Sweet Sugar only has ONE day left at the vets office before she has to go back to shelter life. 😿😿
PLEASE, is anyone willing to open up your homes for fostering or adopting this sweet girl?!!
If so, reach out to Rescue Me Animal Advocacy TODAY!!! Sugar (and all cats) deserve to live a life safely indoors with a human(s) to love them.
**Sugar is spayed, tested negative on her combo test and is UTD on vaccines!
Every little bit helps dogs like James prepare them for their forever home. Please donate if you can. Rescue Me Animal Advocacy is a NPO, but FB hasn’t given her the *donate* button yet even though she reached out back in December. Because James needs help NOW, she couldn’t wait and started her own fundraiser.
The fundraiser down at Little Miami Brewing Co. on April 14th, will also benefit RMAA, so please come out and support this fabulous cause!! Lots of cool silent auction gifts will be in hand, including a behind the scene tour with penguins!
If you are local and are looking to adopt, please consider James. He needs to be the only pup in your life, but he will be devoted to you! He’s been working with a trainer and really needs a home. The trainer will continue to work with you.
Shelter life for dogs that stay too long, is not good for their mental health. James deserves a home with someone who is loyal, patient and ready to welcome his little wiggly butt and happy paws, into their home!! Is that person you? If interested, please comment below so that Kim can answer any questions.🐾