Carolyne the Vet

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Carolyne the Vet This is a place to connect and support one another.

The veterinary profession is a beloved profession, but a challenging one as well, and I hope to provide useful skills and tools for prospective and current students, as well as, graduated vets to thrive!

4 Years Ago Today. My Bachelors of Science, in Animal Science was conferred on this day 4 years ago. I wasn't in the rig...

4 Years Ago Today.

My Bachelors of Science, in Animal Science was conferred on this day 4 years ago. I wasn't in the right country for the day of the ceremony, I watched my best friend post her pictures, and watched a live stream from the UK. There are some days I wish I was there with the cords I had worked so hard to earn, to hug my pals who'd helped me through, to boil in the sunshine of May in Vermont at a long ceremony on the green with everyone else.

I wasn't there.

It took a bit of time to realize that it did not diminish the accomplishment, or the hard work, or the happiness I should have felt because I wasn't there in person.

Plus, going to UVM and studying Animal Science lead to to where I am right now... in Glasgow, on my final year rotations (small animal specialty to be exact), and less than 9 months away from being a veterinary surgeon.

It just means I'll have to celebrate this Bachelors twice over.

Find joy in something you achieve each day! Some days its for getting out of bed, finishing that case report, making all your phone calls, remembering to pull out a topic to review, knitting another row on your project, and some days its something a bit bigger. No achievement is too big or too small to be celebrated!

When you get knocked down, get back up again! I had to repeat this to myself a lot during the first week of rotation. It...

When you get knocked down, get back up again! I had to repeat this to myself a lot during the first week of rotation. It reminded me of my first ever rugby match where this photo was taken...

No, that is not how you are meant to tackle, but I wasn't strong or confident on my feet at that point. I did at least slow her down though!

What did I do after?

Get up, find my teammates and get on with it. Rugby is a contact sport, so there was no doubt I'd get knocked down again.

That is what learning is, a contact sport, where you just need to readjust and keep going because the game continues whether you're on the floor or not.

I've come along way since this picture in 2017, both with rugby and on my journey to becoming a vet. The bumps in the road are there for my benefit, and I'll keep getting up and learning!

It's time for a good rest though, and back at it tomorrow...

Rotations start tomorrow!! The pup tried to bark at my MiniVet Guide so I showed him it was actually quite helpful, than...

Rotations start tomorrow!! The pup tried to bark at my MiniVet Guide so I showed him it was actually quite helpful, thanks to - I'm starting with Small Animal Speciality 🏥

What am I bringing with me?

⚕️Handy pouch to hold all my gear
💉 Stethoscope (with a name tag)
⚕️ Bandage scissors (thanks )
💉Vet student name badge
⚕️Hand sanitizer
💉 Thermometer
⚕️Extra face mask and scrub cap (courtesy of )
💉Hair bobbles!! (And clips to control the frizz)
⚕️ID Holder (thanks )
💉BSAVA Formulary ( ) because it's super handy for looking up medications
⚕️Coffee mug ( ) because it is necessary, need I say more?
💉Sistema utensils kit (because COVID we have to bring our own everything for the staff kitchen )
⚕️Comfy shoes!!! And theatre shoes!
💉 grey watch because it comes in handy taking heart rates!

Here we go!

Here we go!

Good luck to all the final years starting their first rotation tomorrow!

The Class of 2021 has shown incredible resilience throughout the course of lockdown and many changes being thrown their way. Now its time for them to shine in clinics! One year to go until this batch joins the veterinary profession. Good luck all.

National Dog Day!! Featured my first and best boy, Hickory.This is him in the younger days, he sleeps a bit more now and...

National Dog Day!! Featured my first and best boy, Hickory.

This is him in the younger days, he sleeps a bit more now and his hind legs give in a bit, but he still loves a good belly rub and butt scratch.

He still is our anxious rescue pup, reserved and quiet. He reserves his bark or howl to when he sees my mom emerge from the train station across the street.

He's first to jump (now be lifted) into the car to go off to the countryside, and quick to remind anyone in the kitchen that he is available for scrap collection.

Love you Hickory 💙💙
- Part of the family since 2008 ✌️


2020 in a nutshell...🙃

I am tired, so I have nothing to say... but I love a good excuse to share a highland cow.Have a smashing weekend everyon...

I am tired, so I have nothing to say... but I love a good excuse to share a highland cow.

Have a smashing weekend everyone!

Most important veterinary skill?COMMUNICATIONIt does not come overnight, it won't be refined during vet school, it will ...

Most important veterinary skill?


It does not come overnight, it won't be refined during vet school, it will come with time in practice! As a final year, I cannot wait to keep improving on it to better provide for clients and animals.

So what can you do as a pre-vet or vet student?

☎️Find vets that will let you take histories, make phone calls, etc to practice!
☎️Have an open mind! Feedback is the best way to learn. Guarantee there is something for everyone to improve on no matter what stage they are at
☎️Practice the difficult stuff, even if its uncomfortable
☎️Be okay with mistakes, learn from them!

I actually love phone calls, but it seems like I am a minority in that... so get used to the phone as well!

What are your favorite communication tid-bits you've received over the years?

That is my Monday face....It wouldn't be a fun vet job if I didn't get my hands dirty.... castrating alpacas in the moun...

That is my Monday face....

It wouldn't be a fun vet job if I didn't get my hands dirty.... castrating alpacas in the mountains!

Is it bad I thought the colours were pretty? The purple was our version of chlorohex and the red is blood....

What is something you find cool, but a non-vet would 🤢at?

This is Felicia, and she's adorable. That is all. (I love Jersey cows)It has been a long week of leadership role work an...

This is Felicia, and she's adorable. That is all. (I love Jersey cows)

It has been a long week of leadership role work and meetings, NAVLE studying, and online rotation work so it is definitely time for a truly logged off weekend.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Studying for the NAVLE like....

Studying for the NAVLE like....

This one is for all the pre-vets out there! (In undergrad or not, working, raising families, in another job but trying t...

This one is for all the pre-vets out there! (In undergrad or not, working, raising families, in another job but trying to make a change, all of you!)

What do you offer to a veterinary program?
I know when I applied I couldn't help but compare the quantitative aspects of my application... vet hours, experience, class credits, GPA, etc.

I did not feel like enough.

What I realized though, was that most of my conversations with the admissions team at Glasgow was not at all centered around my veterinary experiences. It was about all of my other jobs and roles. The skills I learned outside of the vet profession were ABSOLUTELY TRANSFERABLE.

Resident Advisor (RA) --> Communication Skills, Teamwork
Research Assistant --> Time Management
Ballet School Staff --> How to go on pointe (just kidding, dealing with high pressure environments)

Do not sell yourself short.

If you've worked in retail, in shops, restaurants, anything! One of the ways veterinary medicine needs to improve is in its inclusiveness, and as applicants we can start proving to universities that there is so much value from students with non-traditional backgrounds and experiences.

Spoiler, I got in.

What transferable skills did you have as an applicant? Or pre-vet students, what are your concerns in the application process?

# vetstudent

Did you know that rabbits are the second most popular pet in the UK, after dogs?I did not have a lot of experience with ...

Did you know that rabbits are the second most popular pet in the UK, after dogs?

I did not have a lot of experience with rabbits before vet school, just a few friends that had them as pets. So, how did I fill that knowledge gap?

🐇Make good notes for the lectures that covered rabbit care and husbandry (for future use!)
🐇I went to the BSAVA Congress to get more practical experience with handling and dentistry
🐇Saw small animal and mixed animal practice in the UK to increase my chances of seeing cases
🐇Ask my small-furry and exotic inclined friends questions & find specialists that share cases online

Who wouldn't want to learn more about these cuties?

What is it like being a vet student with a learning disability?Yes, we're out there!Dyslexia... It is tricky at times fo...

What is it like being a vet student with a learning disability?

Yes, we're out there!
Dyslexia... It is tricky at times for me... I take way more time to work through material, and need more repetition to solidify concepts. I need quiet places to study, supportive and patient friends for study groups, and as much hands on as I can get.

What are the main things I've learned through four years of vet school to help me?

📚I love making charts and mind-maps! Simply copying lectures is not enough. I need to restructure material to understand it
📚Use every second of my exam time
📚Study with supportive mates, ask lots of questions!
📚Ignore the "finished with notes" crowd, and accept that won't be me
📚Make detailed to-do lists with extra resources to go over
📚Talk with my mentors on the staff when I feel out of my depth
📚Find funny ways of pronouncing words to remember how to spell them, why not have fun with it!

I can add more later, but I thought this would be a good start! Just really wanted to say that there are so many great study-tips from so many people out there, and it sometimes takes trial and error to figure out yours. A learning disability won't get in your way of achieving a veterinary degree, but it will just mean you need to carve your own way there!

Also an appreciation post for that lockdown look, and a wee break from my desk.

Coffee & Cats keep me going! I LOVE feline medicine, and we don't get enough of it at uni.They are not just small dogs.....

Coffee & Cats keep me going! I LOVE feline medicine, and we don't get enough of it at uni.

They are not just small dogs... I repeat, they are not just small dogs.

My favorite feline resources are American Association of Feline Practitioners and International Society of Feline Medicine !!

They require patience and understanding, and aren't second rate pets. I love crawling on the floor to just do their exams where they'd be comfortable, making cat burritos and aggressively spraying myself with Feliaway.

What are your cat care tips? Or what you think you need to improve on for learning and treating cats?

*Featuring my favorite vet tee, "I speak fluent cat... meow" from the AAFP! I miss working at a feline-only practice so much.

Only a few days into online equine rotation, and desperately missing getting to actually be around horses!I find they ar...

Only a few days into online equine rotation, and desperately missing getting to actually be around horses!

I find they are way easier to understand when you get to put your hands on them and sort out what you need to auscultate, palpate, etc...

Anyone have a particular species or topic they've struggled with while working online?

Camelids! Alpacas and Llamas (and their wild ancestors, the Vicuña) are growing in popularity on hobby farms, crofts, an...

Camelids! Alpacas and Llamas (and their wild ancestors, the Vicuña) are growing in popularity on hobby farms, crofts, and at zoos big and small.

They aren't just funky shaped sheep, so do you know how to approach veterinary treatment of an alpaca?

Don't forget about these guys when studying in vet school!! I had to supplement my lectures on them to feel more confident. Also very thankful I escaped to Ecuador to learn about them in undergrad.

Just look at the views they've got!
What have you learned about camelids in vet school, or undergrad?

Looking at the clock on a Friday.....This was a snapshot while trying to make a thank you post for .tannetje.crocker and...

Looking at the clock on a Friday.....

This was a snapshot while trying to make a thank you post for .tannetje.crocker and for this navy set of scrubs! They are so comfy! I'm still on online rotations for another two months, but I did where them around the house to be in the right mindset for some case work 😅🩺👩‍⚕️

Did I say how many pockets there are?! So many 😍

What do you all have in store for the weekend? Or if you're working this weekend, what essentials do you keep on you while in hospital?

So excited about this part of my vet school journey!

So excited about this part of my vet school journey!

Another   is upon us! What checks need to be done in the immediate time around a foaling? 🐎 Is the foal presenting norma...

Another is upon us!

What checks need to be done in the immediate time around a foaling?
🐎 Is the foal presenting normally?
🐎Does the foal have a clear airway?
🐎 Is the placenta intact, and has been expelled after 2-3 hours?
🐎 Is the foal up and nursing?

Adopt a Shelter Cat Month is coming to a close... but it should really just be every month! Cats are incredibly unique a...

Adopt a Shelter Cat Month is coming to a close... but it should really just be every month!

Cats are incredibly unique and have their distinct personalities. I LOVED working at a feline-exclusive practice because it was so satisfying to give each patient the time and patience they needed to be examined.

When my lovely 9 y.o cat Hero goes in for his exam, if he prefers the floor, that is where he's examined! His three legs some how make him even more wriggly for blood draws so he gets a spoon of cat food to distract him.

What others tricks do you have for examining cats?

It is   and I've gotten to learn a lot these past few weeks about foal care and reproductive medicine in horses! Besides...

It is and I've gotten to learn a lot these past few weeks about foal care and reproductive medicine in horses!

Besides being a very adorable and small version of a horse, what is important to look for in foals?
🐴 Ophthalmic exam, make sure you look for signs of entropion
🐴 Umbilicus, make sure it is sealing properly, and dipped!
🐴 Joints! Palpate everywhere to check for any early signs of infection
🐴 IgG, WBC and SAA counts

Oh how weird (and great) it is to finally be around patients.... It's been a rocky few weeks. While trying to stay motiv...

Oh how weird (and great) it is to finally be around patients....
It's been a rocky few weeks. While trying to stay motivated and invested in online rotations, my role as the Co-President of the Veterinary Medical Association at Glasgow has meant that I have multiple meetings weekly in regards to contingency planning, restarting rotations, supporting students, and inclusivity.
Being a face of the "COVID Cohort" has meant taking on other people's stress and anxieties related to their future veterinary training and careers. I have a deep passion for helping my classmates, it's why I ran for this role, but it's become quite exhausting recently. While most of my classmates have had the privilege to go home, I am thankful at least that my family and I are healthy, and to see patients and remember why I am here!
I guess what I'm trying to say is, while on midnight checks I am thankful to escape a bit by checking over some lovely horses 💚 I hope that wherever you are, however your uni and life has been impacted... let's look out for one another and think about what shoes others are walking in during these challenging times. Stay safe everyone 🐎🐎

Who are your mentors? How do they help you develop as a professional, and as a person? I was lucky enough to work part-t...

Who are your mentors?

How do they help you develop as a professional, and as a person?

I was lucky enough to work part-time and then full-time at a wonderful veterinary hospital, where doctors and technicians alike took me under their wing. They taught me clinical skills, business management, how to say no, how to balance on a busy day, how to keep pushing through.

Mentors are so important for guidance, a listening ear, a friend, and inspiration. I learned early on that mentors need to demonstrate the qualities you want to emulate while on your own path.

In this photo I am monitoring anaesthesia for a dentistry, while also training on the skill. This photo was kindly shared by Cat Doctor: Denise Kessler DVM a few years ago! She's an amazing mentor to me!

Its time for the Class of 2021.... Studying for the NAVLE time! Especially with all of the things going on around us it ...

Its time for the Class of 2021.... Studying for the NAVLE time!

Especially with all of the things going on around us it can feel like another weight on our shoulders... but find a study plan that works for you and get to it!

Big exams are just one hurdle on this journey, but each of us has worked really hard to get to this point and with dedication and discipline to studying, we will get through it.

I give myself some time to draw and decompress once I've put in my shift of studying, and this was one of my recent results!

What is your 'why' ? Write it somewhere... keep if for yourself, make it silly, put it on a bright post-it, or in your f...

What is your 'why' ?
Write it somewhere... keep if for yourself, make it silly, put it on a bright post-it, or in your favorite colour, whatever you want it to be, It is yours! Not a single person's reason for pursuing a profession with animals will be the same, that is okay! Hold it close to you, and use it as motivation for each individual day.

While you are at home, in lockdown or quarantine, you're allowed to have a down afternoon or a down day. You have every right to feel the heaviness of what is going on, but don't let it consume you. Don't let others seemingly productive lives fool you, we're all just human, reach out to the people that will pull you up not tear you down.

I know I am not alone in feeling loss and personal worry for friends and family because of this pandemic... what a sad truth. To avoid more loss, I try each and every day to be a responsible member of my community, but also not let the actions of others make me angry. If I am doing what I can to protect those around me, I am doing my best.

It is okay to not be okay, feel what you need to, but come back. Reach out. There are so many vets in this community to reach out too. We all have to hold each other up, now more than ever.

Cows always make my days brighter, so here are a few to bring you some joy too. I used to sit in the feed aisle and watch my girls chew cud or sleep (and snore), it was calming. Can a farm make a live feed so I can just do that again?

Stay strong friends

VetX Thrive by Dr Dave Nicol has been the best resource since veterinary school. I have been able to use this time away ...

VetX Thrive by Dr Dave Nicol has been the best resource since veterinary school.

I have been able to use this time away from rotations and typical university work to delve into its modules, and I feel so much more empowered to take on the veterinary profession as a new graduate.

I have been to countless leadership conferences through SAVMA and Veterinary Business Management Association (VBMA) but the tools in VetX Thrive really build on those skills in a way that is skillfully directed towards veterinary professionals that I know I am able to implement them now, in rotations, and in my future job.

I hope to own a practice some day, and I would give every employee this course. I know that the skills I am learning will help me be a great leader for any veterinary team, and I would highly suggest it to any student or new grad!

I'll be posting more about my thoughts on specific modules later on, but I waited to write my first post until I had gotten through a bit more of the lessons, and I couldn't be happier! I came up with better wording and all these little blurbs of inspiration about VetX and the importance of emotional intelligence and communication skills just before bed, and while on a run, but I think it can speak for itself when you go through it!

It is Veterinary Nurse Awareness Month! The veterinary profession would not run without nurses, they are the engineers b...

It is Veterinary Nurse Awareness Month!

The veterinary profession would not run without nurses, they are the engineers behind any well oiled practice. I have learned so much from my nurse mentors while working in practices before and during veterinary school. I still have the notebook with instructions on how to take client histories, run the blood machines, make blood smears, and everything else that needs to go on! I also have a few little phrases written in there that Valerie and Rachel would say to remember things, or anything that just made the day brighter. I miss them dearly ❤️

Veterinary nurses are just beyond words, they are compassionate, kind and powerhouses of awesomeness, so the next time you see one, give them a big thank you!!

Today marks the first day of final year! It won't be what I originally imagined when I first started vet school in 2016,...

Today marks the first day of final year!

It won't be what I originally imagined when I first started vet school in 2016, but I can't help but be driven by the fact that I get to study about diseases of animals and how to improve their quality of life. I will soon get to work with people that make animals part of their family, that work in agriculture, that work in public health and education.

I cannot wait to work along side my friends who I've sat through four years of lectures and labs with, and the clinicians and staff at Glasgow Vet School.

It's finally time to put all this work into action, and I can't wait!




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