What is done in darkness will come to light...
Anyone recognize this sad, sorry, unhinged, pathetic, gossipy little creep who has been having strident and virulent tirades both publicly and privately against our rescue and founder?
We are finally starting to go public about our covert detractors. One by one, we will expose those hypocrites who have been engaged in a smear campaign even while we have been minding our own business. With them going low consistently, taking the high road means matching their energy from high up because they should never have been down there anyway and kind words do not send bullies home to reconsider their actions. We are not a doormat to put up with such filthy, defaming mouths and disgusting behaviors. They wanted to play games, let us play...
Feel free to unfollow for any reason. We know that victim blaming is popular these days and many are too timid to stand up for what it is right. Just because we are a public organization does not imply we should be "professional" and take abuse from random crazy people running their mouth faster than their brain can process information.
So, any rescue organization in the Litchfield, Springfield and St. Louis area, or perhaps beyond, wants to claim this Real Housewife of Illinois and validate his claims of being a rescue volunteer? What exactly did this deranged individual do in your rescue? BTW, we have evidence that he is a stalker.
Yes, this Real Housewife is a man, but he channels his inner Karen so well that he may well outkaren his BFFs, the other loud Real Housewives of Chicago, whom we will be covering soon.
Little man here is a big coward. You would think that he would have the balls - oops, so unprofessional of us 😮 - bravery to come directly to us, the volunteers who actually run the rescue and do the work, and voice out all his grievances like a normal adult would so we can address them. Instead, little man big coward chooses to engage in malicious gossip with Thou who shall not be named Individual #1 - indeed, that whiny narcissistic sociopathic, Animal Abusing, self-proclaimed animal advocate with the oh-so-loved and arguably the most morbidly obese Shih Tzu in this country she put at risk, who is also an expert of "healthy nutrition for cheap". The same one with no rescue experience whatsoever who has been harassing us via emails, text and phone calls to personal and rescue contact information; defaming and bullying us; and projecting her own behavior on us every few months for years now, yet shamelessly pretending to be the victim for sympathy even AFTER we told her in 2021 in writing to fluff off - politely of course. Surreal. You cannot make this up. More about this later. Oh, so you are aware, Individual #2 likes to send threatening texts to intimidate because that is how she thinks she will flex with us. Some absolutely crazy folks right here. You never know who you might meet on social media. The unhinged, the alcoholic...
Back to little man big coward. He had another opportunity of having us address whatever bothered him so much about us that he would take the time to gossip, but he slunk away like a coward as his good friend, Real Housewife of Chicago, Jamie Greer, of Lil Boo fame was losing her uneducated mind in a group Messenger message, unleashing a deranged profanity-laden tirade against our founder, defaming us to great appreciation from the "no drama" squad (we will get to them as well soon) for whom such behavior is apparently normal.
We guess when you are from the gutter such trashy comportment is acceptable. Not to us. They have been at it since 2020 and we are no doormat and will not take such disrespect from people we would never take advice from.
Anyway, we went back to private Messenger conversations with little man big coward and the last convo was about him asking for advice about CBD products for one of his dogs in June 2021. Another related to his adopted dog who was having GI issues in 2019. Our founder referred him to a Facebook group and that was that. Not one word since. Prior to that, the conversation had mostly been to thank him for a few in-kind donations and one monetary donation.
But wait...there is more. In 2019-20, a member of our Adoption Committee was sick for a few weeks and little man big coward had offered to "help" with applications because "he and Jamie (his wife, not the same one as crass, potty-mouth Jamie Greer above)" had "rescue experience". Naturally, we refused because only approved people who have been screened by our volunteers and are trusted have access to private information shared by applicants, that too on an as-needed basis. Soon after, little man big coward would come back to inform us that he could no longer donate to our organization because he had a grandson. Not a problem. We certainly are not forcing anyone to donate. Around the same time, individual #1, his BFF Real Housewife from Chicago, was also getting agitated and wanted access to applications. She had been proving to be less than competent with another position she had volunteered for. A resounding No to her as well since applications are outside her realm of responsibilities and none of her concern. More about this sociopath in another post soon.
You start seeing a pattern? Some people cannot take NO for an answer. Little man big coward may not have liked that we turned him down. He had also developed issues with the fact that our rescue boldly sets superior standards of care and nutrition for our dogs. How dare we use donations in such an "irresponsible" way? How dare we not brownnose them for their donations? How dare we not come down to their bottom-of-the-barrel level? How dare we?!! We must be crazy for standing our ground against their "reason".
But wait...there is even more. Word on the street has it that little man big coward is known for sending used pet items that no longer work via Fedex using sender information that allegedly maps to his employer, Midwest Bus Sales (https://www.facebook.com/midwestbussalesHQ?mibextid=ZbWKwL).
We had not realized it until the subject came up. Kind of tacky and weird to have your employer information on packages sent as personal donations if you ask us. Then again, perhaps, the company is sponsoring the postage. Who knows?
So there you have it. A "commentary" as Individual #1 calls it about her BFF she gossips with about us because they both have that kind of time on their hand. Funny thing is they met through us. Enjoy. No thanks needed. Like belongs with like.
Anyone wondering if we fear a lawsuit from little man big coward? Meh. We shall see. What is he going to say? That he cannot handle the truth? That he is the victim?