is amazing.

Some of my clients got a new puppy with the goal of giving them the best life possible. They aren't particularly outdoorsy, but are very open to my suggestion of giving their puppy some nature therapy in the form of some time on a trail.

I'm amazed how many clients tell me that being out in nature is their absolute favorite thing to do with their new companion. That it's so fun and enjoyable and that they never would have thought to do it without being a part of my puppy program.

It might sound ridiculous, but I could seriously cry just thinking about it!

I love helping people experience something that I personally enjoy and value so much. It's one of the best parts of my job.

Happy National Puppy Day!Drop a puppy pic in the comments to celebrate!

Happy National Puppy Day!

Drop a puppy pic in the comments to celebrate!

โœจ I've created a new resource - A Guide to Successful Airbnb Stays With Your Puppy - for people envisioning a fun, activ...

โœจ I've created a new resource - A Guide to Successful Airbnb Stays With Your Puppy - for people envisioning a fun, active life with their new pup! โœจ

Youโ€™ve got a puppy (or youโ€™re getting one soon) and dream of a life full of fun adventures, including weekend getaways, road trips, and vacation rental stays.

๐Ÿ• Enjoying an Airbnb or VRBO is just better with the company of your dog, especially when theyโ€™re a well-adjusted and polite guest.

Not only is it possible to have enjoyable stays at an Airbnb with a puppy, but bringing your puppy along is an excellent way to help them grow into a confident, adaptable adventure companion.

The guide covers:

๐Ÿ”น How a vacation rental stay can help shape your puppy into an awesome adventure pup

๐Ÿ”นWhy you shouldnโ€™t wait until theyโ€™re older and more trained to bring them along

๐Ÿ”นHow to choose the right property for an enjoyable, low-stress stay

๐Ÿ”น Things you can do before you embark on your trip to prepare your puppy

๐Ÿ”นWhat to bring with you to help your puppy be comfortable and well-behaved

๐Ÿ”น And loads of tips and tricks to make a vacation stay easier and more pleasant with a puppy

Check the comments for a link!

โ“ Does your new puppy have you feeling overwhelmed?๐Ÿ˜ซ Frustrated?๐Ÿค” Unsure?๐Ÿ˜ต Confused?๐Ÿฅฑ Sleep-deprived?๐Ÿ˜ญ Upset?๐Ÿ˜ž Even a li...

โ“ Does your new puppy have you feeling overwhelmed?

๐Ÿ˜ซ Frustrated?

๐Ÿค” Unsure?

๐Ÿ˜ต Confused?

๐Ÿฅฑ Sleep-deprived?

๐Ÿ˜ญ Upset?

๐Ÿ˜ž Even a little depressed?

Sure, theyโ€™re a ton of fun and so adorable, but theyโ€™re also just... a lot.

๐Ÿฆˆ There's all the nipping and biting.

๐Ÿ’ฉ Peeing and pooping inside after you just took them out.

๐ŸฆทChewing on your furniture and belongings.

It can feel like your puppy has taken over your life a bit (or a lot).

Youโ€™re not alone!

๐Ÿ‘‹ Thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m here.

I can help you!

๐Ÿ˜Ž I can help you feel more confident in raising your pup. More sure of what you're doing.

๐Ÿคฉ I can help you get some control of your routine and schedule with your puppy, so that you can get stuff done. Because as much as you love your puppy, theyโ€™re not your only responsibility.

๐Ÿ’ป One of my clients was struggling to work from home with a new puppy. She was constantly trying to entertain the puppy and keep her quiet, while also getting work done. Which was totally exhausting.

โœจ After enrolling her puppy in my ๐Ÿ” Peak Puppy Potential ๐Ÿ” program, she has a routine that ensures her puppyโ€™s needs are being met AND that gives her quiet, focused time to get her work done at home.

๐Ÿ› Another client hadnโ€™t slept in her own bed for weeks because she was worried about her puppy getting distressed in his crate. She was really trying to make sure her puppy was okay, but at the expense of her own sleep and health.

โœจ We tackled the issue together, and within a few days, her puppy was sleeping quietly through the night in his crate while she got to sleep in her own bed again!

๐Ÿก I also had a client who felt like she couldnโ€™t leave the house because of her puppy. She felt super tied down and stressed out by her new puppy.

โœจ By joining my puppy program, she was able to create a puppy schedule and home space that allows her to leave the house, and teach her puppy some skills that allow him to feel okay being home alone.

So while puppies ARE a lot of work, you donโ€™t need to go it alone.

๐Ÿ”น My puppy program exists to help reduce your frustration and stress, so that you can actually enjoy your new puppy.

๐Ÿ”น Learn how to raise an amazing puppy who can be part of your active life, while also maintaining your sanity and health (physical and mental).

๐Ÿ”น Stop struggling alone, and get the support you need. Because, as I may have mentioned, puppies a LOT, yโ€™all!

If youโ€™re interested in learning more about my Peak Puppy Potential Program, send me a message!


๐—–๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ผ๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ต๐˜ ๐—ฝ๐˜‚๐—ฝ๐—ฝ๐˜† ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚.

๐—ง๐—ถ๐—ฝ #๐Ÿฑ: ๐—™๐—ผ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐˜๐—ผ ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ผ๐—ฝ๐˜.

One more tip for those who are going the shelter/rescue route.

Some organizations allow you to foster a puppy with the option to adopt them if you feel they are a good fit for you.

This gives you an opportunity to โ€œtry outโ€ the puppy and see what theyโ€™re really like in your home with your family.

Keep in mind that it can time some time for a puppy to settle in and feel comfortable at your house, so you may not see their true personality for a few days or even a couple weeks.

It can also help to hire a certired, professional trainer, or a certified behaviorist to come evaluate the puppy in your home, as they can identify any potential red flags and assess their behavior more thoroughly than you may be able to.

The one caveat with this tip is that it can be really hard to bring a puppy into your home and NOT decide to keep them, even if theyโ€™re not a good fit for you.

It can be hard not to fall in love and get attached.

So either be prepared to try your best to be objective as you consider if your foster puppy is the right one for you, or be prepared to adjust your expectations and lifestyle to accommodate the puppy if you keep them.

Foster to adopt can be an amazing opportunity! And even if you decide not the keep the puppy, you still made a positive difference in that puppyโ€™s life on their journey to their forever home.

Thanks for following along this week as I shared 5 tips to choosing the right puppy for you!

If youโ€™re currently looking for a puppy and have some questions about finding a good fit for you, Iโ€™d love to hear from you! Feel free to message me.


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This tip is for people who have decided to get a puppy from a breeder.

So, you've selected a breed or mix of dog that is well-suited to your lifestyle and personality. And you've found a great, responsible breeder who health tests their dogs and prioritizes great temperament in their breeding program. You've talked with them and asked them all your questions. Perhaps you were able to visit and meet the parents.

You've gone through the breeder's process (perhaps they had you fill out an application, or they've had you visit their home to meet in person.)

Now the puppies are here! And you can't wait to pick out your puppy.

And this is where I recommend that you actually let the breeder choose which puppy is the best for you.

I know, I know, this can be really disappointing to hear. The idea of picking out your puppy out of the litter and having that magical "I picked you!" moment seems so amazing. It might even seem weird to you to let the breeder pick for you.

But, here's the thing.

The breeder has spent at least eight full weeks with the litter of puppies. They have spent hours upon days observing each puppy's behavior, how they interact with each other, and their unique personalities and quirks.

A good breeder will take time to understand you, your family, your lifestyle, and what traits are important to you as an owner. They can then take all that into consideration, and look at all the puppies and help match you with the one that is likely to be the best fit.

When you choose your own puppy, you haven't spent much time with the litter, so you don't have a lot to go off of.

Sure, that puppy might have fallen asleep in your lap, and seemed super sweet and laidback, but only because she was tired. The breeder knows that puppy is a sassy wild thing when she's awake and that she might be a little too intense for your liking.

The puppy with the most amazing coat color is a bit on the shy side and may not do well in your busy home with young kids.

There's no way you can know all of that after spending an hour with the litter.

The breeder is your best resource in choosing the best puppy for you out of the litter. While you might not get the exact color or s*x of the puppy you wanted, you'll get the puppy with the most potential to mesh with your lifestyle. And trust me, it's way better to have a puppy with a temperament that you enjoy, than to have one in the prettiest color.

If your breeder gives you the option to choose your own puppy, ask them which puppy they think is best suited to you based on what you shared with them about your life. Pick their brain and tap into all those weeks of puppy observation.

As I mentioned already this week, there is no guarantee that a puppy will grow up to be free of all health or behavior issues. But the tips I've shared are all ways you can increase your chances of getting a puppy that you can share a long, happy life with.

I'll share my final tip on finding the right puppy for you tomorrow!


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