Adopt Brazilian Dogs

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Adopt Brazilian Dogs Brazil has over 20 million of abandoned dogs in need of a forever home.
🐶 We find them families i



"I'm finally home, peeps! My new daddy seems cool, I think he loves me already! 🥰" Says Pirulito, now Perry.

"I'm finally home, peeps! My new daddy seems cool, I think he loves me already! 🥰" Says Pirulito, now Perry.

Little Tom is finally going home, and will be arriving in Canada to his mama  in 9 days. Thanks to our volunteers' hard ...

Little Tom is finally going home, and will be arriving in Canada to his mama in 9 days.

Thanks to our volunteers' hard work, and the help of amazing people.

A special thank you to Daniel that patiently guided and helped us through all that process. You're AMAZING.

To our dear flight volunteer and and Marianna from that made a process that takes a month happen in 10 days.

To , and for trusting little Tom's life to us.

Without your help and support none of this would be possible. 💛💚💙

Unfortunately Tom did not lose enough weight to travel in the cabin with our volunteer, and we'll need to find another p...

Unfortunately Tom did not lose enough weight to travel in the cabin with our volunteer, and we'll need to find another person to bring him home. 

Can you volunteer or do you know someone that can? Please let us know!

This pretty girl's name is Luna, she's 4 years old, and was rescued with her babies from the streets of Rio de Janeiro, ...

This pretty girl's name is Luna, she's 4 years old, and was rescued with her babies from the streets of Rio de Janeiro, all of her babies were adopted, and now is her turn to find a forever home.

Luna is a mix of Dachshund and has the cutest little legs. Don't let her fool you though, she can run fast and jump super high, so you'll need to be careful with balcony and fences.

She has a great personality, is a very chill and loving and gets along really well with the other dogs of the shelter.

In love with her? Fill out the form in our bio.

Thanks to our amazing flight volunteer , Pirulito and Tom will meet their families in about a month! We're super excited...

Thanks to our amazing flight volunteer , Pirulito and Tom will meet their families in about a month!

We're super excited to bring these babies home to their parents and that are waiting patiently since June.

Thanks to these 3 Tom and Pirulito are about to start a whole new life and receive the love they deserve. 🐶💙💚

Today we picked up a very special donation from 3 lovely families that went above and beyond to help the pups, and they ...

Today we picked up a very special donation from 3 lovely families that went above and beyond to help the pups, and they raised $93.20 selling lemonade! Incredible, right?

To make the gesture even bigger, the moms added $200! 💚

The amount might not seem like a lot in Canada, but with the currency conversion that's enough to feed 12 adult dogs for a whole month!

cares for 90 dogs in her shelter, many are senior and require special medication, what makes it incredibly expensive. After Covid-19, the donations went down significantly, but not the expenses, so this could not have come in a better time.

If you also wish to donate, you can find her bank accounts on her profile. :)

We're incredibly thankful for all the help !

Para quem não nos conhece, somos um projeto de adoção internacional de cachorros localizado no Canadá 100% voluntário co...

Para quem não nos conhece, somos um projeto de adoção internacional de cachorros localizado no Canadá 100% voluntário com o objetivo de achar famílias para cachorros que vivem em abrigos ou nas ruas do Brasil.

O Tom e o Pirulito já estavam no abrigo a quase 3 anos a espera de um lar e tivemos a sorte de encontrar famílias maravilhosas para os dois. Porém, devido à situação atual, os voos dos voluntários foram cancelados ou não tinham vaga para transportar os cachorros (a Air Canada trocou a aeronave e só estão permitindo um cachorro no compartimento de bagagem), o que dificultou muito a nossa situação.

Por isso estamos em busca de voluntários de voo vindo para Toronto ou fazendo escala em Toronto nos próximos meses. Não tem custo algum para você, mas será de uma ajuda inimaginável para nós e para esses cachorrinhos que mal podem esperar para finalmente chegar em casa.

Se você está vindo para o Canadá seja para o aeroporto de Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa ou London, e está disposto a ajudar ou conhecer alguém que esteja, por favor entre em contato conosco via direct no Instagram ou Facebook.

Veja como funciona para ser voluntário de voo aqui:


Unfortunately one of our volunteer's flights was rescheduled, and overlapped with the second flight coming out of Mexico...

Unfortunately one of our volunteer's flights was rescheduled, and overlapped with the second flight coming out of Mexico. We were waiting patiently for this issue to be resolved, but there was no solution for us.⁠

We've had the luck to find volunteers willing to help, but Air Canada recently switched aircraft to a smaller model that only allows 1 dog/flight in the baggage compartment, and so far we've had no luck finding a flight with room for Pirulito and Tom. ⁠

That's why we're expanding our options and considering flights that are not direct, so please let us know if you know someone that is coming in September, and would be willing to help us bring these two home!⁠


A dog doesn't need to be pure, as it already is pure in heart. 💙

A dog doesn't need to be pure, as it already is pure in heart. 💙

When is time for us humans to eat it's super common to have your pet staring at you with puppy eyes just waiting for you...

When is time for us humans to eat it's super common to have your pet staring at you with puppy eyes just waiting for you to share whatever you're eating. Who can resist it, right?

It's super important to avoid sharing your food as they're often full of spices and ingredients that might be toxic to your furry friend, and that treat can lead to an unexpected visit to the vet.

1. Chocolate - The caffeine and theobromine present in the chocolate can be lethal. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous. Seizures and even death occur in cases where large amounts have been consumed; so, lots of attention!

2. Salt - Salt is the basic spice of any kitchen, and in excess can cause vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors and fever.

3. Grapes - Can cause kidney and liver failure, vomiting, diarrhea and in some cases even death.

4. Xilitol - It's a substance that is present in most light or diet products and cause drastic hypoglycemia, which can result in seizures and dizziness, and even death.

5. Garlic - Specially when raw, garlic can be deadly for dogs, and sometimes symptoms can only show 2-3 days after the ingestion. Most common symptoms are: weakness, stomach pain and blood in the urine.

6. Onion - Certain components present in the onion and other spices in the same family can cause oxidative damage to red blood cells, anemia and kidney damage.

7. Macadamia Nuts - Five or six of these nuts are enough to kill a dog, thanks to an unknown toxin. In case of ingestion you should take your furry to the vet immediately, he may need to do a wash to clean the macadamia nuts from his stomach.

These 7 foods should be avoided at all cost to make sure your pet stay healthy and safe.

Covid-19 impacted all humanity, and our project was not an exception. Two of our dogs have been waiting patiently to com...

Covid-19 impacted all humanity, and our project was not an exception. Two of our dogs have been waiting patiently to come to Canada and meet their forever families, but Air Canada cancelled our volunteer's flights 2 months in a row (July and August), and we're unsure if this will keep happening.

The shelter has 76 dogs available for adoption looking to find their forever home, but due to this uncertainty we've decided to stop posting their profiles for the past month to avoid creating expectations, since we're unable to hold dogs younger than 5 years old, and they can still be adopted in Brazil.

That said, we'll be posting dogs that CAN BE hold for you in the upcoming weeks, but we cannot guarantee exactly when they'll be transported here since we're relying on Air Canada. What we can guarantee is to do whatever is in our power to bring them to Canada as soon as possible.

We're planning to resume the interviews in August, but if the September flights get cancelled again we might postpone it.

If you're ok with waiting, please feel out an application for a dog that interests you, and provide as much detail as you can of what would be the perfect fit for your family.


Our interview with Camila Garcia from Focus Portuguese is live! Watch it and gives us some love.


Pirulito is already mastering the training and getting used to the kennel. How adorable is that little guy? Comment if you agree!

After a lot of thinking you and your family finally decided to adopt a dog. Adding a canine family member to your househ...

After a lot of thinking you and your family finally decided to adopt a dog. Adding a canine family member to your household is a big decision and every adopter should be prepared and committed to providing the right environment for their pet.

You want this new addition to fit into your lifestyle, so that both you and your new dog are able to enjoy your new life to the fullest!

So what should you look for when finding the right fit? There are a few questions you should make yourself before applying to adopt a dog:

Do you have young children? Other pets? Are you very social? Is your dog going to be alone most of the day?

If you're always surrounded by people, a dog with resource guarding, noise anxiety or other behavior issues might not be the best fit, as you need to make sure the pup is able to get along with all family members, including other animals.

Are you active, and would love a dog accompany you to adventures?

Find a companion dog that has enough energy to keep up with your rhythm. A young dog or dog with a high energy level will get frustrated and likely act out due to boredom. Often times behavioral issues- ranging from destructive chewing and digging to aggression issues- can be due to lack of exercise and stimulation. To put it simply- they get bored. Brachiocephalic breeds, and XS dogs (up to 10 pounds) should be avoided.

Are you retired? Do you have a lot of time and patience?

If you're not very social, has a more lay back lifestyle, and is not in a rush to have your dog meeting and greeting everyone, an older dog, shy or insecure can be the right fit. With the right training and time, most pups will blossom, and learn to show their love. Maybe even consider adopting a dog with special needs.

Answering this questions should clarify a lot. Before anything, please remember that dogs need time to adjust Many homeless pets where given up or left behind by their owners because it was no longer ‘convenient’ to keep the pet. Make sure you are ready for a lifelong commitment.

Spaying/Neutering your pet is one of the most important health decisions an owner need to make, but instead of what many...

Spaying/Neutering your pet is one of the most important health decisions an owner need to make, but instead of what many think, is s procedure that requires minimal hospitalization and offers lifelong health benefits.

Not convinced? Here are 10 reasons why you should spay/neuter your pet:

1. Your female pet will live a longer, healthier life.
Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats.

2. Neutering provides major health benefits for your male.
Besides preventing unwanted litters, neutering prevents testicular cancer.

3. Your spayed female won't go into heat.
During the heat, in an effort to advertise for mates, they'll yowl and urinate more frequently-sometimes all over the house!

4. Your male pet won't want to run away from home.
An intact male will do just about anything to find a mate, and put himself at risks like injury in traffic and fights with other males.

5. Your male pet will be much better behaved.
Unneutered dogs and cats may mark their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine all over the house.

6. Spaying/Neutering will NOT make your pet fat.
Your pet will remain fit and trim as long as you continue to provide exercise and monitor food intake.

7. It is highly cost-effective.
The cost of your pet's spay/neuter surgery is a lot less than the cost of having and caring for a litter.

8. Spaying and neutering your pet is good for the community.
Spaying/Neutering packs a powerful punch in reducing the number of animals on the streets.

9. It helps control aggression issues.

10. Helps fight pet overpopulation.
Every year, millions of cats and dogs of all ages and breeds are euthanized or suffer as strays. These high numbers are the result of unplanned litters that could have been prevented by spaying or neutering.

We stand with our LGBTQ community. 💖

We stand with our LGBTQ community. 💖

Hope is a fighter and we're hopeful she's going to be ok. We appreciate all the support, and prayers. Thank you!

Hope is a fighter and we're hopeful she's going to be ok. We appreciate all the support, and prayers.

Thank you!


This is Hope, she was found by Protetora Vina in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil yesterday scavenging through garbage to stay alive. Unfortunately that's the reality of many in Brazil. ⁠

Vina doesn't have any space or funds to maintain her as the shelter has almost 100 dogs, and is running short on food and other supplies, but we promised to help fund the costs to nurse this baby girl back to health until we can find a loving home for her. ⁠

Vina rescued her yesterday (June 23rd 2020), and today taken to be cleaned up and get a check-up at the vet. Turns out her situation is more delicate than we expected, and she might be pregnant (you can notice her enlarged stomach on the photos). ⁠

We're not sure she is pregnant yet, we're waiting for confirmation, but the vet bills are already pilling up, and we need your help! ⁠

If you can spare a bit to help Hope, we'll be more than grateful for every $1. ⁠

Donate here:


This is Hope, she was found by Protetora Vina in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil yesterday scavenging through garbage to stay alive. Unfortunately that's the reality of many in Brazil.

Vina doesn't have any space or funds to maintain her as the shelter has almost 100 dogs, and is running short on food and other supplies, but we promised to help fund the costs to nurse this baby girl back to health until we can find a loving home for her.

Vina rescued her yesterday (June 23rd 2020), and today taken to be cleaned up and get a check-up at the vet. Turns out her situation is more delicate than we expected, and she might be pregnant (you can notice her enlarged stomach on the photos).

We're not sure she is pregnant yet, we're waiting for confirmation, but the vet bills are already pilling up, and we need your help!

If you can spare a bit to help Hope, we'll be more than grateful for every $1.
Donate here:

Hey guys. I'm here to ask for your help to save this poor little girl, she was found by Protetora Vina in Rio de Janeiro...

Hey guys. I'm here to ask for your help to save this poor little girl, she was found by Protetora Vina in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil yesterday scavenging through garbage to stay alive. Unfortunately that's the reality of many in Brazil.

Vina doesn't have any space or funds to maintain her as the shelter has almost 100 dogs, and is running short on food and other supplies, but we promised to help fund the costs to nurse this baby girl back to health until we can find a loving home for her.

Vina rescued her yesterday (June 23rd 2020), and today taken to be cleaned up and get a check-up at the vet. Turns out her situation is more delicate than we expected, and she might be pregnant (you can notice her enlarged stomach on the photos).

We're not sure she is pregnant yet, we're waiting for confirmation, but the vet bills are already pilling up, and we need your help!

If you can spare a bit to help Hope, we'll be more than grateful for every $1.

Donate here:

How much does it cost to have a dog in Canada?It’s safe to say, the bigger the dog, the more expensive they will be in t...

How much does it cost to have a dog in Canada?

It’s safe to say, the bigger the dog, the more expensive they will be in terms of accessories and food. The average dog has a lifespan of approximately 15 years.

The first year is usually the most expensive, as there are costs to ensure your house has everything the dog needs.

Here's an average of costs you should expect during the first year of owning a dog:

- Adoption fee, kennel, transportation, deworm, vaccines and spay or neuter: About $ 1000
- Microchip: $25 to $60.
- Annual health check-ups: $100 - $300
- Prevention for fleas and ticks: $30 to $60 yearly
- Food and bowls: $800 to $1,000 a year (depending on the size of dog and quality of food).
- Toys and treats: $150 to $400 (but let’s be honest, it’s really unlimited for this one).
- Bed: $20 to $100.
- Collars, leashes and harnesses: $20 to $100.
- Dog training: $150 (depending on the classes and whether trainings are group or private).
- Grooming: $40 to $70 a session. If you have a dog that doesn’t shed, you will likely need to groom them every couple of months.

We estimate that the average annual expense of owning a dog in the first year will be ~$2,500, followed by ~$1,500 every subsequent year.

Tom and Pirulito already found lovely homes in Canada, but they need flight volunteers to get to their families. 💙⁠⁠Are ...

Tom and Pirulito already found lovely homes in Canada, but they need flight volunteers to get to their families. 💙⁠

Are you flying with Air Canada from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil or São Paulo - Brazil to Toronto in August? ⁠

All we need is a bit of your time, and we'll take care of all documents and costs. ⁠

Questions? Check out our FAQ (, or DM us. ⁠

Happy Father's Day to our 4 paw loving dads 💙💛💚

Happy Father's Day to our 4 paw loving dads 💙💛💚

💛 STATUS 💙 AVAILABLE⠀⁠Meet Chiquinho, this adorable little guy is 2 years old, and waiting patiently for a family to cal...

Meet Chiquinho, this adorable little guy is 2 years old, and waiting patiently for a family to call his own.

He is a very affectionate, friendly, and playful. When a new face, he'll rush to introduce himself and jump on your legs until you show him some love.

He gets along well with other dogs, but humans are definitely his favorites.

He was spayed, dewormed and is searching for a forever home to receive the love he deserves. If you think he would be a great fit for your family, please fill out the application form.⁠

🐶 Application form:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

💛  STATUS 💙 AVAILABLE⠀⁠⠀⁠Meet Jack, this beautiful guy is full of energy and loves human attention and having other dogs...

Meet Jack, this beautiful guy is full of energy and loves human attention and having other dogs to play with. ⁠

His start in life was not easy, but on April 9th 2019 he had a second chance. There was a huge storm that day, and to protect himself, Jack entered a Shopping Mall. ⁠

Luckily a nice guy found him shivering and hungry there and decided buy him food, but while he was at the Pet Store, the security guards escorted Jack outside. ⁠

The nice guy didn't give up and continued to look for hours around the mall with no luck. When already driving back home, he spotted Jack alone in the rain and decided to change that baby's life.⁠

He was cared for, fed and treated, and received a lot of love that night, but that nice guy could not keep him. Our dear gave him a shelter, and have been caring for Jack ever since. ⁠

He was spayed, neutered, dewormed and is searching for a forever home to receive the love he deserves. If you think he would be a great fit for you family, please fill out the application form.⁠

🐶 Application form:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

💛  STATUS 💙 AVAILABLE!⁠⁠Meet Pirulito,⁠⁠This adorable little guy was rescued as a puppy by  after being run over by a ca...


Meet Pirulito,⁠

This adorable little guy was rescued as a puppy by after being run over by a car and left to die. He was just skin and bones at that time, and completely full of ticks. He has since recovered, and is doing great. ⁠

Pirulito is now 2 and a half years old, and is in search of a forever home. ⁠

He has the most adorable personality, and will shake his tail, and ask for attention to every human he sees. He'll jump on your arms if you let him to, and will play until you get tired. ⁠

He also gets along really well with other dogs, and was not tested with cats. ⁠
Would you give this lovely pup a chance? 😍⁠

💛 STATUS 💙 AVAILABLE! ⠀⠀Meet Estopinha, ⠀⠀This happy guy was found run over in a street and almost lost his paw. Fortuna...


Meet Estopinha, ⠀

This happy guy was found run over in a street and almost lost his paw. Fortunately, took good care of him, and now he is healthy and ready to find a new home.⠀

Estopinha is a very chill dog and is approximately 4 years old. He’s very sweet and lovely, also gets along well with kids and other dogs.⠀

He can’t wait to find his forever home and make some new friends! Please fill out an application if you’d like to adopt and have your new best friend! LINK IN BIO⠀

💛  STATUS 💙 AVAILABLE⠀⠀Meet Zico, besides having the prettiest smile, he's a super chill dog, small and great to have ar...


Meet Zico, besides having the prettiest smile, he's a super chill dog, small and great to have around.⠀

He was not tested with cats, but gets along well with other dogs. ⠀

He as many others was rescued from an overcrowded shelter in Magé in January in a pretty bad shape.⠀

He's in 's care since January, was dewormed, vaccinated, spayed and it's finally ready to find his forever home. ⠀


Tom and his cuteness 😍 That little guy went from 6kg to 9.4kg. 🐶🐶

💛 STATUS 💙 AVAILABLE⠀⠀Marshmallow is the sweetest girl, she is activr and loves to play with her rescue buddies, she get...


Marshmallow is the sweetest girl, she is activr and loves to play with her rescue buddies, she gets along really well with other dogs and honestly everyone else.⠀

She craves human attention and will be always with you looking for a belly rub.⠀

Marshmallow has that kind of personality that you fall in love with on the spot. ⠀

That baby deserves the best family ever! DM us if you feel she's the one for you. ⠀

💛 STATUS 💙 AVAILABLEPrincesa was rescued from an overcrowded shelter in Magé in a very bad shape, she had ehrlichiosis a...


Princesa was rescued from an overcrowded shelter in Magé in a very bad shape, she had ehrlichiosis and was very skinny. She was treated, and is now completely healthy, and in search of a forever home.

She gets along with all her rescue friends and loves to play, she would love having other pets in the house or at least someone that it's home part-time to make her company.

Although is not required, she would do better in a house with a fenced backyard.

Don't you want to take this lovely pup home? DM us!

💛 STATUS 💚 AVAILABLE⁠⁠This is Tico, he also started his life in the overcrowded shelter in Magé. He arrived at the rescu...


This is Tico, he also started his life in the overcrowded shelter in Magé. He arrived at the rescue of in January 2020 and was just skin and bones. The poor thing went through a lot and that reflected in his behavior and appearance.⁠

He's now much healthier and happy, and is ready to find his forever home. ⁠

Tico is a bit shy and frightful of humans, so he will hide in the corners if he doesn't know you. Once he learns how to trust you, what does not take long, he's all about cuddles and belly scrubs. ⁠

He's a very sweet boy, does well with other dogs, but it's also fine if he's the only pet in the house. ⁠

Interested in adding this sweetheart to your family? DM us! 🐕⁠

Babalu also came from the overcrowded and filthy shelter in Magé, so she went through a lot.She is completely blind of o...

Babalu also came from the overcrowded and filthy shelter in Magé, so she went through a lot.

She is completely blind of one eye, and we're really not sure how that happened. She sees fine with the other, so that does not stops her from being a normal dog.

Her personality has been blossoming since she was rescued from that horrible situation. She's still a bit frightened of humans at first, but will usually accepts petting from strangers once she realizes you're not looking to cause her any harm, and will wiggle her tail and lick your hand in return. 💜

She will do well in any environment as she does not bark when left alone and will just chill all day if you're not around.

Babalu is just a sweetheart, and deserves a home full of love. If you're looking for a calm and gentle companion, she's the one for you.

Before buying a dog, please take a moment to think about the million of dogs in need of a home waiting for someone like ...

Before buying a dog, please take a moment to think about the million of dogs in need of a home waiting for someone like you to just give them a chance. 😢⁠

Emília is a 2 year old girl and 6.5 kg (12 pounds), she arrived at the shelter of  in January, and is in search of a for...

Emília is a 2 year old girl and 6.5 kg (12 pounds), she arrived at the shelter of in January, and is in search of a forever home.

She came from a very bad hoarding situation, so she's fearful of humans, and will shake and hide in the corners if she doesn't know you. She does not bite though.

She gets along very well with other dogs, but will takes a bit of time to trust humans. Once she does, Emilia is turns into a very sweet and gentle girl.

She's up to date on her shots and will be spayed soon.

How about adding this lovely pup to your family?

Bebel had a pretty rough start in life, but this didn't stopped her from loving human companion. She is a super sweet an...

Bebel had a pretty rough start in life, but this didn't stopped her from loving human companion.

She is a super sweet and gentle dog, she loves to play with her rescue friends, and would do great with other pets in the house.

She was not tested with cats, but we do believe she would do well.

She's spayed, vaccinated, and is ready to find her forever home!
Aren't you in love??

DM us if you want to know more about her.

Chica is an adorable little pup that came from an overcrowded shelter in Magé - RJ where the owner passed away. She's a ...

Chica is an adorable little pup that came from an overcrowded shelter in Magé - RJ where the owner passed away.

She's a bit shy and takes a little while to warm up to people, but once she starts to trust you, she's all love and cuddles.

Chica loves to play and would love another pup's companion, although that's not required.

She was not tested with cats, but we believe she would do fine as she's a sweet and gentle dog.

She's spayed, and recently got all of her shots.

DM if you would like to give Chica a second chance!



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