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Surrey Hills Livery Where horses can be truly happy 🌟

I miss you,I miss your cheeky twinkle, I miss your wonky blaze that made you all the more beautiful,I miss your soft tin...

I miss you,
I miss your cheeky twinkle,
I miss your wonky blaze that made you all the more beautiful,
I miss your soft tiny muzzle always hopeful for a snack,
I miss your bold pitter patter of inner confidence,
I miss your knowing eyes,
I miss you loving me like I loved you
I miss you whickering at the children when they turned up to just 'be' with you,
I miss you, Polly Pony.


As the sun broke through the clouds this morning my little one blew kisses to the sun (horsey heaven) and waved goodbye ...

As the sun broke through the clouds this morning my little one blew kisses to the sun (horsey heaven) and waved goodbye to his Polly Pony 💔 it felt like she shone down on that special spot on the beach, just for him...🪽

Children are amazing 🌟 I wish adults all lived in the moment more and found acceptance quicker in the things we cannot change.

💔 ✨️

💔 ✨️

Little did I know when I turned up today to see our herd our lives would change forever... our beloved Polly devastating...

Little did I know when I turned up today to see our herd our lives would change forever... our beloved Polly devastatingly had a broken leg in a fluke field accident... my heart is beyond broken... the loss beyond traumatic... only mums will understand the true love and admiration you have for your children's first pony, the one who kept them safe no matter what...

Polly pony was truly special. She lived most of her young life carefree and sassy, a true unfailing member of the herd steadfast and confident in her decision and at the front of every herd gallop... She may have only been 10hh but she filled our hearts more than any 17hh+ could ever do. She was the herd favourite, our heart of why we did what we did for so many. The words to describe our loss are incomprehensible.

Our girl.
Our Polly Pony
Our cheeky monkey
Our reason we thought we'd have horses forever...
Gone in a second and missed deeply forever 💔
We are heartbroken beyond belief.
We love you our baby girl, now, always and FOREVER ###

Her parting plait intertwined with her best friends ✨️

Rio ✨️ This little chap has so many layers. I think so many have missed his complex sensitivity in his 23yrs of life... ...

Rio ✨️
This little chap has so many layers. I think so many have missed his complex sensitivity in his 23yrs of life... He needed a lot of support from the herd when he came to us to help him find his place and purposed amongst them all. When Albie came he just seemed to click into place... he became the unflappable companion, the best bud who was strong and consistent in his energy and confidence. Since Albie's passing Rio's struggled a lot. He's clearly missing his friend. I'm sure many will disagree but with every loss to the herd those with the strongest bonds will display grief and loss at a very deep level, I see this everytime.

Grief and loss I observe in a horse sense consists of them isolating themselves for prolonged periods of time, attempting deep connections/communications with their herd members, high levels of anxiety when handled but overly needy to human contact when unhandled.

I've spent a lot of time with Rio since Albie's passing and tonight he seemed to have a lighter energy. I hope he finds his happy little legs again soon 🙏 🤲 🌟

My beautiful girls ❤️

My beautiful girls ❤️

Roo bear learning to let  in to her world. The steps to the small pockets of connection away from me (and Flora) is a bi...

Roo bear learning to let in to her world. The steps to the small pockets of connection away from me (and Flora) is a big deal for her.

France was patient, she understood, she connected with Roo in a way that I've not seen her try to do with anyone other than me.

Thank you France. Eternally grateful for today 🙏 🤲

Excited to be joining Dr Lily to learn about Attuned Assessment! 🌟 🤩 ⭐️

Excited to be joining Dr Lily to learn about Attuned Assessment! 🌟 🤩 ⭐️

🌟 Still time to sign up for the Attuned Assessment online workshop - content is available now in the online Member Area and the first Zoom Q&A call is on Thursday 6th February at 7pm GMT (UK time) 🌟

In this online workshop I teach you the concepts behind and how to practically implement my approach called Attuned Assessment. I use this as a deeper, broader way of evaluating horses' health and wellbeing than a conventional veterinary physical examination is able to achieve on its own, and as a way of opening up two-way communication with the horse. This allows them to show us much more clearly how they feel, what they need, and even where they hurt.

To do this, I use a combination of distance observations, interaction observations, and hands-on evaluation.

🌿 Distance observations can include varied and creative uses of food and scent stations and are also just a great way to provide enrichment and spend quality time with your horse

🐴 Interaction observations are where we notice what is happening in the horse, in us, and between us both, in order to answer questions about our relationship, communication, learning, and movement together

🤚 The hands-on evaluation involves showing the horse that you have noticed their responses, opening up two-way communication and encouraging them to then show you more

The online workshop consists of a Member Area with an introductory webinar and videos on all of these areas, plus three live Zoom Q&A calls, one on each of these three topics. You have access to the Zoom call recordings as well as the links to join live, lifetime access to the Member Area, and the chance to join a community of like-minded people and continue your journey of discovery with your horse 🙂

Sign up at:


Callie's condition progress in the two months she's been with us 🥳!

Callie's condition progress in the two months she's been with us 🥳!

I can't wait to tune in!

I can't wait to tune in!

So much life after riding 😌 ✨️ for a horse this is where the adventure truly begins 🙌 Beautiful post.

So much life after riding 😌 ✨️ for a horse this is where the adventure truly begins 🙌

Beautiful post.

Nine years ago today I "borrowed" you from a property in Qld as a companion for my mare...

Nine years ago you werent looking your best, full of worms with a matted tail, mane and some pretty impressive dreadlocks..

Nine years ago your eyes instantly showed me your soul whilst gently reaching into mine ..

Eight years ago I had a riding accident and it was you who kept "bopping" the back of my head until I went and seeked a second scan only to find a missed injury..

Eight years ago whilst recovering I wrote down 3 little words...

Manes of Change

I had no idea what they meant or the significance they would have in my future.

Eight years ago you survived a snake bite to your face and over the days/weeks that followed our bond grew even stronger....

Few words were spoken but we fought with everything in us to stay together...

Seven years ago you made the 1800 km journey at nearly 18 years of age back to South Australia with me..

Five years ago you were one of the hundreds of horses evacuated during the Cudlee Creek fires...

And at that moment...

Manes of Change became a reality and our lives changed forever..

Three years ago you made that same 1800 km trip back across Australia back to the land you love.

You are my guardian...

My protector...

And my strength when I cant be yours.

Your majestic presence calms my soul, soothes my worries and warms my heart.


If only we knew that the last time I would ride and the last time you would be ridden would lead us to where we are now.

Is there life after riding?

Oh yes my boy..

There is a whole universe after riding🌿

Jo Harmer


• Le sevrage à l'élevage Delgado •

Pour réaliser les sevrages à l'Elevage Delgado 🐴 on attend d'observer au pré que la mère met elle-même de la distance avec son poulain. Ce dernier gagne alors en autonomie, c'est ce qui nous donne le feu vert ✅ pour rentrer tout le monde à l'écurie afin d'organiser une séparation progressive.

On place chaque jument dans un grand box avec son petit, pour que les deux prennent leurs marques dans ce nouvel espace. 🏠 On fait ça en groupe, donc il y a toujours d'autres mères avec leurs poulains dans les box voisins, ils peuvent tous se voir les uns les autres, ça permet de ne pas casser la dynamique du troupeau. 🌱

On laisse passer quelques jours comme ça, et on observe attentivement les comportements de la juments. Lorsqu'elle commence à ne plus être agréable avec son petit 😒, c'est le moment, on va séparer en déplaçant la mère dans le box juste à côté. Le petit se retrouve donc seul dans le box qu'il a appris à connaître, mais il continue d'avoir des contacts visuels et tactiles avec sa mère juste à côté. ❤️

D'ailleurs, on ne laisse pas le poulain seul puisque tout de suite, on amène un ou deux copains de son âge pour qu'ils se rassurent les uns les autres. En général, les jeunes sont très heureux de se retrouver 🤪 et de passer du temps ensemble, ils ne s'occupent même plus d'où est leur maman. On les laisse s'adapter comme ça un moment, sereinement. 🙏

Et enfin, quand on sent que tout le monde est prêt, on fait sortir définitivement les juments de l'écurie pour les remettre au pré. 🌳 Les poulains sont donc à plusieurs dans les box et ont eu le temps de s'habituer à l'environnement, ils n'appellent même pas leurs mères et sont plutôt occupés à jouer ensemble. 😘

Chaque année, ça se passe vraiment bien, avec beaucoup de légèreté et de décontraction, ça nous surprend nous-même ! On se demande parfois si on est dans le bon timing, on se questionne pour faire au mieux... 🤔 et les chevaux nous montrent que tout va bien, ils ne sont pas anxieux et les poulains peuvent donc retourner au pré entre eux, sans les mamans, avec joie et bonne humeur ! 🤩

🎄 CONCOURS • Vous pouvez vous inscrire à notre concours de Noël jusqu'au 23 décembre, plus d'infos ici :

Flossy building bonds with the herd. From the moment she stepped hoof into the herd, she was accepted and settled. Floss...

Flossy building bonds with the herd. From the moment she stepped hoof into the herd, she was accepted and settled. Flossy's ability to read herd signals, effectively communicate and her general lovely bubbly and kind heart has enabled her to have the very best start to retired life.

Callie and Albie exploring the middle track

Callie and Albie exploring the middle track

Flora meeting Miss Callie... this relationship will be fascinating to see how it unfolds 🙏

Flora meeting Miss Callie... this relationship will be fascinating to see how it unfolds 🙏

Flossy making friends today with her herd introductions 🧡

Flossy making friends today with her herd introductions 🧡




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